Fito Slim Balance weight loss cocktail: real reviews

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One of the most interesting new products for the fight against excess weight is the Fito Slim Balance weight loss cocktail, which you can buy on the official website. Its popularity is increasing every day, because more and more new consumers are experiencing its positive results.

This product is not fast-acting. If you dream of drinking a cocktail, but at the same time continue to eat everything, lead a sedentary lifestyle and do nothing else, then you will not achieve the effect. The weight loss product Fito Slim Balance is not a “magic wand” for the lazy, but a real assistant for those who are serious about improving their figure.

"Miracle Powder"

About two years ago, a new drug appeared on the market for anti-obesity drugs - the Phyto Slim Balance drink, which, according to manufacturers, helps you lose up to 15 kilograms of excess weight in just 1 month.

Fito Slim Balance weight loss cocktail is a powder packaged in a plastic bag with a picture of a glass of white liquid on it. The new product created a sensation almost immediately: enthusiastic responses from consumers began to appear on every review site that the product really worked. But in reality, the reviews turned out to be nothing more than a cunning marketing ploy by the manufacturer - they were simply paid for.

Composition of Phyto Slim Balance

The effect of the product is based on the fact that it fully saturates our body with various beneficial elements, minerals and vitamins. It contains the required amount of carbohydrates and proteins in the right quantities. They allow you to replace one meal with a cocktail and not feel hungry after that.

The vitamins included in the composition improve immunity and general condition, strengthen our body so that it can more easily cope with weight loss.

However, the most important component of the Fito Slim Balance weight loss shake is proteins. They are easily absorbed by the body and help break down fats faster. Thanks to such effective work of proteins, it is possible to burn subcutaneous fat as efficiently as possible.

Losing excess weight is a complex and slow process. The creators of the cocktail took this into account and added dextrose to the composition. This substance helps control the elimination of toxins from the body.

It is worth noting that Phyto Slim Balance does not contain any harmful elements or GMOs; it contains only natural and healthy ingredients. Only with natural ingredients can you achieve success in losing weight.

Maltodextrin is also contained in this cocktail. This difficult-to-pronounce substance helps our body quickly feel full and also provides it with the energy reserves necessary for a person losing weight.

Composition of the product

Fito Slim Balance, according to the manufacturer, is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and healthy carbohydrates. To what extent reality corresponds to reality, the composition of the cocktail will help us understand:

  • Casein. Contained in powder in the form of calcium caseinate. Used by bodybuilders as a means to increase muscle mass. According to some data, consuming complex protein promotes weight loss, but only during intense strength training.
  • Whey protein. According to research results, a more effective protein than casein. It has a tonic effect, reduces stress on the body, and improves immunity. Using whey protein helps fight liver diseases. It contains antioxidants and amino acids, protein accelerates the formation of muscle mass.
  • Vitamins, macro- and microelements. The manufacturer is silent about the content of such beneficial substances in Fito Slim Balance, but in advertising the product does not forget to mention the “usefulness” of the vitamin-containing drug for weight loss.
  • Dextrose, aka glucose. Grape sugar, a carbohydrate that is essential for athletes undergoing heavy physical activity. But it should not be part of a weight loss product, since the recommended time to take the cocktail is in the evening. Everything you consume during this time will be converted into fat on your sides and belly.
  • Maltodextrin. Molasses, found in many confectionery products. In terms of digestibility and calorie content, it is comparable to regular sugar. Consumption of products containing maltodextrin can be dangerous for people with diabetes. People who want to lose weight and do not exercise should completely eliminate this substance from their diet, as it contributes to the gain of extra pounds.

Judging by the composition, the manufacturer simply decided to mix 2 types of protein and 2 types of carbohydrates in order to create a “unique and innovative” product for weight gain, and not for fighting it.


Thanks to natural ingredients, the Fito Slim Balance weight loss cocktail is considered safe. It contains a huge amount of necessary ingredients for energy synthesis. Balanced filling of the mixture allows you to achieve high performance.


  • Whey protein is the main fat burner. Thanks to its ideal formula, it is well absorbed. An effective, powerful substance that burns the bulk of fat. Provides quick, effective impact. Reliably calms the feeling of hunger. Promotes the removal of fatty tissues naturally.
  • Vitamins and minerals have a positive effect on the immune system, significantly strengthening it. Improves overall well-being and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Normalize blood circulation and blood pressure. Fills skin and body tissues with nutrients. Replenish the daily intake of vitamins of all groups.
  • Dextrose - normalizes metabolism. Safely removes toxins and waste from the body. Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from harmful bacteria and parasites that disrupt metabolic processes. Improves overall health and provides a more refreshed appearance.
  • Maltodextrin is an additional energy synthesizer. Guarantees increased activity and performance. The administration of maltodextrin has a positive effect on the life activity of the recipient. Additionally, it eliminates the feeling of hunger when losing weight.
  • Absence of harmful components - no impurities of various GMOs. Does not contain sucrose. Preservatives are excluded from the composition. Safe. Can be used for preventive purposes.

All ingredients together have a multifaceted effect. The process of losing weight is accompanied by: increased activity, increased performance; high-quality cleansing of the body; increasing immunity.

Benefits of Fito Slim Balance

Real product reviews contain information that the cocktail helps to cheer you up and lift your spirits. The drink gives strength, satisfies hunger and, most importantly, is very easy to prepare.

Main advantages (according to product advertising):

  1. Acceptable price.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. Completely natural composition.
  4. High efficiency.
  5. No contraindications or side effects.

The manufacturer kept silent about the last point, not indicating any information about its side effects either on the packaging or in the advertising of the product. But! According to nutritionists, there is not yet a single synthetically developed weight loss product that has no contraindications and does not have a negative effect on the body.

Contraindications for use of Fito Slim Balance

Real reviews of the cocktail say that it provokes weight gain and causes an allergic reaction. According to the above data on the composition of the product, the drink is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people suffering from diabetes of any type;
  • persons with a history of milk protein intolerance;
  • people predisposed to skin diseases, as well as those who experience digestive problems (constipation, increased stomach acidity).

As for the side effects of the drug used as a drink before bed, many note an increase in body weight, increased appetite and cravings for sweets.

How to use it correctly

To prepare a cocktail, you need to dilute 3 tablespoons of the powder with water or freshly squeezed juice, low-fat kefir, milk and mix thoroughly using a blender. You can add low-sugar fruits or berries to taste. It is not recommended to dilute the powder with syrups, jam, powdered juices and nectars, as well as heavy cream, as this will increase the calorie content of the drink.

According to the manufacturer, Fito Slim Balance for weight loss is best taken at night instead of dinner. But many experts recommend drinking a cocktail instead of a morning snack, between breakfast and lunch (or instead of one of the daily meals) and... immediately starting an intense workout.


In order for more people to be able to afford to buy Fito Slim Balance, the original seller introduced a promotional price. According to the official website, the product can be purchased at a 50 percent discount; the offer is limited by time and number of promotional packages. The product is quickly gaining popularity, therefore it is already available in 4 countries (prices are already at a discount):

  • in the Russian Federation - 990 rubles;
  • in Ukraine - 359 hryvnia;
  • in Belarus - 30 Belarusian rubles;
  • in Kyrgyzstan - 1750 Kyrgyz som.

How it works

Once in the body, dextrose and maltodextrin are quickly absorbed, resulting in a surge of energy. The resulting energy must be used up as quickly as possible, otherwise carbohydrates will be converted into new fat deposits, and weight will begin to grow.

After drinking one glass of cocktail, you should immediately engage in physical activity - this will help you burn up the calories faster and avoid the accumulation of fatty tissue under the skin.

Lovers of sweets and fast food are advised to increase their daily exercise and remove junk food from their diet, otherwise the result will not be noticeable. The drink is effective only in combination with other weight loss methods.

Positive reviews

As the advertisement says, the Fito Slim Balance drink will help you lose weight in a short time. Reviews about it are quite contradictory, but most agree on one thing - the product works, but you shouldn’t expect shocking results from it.

As a rule, you can find responses of the following nature:

  • The cocktail helps curb appetite, making it easier to tolerate diets and heavy physical activity.
  • Thanks to the drink, my weight dropped by 5 kg over 4 weeks of constant use of the drink, and my muscles became more prominent.
  • The immune system became stronger and colds began to be avoided.
  • There was a feeling of lightness throughout the body, the mood improved.
  • Nails and hair have become stronger, skin is cleaner - all thanks to the vitamins, proteins and amino acids included in Fito Slim Balance.

Real positive feedback is quite rare; most of them are just a PR stunt for the company selling the product.

How is Fito Slim Balance useful?

Many people who want to lose weight seriously delve into research into the causes of their problem. Most of them already know that excess weight is caused not by fats or proteins, but by carbohydrates. Thus, to achieve the goal, we need to reduce the intake of these substances into our body.

It is important to remember that completely eliminating carbohydrates is not only useless, but also dangerous to health.

Carbohydrates are our sources of energy. Without enough of them in the diet, we will become weak and will not be able to lead a normal life. For this reason, the Fito Slim Balance weight loss cocktail contains carbohydrates, but in a minimal dosage, the one we need for a full life.

Protein cocktail

Other benefits of the cocktail include the following:

  • Restoration of metabolism.
  • Freeing the body from harmful elements and its internal cleansing.
  • Reducing cravings for carbohydrate foods.
  • With accompanying physical activity and proper nutrition, the first results of weight loss will appear within two weeks. The scales will show on average 4-6 kg less.

Negative reviews

In most cases, the negative is associated with improper use of the product or non-compliance with recommended nutritional standards. There have been cases when the use of the cocktail caused sudden weight gain.

Consumers say the following about the drug:

  • After 1 course of taking the drink, the weight increased by several kilograms.
  • A craving for sweets and starchy foods appeared.
  • The next day after using the cocktail, rashes formed on the body and severe itching appeared.
  • The taste and consistency of the product resembles sweet powdered milk; many did not dare to use the drug further.
  • The use of the drink caused a sharp rise in blood sugar levels.
  • At first, the weight decreased slightly, but after stopping the drug it returned and increased.
  • Taking the drug had no effect on excess weight. Some people do not recommend buying the Fito Slim Balance cocktail at all.

Reviews about a drink are a serious help for many people when it comes to purchasing a product. But whether to buy it or not is a purely personal matter. Nevertheless, on the market of beauty and health products there are also higher quality, inexpensive products with a similar effect.

Where can I buy

The popularity of the fat burning product is growing, so scammers have begun to use the name of the product to make money fraudulently. The original mixture cannot be purchased at the pharmacy. It is much easier to sell a fake on the Internet, so you should pay attention to quality certificates and ignore offers from unofficial organizations. You can make a secure purchase on the official website by providing contact information for a call back.

Review of Fito Slim Balance - a unique cocktail for weight loss without debilitating hunger strikes and harm to health. What is Fito Slim Balance The Fito Slim Balance product is not a magic “pill” that instantly relieves a person of extra pounds. Analogues that promise results without effort are likely to harm the body. After all, if with the same image...

Fito Slim Balance - weight loss cocktail

Fito Slim Balance - weight loss cocktail


Galina Pavlovna

Experts' opinion

In advertising of the drug, there is often information that the cocktail has passed all kinds of clinical trials, that it is safe and beneficial for the body, moreover, it is almost a panacea for all diseases and obesity. But is this really so? Did Fito Slim Balance really participate in testing, and did its components do no harm to the body when consumed orally? The clear answer is no.

Of course, the combination of two complex proteins (casein and whey protein) in the drink makes it an excellent way to increase muscle mass and improve the body's protective functions. But consuming carbohydrates, the percentage of which is not indicated on the package, can negatively affect the process of losing excess weight, as well as human health in general.

Most professional nutritionists agree on one thing: to suppress your appetite, one drink will not be enough. It is better to use a combination of vegetables and protein foods (fish, chicken breast, lean beef). Frequent small meals, up to 6 times a day, and light snacks (fruits, dried fruits, nuts, dairy products) help speed up metabolism.

It is worth remembering that if you do not make any changes in your life and do not start watching your diet, then your weight will not decrease. This requires at least minimal physical activity and, of course, a healthy diet. Losing weight is a constant work on yourself, which requires patience and great willpower.

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