Alkaline foods. List, table, indications for cancer, gout, psoriasis. Alkaline diet, recipes

A person can feel young and healthy only when all the conditions are created in his body for the proper flow of metabolic and recovery processes and metabolism. The main indicator of these conditions is the level of acid-base balance. The number 7 on the scale means the optimal pH balance level. Anything below 7 is acidic, anything above is alkaline. To keep the body in good shape, experts strongly recommend following an alkaline diet.

  • Notes
  • List of food items
      Alkaline products
  • Acidic foods
  • Popular Alkaline Products
  • Advice from Dr. I. P. Neumyvakin
  • Acid-base balance and health

    Biochemical processes in the body occur with the participation of water, oxygen and hydrogen. Through the main fluid (blood), oxygen dissolved in water enters the cells. Their lack has a detrimental effect on the functioning of internal organs.

    Blood pH is the only indicator that normally remains at the same level - 7.4 +/- 0.5. When there is an excess of acids in the body, acidosis develops; when alkaline substances accumulate, alkalosis develops. That is why it is vital for organs and systems to develop in a normal environment.

    The slightly alkaline indicator is the same for any person. Exceeding or decreasing the pH level of the blood leads to alkalization or acidification of the body. The consequence of this is the development of diseases and unfavorable symptoms.

    How to determine acidity yourself

    Due to the vague clinical picture, it is difficult to diagnose acidosis in a timely manner. If there are provoking factors, monitoring the pH of internal fluids will help you notice the first changes.

    At home, you can test your urine using test strips. The collection of material is carried out immediately after waking up. Litmus paper soaked in reagents is dipped into the liquid for 2-3 seconds. Results can be read in 5-7 seconds. To do this, check with the tester. The normal range is 7.35-7.45.

    Saliva is also studied according to the described principle. Before collecting material, smoking, brushing your teeth and eating are strictly prohibited. In a healthy person, the pH of saliva is 6.8-7.

    You can also study blood using the express method. A scarifier or medical blade is used to pierce the finger and collect the material in a sterile container. Dip a strip of litmus paper into it for a few minutes, and then read the result.


    The results of rapid tests are not the basis for making a diagnosis. If alarm signals appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    An imbalance of acids and alkalis primarily negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys. Violations can be suspected using a tonometer. It is necessary to measure your pulse and lower pressure in a state of complete rest. The difference is no more than 10 - the body is acidified; numbers greater than 11 indicate an alkaline environment. And if the difference exceeds 20, kidney dysfunction can be suspected.

    It is believed that a whitish or pale pink tint to the inside of the lower eyelid indicates increased acidity. A dark shade of red is evidence of an alkaline imbalance.

    Causes of acid-base imbalance

    Alkaline foods (listed below) are aimed at preventing acidosis - acid-base imbalance. It is characterized by an excess amount of acids and an excess content of hydrogen ions.

    The pathological process is influenced by several factors:

    1. Improperly organized diet. Consumption of processed and refined foods, confectionery, coffee, and carbonated drinks increases the load on the enzyme and lymphatic system. They do not have time to restore pH, which leads to the accumulation of acids, toxins and free radicals.
    2. Excessive medication use. The toxic load due to the use of chemically synthesized substances quickly acidifies the body and worsens the human condition.
    3. Lack of physical activity. Sedentary work, stress and overwork lead to the accumulation of acids.
    4. Non-compliance with drinking regime. The cells must be bathed in water. The less liquid supplied, the lower the pH.

    The acid-base balance is restored by adopting a healthy lifestyle (proper nutrition, drinking regimen, physical activity).

    How to determine acidification in the body

    Increased acidity is indicated by some signs that you can determine yourself.

    These include:

    • pain in the back, joints and muscles;
    • brittleness of hair and nails;
    • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
    • decreased performance, fatigue;
    • dizziness and headaches;
    • dry skin;
    • increased incidence of infectious diseases;
    • hair loss;
    • brittle bones and dental problems;
    • "Orange peel";
    • stroke or heart attack;
    • development of a cancerous tumor.

    A pH below 7.4 indicates increased acidity in the tissues. If one or more symptoms occur, the likelihood of an acid-base imbalance is high. It can also be determined using litmus (indicator) paper. The test is carried out at home using saliva or urine.

    Acidity is measured daily, based on the results of which the average value is calculated:

    • Saliva pH = 7.0 + 0.5 indicates a normal environment in the body. There is no serious cause for concern. In this case, litmus acquires a color from blue to dark blue;
    • pH = 6.0 + 0.5 – favorable conditions for the development of pathologies. The color of the paper varies from green to marsh;
    • pH = 4.0 + 1.5 – high risk of developing chronic diseases. Litmus turns yellow or orange.

    The average urine pH per week should be 6.3-6.8. It is better to carry out the test periodically over 2-3 weeks. A urine pH below 5.5 is a cause for serious concern and consultation with a doctor.

    Signs of acidification of the body (Acidosis)

    When the pH of the blood decreases and, accordingly, the concentration of acids increases, a condition called acidosis develops. It can be of several types:

    • metabolic - acute metabolic disorders due to infectious infection, chronic diseases (diabetes, kidney pathologies);
    • respiratory - a consequence of the loss of the lungs’ ability to remove excess carbon dioxide due to injury, obstruction, or taking certain medications.

    The clinical picture of the first type of acidification of the body is not specific and blurred. Patients complain of constant fatigue against a background of general weakness. At the same time, body weight and bone density decrease. Nails become brittle, skin is dry, and disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are noted. Dysfunctions of the central and peripheral nervous system are manifested by muscle spasms and states of anxiety.

    The symptoms of respiratory acidosis are similar. But there is also a specific sign - breathing slows down and becomes shallow.

    What happens with high acidity

    An increase in acidity deprives cells of oxygen, energy, and the normal course of biochemical processes. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in them, as well as the lack of alkaline minerals leads to acidification in the tissues. An excess of free radicals is formed, the body's defenses are reduced, and pathogenic microorganisms multiply.

    As a result, chronic pathologies develop (arthrosis, osteoporosis, heart and vascular diseases, obesity), including oncology (a pH value of 6 indicates the development of cancer).

    Why are alkaline products recommended?

    Alkaline foods (list later in the article) normalize the ratio of acids and alkalis in the body and restore pH. Eating vegetables, greens and fruits prevents the accumulation of toxins and free radicals, thereby cleansing the body.

    The vitamins, minerals and trace elements they contain have a beneficial effect on the immune system as a whole, lead to improved condition of the skin, hair and nails, and increase performance.

    Salt for the body

    Salt is necessary for the body, but keep to the norm of 6 g (about a teaspoon of salt). Too much salt is harmful and should not be overused.

    It is better to use sea salt, coarsely ground.

    Iodized salt

    Iodized salt supplements the lack of iodine in the body. Thyroid diseases in the country are 70 - 80% due to iodine deficiency in the body. Lack of iodine in the body leads to diseases such as autism, nervous system diseases, mental disorders, etc.

    List of foods with the highest pH values

    Alkaline foods - the list with the highest pH is as follows:

    1. Lemon. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, an alkali is released. It is good to drink water with lemon juice in the morning. When combined with sugar, it, on the contrary, releases acid.
    2. Onions, parsley and other greens. They have a high pH. They contain vitamins and minerals. Removes toxins, increases immunity, strengthens blood vessels.
    3. Root plants (carrots, radishes, rutabaga, beets, horseradish). They have a high pH. Improves intestinal motility.
    4. Celery and cucumber. They are classified as moderately alkaline products and quickly neutralize accumulated acids.
    5. Garlic. Helps not only maintain acid-base balance, but also increase the body's defenses. The product has good antifungal and antibacterial properties.
    6. Cruciferous vegetables (green beans, cabbage, broccoli). Their unique composition contains indoles - natural substances with anti-cancer properties.
    7. Avocado. Normalizes pH in the body, improves immunity.
    8. Wheat and barley sprouts. Contains vitamins, minerals, microelements. They have antifungal and anticancer properties.
    9. Sea vegetables (algae). They are sources of chlorophyll, an alkalizing substance.
    10. Chamomile and green tea. They have a good alkalizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

    The figure shows a list of the 10 most alkaline foods.
    Including the above products in the diet helps normalize pH levels, cleanse and heal the body.

    Foods that increase Ph levels

    Fresh, ripe fruitsStrong alkalizing effect
    Fresh, ripe berriesStrong alkalizing effect
    Fresh vegetablesStrong alkalizing effect
    PrunesStrong alkalizing effect
    DatesStrong alkalizing effect
    RaisinStrong alkalizing effect
    FigsStrong alkalizing effect
    Fresh legumes (peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans, etc.)Medium alkalizing effect
    Some grains (amaranth, wild rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat)Medium alkalizing effect
    Fresh honeyLow alkalizing effect
    Lemon, lemon water (no sugar)Strong alkalizing effect
    Green or ginger teaLow alkalizing effect
    Olive oil, olivesMedium alkalizing effect
    Linseed oil, flaxMedium alkalizing effect

    This is a list of the most popular foods that have an alkalizing effect on the body. But, despite the conflicting information, with regard to the alkaline reaction, there is a consensus only on fresh and ripe fruits, berries and vegetables. Lemon is considered one of the most alkalizing foods, but only if consumed without sugar. Drinking lemon juice or lemon water is one of the fastest ways to increase your body's Ph through nutrition.

    Data on the alkaline and acidic effects of various foods on the body are very conditional. They may be erroneous or inaccurate. Therefore, this information should be verified by your own experience. By regularly consuming a certain product, monitor your condition. A shift in the Ph balance toward an alkaline environment can be determined at home by the length of time you hold your breath while exhaling. Exhale the air from your lungs and hold your breath. If, with the chosen diet, you can gradually increase your breath holding, this means that the diet alkalizes the body. It is believed that the duration of holding the breath during exhalation for more than one minute indicates the predominance of an alkaline environment in the body. Although this is also not the most accurate method.

    Alkaline Ingredients Table

    Alkaline foods (the list is given below) depending on the pH value are divided into highly alkalizing, alkalizing and slightly alkalizing.

    Highly alkalizingAlkalinizingWeakly alkalizing
    Stevia (natural sweetener)Maple syrupHoney
    Lemon, lime, grapefruit, watermelon, papaya, mangoGrapes, melon, kiwi, peach, apple, pears, dates, dried grapesPineapples, oranges, bananas, cherries, olives, persimmons, potatoes
    Leeks, parsley, garlic, spinach, green beans and cabbage, radishesCelery, zucchini, rutabaga, pumpkin, lettuce, beans, cucumbersTomatoes, carrots, cabbage, peas
    AlmondChestnut fruit
    Olive oil, black cumin oilFlax oil
    Germinated barley sproutsMillet, brown rice
    Colostrum, breast milkMilk and cheese (goat), whey
    Lemon water, herbal tea, fresh vegetable juicesGinger drinkGreen tea, freshly squeezed fruit juices


    Most doctors are only in favor of eliminating alcohol, coffee, flour and sugar from the menu. WHO also constantly advocates increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables. No one disputes the positive effects of boiled food, the combination of protein foods with vegetables.

    But not all nutritionists share the opinion that sour foods are harmful and that they provoke diseases. For example, a highly acidic environment is normal for the stomach. Drinking water with the addition of soda in large quantities can change the acidity of gastric juice and cause unpleasant symptoms.

    Doctors urge you to first undergo an examination, and only then significantly adjust your diet.

    In any case, cleansing should be practiced with caution, at first no more than a week for recovery. If you feel worse, stop taking it.

    • Avoid eating after 19:00. After this hour, it is recommended to only drink herbal or ginger tea.
    • Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly, do not rush. Sometimes, it is the habit of eating “convenient” food on the go that forces you to go on a diet in the future.
    • If you still can’t give up alcohol, sugar, or coffee forever, don’t worry. Once a week, as a way to “treat yourself,” you can eat a chocolate bar, drink aromatic coffee or a glass of dry wine.
    • Don't neglect fruits as a dessert or snack.
    • Flaxseed oil is very valuable for the body. Therefore, you can drink a tablespoon of this oil in the morning, on an empty stomach, and season your salads with it. But remember that you can consume no more than 100 g per day.
    • Do not drink liquids during meals, as this impairs the digestion process. The drinks recommended by this diet, water, ginger and herbal tea, should be drunk half an hour before meals and an hour after.
    • Choose products with the most natural composition.

    Alkaline diet

    The alkaline diet is gaining popularity. It is based on the consumption of foods with a high pH. These include dishes made from vegetables, fruits, herbs and other products of plant origin. Their main advantage is acid neutralization.

    They also contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and the immune system as a whole.

    Any product that comes to a person with food releases either an alkali or an acid in the body. The consumption of thermally processed food leads to fermentation and acidification processes. Meat and dairy dishes and baked goods release acid in large quantities.


    Including fresh foods in your diet creates a healthy alkaline environment. Neutralization of acids prevents the leaching of calcium from bones, restores and cleanses the body. The nutritional system is popular because it helps to lose excess weight by forming the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

    An alkaline or alkaline diet helps:

    • prevention of a number of diseases (urolithiasis, osteoporosis, obesity, oncology);
    • improving metabolism;
    • body weight control;
    • maintaining youth, vigor and ability to work;
    • full functioning of all organs and systems;
    • increasing the body's defenses.

    Following an alkaline diet, after 7 days you can notice the following changes:

    • improves complexion and skin tone;
    • intestinal motility is normalized;
    • flatulence is eliminated;
    • efficiency increases;
    • memory, mood and general well-being improves.

    The method of Robert Young, the author of the alkaline diet, is designed for several weeks (3-4). This much time is required to normalize the pH of the blood, as well as remove toxins and waste from the body.


    The alkaline nutrition system implies compliance with certain rules.

    They concern the careful selection of ingredients:

    1. Preference is given to alkaline foods: fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries, low-fat fish, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Cereals (buckwheat, oats, brown rice) are allowed. Olive, sunflower, and linseed oil are used as a dressing. Alkaline food should make up at least 75% of the daily diet.
    2. The restriction applies to acidic foods: meat, milk, eggs, legumes, fish, baked goods, as well as coffee and tea. They make up no more than 25% of the daily diet. In this case, preference is given to lean varieties of meat and fish (veal, chicken, turkey, hake, cod, pollock, flounder). Dishes based on them are consumed no more than 2 times a week.
    3. Completely excluded: alcohol, canned and pickled foods, products based on animal fats.

    The daily menu includes 4-5 meals, meals are fractional. In between meals, drink clean water, herbal tea, and freshly squeezed juice. Sugar is replaced with maple syrup or honey, salt - with natural herbs and spices. The transition to a normal diet after the diet course should be gradual, which will take several days.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The benefits of dietary nutrition allow you to follow the instructions without compromising your health.

    These include:

    • satiety of foods with a small amount of food consumed. A feeling of fullness is achieved by eating foods high in fiber and low in energy value. This allows you to lose excess weight with a minimum of calories;
    • food availability;
    • no strict restrictions when choosing ingredients. It is important to remember the 3:1 ratio in favor of alkaline products;
    • cleansing and healing the body.

    The main rule : you should switch to a diet gradually, giving up smoking and drinking alcohol. The body needs some time to readjust.

    The disadvantage of the diet is:

    • inability to lose weight quickly. Gradual weight loss is one of the main rules of an alkaline diet;
    • the need to reconsider food preferences for sweet and meat lovers;
    • replenishment of calcium reserves by taking a vitamin-mineral complex.

    Improving the health of the body, as well as preventing the development of chronic pathologies, is the main goal of an alkaline diet. Weight loss is a secondary goal. This should be taken into account when choosing a diet.


    Switching to alkaline foods is not for everyone. Children, pregnant and lactating girls, athletes, and manual workers are not recommended to resort to an alkaline diet. These categories of people are characterized by high energy costs, and food restrictions do not have the best effect on replenishing strength and energy.

    Some chronic pathologies are contraindications to following the diet menu:

    • diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage (gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis);
    • low stomach acidity;
    • kidney disease;
    • osteoporosis;
    • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

    If you do not follow the recommendations of specialists, even minor changes in your diet can be harmful to your health.

    Diet stages

    The alkaline diet involves 3 stages. The duration of each of them is 7 days.

    They are distinguished depending on the effect of diet on the body:

    1. Stage one (days 1-7). Characterized by rapid loss of extra pounds. During this time, adaptation occurs, waste and toxins are eliminated. In the first days, you are allowed to eat black bread (in small quantities) and drink coffee (no more than 1 cup per day). Flour and sweet foods are prohibited. Following the recommendations, by the end of the week you will lose up to 5 kg (depending on the initial weight).
    2. Stage two (8-14 days). Slowing weight loss. Cleansing of the body continues and well-being improves. Stomach acidity decreases. Bakery products are completely excluded from the diet; instead of coffee, they drink herbal infusions or green tea.
    3. Third stage (15-21 days). Consolidation of the result. The body is cleansed and restored, the desired pH balance is achieved. Weight loss during this period is about 1 kg.

    In the first days, darkening of the eyes and slight dizziness may occur. The state of health returns to normal by the end of the first week. In case of a sharp deterioration of the condition, the diet should be stopped.

    Sample menu for 7 days

    The detailed menu is designed for a week. Fruits, dried fruits or nuts are used as snacks between main meals. Peanuts and walnuts increase acidity and should be excluded from the diet. Drink drinking water throughout the day.

    MondayWhole grain oatmeal porridge with fruits/berries,
    1 cup of green tea
    Vegetable soup;
    steamed green beans;

    freshly squeezed fruit juice

    Eggplant with cheese, baked in the oven;
    fruit salad
    TuesdayHomemade yogurt;
    crispbread (toast) with jam
    Creamy vegetable soup;
    1 boiled egg
    Fish (baked);
    a fresh vegetable salad;

    Herb tea

    WednesdayBrown rice with vegetables;
    rosehip decoction
    Boiled potatoes;
    stewed cabbage with onions and carrots;

    fresh juice

    Veal (boiled);
    vegetable salad;

    homemade yogurt

    ThursdayBoiled eggs (2 pieces);
    grain bread (1 slice);

    1 grapefruit

    Boiled chicken breast;
    a fresh vegetable salad;

    250 ml. milk

    Vegetable salad with tomato and cheese;
    herbal infusion
    FridayWhole grain oatmeal porridge with dried fruits (prunes/dried apricots);
    toast with honey;

    freshly squeezed fruit juice

    Beetroot soup (holodnik);
    baked mackerel;

    chicory (drink)

    Boiled potatoes with vegetable oil;
    fresh vegetables (cucumber, tomato);

    mint tea

    SaturdayVegetable cutlets (from potatoes and carrots);
    Herb tea
    Cream soup of mushrooms and vegetables;
    Bran bread
    Vegetable cabbage rolls with sour cream;
    rosehip infusion
    SundayCottage cheese with fruits or berries;
    Herb tea
    Vegetable soup;
    Bran bread
    Buckwheat porridge with stewed beef;
    salad of vegetables and sprouted wheat;

    tea with mint and lemon balm

    The menu can be adjusted and compiled independently. The main thing is to take into account the pH of the products, as well as the general rules of an alkaline diet.

    Diet price

    The basis of the alkaline diet is plant products: vegetables and fruits. You will need to eat 500-700 g of vegetables and fruits per day. The average cost of the most affordable set of these products for a week (4-5 kg) will be about 1200-1700 rubles: peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, onions, asparagus, spinach, bananas, apples, avocados, dates, kiwi, raisins , grapefruit, oranges.

    In addition, the menu includes lean meat and fish: you will need to spend about 700-900 rubles a week on these products. Also, it is necessary to consume low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yoghurts and cottage cheese. To buy these products for a week, according to the menu, you will need 150-250 rubles.

    Thus, on average, such a diet for 7 days will cost 2200-3800 rubles.

    Acid-base balance according to I. P. Neumyvakin

    The main recommendations of Professor I.P. Neumyvakin for maintaining acid-base balance are:

    1. Consume the least amount of meat and other acidic foods, the most water and alkaline ingredients. Processed meat products acidify the body, lead to the formation of free radicals, and wash calcium from the bones. This also applies to refined products and confectionery products. According to the professor, it is better to drink water with natural minerals, since running water contains a low pH (5.4). Human cells need to bathe in water. The norm is 1.5 liters per day.
    2. Limiting medications. The professor assures that drugs are a source of profit for pharmaceutical companies and unscrupulous doctors. The lack of natural composition in them, an excess of chemically synthesized substances is the result of acidification of the body, premature aging, and the development of side effects of drugs.
    3. Maintaining an active lifestyle. To achieve acid-base balance, the professor recommends moving more, taking breaks during sedentary work, and playing sports.
    4. Organization of short fasting. To improve your health, drink only water for 2-3 days. During this period, a good alkalizing effect is achieved.
    5. Eating alkaline foods (fruits, vegetables) with peels. It contains all the most valuable things.
    6. Organization of nutrition, as well as smoking cessation for pregnant women. A person is born with a constant pH value. Normally it is 7.1. According to doctors' observations, in 3 out of 10 newborns the acid-base balance is disturbed. This indicates the child’s predisposition to chronic pathologies. According to the professor, the indicator was influenced by the mother’s lifestyle and the quality of her diet.

    Conclusion: for the coordinated functioning of the enzyme system, gastrointestinal organs, as well as the prevention of chronic diseases, you should organize a proper diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, and monitor your drinking regime.

    Tables of acidifying and alkalizing products

    We present you a list of products that acidify and alkalize the body, in the form of tables.

    Fruits and vegetables

    Name Degree of acidification Degree of alkalization

    Ripe banana2
    Date fruit2
    Fresh apple2
    Dried apple2
    Other berries2-4
    Other fruits3
    Banana green2
    Sweet plum2
    Fruits in jam1-3

    Vegetables, greens

    Name Degree of acidification Degree of alkalization

    Green peas2
    Fresh beans3
    Baked beans3
    Dried beans1
    Dry peas2


    Citrus fruits have a low pH, but also a low acid load on the kidneys. Despite their alkalizing effects, oranges, grapefruits and lemons may aggravate heartburn in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. In this case, you need to focus on sensations, and not on the PRAL indicator.

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    Another alkalizing product with an acidic pH. A study on the link between diet and GERD did not find that tomatoes make reflux worse, but the reality may not match what scientists think. Tomato juice, paste and fresh tomatoes can cause heartburn and are generally recommended to be avoided if you have stomach acid problems.

    Excess acidic foods can negatively affect bone density, kidney function, liver function and heart function. But becoming a vegetarian is not an option: health loves balance. A reasonable combination of products with different PRAL indicators will save you: meat should be eaten with vegetables, and porridge with fruits.

    Cereal products

    Name Degree of acidification Degree of alkalization

    White rice2
    Corn flour2
    Wheat flour2
    Rye bread1
    White bread (loaf)2
    Bran bread1
    Oat groats3
    Brown rice1


    Name Degree of acidification Degree of alkalization

    Hard cheese2
    Soft cheese1
    Cottage cheese3
    Soy milk2
    Curdled milk1
    Goat milk1
    Goat cheese1

    Product Compatibility:

    Nuts, eggs, oils

    Name Degree of acidification Degree of alkalization

    Linseed oil2
    Rapeseed oil2
    Olive oil2
    Sunflower oil1
    Egg white4
    Whole egg3

    Meat and seafood

    Name Degree of acidification Degree of alkalization

    Boiled lamb2
    Lamb stew1
    Beef liver3
    Pork lard1

    Drinks and sweets

    Name Degree of acidification Degree of alkalization

    Alcohol (any)4
    Green tea2
    Herb tea3
    Black tea1


    alcoholic, low-alcohol drinks, beer 0000 – Green tea – 00 Ginger tea – 00 Coffee 00 – Lemon water – 000 Sweet carbonated drinks 0000 – Herbal teas – 000 Black tea 0 –

    For a normal healthy person, the proportion of alkalizing and oxidizing foods in the menu should be approximately 50:50, and for a patient 80:20. This ratio achieves the acid-base balance.

    In addition, you need to correctly combine “acidic” and “alkaline” foods:

    Alkaline foods for psoriasis

    Psoriasis is a non-infectious skin pathology that is chronic in nature. To treat and prevent exacerbations of the disease, it is important to follow a properly selected diet, the purpose of which is to maintain acid-base balance.

    A special feature of the diet for psoriasis is compliance with the rules of nutrition:

    1. The daily diet is designed in such a way that 1/3 includes plant-based alkaline foods (fresh fruits and vegetables), 1/3 – protein foods (lean meats, nuts, chicken protein), 1/3 – cereals and dried fruits.
    2. Ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction are excluded from the menu: citrus fruits, honey, tomatoes, strawberries, red peppers.
    3. The diet must include vegetable oils, as well as foods rich in fiber and vitamins A and D. Eating vegetable salads with oil, buckwheat and oatmeal, and beef liver will benefit the skin.
    4. A diet for psoriasis involves cleansing the body. Fasting lasts no more than 2 days. During this period, they drink water; at the end of this period, prepare a salad from root vegetables.

    Within 2 weeks of dietary nutrition, the condition of the skin improves, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, and overall immunity is increased.

    General rules

    The alkaline diet for weight loss is a fairly young nutrition system that is only gaining popularity.
    But this technique already has fans, including famous people: cover beauties Victoria Beckham and Jennifer Aniston use it. Their chiseled figures are the result of this particular nutritional method. The most important goal of this diet is to restore the alkaline balance in the body and reduce its “acidity”, which, over time, becomes the cause of a lot of diseases, a decrease in metabolic , and gradual weight gain.

    Exclusively every product that enters the human body forms either an acid or an alkali. Therefore, it became necessary to assign a category to each product or type of product: alkaline, neutral and acidic. In addition, doctors were obliged to monitor what products of one category or another lead to and how they affect the body. In the course of various studies, it was found that the predominance of alkaline foods in the human diet helps maintain youth and health, and ensure the full functioning of the body. In addition, many researchers say that alkaline foods can prevent and destroy cancer. Thus, the alkaline (aka alkaline) diet .

    The normal hydrogen indicator (pH indicator) for a person is considered to be 7-7.5 units. Increased acidity has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the entire body, is a source of the development of harmful bacteria, rotting processes, and helps to reduce the production of enzymes . In turn, the body tries to cope with increased acidity on its own and retains fluid, slowing down the metabolic process. All this inevitably leads to slagging and weight gain.

    Among other things, in order to neutralize acid, the body uses reserves of trace elements , for example, calcium from bone tissue. In turn, a deficiency of these microelements is created, which leads to a number of diseases.

    The influence of foods on the acid-base balance in the body

    You can easily determine the acid-base balance in the body at home. It is enough to drop saliva onto the litmus paper: with increased acidity, the paper will turn red, and blue - with increased alkalinity. Also, when the body becomes acidic, the following ailments necessarily appear:

    • unhealthy complexion;
    • jumping pressure;
    • muscle pain, body aches;
    • irritability, fatigue;
    • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • weight gain.

    Constant acidification of the body leads to the development of diabetes , the formation of cancerous tumors , and the appearance of stones in the bladder and kidneys .

    In turn, it is very rare for people to have an excess of alkali. Increased alkalinity causes allergic reactions, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, and various skin diseases.

    The real goal of an alkaline diet is to increase the level of alkali in the body, which will reduce acidity. The result of such a diet is not only healthy, high-quality weight loss, but also a change for the better in the health of the appearance of the skin and overall well-being.

    An alkalizing diet requires obligatory adherence to simple rules:

    • The ratio of acidic and alkaline products should be 20 to 80, respectively.
    • You can't eat anything after 7 pm. You can only drink herbal teas.
    • For cooking and seasoning food, you can use only virgin oils: corn, flaxseed, olive . Flaxseed oil is most recommended for an alkaline diet.
    • Fruits and vegetables should only be consumed raw, since when fried, many of them change their characteristics towards acidity.
    • Grains and seafood should be eaten no more than 3 times a week.
    • With this diet, physical activity is required.

    When starting such a diet, it is important to realize that following these rules will help you achieve excellent results. The most popular duration of the alkaline diet is 21 days.

    Every week, every 7 days is a phase during which a certain result appears.

    First phase

    These 7 days are aimed at cleansing the body, transforming the pH level towards alkalinity. This phase is characterized by weight loss of up to 5 kg and the appearance of weakness: dizziness and fatigue are possible. But this is only the first 7 days. Feeling like this indicates that the process of cleansing and restructuring has begun. Here you need to closely monitor your well-being and, if such side effects are unacceptable, you should stop the diet.

    Second phase

    This week is meant to still bring the balance of acid and alkali in the body back to normal. Here your well-being improves, heaviness and discomfort in the stomach disappear, and the weight slowly and gradually disappears.

    Third phase

    The last week of the course is aimed at maintaining and consolidating the achieved balance. Here the weight is still being adjusted, but you feel great, the first external changes in your body are already noticeable.

    Next, you just need to continue this diet if you like it, without changing anything special in the menu. This guarantees you excellent health, desired shape and good mood.

    For cancer

    By consuming alkaline foods, it is possible to adjust the pH, which leads to the destruction of cancer cells and an increase in the activity of lymphocytes. Moreover, it manifests itself at a pH of 7.3 and higher. The use of an alkaline diet promotes the release of diseased cells and the destruction of the fibrous membrane that protects cancerous tissue.

    The basis of alkaline nutrition against cancer is the following recommendations:

    • The consumption of freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and herbs occurs immediately after its preparation. To supply the body with dietary fiber, several whole ingredients are eaten;
    • It is prohibited to take black pepper and other seasonings, soy sauce, cucumber pickle, sauerkraut, and olives. That being said, turmeric, black walnut herb and sheep's sorrel are powerful anti-cancer foods.

    The diet includes parsley, celery, mustard greens, green beans, and spinach. Don't forget about broccoli, cauliflower, green onions, cucumbers, seaweed, sprouted barley, garlic. Beets, carrots, and zucchini are consumed in moderation.

    For gout

    The main recommendations for organizing nutrition for joint inflammation are:

    • complete exclusion from the diet of foods that increase the concentration of uric acid in the blood. These include baked goods, canned food, smoked products, beans, margarine, mushrooms, and sorrel. Alcohol, beer, coffee, and grape-based drinks are prohibited. All of these foods contain purines, a source of uric acid;
    • moderate consumption of beets, cauliflower, asparagus, onions, rhubarb, spinach and celery. The restriction applies to plums, tomato juice and honey;
    • It is allowed to eat porridges made from cereals, citrus fruits, dried fruits, and vegetable salads.

    Drinks for gout include water from natural sources, herbal infusions, green tea, and cucumber juice. Be sure to take fish oil.

    Dishes made from alkaline foods

    Dishes based on alkaline foods are not only healthy, but also satisfying. Their preparation takes a minimum of time. The main thing is to think through the menu in advance and prepare the necessary ingredients.

    First course recipes

    First courses are included in any diet, including alkaline ones.

    1. Broccoli soup is a healthy and satisfying dish. To prepare it, take 500 grams. broccoli, a bunch of celery, 3 potatoes, 1 cup spinach. The ingredients are cut into cubes and sent to cook over low heat. After preparing the soup, the ingredients are ground in a blender until pureed. Season the finished dish to taste.

    2. You can diversify your alkaline menu with almond-carrot soup. First, 120 g is soaked overnight. almonds, in the morning it is washed and passed through a blender with 500 ml of water. The resulting mass is filtered to obtain almond milk. Then proceed to vegetables and herbs. Grind 200 gr. carrots and 40 gr. parsley (dill). A clove of garlic is passed through a press. The resulting mixture is combined with almond milk and blended with a blender. Before eating, the dish is seasoned with herbs, spices and salt to taste.

    Second courses

    Second courses from alkaline products can be prepared according to the following recipes:

    1. Vegetable cutlets with flax seeds. To prepare them you will need 130 g. sweet pepper, 50 gr. carrots, 50 gr. sunflower seeds, 30 grams of almonds and flax seeds. Garlic, vegetable oil, pepper and salt are added to taste. The flaxseed is soaked overnight. Vegetables are cut into strips. Then all the ingredients are placed in a blender and crushed. The mixture is seasoned, mixed and cutlets are formed from it.

    2. Cabbage rolls made from lettuce leaves. Of the products you will need 250 grams. cucumbers, 80 gr. peeled seeds, 80 gr. leeks, 80 gr. salad Sunflower seeds are pre-soaked, then the water is drained and placed in a blender. Add 50 grams to them. green onions. The crushed mass is combined with chopped cucumbers, everything is mixed and salted. The composition is alternately laid out on lettuce leaves, and vegetable cabbage rolls are formed in the form of envelopes. To prevent them from opening, they are tied with the remaining leeks.


    The alkaline diet menu includes dishes made from fresh vegetables and fruits. Nutritious salads are prepared on their basis.

    1. A salad made from fresh cucumbers, sweet peppers and pumpkin seeds is rich in vitamins and microelements. To prepare it you will need 1 medium-sized cucumber, 1 red pepper, parsley (70 gr.), lettuce (70 gr.). The first two ingredients are cut into strips, chopped lettuce and parsley are added to them. The vegetable mixture is combined with ground sesame seeds (30 g) and pumpkin seeds. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The dish is seasoned with olive oil. Salt is added to taste.
    2. Another healthy recipe is green asparagus, arugula and radish salad. The ingredients used are arugula (80 gr.), cucumbers (200 gr.), green asparagus (80 gr.), radishes (130 gr.). The vegetables are chopped and mixed thoroughly. 40 grams are added to them. chopped basil and parsley. The dish is seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil.


    Porridge is a healthy and satisfying product. And if you add vegetables or nuts to it, the nutritional value of the dish only increases.

    1. A delicious recipe is buckwheat with the addition of almonds and vegetables. First soak 60 grams. almonds overnight, and in the morning they are crushed in a blender. Cereals (100 g) are washed and boiled. You will also need parsley (20 gr.), sweet pepper (200 gr.), garlic (1 clove). The greens and pepper are chopped, the garlic is passed through a press. The porridge is combined with almonds, vegetables and herbs. Lemon juice (15 g) and sunflower oil are used as a dressing. Salt is added to taste.

    2. You can also include sprouted wheat porridge with fruit and nut filling in your diet. You will need 150 g of cereals, 250 g of bananas, 100 g of prunes, 50 g of walnut kernels. Bananas and prunes are finely chopped and then ground with wheat in a blender until smooth. The dish is sprinkled with walnuts. If desired, the porridge is decorated with tangerine slices.

    Alkaline nutrition is a properly organized diet that includes foods with a high pH. Cooking and combining dishes from the permitted list is not at all difficult. The main thing is to take into account the recommendations of specialists and monitor any changes in the body on the way to achieving your goal.

    Author: HeLga89

    Prohibited Products

    To most fully understand the principle of dividing foods into acidic and alkaline, it is necessary to find out how certain foods create an acidic environment in the body.

    Carbonic acid, uric acid, lactic acid, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine - this is a list of products that create an acidic environment in the body.

    Foods that increase acidity in the body

    The most acidic foods that you should avoid in your diet are compiled into the following rating:

    • White flour and everything made from it. This is white bread, pasta, baked goods - these products cause the greatest harm to your figure and health.
    • Homogenized milk. Roughly speaking, milk from a pack or bag. Homogenization is the process of milk oxidation. When you consume such milk, your body receives a minimal amount of benefit from it, but the number of free radicals is enormous. Please note that in the table, raw milk is less sour, so you can drink it occasionally.
    • Alcoholic drinks and coffee. Such popular drinks, especially coffee, are a powerful supplier of acid to the body. Therefore, replace your morning cup of coffee with herbal or ginger tea. You can drink alcohol very rarely, considering it is among those allowed 20% of acidic foods.

    Below is a table of acidic foods.

    Strongly acidifyingAcidifyingWeakly acidifying
    Vegetables and legumes
    • half moon beans;
    • potatoes (without peel);
    • rhubarb;
    • variegated beans;
    • white beans.
    • beans;
    • cooked spinach.
    Nuts and seeds
    • pumpkin seeds;
    • sunflower seeds.
    • prunes;
    • cranberry;
    • blueberry.
    • plums;
    • canned fruit juices.
    • beer;
    • soft drinks.
    Oilscorn oil
    Sweets and sweeteners
    • white sugar;
    • Brown sugar.
    • pasta;
    • cookie;
    • wheat;
    • white flour.
    • corn;
    • White rice;
    • oats;
    • rye;
    • buckwheat.
    • sprouted wheat bread;
    • brown rice;
    • spelled
    Eggs and dairy products
    • cheese;
    • ice cream;
    • homogenized milk.
    raw milk
    • cottage cheese;
    • eggs;
    • yogurt;
    • oil;
    • buttermilk.
    Meat, fish, seafood
    • beef;
    • pork;
    • shellfish
    • fish from cold seas;
    • venison.
    Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

    Vegetables and greens

    fried potato2,89,523,4192



    Nuts and dried fruits



    potato chips5,530,053,0520

    Cereals and porridges

    white rice6,70,778,9344

    Flour and pasta

    wheat flour9,21,274,9342

    Bakery products

    sliced ​​loaf7,52,950,9264



    Ice cream

    ice cream3,76,922,1189


    alpen gold milk chocolate5,727,961,4522

    Raw materials and seasonings


    Meat products



    boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
    smoked sausage28,227,50,0360

    Oils and fats


    Alcoholic drinks


    Non-alcoholic drinks

    * data is per 100 g of product

    A considerable part of acidic foods is a valuable source of proteins and calcium, phosphorus, but if abused, it causes acidification of the body. Therefore, its amount should be limited to 20-30%.

    • meat and fish, especially fatty varieties, offal and seafood;
    • dairy products, eggs;
    • candies, sweet pastries made from white flour, wheat bread;
    • corn (vegetable, cereal, vegetable oil);
    • butter, margarine;
    • sugar in any form;
    • walnuts, peanuts;
    • chocolate and any products containing cocoa;
    • vinegar, mayonnaise, soy sauce;
    • black and green tea, coffee;
    • sweet soda, juices with added sugar;
    • beer, strong alcoholic drinks.

    Fast food, canned food, and semi-finished products are also prohibited. For an alkaline diet, it is best to prepare your own meals.

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