Which carnitine is best for weight loss. Forms of carnitine.

Sports nutrition is the foundation on which bodybuilding is built. But a lot of rumors that are wanted in the sports environment do not add clarity to us on this issue. Still, let's try to figure it out.

Basically, substances such as proteins, carbohydrates and various food additives contribute to an increase in body weight, no matter what, muscle or fat. In this article we will consider a completely opposite substance in its effect on the body.


is an amino acid (some experts classify it as a vitamin), which is interesting for its ability to burn fat. In humans, it is formed in the body itself, but not always in sufficient quantities. Therefore, many who want to get an ideal body are interested in L-carnitine: which is better, how to choose and drink correctly, which is the most effective.

Fat burning effect of L-carnitine

Currently, L-carnitine is widely known in sports circles as a drug that accelerates the burning of fat reserves in the body. There is a not entirely correct opinion that it is especially effective against fat in the abdomen, sides and internal organs.

Indeed, L-carnitine improves body composition by reducing body fat and helping to preserve muscle mass by preventing the body from using its own proteins as an energy source. At the same time, weight may remain unchanged, or may even increase, since muscle tissue is heavier than fat, while the body looks more toned and slender.

However, in order for L-carnitine to start working, it is necessary to create an energy deficit. Long chain fatty acids, which are affected by L-carnitine, are an important source of energy. Energy requirements increase during the fasting period, when there is a long break between meals, for example during low- or moderate-intensity exercise. When there is a lack of energy from food, the body begins to use its reserves. First, the muscles “eat up” glycogen (carbohydrate reserves in the liver), then the body’s own proteins “turn”, and only then fat begins to “burn.” This order of using energy sources is associated with different amounts of energy expenditure that the body must endure in the process of breakdown corresponding molecules in order to obtain energy from them. L-carnitine changes the order of use of energy reserves so that the body, after depleting glycogen reserves, immediately begins to use fat as an energy source. Thus, it helps maintain muscle mass and helps reduce fat stores in the body, helping the weight loss process.

Physical activity plays a leading role here. It is important not only to create a calorie deficit, but also to use up all the energy that will be released when burning fat. It's simple - if the energy received by the body from any food sources is not used, then it turns into a fat depot, that is, into new reserves of fatty tissue. Therefore, the only effective way is to combine L-carnitine intake with regular exercise and a reasonable diet.

Rules for choosing L-carnitine

Let's consider how to choose the appropriate option, because the amino acid is presented on the market in different versions - in tablets, powder, capsules, there is even liquid.

It is advisable to choose L-carnitine tablets or capsules. As a rule, this form contains a minimum of additives (stevia or sucralose may be found, these are natural sugars). If you have a dilemma: buy liquid or tablets, stick to tablets. Although the liquid is stored for a long time and does not become unsafe during the entire storage period. In addition, it is convenient to use - you pour a measuring spoon, drink it, and you are ready to go train.

Read the label carefully: the presence of saccharin, sodium cyclamate, maltodextrin, and acesulfame potassium in the supplement you purchase is undesirable. These sweeteners make it taste better, but take you away from achieving your goal of a lean, toned body.


Both liquid and tablet preparations are produced by different manufacturers. The most popular and in demand companies on the market are:

  • Ultimate Nutrition;
  • Dymatize;
  • Weider;
  • Form Labs Nutrition;
  • Nutrex Research;
  • Olimp Sport Nutrition;
  • Scitec Nutrition;
  • Optimum Nutrition;
  • Nutrend;
  • Ostrovit;
  • Multipower;
  • BioTech USA Nutrition;
  • Power Pro;
  • Muscle Pharm;
  • RSP Nutrition.

All brands in this rating produce safe and effective products. Choosing the best one is not easy, but users most often purchase products from a certain brand. In their opinion, the best manufacturers are Multipower and Weider.

Additional effects of L-carnitine

In addition to the fat-burning effect, L-carnitine has a number of other properties:

  • Has an anabolic effect;
  • Increases tissue sensitivity to insulin, preventing insulin resistance;
  • Increases endurance;
  • Helps avoid post-exercise acidosis (changes in the internal environment of the body after exercise);
  • Accelerates the recovery of skeletal muscles after physical activity;
  • Increases glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles;
  • Increases the secretion of gastric juice, has a moderate choleretic effect, improves appetite;
  • Has an antihypoxic effect;
  • Has a neurotrophic effect;
  • Restores the structure of nervous tissue.

What is L-carnitine?

L-carnitine is synthesized in the liver, kidneys and brain of humans and animals from the essential amino acids lysine and methionine.1 Most of it - about 95% - accumulates in the heart and skeletal muscles.2 The body produces approximately only 25% of the total daily requirement of the substance.3 Some the amount of the substance enters the body with food.
However, given the ever-increasing pace of modern life, stress and increased physical activity, additional intake of carnitine as a supplement is recommended. The main food source of the product is red meat, which includes beef, pork, and lamb. One hundred grams of raw red meat contains up to 140-190 mg of L-carnitine.4 It should be taken into account that in heat-treated meat, the amount of the substance is slightly reduced. When it comes to supplements, there are four different forms of carnitine available commercially: L-carnitine, propionyl-L-carnitine.


Anabolic effect of L-carnitine

The anabolic effect of L-carnitine has been established experimentally. The exact mechanism of this effect is not yet clear. It is assumed that it is predominantly associated with the ability of L-carnitine to maintain the optimal acetyl-CoA/CoASH ratio in cells for muscle function [2].

It is also suggested that the anabolic effects of L-carnitine may be associated with increased cell sensitivity to insulin, which is an anabolic hormone.

According to another theory, increasing the secretion and enzymatic activity of gastric juice and the choleretic effect improves the body's absorption of food proteins. But they are the “building material” for muscles.

The anabolic effects of L-carnitine may not be obvious. Muscle volume may even decrease while taking it. This occurs due to the fact that fat reserves are consumed regardless of their location, including the consumption of fatty tissue located around muscle fibers. Therefore, the effect of taking L-carnitine should be assessed not by the volume of the limbs or muscle mass, but by the percentage of fat and muscle in the body.

L-carnitine - what is it for?

The main function of L-carnitine is the transport of fatty acids into mitochondria through membranes for their subsequent processing into energy (fat burning).

It is important that L-carnitine is not a “fat burner”.

Those. The fat breakdown scheme is as follows: fat is broken down into fatty acids and glycerol, then fatty acids are transported to mitochondria, where they are oxidized to release energy for the body. The process is not easy and takes time, and carnitine only promotes the transfer of fatty acids into the mitochondria. Roughly speaking, l-carnitine is a small truck that carries firewood into the firebox...

At the same time, in order for these very firewood (fatty acids) to appear, you need to start moving, only physical activity contributes to the beginning of the process of fat breakdown.

Thus, L-carnitine contributes to the efficiency of fat burning during physical activity, which, by the way, should be more aerobic in nature.

The effect of L-carnitine on endurance

L-carnitine delivers free fatty acids inside the mitochondria in cells. During biochemical reactions in mitochondria, fatty acids are oxidized, releasing large amounts of energy, which preserves glycogen (carbohydrate reserves) in the depot - muscles and liver. Since the breakdown of one gram of fat produces twice as much energy as the breakdown of carbohydrates, L-carnitine allows muscles to work with greater strength and intensity. Athletes often take advantage of this property of L-carnitine by taking it before endurance training.

L-carnitine increases endurance both during aerobic exercise (cardio training, swimming, dancing, etc.) and during anaerobic exercise (powerlifting, bodybuilding, etc.).

L-carnitine not only helps you tolerate workouts better, but also improves muscle recovery after exhausting physical activity. It has an antihypoxic effect, reduces the severity of post-exercise acidosis, reducing the formation of lactic acid during exercise, and increases glycogen reserves in the muscles and liver. All this leads to the fact that the muscles do not hurt as much after exercise and restore their performance faster.

How to take L-carnitine

For beginners, it will be interesting to know how to take L-carnitine for maximum effectiveness.

. The scheme is usually as follows: 15-20 minutes before aerobic training, take your dose (according to the instructions on the package). The maximum dose is 7 grams, the minimum is 3 grams. You can divide the maximum daily dose into two doses, but be sure to get some exercise after use, be it a walk in the park or a full-fledged workout. Even if you have chosen the best drug, it will not work if you do not move for at least half an hour.

The greatest results can be achieved if important conditions are met - a protein diet and regular aerobic exercise. If you do not play sports and allow yourself a lot of carbohydrates, you will not be able to see what the use of L-carnitine gives, because the product will faithfully transport fats to the muscles, but they will not burn - there is no load.

Those who are worried about their health do not have to worry - this supplement is completely safe, since it is completely identical to the protein produced by the human body. So you can safely use L-carnitine purchased at a specialized sports nutrition store and observe the desired weight loss in the near future.

Effect of L-carnitine on insulin sensitivity

One of the new trends in the study of the effects of L-carnitine has been the determination of its effect on tissue sensitivity to insulin.

The fact is that excess adipose tissue in the abdomen and internal organs (abdominal obesity) negatively affects metabolic processes. Apple-shaped obesity or the so-called “beer belly” leads to a metabolic disorder known as “metabolic stress.” Abdominal obesity significantly increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. “Metabolic stress” is a condition that is accompanied by a significant depletion of carnitine reserves in the body. And a decrease in the amount of L-carnitine leads to disruption of oxidative processes in mitochondria, which leads to a deterioration in the processes of using fat from the depot and, as a result, can lead to further weight gain. This creates a vicious circle that slows down the weight loss process.

As mentioned above, abdominal obesity increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis and related diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and this occurs due to the development of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is the lack of sensitivity of tissues, including skeletal muscles, to insulin. Normally, insulin acts as a “key” that unlocks the “lock” of cell membranes and allows glucose into the cell for use as an energy source. With the development of insulin resistance, tissue sensitivity to this “key” decreases, glucose is not used by tissues, remains in the blood, and then turns into fat.

Improving insulin sensitivity normalizes the flow of glucose into cells and improves anabolic processes in the body. That is why it is important for obese people with metabolic syndrome or diabetes to receive L-carnitine from the outside.

According to many studies [3, 4], it has been shown that the administration of L-carnitine preparations in addition to diet and physical activity for people suffering from obesity and diabetes mellitus improves cell sensitivity to insulin and can help lower blood sugar levels.

Why add L-carnitine to your diet?

So, is there a need to take additional L-carnitine? Of course, there are people with L-carnitine deficiency, which is most often caused by problems with transporters (difficulty delivering L-carnitine to cells or getting it from the diet).

In addition, newborns and infants may have a greater need for L-carnitine. But what about athletes or just healthy adults who want to lose weight? At first glance, it seems that the answer is “no.” Of course, L-carnitine hasn't taken the supplement market by storm as a stand-alone product, it's not a banned substance, and it doesn't even have celebrity endorsers.

Numerous studies have given very conflicting results, many of them have not proven the existence of any particular benefit from the use of L-carnitine during the diet.

But before you throw out L-carnitine, consider whether the study looked at conditions that involved exercise or specific diets. Perhaps it will be similar in effect to creatine, which does not provide a very impressive increase in strength in people leading a sedentary lifestyle, which means there is a connection between L-carnitine and increased fatty acid oxidation or malabsorption?

L-carnitine has a positive effect in combination with certain medications. For example, sibutramine, a drug that is no longer available on the market, was an effective weight loss drug that had the effect of increasing metabolism and also working as an appetite suppressant. It was similar in structure to amphetamine.

During the year-long study, subjects who received L-carnitine (2 grams per day) in addition to sibutramine lost approximately four more pounds over the course of a year, compared with those who received sibutramine alone. Additionally, fat cell-derived hormones called adipokines—leptin and adiponectin—changed in association with improved metabolic health.

Results from another study using L-carnitine, also for a year, but this time in combination with the (now over-the-counter) drug Alli (orlistat), also showed not only greater fat loss (about the same four pounds more), but and evidence of improved insulin sensitivity and reduced inflammation.

Orlistat blocks the digestion and absorption of dietary fat, which may result in decreased absorption of L-carnitine from the intestines. It is also possible that the reduction in caloric intake due to orlistat may make the body more dependent on the use of stored fat. However, these two studies (lasting one year) showed the same results.

So, is L-carnitine effective for weight loss? Perhaps, but it doesn't seem to work very quickly, and based on these examples, its effectiveness may depend on additional factors.

Indications for taking L-carnitine

Taking L-carnitine may be useful for:

  • physical and mental overload;
  • violation of muscle tone;
  • coronary heart disease and cardiomyopathy;
  • decreased secretion of gastric juice (anacidic gastritis);
  • lack of body weight;
  • anorexia nervosa;
  • during the recovery period after prolonged bed rest or surgical interventions;
  • chronic cerebral ischemia;
  • overwork and lack of rest.

Sources of L-carnitine

The main sources of L-carnitine are:

  • Meat;
  • Fish;
  • Dairy products.

The daily requirement of L-carnitine is contained in approximately 300–400 g of beef. But during heat treatment, most of the carnitine is destroyed. In addition, excessive consumption of red meat significantly increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis, gout and colon cancer.

It seems safer to take dietary supplements containing L-carnitine. In such a situation, you can avoid overeating, which is fraught with excess calorie consumption, and also accurately calculate the dose of L-carnitine received per day.

Types of L-carnitine

The composition of sports nutrition includes easily digestible chelate forms: L-carnitine tartrate, the simple substance levocarnitine and an amino acid with the addition of an acetyl group. They have the same principle of action, but different rates of absorption and excretion from the body. The dietary supplement comes in various forms that affect the rate of absorption by the body.


Carnitine in liquid form is quickly absorbed in the body, entering and accumulating in the muscles and liver. It immediately begins to oxidize fats.

  • Ampoules and shots are a convenient format of the substance in small bottles for a single dose of 25 or 60 ml. The difference between them is in the additional components included in the composition;
  • Drinks are ready-to-drink products with fruit and berry flavors. You can drink it at once or divide it into several doses;
  • Concentrates are sweet syrups with flavor bases that need to be diluted with water. If desired, they can be drunk in their pure form.

It is important to follow the instructions for use, especially if the composition contains energy drink (caffeine, guarana).


A convenient format for those who want to get maximum benefits without preservatives and dyes. The only caveat of carnitine in capsules is slow absorption. The effect of the drug begins after 30 minutes, unlike liquid forms.


The powder is convenient for those who like to prepare their own drinks. It can be diluted in water, juice, or made into a healthy energy cocktail.

Carnitine can be in pure form or in combination with other ingredients that improve performance, for example, vitamins, caffeine or guarana, BCAA amino acids, creatine. A complex with any of these components will have a positive effect on your figure, allowing you to quickly achieve the desired result.

L-carnitine preparations

The main L-carnitine preparations on the market are:

  • Carniton;
  • Elkar;
  • Sports supplements (L-Carnitine Concentrate, Power System L-Carnitine, L-Carnitine, etc.).


presented in the form of tablets of 500 mg, and in the form of an oral solution (500 mg per 1 ml). The drug is taken in various dosages depending on age and indications for use. Detailed instructions can be found in the package insert of the drug.

In this case, the solution will be convenient for those who need to titrate the dose of L-carnitine, for example, up to 750 mg. It is convenient to add to water and take during a long or high-intensity workout. On the other hand, tablets are convenient to take with you.

Elkar is presented only in the form of a solution and is often prescribed by pediatricians to improve children's nutrition and recovery after illness or surgery.

Sports supplements often contain not just L-carnitine, but also additional amino acids or vitamins and require consultation with a sports doctor and individual selection.

L-Carnitine Rating

This is a popular remedy for maintaining good physical shape and losing weight. It is natural, safe for health if dosages are observed. Due to its positive properties, it is used in sports nutrition by domestic and global brands.

Dymatize L-Carnitine Xtreme

The product is 500 mg in capsules in combination with thiamine (vitamin B) and the independent amino acid methionine, which is involved in the synthesis of adrenaline and choline. This combination of components has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa and reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol.

Nutrex Research Lipo-6 Carnitine

Dietary supplement from an American manufacturer, produced in liquid capsules. The package contains 120 tablets containing 1310 mg of substance. Can be purchased in concentrated syrup format.

Power System

A German company that produces levocarnitine in liquid concentrated form. The combination with guarana extract, caffeine and vitamins makes the product effective for weight loss. It comes in 0.5 liter bottles and 25 ml ampoules with a lower concentration.

Optimum Nutrition L-Carnitine

A popular supplement from an American brand in 500 mg capsules. There are 60 capsules in a package; it is recommended to take 1-2 capsules before meals. This is the only form of the drug, as the company focuses on protein and amino acid complexes, whey protein isolates.

VP Laboratory

Pure levocarnitine in capsules, ampoules of 1500, 2500 and 3000 mg from an English manufacturer of sports nutrition. The company produces protein bars that contain only 300 mg of the component, and concentrates contain 60,000 mg.

Sport Technology Nutrition

A domestic manufacturer of sports nutrition, whose product range includes L-carnitine in several convenient forms:

  • Shots of 3600 mg of active substance with fruit flavors;
  • L-CRN Pro capsules. The package contains 120 tablets of 450 mg;
  • Functional water enriched with amino acids in a concentration of 1000-3600 mg and fruit, berry, herbal flavors;
  • Ampoules are concentrated preparations containing 2000-6000 mg of levocarnitine.

The company produces various complexes that help improve metabolic processes. The combination of useful components and vitamins increases endurance and accelerates cell regeneration. They contain no GMOs, they are healthy and safe.

How to take L-carnitine

L-carnitine is taken an hour before training, as well as in the morning on an empty stomach, 500–750 mg 3 times a day or 1000 mg 2 times a day. It is optimal to take L-carnitine in doses of 500 to 2000 mg per day. Higher doses (4000–6000 mg/day) have been shown to have the same effect on weight loss as 2000 mg/day and are therefore not advisable.

According to various sources, L-carnitine is effective both with a single and long-term course of administration. However, you need to understand that if there is a deficiency of carnitine, the body will first replenish the reserves of this substance in the muscles, and only then L-carnitine preparations will begin to have a fat-burning effect. Therefore, it is advisable for people with excess body weight, diabetes mellitus, liver or kidney dysfunction to take long-term courses of L-carnitine, according to the instructions for use. For those who just want to improve their shape a little, periodic intake of 750–1000 mg of L-carnitine before training will be enough.

L-carnitine can be safely taken in the evening - it does not affect the feeling of vigor and does not interfere with falling asleep.

L-carnitine for weight loss

L carnitine is effective for weight loss because... By increasing metabolic processes, it quickly burns fat, releasing energy.

El carnitine for weight loss oxidizes not only subcutaneous fat, but also fat molecules supplied with food, the resulting energy activates the work of muscle fibers. It has a prolonged effect and with the correct diet after the end of administration, the effect of the drug lasts for several months. It allows you to quickly recover after training and saturates cells with oxygen.

How to use L-carnitine for weight loss

L-carnitine for girls who want to lose weight should take one capsule three times a day for a month. If your weight is significantly higher than normal, the dosage can be doubled. After the first course you need to take a break for 1-2 months.

Training athletes can also take L-carnitine for weight loss during periods of high stress. If the training intensity is 3 times a week, then the required dose is 1200 mg. It should be divided into two doses: 600 mg should be taken after meals in the form of capsules, and the second half (in liquid form) should be drunk half an hour before class.

With stable physical activity, the daily dosage (1200 mg) should be divided into 4 doses: 200 mg of the drug is taken before breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the remaining 600 mg - before training.

Side effects and contraindications of L-carnitine

L-carnitine has virtually no side effects or contraindications. Individual intolerance to L-carnitine or the development of hypersensitivity to the drug is possible.

L-carnitine increases the secretion of gastric juice, which can increase appetite. Therefore, when taking it for a long time, it is better to eat often and in small portions.

Thus, L-carnitine is an effective and safe drug that not only stimulates fat burning, but also promotes the health of the body, normalizes metabolism, improves endurance and accelerates recovery during intense physical and mental stress.


  1. Fritz I., McEwen B. Effects of carnitine on fatty-acid oxidation by muscle // Science. – 1959. – Vol. 129. – P. 334–335.
  2. Wall BT, Stephens FB, Constantin-Teodosiu D. et al. Chronic oral ingestion of L-carnitine and carbohydrate increases muscle carnitine content and alters muscle fuel metabolism during exercise in humans // J. Physiol. – 2011. – Vol. 589. – N. 4. – P. 963–973.
  3. Ringseis R., Keller J., Eder K. et al. Role of carnitine in the regulation of glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity: evidence from in vivo and in vitro studies with carnitine supplementation and carnitine deficiency // Eur. J. Nutr. – 2012. – Vol. 51. – N. 1. – P. 1–18.
  4. Noland RC, Koves TR, Seiler SE et al. Carnitine Insufficiency Caused by Aging and Overnutrition Compromises Mitochondrial Performance and Metabolic Control // J. Biol. Chem. – 2009. – Vol. 284. – N. 34. – P. 22840–22852.
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