Myostimulation - what is it and what is this procedure for?

Myostimulation (electrical stimulation, neurostimulation, physiostimulation, myolifting) is the use of pulsed currents to treat and restore the natural functioning of muscles, tissues, nerves, and internal organs. Myostimulation is widely used as a method of rehabilitation treatment, which is based on electrical stimulation of nerves and muscles, carried out by transmitting current with specified characteristics from the myostimulator to the human body through electrodes.

This technique is in demand for the rehabilitation of patients after injuries, with diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems, with urinary and fecal incontinence, in professional sports and cosmetology. In recent years, the method of myostimulation has become widespread in dermatocosmetology.

History of myostimulation

Since ancient times, people have used the electrical effects of amber and the discharges of electric fish to treat various paralysis, nervous and rheumatic pains. In ancient Egypt, electric currents produced by certain species of fish were successfully used to treat the pharaohs. Using this method, ancient people cured gout, complex neuroses and many other diseases. Doctors in ancient Rome kept stingrays in their aquariums; patients were treated by touching the stingray. People who lived on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea knew that touching the human body of certain species of fish, stingrays, eels, and catfish causes muscle twitching, a feeling of numbness, and pain relief. Electric fish discharges were used to treat patients suffering from headaches, joint diseases, gout, and paralysis. Even today, on the Mediterranean coast and the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, you can sometimes find elderly people wandering barefoot in shallow water, hoping to be cured of rheumatism or gout by the natural electricity of the stingray.

The principle of myostimulation

Myostimulation is based on the effect of artificial stimulation of a muscle using an electrical signal, which is generated by a myostimulator device and transmitted to the muscle. The physiological effect of electrical stimulation is based on the basic principle common to the biotronic effect of all pulsed currents - short-term, rhythmically repeating supra-threshold shifts in the concentration of the main ions (Ma+, K+, Ca+, Mg+) near the semi-permeable membranes of nerve, muscle and other cells of various organs and fabrics. As a result, depolarization occurs of those excitable structures whose lability allows them to perceive the impacting pulse current. This leads to contraction of muscle fibers and restoration of cell function. Depending on the intensity of the pulsed current and its frequency, as well as the transit time in the tissues, the structural characteristics of the organs and tissues on which it acts, a different physiological effect occurs.

Sensations during electrical muscle stimulation

In classical fitness areas, static or strength exercises are used to work out the muscle corset. They are performed at a slow pace, which is fundamentally different from cardio exercises. They, in themselves, are quite difficult: after a few repetitions, trembling, a feeling of slight pain or burning appear in the muscles being worked.

In the case of EMS-Training, the lesson takes place in a special suit, to which electrodes are attached that conduct micropulses. Due to this, intensity increases and calorie consumption increases. And the sensations increase many times over. Even simple exercises can require serious effort.

What is a myostimulator?

The myostimulation (electrical stimulation) procedure is performed using special electronic devices - myostimulators, which affect the muscles with electrical impulses. In modern practice, a myostimulator is used for figure correction, weight loss, strengthening and building muscles, for people who, due to certain factors, do not have the opportunity or time to exercise regularly. A myostimulator is a set of electrodes that are attached to the body and a main electronic unit. This block generates a current of a certain frequency and strength. Depending on the model of the myostimulator, the device can have different purposes (for the whole body, a butterfly, in the form of a belt or shorts, for stimulating the face), have different output power, the number of pairs of electrodes (and, accordingly, simultaneously trained muscles), the number of programs and additional functions . Myostimulation or electrical stimulation resembles “gymnastics for the lazy” - you are at rest, and your muscles are working. Myostimulation helps to involve all excitable structures. Excitation is transmitted “up” through nerve fibers to the brain - to the ward organs.

Indications for the use of myostimulation:

  • The need for figure correction.
  • Overweight.
  • Cellulite and stretch marks.
  • Flabbiness of muscles, skin.
  • Muscle atrophy, muscle wasting (weight loss).
  • Disorders of blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and innervation.
  • Neuromuscular pathologies.
  • Venous lymphatic insufficiency.
  • Sports medicine.
  • Muscle injuries.
  • Impaired sensitivity of the skin due to injuries and diseases of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Peripheral (flaccid) paresis and paralysis (limitation of active movements) due to injury and diseases of the nerves (neuritis).


Mostimulation is carried out using microcurrents that are administered subcutaneously. This cosmetic event provides long-term skin rejuvenation, as it improves metabolism and helps burn cellular fat deposits, increasing the flow of oxygen and blood, and also helps restore muscle tone and neutralizes inflammatory processes on the skin. Facial myostimulation eliminates many aesthetic defects.

Thanks to this event:

  • muscle tone is restored;
  • skin elasticity improves;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes are reduced.

This procedure is also carried out in the following conditions:

  • roughness on the skin;
  • underdevelopment of the eyelid muscles;
  • dry skin;
  • scarring after acne;
  • changed face shape.

The procedure is effective for lifting the chin, shaping the oval of the face and lymphatic drainage. This method allows you to improve your skin condition in a short time.

Myostimulation sessions, combined with other aesthetic procedures, provide facial modeling, combat sagging skin, and prevent the formation of wrinkles. Myostimulation of the facial skin is usually required for people over 50 years of age, but in some cases it is performed on patients at an earlier age.

Positive effects of myostimulation in dermatocosmetology

Myostimulators are fairly simple and useful exercise equipment. There are not many happy owners of luxurious figures. And those who seem to be “lucky” do not always find it easy to have an athletic body. Often behind a beautiful figure there is a lot of training and procedures hidden. Modern electromyostimulators are designed to help everyone who wants to correct their figure and achieve a beautiful, healthy body. The myostimulator is an ideal tool for maintaining and training muscles, in particular those that are poorly used during normal physical activity. These include the internal thigh muscles, longitudinal muscles of the back, oblique muscles and others. Even with all the desire, for example, with active walking, running or training in the gym, these muscles remain away from the overall process and can create the impression of flabby. In this case, myostimulation is a kind of lifeline for a person. Myostimulation helps to achieve good results with minimal stress.

During myostimulation, pulsed electrical currents cause the muscles of the body to actively contract. At the same time, there is an effect on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, metabolism is activated and local lipolysis occurs. All this is an excellent way to train muscles. Electrical stimulation increases muscle tone, helps increase muscle mass, strengthens and develops, and also promotes the burning of fat cells. Currently, myostimulation is a popular procedure, and is actively used in many beauty salons, and is also used for lymphatic drainage.

Myostimulation perfectly helps with difficult cases of weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall in women who have given birth, restoring muscle tone. According to statistics, about 3-5 centimeters are removed from the waist. The optimal solution is the use of myostimulation in conjunction with other anti-cellulite products - wraps, massage. Stimulation of the thigh muscles also helps to achieve good results - the volume of the thighs and the appearance of cellulite are reduced.

Electrical stimulation improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, tissue nutrition, activates metabolism, increases the permeability of vascular walls, reserve capillaries open, causes motor excitation and muscle contraction, and the formation of biologically active substances occurs in the stimulated tissues. The combination of these factors helps to reduce the volume of fat cells, remove products of impaired metabolism from problem areas (which is very important for cellulite), and strengthen even very weak and lazy muscles. Contractions caused by myostimulation, similar to the effect of massage, contribute to a more rapid removal of waste and toxins accumulated in tissues.

The advantage of myostimulation is that it helps to reach muscles that are located very deeply, and which are quite difficult to train under normal conditions. These include the muscles of the inner thigh and back. Another quite tangible advantage of myostimulation for women is the ability to work on muscle mass without resorting to

How the training goes

Before starting the training, a special suit is put on, to which electrodes are attached that transmit micropulses. The trainer draws up an exercise program to work the main muscle groups: arms, abs, back, side of the body, hips and buttocks. As they are performed, an electric current is passed through the suit, directed to those areas that are being worked on at the moment, and reduces them.

In general, the lesson consists of three blocks:

  1. Warm-up without a suit. It is necessary to warm up the muscles well and prepare them for the upcoming load. Usually at this stage the following are performed: joint gymnastics, cardio exercises to speed up the heart rate (jumping, squats, lunges, elements of dance aerobics), light stretching. This will take 5-7 minutes.
  2. Actual training in costume. At this stage, strength exercises are performed for problem areas. The set of exercises is small, designed for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Stretching without a suit. It is necessary to relax the muscles that were involved. This will help avoid pain after training.

For EMS training, as for other areas of fitness, the main component of success is regularity. Only a course of exercises will strengthen the muscle corset and make the body more toned.

Improved blood circulation

The impulses created by the myostimulator cause muscle contractions, like the hands of a massage therapist. Myostimulation has an effect on the walls of blood vessels, leading to improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and metabolic processes are activated. All this helps to more quickly remove toxins, accumulated toxic substances, excess intracellular fluid and broken down fat. As you know, with cellulite, blood circulation is difficult due to accumulated fat, so its activation is especially important.

Cellulite treatment

Many cosmetologists classify cellulite as a “secondary female sexual characteristic.” In this fatty tissue with uneven compactions, a woman accumulates a supply of energy “for a rainy day.” They try to fight the unaesthetic manifestations of cellulite, the so-called “orange peel”, in various ways - from surgical (liposuction) and quasi-surgical (electrolipolysis) to chemical and biochemical anti-cellulite creams and patches. To date, there is no reliable evidence of the effectiveness of medicinal methods to combat cellulite. Liposuction and electrolipolysis are very expensive and not always safe operations. Electromyostimulation (EMS) allows you to perform quasi-electrolipolysis without surgery, without the slightest risk to health and with an efficiency of at least 60% - 70% of electrolipolysis.


The positive effect of microcurrent therapy is based on cell healing and restoration of metabolic processes.
These two factors play a decisive role in obtaining long-lasting and lasting results in eliminating signs of aging and lifting the skin: the number and severity of wrinkles are reduced, age spots are lightened, the skin tissue is moisturized, becomes denser and more elastic. The ability of microcurrents to model body contours is to smooth out the “orange peel” and eliminate persistent cellulite deposits, destroy fatty tissue and lift the soft tissues of the body, improve lymph flow.

Microcurrent exposure is a safe, non-invasive and effective physiotherapeutic procedure, which is carried out either independently or in combination with other hardware or cosmetic procedures.

All clinics that have equipment for microcurrent therapy and specialists performing this procedure are presented on our portal.

Below are clinics and experienced doctors who provide microcurrent body therapy in Moscow and Russian cities. You can find out the cost of microcurrent therapy services, contraindications, ratings and reviews, and also make an appointment online.

Lymphatic drainage

Excess fat deposits primarily disrupt lymph circulation - lymphatic drainage in the body. But it is the lymphatic system that ensures the delivery of nutrients to the body’s tissues and the removal of waste products. By ensuring good lymph circulation, metabolism and the general condition of the body, skin and muscle tissue improve. The activity of lymph circulation is determined, first of all, by the activity of the muscles, since it is their contraction that ensures the movement of lymph. Myostimulation can very effectively increase lymphatic drainage.

Details of the procedure

Microcurrent therapy sessions on the body do not require any preliminary preparation. Before stimulation begins, a conductive gel is applied to the affected area. Microcurrent therapy is carried out in three ways:
stationary electrodes - they are fixed on the skin and are used to work with large areas of the body; electrode sticks – disposable sticks that conduct current, for treating small areas on the face; conductive gloves - according to experts, the most convenient and effective method in which the doctor massages the affected area wearing gloves that conduct current.

The microcurrent therapy procedure is painless (the patient can only feel a slight tingling sensation on the skin), its duration depends on the treatment area and ranges from 30 to 60 minutes.

The course of using microcurrents includes from 8 to 12 sessions

at intervals of several days. After completing the course, you can carry out a procedure that maintains the result once a month.

Contraindications to myostimulation.

  • The myostimulation device is contraindicated for use by people who have a biocontrolled pacemaker implanted. It is also not recommended to use the device for those who suffer from heart disease, especially in the stage of decompensation.
  • The myostimulation device is not recommended for use during colds, flu or other viral diseases. It is highly not recommended to use muscle stimulators during pregnancy, because The effect of myostimulation on pregnant women has not been fully studied.
  • It is not recommended to use the myostimulator apparatus for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.
  • The device should not be used by patients with severe mental disorders and persons suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. The device should not be used by persons suffering from cancer. If you have any chronic disease, you should consult your doctor before using the device.
  • It is prohibited to install electrodes on areas of the body opposite broken bones. The pressure of the muscle during its contraction can have a negative effect on the process of bone fusion.
  • Electrodes should not be placed on the sides of the neck or throat.
  • Do not place electrodes on inflamed skin, areas with cuts, fresh wounds, scrapes, skin breakdowns or burns, skin rashes, or areas that have recently undergone surgery less than 9 months ago.
  • Electrodes should not be placed on areas of the body affected by phlebitis. If you have thrombophlebitis, you should avoid the myostimulation procedure. Exercises with a myostimulator are contraindicated for people: with circulatory disorders more serious than the second stage, with renal and liver failure, with active tuberculosis of the lungs and kidneys, with hypersensitivity to pulsed current.
  • Do not perform electrical stimulation of the abdominal muscles within 1.5 hours after eating. The device for myostimulation is contraindicated for use in cases of dermatoses, bleeding, bleeding tendencies, high arterial hypertension, malignant neoplasms, acute purulent inflammatory processes, sepsis, febrile conditions, epilepsy, hernia.
  • You cannot use the myostimulator in intimate places, in the groin.
  • Women need to perform breast myostimulation with extreme caution. It’s a sad fact, but modern women often have neoplasms in the mammary glands, cysts, and mastopathy. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting to use a myostimulator.

Execution steps

The procedure for myostimulation of the abdominal muscles involves a sequential series of actions.

Before starting the session, the client must remove all jewelry and other metal accessories from his body. After this, he takes the appropriate position on the couch, lying on his back.

To begin with, the skin is prepared by cleansing. It is recommended to do preliminary peeling or scrubbing.

Iontophoresis in cosmetology

Iontophoresis in cosmetology is a painless and one of the most effective rejuvenation methods, based on the influence of electric current, thanks to which the deep layers of the dermis receive the necessary beneficial substances, the properties of which are aimed at changing the cell membrane.

Electrodes are placed on the abdomen, the number of which can be from 4 to 6 pieces, and secured together with the pads using belts. In some devices, the electrodes are equipped with suction cups, which allows them to be better fixed to the human body.

Next, the specialist configures the device, which involves setting a certain current strength. It is important to control the patient’s sensations; they should not cause significant discomfort. When pain occurs, the intensity decreases.

The current should have minimal impact for the first few minutes. This will allow the muscles to adapt to subsequent contractions. Next, the current supply is gradually increased to 30 mA. In this case, the duration of one pulse should be 1-100 ms.

After the device is fully adjusted, the patient remains in this position for about half an hour. Upon completion of the procedure, the specialist removes the pads with electrodes.

The remaining conductive gel is removed from the skin and treated with an alcohol-based solution. A special product is applied to the surface of the skin.

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