How long to spin a hoop to lose weight. How long to hula hoop to lose weight quickly

Hoop exercises for weight loss

In order to make your body beautiful, you don’t have to spend all day in the gym. Such a simple device as a hula hoop or hoop will help you practice at home and will be beneficial for weight loss. Fitness trainers advise following the main rule - start gradually with a few minutes a day and continue training daily. If you don't do hoop exercises regularly, all your efforts will be pointless.

Benefits of a hoop

People who have achieved significant results know the benefits of hula hooping. If you decide how much you need to hula hoop to lose weight, your body will receive many benefits from exercise:

  • blood supply in the pelvic area is restored;
  • the respiratory system is trained;
  • the work of the stomach and intestines is stimulated;
  • strengthens the muscles in the abs, hips and waist;
  • improves posture and coordination;
  • the likelihood of stress decreases;
  • cellulite disappears.

In order for classes to be more effective, you need to choose the right type of hoop. There are several varieties that differ in weight, price, and additional options. The most modern useful equipment are produced with electronic heart rate monitors and calorie counters, with spikes that enhance the massage effect. These models differ significantly in cost. However, even the lightest metal hoop can be made heavier by pouring sand into it.

How long to spin a hula hoop to lose weight. How to reduce your waist by 2 centimeters in 2 weeks

B, I’m not particularly a fan of strength sports.

But sport is multifaceted, there are enough varied activities for everyone, today I will start making a selection of other also useful types of sports activities, most of which are available to everyone and which I do (tried to do;) myself.

Let's start with the well-known and affordable waist hoop. It was invented quite a long time ago in the late 50s of the last century by the American Richard Knerr.

Although the “ancestors” of the hoop were known since time immemorial, they were made of wood and used by many peoples during dances.

Later, a type of hoop appeared - the hula hoop, the name of which is due to the Polynesian dance “Hula” (the second part of the word is of American origin “hoop” - hoop).

If you haven’t come across information about the differences between a “just” hoop and a hula hoop, let me explain that this is the same hoop, but only equipped with different “stuff” - it can be collapsible, have massage rollers or a revolution counter.

If you regularly spin a hoop, the benefits for your body and figure will be like this:

- strengthens the abdominal muscles;

- will tone the muscles of the thighs and buttocks;

- will make the contours of the figure more attractive by increasing the difference between the hips and waist and by improving posture;

- stimulates intestinal function;

- normalizes blood circulation;

- will develop the vestibular apparatus;

- strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

- improves the condition of the skin in the “rotation areas”))

If you were wondering how many calories are burned when you spin a hoop, then I will tell you the figure that I found while trying to find out how many calories a hoop burns in 15 minutes.

When twisting it during this time, but only weighted or massaged, you will spend 100 kilocalories, which are equal to a whole (albeit small) Milky Way chocolate bar.

Since there is now a variety of shapes and styles among hoops, I will briefly discuss what they are like to make it easier to choose the most suitable one.

The “ancestor” of hoops can be plastic or aluminum. Weighs about 0.5 kg. Suitable for children and adults, and especially for those who are just starting to practice hoops and are not very good at handling them.

This is the very popular hula hoop. Its inner surface is equipped with tubercles-balls that will help develop the most inaccessible muscles and break down “stagnant” fat deposits.

This hoop can be used for twisting at the waist, as an expander for arms and legs, and for stretching exercises.

If I tried the first two on myself, I have never seen such a soft hoop and I haven’t heard any reviews about it either. Maybe you can share your experience of using it?

Creates additional stress on the waist and hips and will help you become slim faster. A weighted hoop can be either a massage hoop or a regular hoop. The weight of a weighted hoop is 1-2 kg. My home massage “trainer” weighs 1.5 kg.

If you are going to buy one for yourself, then first read about the weighted massage hoop and its contraindications.

How long should you spin the hoop?

Answering the question of how much you need to twist the hoop in order to quickly lose weight on your hips and waist, fitness instructors clarify that even with constant exercise, the effect will depend not only on the time spent, but also on additional measures. With continuous training with hoop rotation, which lasts 45-50 minutes, a person loses about 500 calories, and the reduction in the waist is from 0.2 to 0.5 cm.

After exercise, the body signals the energy spent by increased appetite. In order for the lesson not to be wasted, you need to choose the optimal diet consisting of foods rich in fiber, proteins or slow carbohydrates. It is better to divide training into short time periods, in this case the effectiveness increases.

To remove belly fat

Belly fat is the most difficult to remove; it accumulates in this area gradually, so in addition to hula hoop exercises, you should also include abs and plank exercises. According to reviews from women who have lost weight, regular training for 20 minutes 2-3 times a day with a weighted hoop helps to provide an effective abdominal massage, which stimulates the reduction of fatty tissue.

To lose weight

In order to lose weight by hula hooping, using only this type of sports training, you need to perform the exercises regularly for several months in a row for 40-60 minutes a day. Also, try to reduce the number of calories you eat daily. Having a correct idea of ​​how and how much you need to spin the hoop to lose weight, you can easily achieve the desired result.

For waist

Many women cannot withstand the heavy pace of exercise and prefer to lose weight in easier ways. This is explained by the fact that after the start of training, the load falls on the lateral muscles. In the first days, you may experience unpleasant painful sensations in the waist area. However, this part begins to acquire relief earlier than others. Those who have been persistent and achieved the desired effect claim that to shape your waist you need to hula hoop for 15-20 minutes a day.

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How long to twist the hoop to lose weight, the result was. The effectiveness and benefits of hoops for weight loss

Using a hoop is effective for losing weight and reducing waist size. But everything is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Just spinning a hoop to get rid of extra centimeters will not be enough. You also need to carefully follow some important rules.

First of all, you should forget about common myths:

  • Extra pounds will disappear instantly and effortlessly. In fact, losing weight with a hoop is a long and labor-intensive process, which, however, helps to achieve excellent results.
  • The hoop helps to “break up” fat deposits. Eliminating fat through impact on the body is impossible. Moreover, if such a possibility existed, hoop training would be life-threatening.
  • Simply spinning a hula hoop is enough to lose weight. Hula hoop is more effective for weight loss if used in conjunction with additional workouts and a healthy diet.

The hoop is most effective for those who are just starting to play sports. It helps you get used to feasible physical activity and begin to follow a training regimen.

The effectiveness of using a hoop depends, first of all, on the regularity and frequency of training, as well as the severity of the selected apparatus.

Don't underestimate the benefits for the whole body that you can get from hoop training. Together with a decrease in body volume, they help eliminate the health problems that people who are overweight face:

  • Strengthening the heart. Thanks to aerobic exercise, training has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Spine training. During exercise, the flexibility of the back improves, due to the inclusion of the spinal muscles in the work, and the risk of spinal injuries is reduced. In addition, exercises help correct posture.
  • Massage of the abdomen and internal organs. When practicing with a hoop, a deep massage of important organs, in particular the stomach, is performed. This effect helps improve metabolism and has a beneficial effect on intestinal activity.
  • Increased muscle tone. The impact on the muscles of the abdomen, back and lumbar region helps strengthen and improve their health.
  • Developing good coordination. Hoop exercises help develop the vestibular apparatus and help develop control over your movements.
  • Brain stimulation. By improving blood flow, the performance and activity of the brain increases, which has a positive effect on a person’s mood.
  • Improved sexual activity. There is an improvement in blood flow in the pelvic organs.

What muscles work when twisting a hoop?

During the rotation of the gymnastic circle, the body makes oscillatory movements back and forth. Behind the apparent simplicity of the exercise is the simultaneous work of almost 30 different muscles. The most important muscles are:

  • backs;
  • legs;
  • press;
  • buttocks;
  • hands

If we talk about individual muscle groups, then when twisting a hula hoop, the following are involved:

  • external obliques;
  • chest;
  • abdominal;
  • calf;
  • femoral;
  • gluteal;
  • triceps.

When will the first result be noticeable?

Do not immediately try to hula hoop for an hour - the very next day after such an attempt, you risk experiencing severe muscle pain and will not be able to continue exercising for some time.

Start with a few minutes and gradually increase the duration of your workouts. Exercise daily. And then within a month you will see that you have become slimmer.

You can speed up the process of getting rid of extra pounds with the help of proper nutrition: fractional, without fast carbohydrates. Special cosmetics for weight loss, which are used before or after physical activity, also help.

How to spin a hula hoop for weight loss

You should not only study information about how much you need to spin a hula hoop in order to quickly lose weight, but also read how to choose equipment for exercise, how to perform exercises correctly to achieve quick results. There is no need to follow advice that recommends doing workouts casually while watching TV. It’s better to choose free time for this, when no one will disturb you, turn on your favorite music and start spinning the hula hoop. You can tense and relax your abs, use movements with your arms and legs, then weight loss will happen faster.

Execution technique

Proper body positioning and hoop rotation technique are of great importance. It is better to stand in the center of the room so as not to touch surrounding objects. Take the hula hoop in your hands, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Twist the hoop in any direction, begin to perform oscillatory movements back and forth, helping with your hips. The main thing is to learn to maintain balance. Raise your arms to chest level, extend them parallel to the floor, in front of you, or bend them at the elbows so that they do not touch the projectile. If you put your feet together, the load on the muscles of the buttocks and abs will increase, but the position will be less stable.

Recommendations for those who want to hula hoop and lose weight

First of all, you need to remember one of the important rules - you need to spin the hula hoop on an empty stomach. You should not eat food an hour before classes and for an hour after them. Try to withstand this time, otherwise the effect will not be as good as it could be, and you may well get indigestion.

The intensity of the hoop twist is also important - fats will be burned at high levels. By the way, you can turn on your favorite movie and watch it during class. Or just listen to the music you like.

Hoop exercises

Beginners should start hoop training gradually, increasing the number of exercises, training time and rotation rate every day. Many trainers use the hula hoop not only for twisting at the waist; you can use it to train your legs and arms. A special set of exercises works well:

  1. Take the hoop in your hands, lift it above your head and twist your body.
  2. Use the hula hoop as a jump rope, jumping over it.
  3. Stand with your feet apart and rotate the hoop alternately 50 times left and right.
  4. Bend your knees and rotate from this position.
  5. Lunge while maintaining balance and continuing to perform rotational movements.
  6. While rotating the hoop, perform turns with your upper body and arms.
  7. Move around the room with side steps, twisting the hoop.


For those who haven’t done this for a long time, or have never twirled a hula hoop in their life at all, it is recommended not to start twirling it right away. Most likely, such movements will not lead to results at all and the circle will fall to the floor.

First, you can practice and twist it with your hands. If it doesn’t work out, don’t despair, try again and again. As you gain experience, everything will definitely work out, and you also need to follow certain recommendations.


Before starting any physical activity, it is necessary to warm up the muscles - do a little gymnastics. These can be basic movements that need to be done for 5-10 minutes.

Warm-up may consist of:

  • squats,
  • tilts in different directions.

Getting started with the hoop

The main thing in the torsion technique is to take the correct position:

  1. Feet are placed together.
  2. Back straight.

This way the load will be evenly distributed throughout the body.

Hands - together (locked) behind the head, or spread to the sides. This will help you concentrate as much as possible on your waist.

Rotations are made following the following rules:

  • the chest should be completely still,
  • all rotational movements are made exclusively with the stomach, outlining small circles with it;
  • all movements are made in one direction.

Note! At first, the hoop may leave bruises on the body. To avoid them, it is recommended to tie a terry towel around your waist or wear clothes made of thick fabric.

It is advisable to monitor your rhythm and not make it too fast so as not to get tired. If the hoop begins to move down, you need to try to return it to its place with your movements (starting to accelerate, increase the amplitude).

How many calories are burned by spinning a hula hoop for 30 minutes?

If you spin even a light hula hoop for half an hour, you will be able to burn a significant amount of calories.

An approximate calculation is given in the table:

Weight, kg505560657075808590
Calorie consumption in 30 minutes75829097105112120127135

International studies show that a 30-minute workout with a hula hoop burns more fat than running lightly on a treadmill. Not only do you burn calories, but you also work your obliques, tighten your hips, and improve your posture.

Hula hoop will help you lose weight: myth or truth

To answer the question, it is necessary to consider in detail the impact exerted by the hoop, the rules for performing the exercise with a hula hoop and the energy consumption when performing it.

Rotation of a hula hoop has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • the ability to coordinate movements improves;
  • body control skills are developed;
  • a sense of rhythm is formed;
  • in the place where the effort is applied, the muscles are strengthened, tightening the skin and preventing the development of cellulite;
  • muscle groups of the abdomen and back are worked out;
  • local and general blood and lymph flow improves, helping to reduce the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • Due to the gentle massage effect, intestinal motility improves, preventing constipation and indigestion.

Twisting a hoop will help reduce body fat if:

  1. The hoop is chosen correctly: weighted massage hoops are suitable for weight loss, while soft hoops are used when working on stretching, and light gymnastic hoops are used for a general strengthening effect on the body.
  2. The technique is performed correctly: the hoop should rotate only due to the work of the abdominal muscles. The smaller the distance between the feet, the greater the number of muscles involved in the exercise, because it is also necessary to maintain balance by stretching out in a string. Of course, you should start from the middle position (slightly wider than your shoulders) and gradually reduce the distance.
  3. Proper breathing: it is better to have an open window or in nature; let fresh air pass through your lungs; you should not hold your breath. A large amount of incoming oxygen helps the body burn fat more intensively.
  4. The tempo is chosen correctly: the movements should be dynamic, it is advisable to twist the hoop alternately right and left, changing direction every 3-5 minutes. You can enhance the effect of the hoop by standing on one leg or dancing while spinning it.
  5. The time is chosen correctly: the minimum time for one approach should not be less than 10-15 minutes, two or three approaches per day. The number of approaches can be increased, but the time of one approach should not be reduced.
  6. Proper nutrition is maintained.

What results can you get?

On average, to burn 100 kcal you need to spin the hula hoop intensely for 10 minutes; an exercise at an average pace burns 55-58 kcal (approximately 350 kcal per hour of exercise).

For comparison, in one hour, 170 kcal are lost when walking, up to 400 kcal when cycling, up to 400 kcal, swimming - 400 kcal, running - 490 kcal. Practice and reviews confirm that in one or two months of intense exercise, the waist can decrease by 5-6 cm and 3-4 kg of excess weight will leave the body.

Daily ten-minute rotation of the hoop at an easy or medium pace can remove 1-2 cm from the waist within a month due to the tightening of the muscle corset.

Is twirling a hoop enough to lose weight?

It is not possible to reduce the waist locally only by rotating a hoop: the volume in the waist goes away due to a general decrease in body weight. The feeling of tightness after rotating the hoop occurs due to the redistribution of fluid in the tissues, and for a sustainable result, the exercises should be done daily.

Hula hoop rotation, while not being an independent full-fledged workout, can nevertheless constitute a full-fledged block of it.

When introducing this exercise into a set of measures to reduce excess weight and acquire posture, you should certainly combine hoop rotation with dietary nutrition and loads on all muscle groups: walking, running, fitness. Only in this case will the use of a hoop lead to good results.

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