Lipo 6 Black and Hers – composition and instructions for use

Description Lipo 6 Black

When taken, Lipo 6 begins to carry out its activity in the body almost immediately. The liquid form of the first phase allows nutrients to be absorbed as quickly as possible and begin to work almost immediately after use. For some time after consumption, the first effects occur - suppression of appetite, processes of breakdown of fatty acids, more active functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as a surge of energy.

Most fat burners are limited to the action of the first phase. But Lipo6 Black also has a second stage, which ensures its work for a long time after use. After the liquid capsule is dissolved, the ingredients enclosed in boluses follow. They, in turn, have a slower phase of resorption and absorption by the body, which ensures a long-lasting effect. Next, you can find out what Lipo 6’s composition is, and how exactly its components work.

Caffeine Anhydrous – This supplement, like most other fat burners, is based on caffeine. True, its different form is used here, but in its action it is no different from the usual one. This substance allows you to stimulate metabolism, speeding it up and allowing you to burn fat in the body faster. It also actively influences the functioning of the central nervous system, programming it for longer and more active activity. Simply put, caffeine will delay the feeling of fatigue and allow you to exercise longer.

Synephrine is a substance that is actively used in fat burning drugs. It is also a stimulant that increases the activity of the central nervous system and has a beneficial effect on metabolism. In addition, since it slightly increases thermogenesis in the body, it allows fat cells to burn more quickly. Synephrine also increases the production of beta-3 adrenergic receptors, which accelerate fat mobilization.

Yohimbine – this substance has a strong lipolytic effect, which is why it has gained high popularity. The mechanism of action of most components is to stimulate additional secretion of beta-3 adrenergic receptors. However, yohimbine acts synergistically with this - it also suppresses the production of alpha-3 adrenergic receptors, which allows you to get several times more powerful effects from the other components. In addition, it also stimulates the central nervous system, increasing mental focus. In this variation of Lipo 6, yohimbine comes in three forms, making it much more effective than previous supplements.

Acacia Rigidula plant – it contains a large amount of alkaloids, which stimulate the body to produce additional adrenaline. As you know, adrenaline is one of the main enemies of fat, allowing fat cells to break down faster and transferring them to the mitochondria for destruction. In addition, the alkaloids themselves help increase endurance, increase mental focus, and improve thyroid performance.

Guggulsterones - this substance is used mainly to stimulate the thyroid gland, the main function of which is to convert fat into energy.

Hordenine is a substance that is quite often used in fat burners. It allows you to increase the secretion of norepinephrine, thereby enhancing lipolysis.

Tyramine – increases the level of dopamine and adrenaline in the body, which promotes accelerated fat burning.

Forskolin – this substance also stimulates the thyroid gland and enhances the natural process of burning fat.

Some of these components also have other effects on the body. For example, yohimbine and synephrine can suppress appetite. Just thanks to such a minor effect, the result can jump significantly. How many times have many people's diets ended in failure, just because of small snacks. But now this can be avoided, because thanks to these two ingredients, even at main meals you will have to force yourself to eat well.

In turn, beta-phenylethylamine allows the body to more easily cope with the stress that comes with any diet.

Lipo 6 Black instructions for use

There are certain rules for how to take Lipo 6 Black. Since it contains a fairly large number of various stimulants, in no case should you exceed the recommended amount. It would be best to take 3 capsules, twice a day. In the morning, take it 30 minutes before meals, as it is at this time that it shows its maximum effectiveness.

It is advisable to consume the next portion after 4-6 hours, when the effect of the first portion gradually begins to subside. Due to the caffeine and other stimulants it contains, it is not recommended to take this supplement 6 hours before bed as it may interfere with your sleep.

Many people are interested in how much and how to take Lipo 6 Black. This supplement shows its maximum effectiveness in the first 8-8 weeks. In order not to cause the body to adapt to this drug, it is worth taking monthly breaks between courses.

Taking 3 capsules may cause overstimulation - in such cases it is recommended to reduce the dose to 2 capsules. The maximum effect can be obtained by combining this supplement with a low-carbohydrate diet and constant physical activity.

What does Lipo 6 contain?

Due to the popularity of the supplement, the manufacturer began to produce different versions of Lipo 6. The composition of each is different and intended for different consumer groups. However, all Lipo contains “common” components:

Synephrine is a substance found in bitter oranges.

Synephrine is a safe analogue of the banned ephedrine. It is weaker, and this is what protects you from severe side effects. It increases heat production, reduces appetite and increases endurance. It also promotes the synthesis of adrenaline, which in turn releases free fatty acids from adipocytes (fat cells).

In doses above 50 mg, synephrine causes headaches, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure.

Yohimbine – aphrodisiac, plant alkaloid

Fat cells have alpha and beta receptors. The beta group breaks down fats and increases adrenaline levels, while alpha receptors, on the contrary, reduce weight loss activity and promote fat deposition in order to maintain energy balance and not waste precious fat.

Yohimbine turns off some of the alpha receptors, stimulating fat burning. It also stimulates the nervous system so that you feel excited and energized, just like several cups of strong, good coffee.

Be careful. Doses above 15 mg lead to excessive agitation, hypoglycemia, headaches and dizziness.

DMAE is a nootropic that improves brain function

In the USSR it was prescribed to cosmonauts during preparation for flights. Normalizes memory, concentration and mental state. It is included in fat burners to reduce stress from hunger and physical activity. The more stress, the greater the loss of muscle tissue, which must be preserved, if only because it itself consumes a lot of calories, even during rest.

Without your mood dropping due to chronic lack of energy, DMAE makes it easier to motivate yourself to exercise and diet.

Caffeine is an alkaloid that stimulates the nervous system

You probably know the feeling of energy after a cup of strong coffee. During training, caffeine increases the synthesis of adrenaline, and this improves weight loss. It also increases endurance. Working out with caffeine is easy, whether it's cardio or strength training.

Thyroid stimulants

Many plant components have a positive effect on the synthesis of the hormones T3 and T4, which regulate fat metabolism in the body. The most common are guggulsterones. They do not replace T3 and T4, and do not copy their action. Guggulsterones activate receptors that interact with thyroid hormones.

If fat cells on the abdomen or thighs are not amenable to weight loss, or are the last to go away, this may be a signal of poor functioning of receptors, including T3 and T4. Guggulsterones, which are part of Lipo 6, stimulate their work, promoting natural fat burning.

Description of Lipo 6 Black Hers

As the name itself implies, Nutrex decided to adapt the capabilities of its extremely effective fat burner for girls. Large amounts of caffeine and other stimulants could really harm the female body, so the company was faced with the task of making it as easy as possible to take this drug, but leaving its effectiveness the same.

Lipo 6 Black Hers was developed taking into account the characteristics of female physiology. The formula of the drug still consists of proven and powerful components, allowing you to stimulate fat metabolism, suppress appetite and increase the body's energy potential. Although it is intended for girls, in terms of its composition and potential it is not only not inferior, but even better than some fat burners designed for men. Most female athletes recognize the effectiveness of this drug and recommend it to their clients.

So, what does it contain and how to take Nutrex Lipo 6 Black Hers? This will be discussed further below.

Fat burner Lipa 6 for women contains the following components:

Caffeine - each serving contains about 300 mg of this substance, which is equivalent in effect to 3 cups of coffee. This substance has the largest evidence base among all fat burner components. Neither scientists nor athletes doubt its effectiveness. It allows you to accelerate the metabolism in the body to such an extent that it has to use fat reserves for its work. Caffeine also increases energy potential - by acting on the central nervous system, it deceives the body, allowing it to think that there are still a lot of energy reserves. This delays the onset of fatigue and increases physical strength and endurance.

Synephrine - this substance allows you to stimulate the production of beta-3 adrenergic receptors. For those who didn’t know, they are responsible for whether fat will be stored in the body, or whether it will be destroyed to release energy. Beta-3 adrenergic receptors cause the body to destroy fat, unlike their alpha-3 adrenergic receptor antagonists. In addition, synephrine also increases the secretion of norepinephrine in the body, which can greatly increase the effectiveness of fat-burning processes occurring in the body. And even more than that, synephrine also suppresses appetite, which makes it one of the most powerful components of this complex.

Yohimbine - has a targeted effect on the destruction of fat. But that's not the only reason it's popular—one of its most important functions is that it inhibits the body's production of alpha-3 adrenergic receptors, which tell the body to store fat. In addition, yohimbine also increases concentration and stimulates the central nervous system.

Forskolin - increases the body's production of thyroid hormones, which are responsible for basic metabolism, and increase the intensity of fat burning processes.

Manufacturers did not stop only at burning fat. The Nutrex company has additionally added a number of components that have a beneficial effect on the girl’s health. These include:

Vitamin D – increases the concentration of calcium in the blood and has many other beneficial functions.

Folic acid - plays a great role in amino acid metabolism, is necessary for hematopoietic processes, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal and digestive tract.

Vitamin B12 – participates in protein synthesis, is necessary for the synthesis of creatine, as well as for the production of red blood cells.

Calcium is a building block for the skeletal tissue of the body and is also necessary for maintaining normal muscle excitability. It also plays an important role in maintaining immunity.

Lipo 6 Black Hers instructions for use

There are certain rules for how to take Lipo 6 for women. For example, it is not recommended to take it 6 hours before bedtime. Due to the caffeine and other stimulants it contains, it can negatively affect your sleep.

The greatest benefits from taking this supplement are achieved by taking 3 capsules, twice a day. And be sure to drink them before meals, about half an hour. Be sure to drink one serving in the morning - at this time it shows its maximum effectiveness, since at an early time the body is most prone to burning fat.

It is not recommended to exceed a dose of 6 capsules per day. In addition, it is better to use it for no more than 8 weeks - after this, the body adapts to the supplement, and it will no longer be able to have the same strong effect on you. The break between courses must be at least four weeks.

Do not use this supplement with other fat burners that contain caffeine, synephrine, or thyroid hormone stimulants. If you have any health ailments, you should first consult with your doctor, and only then start using the supplement.

How to take Lipo 6 Hers if any side effects appear? To begin with, you will need to slightly reduce the dosage. It would be wise to take two instead of three capsules per serving. If side effects persist, stop taking the supplement and consult your doctor.

Side effects of Lipo 6 – reviews from doctors

Lipo 6 is a strong fat burner, so even when taken correctly in the first days, people report dizziness and pressure changes. Synephrine and caffeine will make you hyperexcited and difficult to sit still. Yohimbine affects blood sugar and blood pressure. It can rise to a high level, causing you to feel apathy, shaking hands, and trembling. And all this against the backdrop of increased heart rate due to stimulants such as caffeine.

If you exceed the dose, you will get a whole bunch of negative effects, starting with pressure drops and ending with nausea and trembling.

Why are Lipo fat burners so popular?

Fat burners Lipo 6 are enviably popular, but why? Probably the biggest share of popularity is based on the fact that Nutrex was the first in the fat burner market. Yes, there were some similar products before them, but their compositions were ridiculously simple and did not provide a significant effect. So Lipo 6 was a big hit, gaining popularity and love from customers. It remained the best fat burner for 5 years in a row (until 2009), and that is why today Lipo is associated with high quality in people's minds.

It is difficult to say that Lipo 6 is the best today, since there are many other products with improved formulations and innovative components, dosages have been revised, etc. So today we can say that Lipo 6 is a good, mild fat burner and nothing more. If you want to get a brighter and faster effect, we advise you to pay attention to the new products:

How is Lipo 6 different from other fat burners?

A set of potent components. It is also important to note liquid capsules, which promote rapid absorption and full manifestation of all effects.

The supplement is not suitable for people with cardiovascular diseases and beginners, and this distinguishes Lipo 6 from many universal light fat burners.

People pay too much attention to choosing fat burners, forgetting about the main factors of losing weight. In fact, no matter what dietary supplements you use, you will not lose weight if you have an excess calorie diet.

Think of excess fat mass as a monetary fortune. When you earn more money every day than you spend, your wealth grows, right? It's the same with calories. Every additional hundred kilocalories is deposited into your “state”.

To change the situation, you just need to spend more than you receive. Lipo 6 and other fat burners will make it easier to spend "money", but nothing more. They won't be able to shop and spend money for you.

Contraindications and side effects

Lipo 6 Black has standard contraindications for fat burners: not to be taken by pregnant and lactating women, people under 18 years of age, or those with individual intolerance.

But the situation with side effects is worse - the packaging does not say anything about them, but users note the following:

  • Dizziness and weakness;
  • Nausea and vomiting after taking on an empty stomach;
  • High blood pressure, pulsation in the temples;
  • Increased irritability and nervousness;
  • Painful condition and insomnia, etc.

Features of the effect of fat burner Lipo 6 on the body

The main secret of the effectiveness of the drug Lipo 6 lies in its two-phase activity
  1. The first phase involves a reactive effect, which occurs immediately after taking the first capsule. It involves the body producing energy, reducing appetite and burning fat. What is especially noteworthy is that the effect begins to appear literally a few minutes after taking the capsule.
  2. As for the second phase , it involves a prolonged effect of the drug, which is associated with the use of the second capsule. After its use, the fat burner will actively burn fat and prevent the feeling of hunger. In addition, Lipo 6 significantly contributes to the activation of the body’s energy resources, which will allow you to be in a great mood throughout the day.

Lipo 6 Black and alcohol

You shouldn’t make a mountain out of a mountain, much less this issue. Let's start with the fact that you should not take alcohol at all, let alone with any medications. But, if you are still a big fan of skipping a glass, then you better forget this hobby of yours at least for the period while you are using this supplement. Due to the fact that it contains many stimulants, simultaneous use with alcohol can, and most likely will, cause a number of unpleasant side effects. And besides, alcohol generally slows down fat burning, and why would you negate the effect of such an expensive supplement?

Fat burner and alcohol are incompatible things if you don’t want to get a lot of problems with the cardiovascular system and central nervous system! So the verdict is quite strict - no alcohol with Lipo 6!

Summarizing all of the above, I can say with confidence that the popularity of Lipo 6 Black is not just a fake. These are truly great products that get the job done!

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Other fat burners from the Lipo series:

Fat burners Lipo 6x and Lipo 6 from Nutrex - composition, instructions for use and side effects

Nutrex Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate – reviews

Nutrex Lipo 6 CLA – reviews

Nutrex Lipo 6 Stim Free – reviews

Nutrex Lipo 6 Carnitine reviews

Nutrex Lipo 6x – reviews of men, girls and doctors

Discussion: 24 comments

  1. Lena says:
    the instructions for using Lipo 6 Black Hers turned out to be not entirely correct for me. Taking 3 capsules at a time is very harsh! there were side effects, so I had to take 1 at a time, but the effect was not noticeable(
  2. xonia says:

    It’s hard to call Lipo 6 Black the best...

  3. Lina Dark says:

    I wouldn’t say that Lipo 6 Black Hers is anything special for women. It seems to me that you can also take regular Hers. I didn't understand the difference when I took it.

  4. Lina Dark says:

    How can I take Lipo 6 Black for women if I am breastfeeding? I really want to lose weight(((

  5. Daria says:

    Great! Thanks for Fast Fat Burning! This is the best thing I've found for burning fat! It’s very simple and easy to read, it turned out to be such instructions for losing weight) by the way, I understood the difference between losing weight and burning fat)) the weight starts to creep down and I like myself!

  6. Romuch says:

    When I bought lipo, the description on the packaging made me believe that the fat was good. but in the end - almost zero. It adds energy like a cup of coffee, and that’s about it. When I bought Oxy Shredz Elite, I understood how a fat burner should work. The energy was rushing, I calmly endured the morning cardio and fan strength training. sweat like a river, you don’t have to weigh yourself, because the reflection in the mirror changes every week. So buy fat that really works!

  7. Joan of Arc says:

    The use of lipo 6 black did not help me ((I did not lose weight at all.

  8. Olya says:

    My first fat burner was lipo, then there were more. but I still didn’t understand how to take it correctly for girls... I didn’t lose weight at all until I came across the fast fat burning program. all problems are solved with one click. Now I have a convenient training manual, according to which I compiled the menu and workouts, and now I’m looking for a new fat burner. because I know how to take it and what I did wrong. Thank you!

  9. Anzhey says:

    yes, lipo - these were my first years in training) then everyone wanted it)

  10. Glizin says:

    Then maybe everyone wanted it, but now obviously not. there are so many cool new products! those fats that were offered to us in this article (exterminator, optiburn, etc.) are great, certainly better than Lipo, but this is only the foot of the mountain. There are a lot of fats that just drive you crazy!

  11. Lalo says:

    Thank you. The article is useful.

  12. Rudolf says:

    No fat burner works for me at all, least of all Lipo. It's like a cup of tea)))

  13. AnKa says:

    Love Lipo 6 Hers! It acts very gently, accelerates fat burning, and even slightly suppresses appetite. I like him.

  14. LilipuT_13 says:

    Is it possible to stumble upon a fake Lipo 6? He's so popular...

  15. Vadik says:

    it’s possible, alas(((I bought it once, got caught at a low price and felt sick all day.

  16. KerZ says:

    well... two weeks have passed since the purchase of Fast Fat Burning and I will report back. At first I doubted whether to buy or not, but I saw a lot of reviews and decided, why not? In the end, I didn’t regret it. I don’t have any particular problems with being overweight, but I’m constantly flooded. There was no way to dry it out. I bought it, read it, tried to change something and everything worked out. The excess water disappeared with nutritional correction according to your instructions after 1 week. I started to look drier. Now you need to burn a couple percent of fat. so, thank you. turned out to be very useful!

  17. Martha says:

    I've never tried fat burners. how to drink them, how do they work?

  18. Martha says:

    Crap. this is great!!! No wonder I bought fast fat burning. I trained regularly and had abs, but under a layer of fat) what was the point of it then?) I knew little about nutrition, unfortunately. I decided, in order not to waste a lot of time searching for information and not make a mistake, to buy a ready-made one. 900 rubles is small change for a whole manual) I really liked it. all clear. dried out my abs in 2 months)

  19. Vovan says:

    Why are there side effects from eating, the manufacturer doesn’t write about them??? what if my heart stops??

  20. Dardelion says:

    Well, if your heart is weak, but why the hell do you need a fat burner, dude?

  21. Dana says:

    I will never take Lipo again!!! After the Extreminator, this is heaven and earth! The exterminator gives super quality! It dries well, gives you energy all day long and no lag. And lipo gives energy, and then some kind of loss.

  22. Lunatarka says:

    Dana, listen, Optiburn will also work like this, it’s just that the compositions are similar. I've been looking at him for a long time.

  23. alex says:

    I don’t know if the girl will see my answer, but I’ll write. Optiburn will be softer than Exterminator. It is even suitable for beginners. It’s good to take before training, it gives a lot of energy. It hardly removes water, but it burns fat well. try it. remain satisfied.

  24. Bagheera says:

    I took either 6 black and didn’t lose weight at all, even gained a little weight.

What is the difference between different types of Lipo 6


– there is no synephrine, yohimbine and caffeine, as a result of which the supplement does not stimulate the central nervous system and does not cause an excited state. Carnitine and guggulsterones are the main components. The supplement is suitable for those who do not like the stimulating effect;

Lipo 6 Rx

– suitable for those who move little and don’t even train. The only stimulant is caffeine. DMAE makes dieting easier;

Lipo-6 CLA

– has nothing in common with its analogues. A set of conjugated linoleic acid, which accelerates fat burning by affecting body fat metabolism. Can be purchased together with the main “Lipo”;

Lipo-6 Carnitine

– pure carnitine in L-form. Not a tartate or a hydrochloride. There is nothing else in the composition. The name was chosen for marketing reasons. Buy for training, namely to tone and increase endurance;

Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate

– a classic version with double the dosage of yohimbine, synephrine and yohimbine. Suitable for men and professional athletes;

Lipo-6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate

– a female version of the above supplement. There are no guggulsterones, since many women have problems with the thyroid gland, and interference with its functioning is undesirable. The dosage of stimulants, in particular yohimbine, has been reduced.


– the first version of the fat burner. Contains the entire list of main components in moderate quantities. Suitable for everyone;

Lipo 6 Hers

– version 6x without guggulsterones;

Lipo 6 Black – not available. Replaced with Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate;

Lipo 6 Unlimited – no longer available. The composition contained double dosages of all components.

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