How to spin a hula hoop to lose weight and get rid of cellulite

To get rid of excess weight in the gym you need a lot of free time. And the bulkiness and high cost of some simulators that allow you to exercise at home are very scary. The way out of this situation is a simple hoop. It is very effective in use, does not take up space and does not take up a lot of free time.

The principle of operation is that with systematic training, it breaks the subcutaneous fat layer into molecules, and it becomes much easier to get rid of it.

How to choose, light or heavy?

Before choosing a hoop for weight loss, it is worth clarifying: a lighter one allows you to expend more energy, while a heavier one engages the abdominal muscles and stimulates blood flow to the tissues.

If you need to maintain physical shape or lose 1-2 extra pounds, a lightweight one without weights will do. To draw the relief and contours of the body, a heavy hoop will be more effective.

Note. After the first classes there may be bruises, do not worry, this phenomenon is temporary. Pain and bruises will go away in a couple of sessions and the body will get used to the stress and will respond to training only positively.

The range of hoops is very large and varied.

According to the material:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • rubber.

By purpose:

  • gymnastic or sports;
  • massage;
  • magnetic.

By design:

  • with or without sand;
  • with connectors for weights;
  • with spikes;
  • folding;
  • flexible;
  • soft and hard.

There are many types and variations, it’s difficult to choose, and it’s easy to get confused. We will help you figure it out and choose the most suitable option for your studies.

  • Simple

Made of metal or plastic, lightweight and inexpensive. A hoop that is most often used by girls from an early age.

  • Massage

Stimulates muscles, helps remove fat deposits, promotes better blood circulation. An excellent friend for the intestines, helps people with problems of this organ.

  • With magnets

Promotes a better supply of oxygen and perfectly nourishes the organs. They have a massage effect. At the same time, not forgetting to fulfill its main function of reducing body volume.

  • Flexible, collapsible (the diameter of the hoop can be adjusted)

The smaller it is in diameter, the more difficult it is to keep it at the waist, and the more effective the workout will be. They are very convenient when moving, and due to their weight they burn fat on the sides well. Inexpensive and effective.

  • Soft

Can be used not only on the stomach and sides, but also on the arms and legs.

  • Plastic with massage balls or sand

Considered the most common. Effective for weight loss and easy contouring, they weigh about 1.5 kilograms.

Although it is worth noting that relying on the wide selection of sports equipment in retail stores, you should not count on the fact that all of the options listed above will be available. Therefore, it may be worth looking for a suitable option in online stores.

Optimal hoop weight

How long should you spin the hoop?

This equipment is one of the most effective methods to lose extra pounds. There is no specific answer to the question of how long you should hula hoop. This is purely individual for everyone, but there are general recommendations. It is optimal to devote at least 15 minutes a day to training. Remember that fat deposits do not begin to be burned immediately after training, but after a certain time. The main thing is not to overwork, but at the same time give the body regular exercise. Together with proper nutrition and hydration, this will ensure good results.

How many minutes

The first workouts are best done with the lightest equipment, rotating it for 5 minutes, increasing the time by 1-2 minutes every 2-3 days. The maximum time for one block of hula hoop exercises is 30 minutes. It is not recommended to exercise for more than an hour a day. After reaching this time, you can start working with weighted models. The maximum permissible weight of the hoop is 2.5 kg. More severe ones can harm your health.

How many times a day

It has been proven that regular and even short-term training with a hula hoop is highly effective in the fight for a figure. Opinions about when it is best to work with it are very diverse. How long should you twist the hula hoop to get rid of your belly? Some people advocate exercising for at least 15 minutes in the morning and evening. Others quickly notice the help from exercising with a simulator only in the evening (2 hours after dinner, an hour before bedtime).

How many times a week

If you spin a hoop every day, the body begins to get used to the loads it receives. It is necessary to gradually complicate the training and increase its duration. How long do you need to twist the hoop to get rid of your belly? After about a month, when the first changes are visible, you need to start exercising every other day (3-4 times a week). And after 2 months, to consolidate the effect, you can do the exercises 2 times a week.

How to spin correctly?

Rules that are important to consider:

  1. How much you need to spin and which hoop is better for weight loss is a controversial question, since the answer depends on the individual characteristics of the buyer: physical fitness and body fitness. You shouldn’t torture yourself from the first lessons by practicing for 20-30 minutes with a heavy, two-kilogram hoop. This way the body’s endurance will be developed, and the centimeters will not noticeably decrease. And it can even cause harm to the body. To make training more effective for weight loss, you need to start with 3-5 minutes a day and a light hoop, gradually increasing the amount of time and weight.
  2. Don’t forget to twist the hoop in both directions; the load on the spine should be even.
  3. Consult your doctor, he will help you establish permissible loads and identify contraindications, if any.
  4. Drink as much water as possible. Plenty of fluids is the basic rule for any workout.
  5. The effectiveness of hoop training will increase and accelerate if you add proper nutrition and several exercises for other muscle groups.

Contraindications for hoop training

You can remove your stomach with a hoop and start the process of losing weight in this area, if there are no contraindications to exercise:

1. Pregnancy period. Classes are contraindicated during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby, so as not to harm health and the natural recovery process. Physical activity is allowed after the permission of the attending physician.

2. Diseases and pathologies of internal organs. When a person spins a hoop, pressure and stress are placed on the abdominal cavity. You need to start classes at a calm pace. It is allowed to increase the load after sufficient strengthening of the muscle corset. To start training, buy a hoop without additional weights. The optimal weight is no more than 1.5 kg. Contraindications to exercise are inflammatory processes, kidney disease, and gastrointestinal tract diseases.

3. Women's diseases, menstruation. On critical days, you need to give up pressure and stress on the uterine cavity. Contraindications – bending, uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes in the ovaries.

4. Pathologies of the spine. If you have a history of spinal injuries or fractures, vertebral displacement or hernia, you should consult your doctor. He will tell you if there are contraindications and whether it is possible to remove the sides and stomach with a hoop.

5. Skin problems. There should be no wounds, scratches, abrasions or rashes on the body. Exercising with a hoop can aggravate the problem and cause skin irritation.

There is an age limit for classes. Elderly people should not spin a hoop due to weakening of the muscle corset, pressure on the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis.


Don’t think that hoop is an absolutely feminine way to lose weight. It is perfect for men, especially those with a beer belly.

In addition, there are a number of other advantages:

  • Hoop training is the best way to lose weight at home. The positive qualities are that with its help serious results are achieved without significant investment of time and money.
  • The collapsible model can be taken with you on the road or on a business trip, thereby not missing classes.
  • Exercises with a hoop for losing belly fat can be performed at home, without interruption from your family and pets.
  • You can study to your favorite music or program; while walking in the fresh air, in a park, square, or on a picnic.
  • The hoop is available at any age.

Is it possible to remove belly fat with a hoop?

Everything is possible, even for men, but don’t expect quick results and minus 10 cm. A belly hoop is a good solution for exercising the fair and male halves of humanity at home. Will a hoop help remove belly fat? Remember that at first the grams/cm will not melt before your eyes, and bruises may appear on the skin. This is normal, because this is how the female and male bodies get used to new stress. Anti-cellulite/fat-burning creams and massage, as well as a warm, relaxing bath will improve the effect.

Benefits and harms

The health benefits are obvious, here is the list:

  • strengthens the muscles of the back and abs, lower back;
  • improves blood and oxygen circulation with massage balls, which leads to the burning of local fat;
  • improves body flexibility, coordination of movements;
  • gait and running become more organized;
  • rotating movements and diligence in trying to balance the hoop on weight help to significantly train every muscle of the back, abdomen, arms and legs;
  • excess calories are spent well;
  • improves the respiratory system;
  • improves posture.


  • pregnancy;
  • back problems;
  • kidney diseases;
  • presence of problems with the vestibular apparatus.

Which hoop and hula hoop is better to choose?

Regular hoop

The simplest hoop is either iron or plastic, hollow inside. The very first hoops that began to be produced. They are recommended to be used for training by beginners, so as not to immediately create a high load on an untrained body and not put stress on the spine.

Folding hoop

It is similar to a regular one, but the main difference is that it can be folded into two or even four times. This hoop is an ideal option for those who want to save space in the apartment, because a hoop is a very bulky piece of equipment. Some models of such hoops allow you to change their weight if you reduce the number of removable sections. Reducing the number of sections will reduce the weight of the hoop and therefore the load.

These hoops are very convenient to transport.

When purchasing such a hoop, be sure to pay attention to the diameter with all sections and without one or two. Since, if you reduce the diameter, it may turn out that the hoop will become too small for you

Weighted hoop for weight loss

This hoop is good for those for whom a simple hoop seems too light and does not provide the proper load. The weight of such a hoop varies from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. Such a hoop will give faster and more visible results and will correct the lines of the hips and waist.

Hoop with massaging elements

Massaging elements include small suction cups, which are located on the inner side of the hoop adjacent to the body. Every time they touch the skin, they stick and then come off. Such hoops are good not only for reducing volume, but also for anti-cellulite massage of the hips and abdomen.

Except with suction cups, and also hoops with balls, which can be made of rubber or plastic. Such hoops have a mechanical effect on problem areas, which promotes the process of destruction of fat deposits.

If you are choosing between plastic and rubber balls, we recommend taking rubber ones. They are less harsh and safer, strengthen muscles better and improve skin tone, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, improve blood circulation and overall well-being.

Exercises and results

Before starting training, you should always do warm-up exercises for your back, legs, and calf muscles. This will protect you from damage and help you stay healthy. Similar exercises should be performed after finishing the main loads in order to consolidate the results.

Advice. It is better not to eat anything one hour before you start hoop training and two hours after.

  • With calf raises

Rotate the hoop with your feet shoulder-width apart, your abs tense. Smoothly rise on your toes and lower yourself. Repeat 7-10 times.

  • With acceleration and deceleration

Feet shoulder-width apart, abs tense. First, speed up the rotation rate, then slow down. Repeat for 7-10 minutes in both directions.

  • With your hands up

Feet shoulder-width apart, abs tense. Raise your arms above your head (you can change the position of your arms: behind your head, in front of you, to the sides).

  • Yogic rotation

Twist the hoop 88 times, first in one direction, then in the other. The number 88 is a magical number for yogis.

  • Planet rotation

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides. While unwinding the hoop, move in the opposite direction from it. Fifteen to twenty repetitions in each direction. Be careful not to get dizzy.

  • On one leg

Standing on one leg, you need to wrap the hoop for a minute in each direction.

  • Christmas tree

Twist the hoop from your knees to your stomach.

What's the result?

Now let's see what results you can achieve by practicing with a hoop.

  • Calories

In an hour of exercise, on average, you can burn from 400 to 500 calories, it all depends on the intensity of the activity. Such exercises are equivalent to an hour of exercise in the gym, if you twist the weight loss hoop correctly.

It should be noted that strength training in the gym builds muscle, while cardio burns excess fat.

  • Kilograms and centimeters

Centimeters will mainly go away from the abdomen and sides, and all other parts of the body will tighten. During a course of such sports activities, it is possible to lose up to five to six kilograms of excess weight. With regular training, you can get rid of 5-6 centimeters from your waist in a month.

Efficiency of use - calorie counting

It is impossible to say how many calories are burned during one workout. After all, the result depends on its duration, sustained rhythm, regularity and initial individual data.

Let's look at the average training results:

The conclusion follows: to lose weight, you need to hula hoop for at least 10 minutes a day. In this case, training should be regular, at least 5 times a week. Don't blame yourself for being tired after a day of work. Set aside 10 minutes every day for a simple activity accompanied by pleasant music or an exciting movie.

Is it safe to hula hoop?

Using a hula hoop for weight loss has its contraindications:

  • pregnancy, even if the period is very short;
  • gynecological ailments (it is especially dangerous to exercise if you have uterine fibroids);
  • you should not train with a hula hoop if your kidney disease is worsening;
  • back injuries or slipped discs.
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