High Protein Foods - Which foods contain a lot of protein?

Key high-protein foods are meat and fish. They contain up to 25 g of protein per 100 g. A comparable amount is found in dairy products. These also include sports protein (a product of milk processing) - it contains up to 70-80 g of protein per 100 g.

In addition, protein is found in many plant foods - primarily cereals, grains and legumes. Soy is considered the highest protein - and textured soy protein (also called “soy meat”) contains up to 50 g of protein per 100 g.

A complete list of protein products and tables for the absorption of plant and animal protein are in the material below.

// Which foods have a lot of protein?

Most types of meat (from beef and pork to chicken) contain about 25-30 g of protein for every 100 g. Note that this refers to the protein content in raw meat. Although proteins are not lost during the cooking process, frying reduces the weight of the meat.

Next on the list of protein-rich foods are dairy products (about 25-30 g per 100 g), then nuts (about 20 g per 100 g), seeds and various cereals. The highest protein grain is buckwheat - it contains from 10 to 12 g of protein per 100 g (before cooking).

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