Macadamia: benefits and harm for women and men, calorie content, nut composition

Macadamia is considered the most expensive nut in the world. The main reason for the high cost is the labor intensity of processing and collection. Its shell is very hard and it is difficult to remove the kernels. The main supplier is Australia. On this continent, the indigenous people equated the nut with the fruit of the gods, and all thanks to the huge number of beneficial properties.

Chemical composition of macadamia nut

These are the nuts of all. They contain almost all useful microelements: manganese (4 mg), zinc (1 mg), copper, selenium (757 mcg), (3 mcg), iron (3 mg).

The benefit lies in the high content of macroelements - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium.
Vitamin composition: C, E, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9.

What nuts are best to buy and how to store them?

Macadamia nuts can be purchased and eaten raw or roasted. If you're looking for the most nutrients with the least amount of additives, always choose the raw option. You can always roast them at home.

If you want roasted macadamia nuts and are pressed for time, be sure to check the ingredients label. Because many nuts are coated in preservatives, oils, and tons of salt, all of which can reduce their potential health benefits.

If possible, store purchased nuts in their shells. This way they stay fresh longer and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months . Unshelled nuts stay fresh for about 2 weeks and should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, such as your pantry.

If you won't be eating the nuts for the next two to three weeks, it's a good idea to freeze them. Because nuts with a high fat content can go rancid very quickly. And they can be stored frozen for up to 1 year.

Calorie content and nutritional value of nuts

The kernels are saturated with fats and dietary fiber, so their calorie content scares people who count calories. In reality, a person is simply not able to consume 100 g of macadamia at a time.

Calorie calculation for different weights:

  • per 100 g – 717.8 kcal;
  • per 2 g (one nut) – 14.3 kcal;
  • for 100 g butter – 844 kcal;
  • per tablespoon (17 g) – 143 kcal;
  • per tea (5 g) – 42.2 kcal.

In addition to caloric content, nutritional value and dietary fat are important for the diet.

100 g of kernels contain:

  • proteins – 7.9 g;
  • fats – 75.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.2 g.

Be sure to read: Hazelnuts: beneficial properties, calorie content per 100 grams

In addition, the fruits contain 1 g of water, ash, omega-6, 8 g of fiber, 4 g of sugars and 0.2 g of omega-3.

Appearance and taste

A ripe nut has a diameter of 1-2 cm and a flattened shape. The shell is hard and brown. The peeled nut is smooth, milky in color, and slightly shiny. The pulp is fatty and easy to chew.

The taste of macadamia nut is similar to the sweetish taste of butter, without bitterness. The smell is almost undetectable, reminiscent of the aroma of hazelnuts.

The photo below shows what a nut looks like.

Benefits of macadamia nuts

The fruits have a general strengthening property due to the increased content of a complex of vitamins. They are recommended to be included in the diet for vitamin deficiency, after major operations (during the recovery period).

The most valuable effect of consumption is antioxidant.

Nuclei freeze the aging process and reduce the risk of developing benign and malignant tumors. The nut fights depression, restores the functioning of the central nervous system, relieves chronic fatigue, improves mood, muscle tone, and performance.

Macadamia stimulates the immune system, increases the body's ability to fight infection, colds, and parasites.

Nutritionists love the plant for its ability to accelerate metabolism and reduce weight. Despite their high calorie content, nuts are included in the menu for athletes losing weight after winter or before competitions.

For women and men

Certain miraculous qualities of the nut will help maintain women's and men's health, strengthen the body of a pregnant or postpartum girl, and participate in the development of the fetus.

Despite the high cost, doctors actively recommend the product to people with problems in their sex life.

Benefits for womenBenefits for men
  • Normalization of the psycho-emotional state during the period of fertility and menstruation;
  • replenishment of energy balance, increased activity;
  • improving the appearance, condition of the skin, nails, hair, teeth;
  • relieving spasms, migraines;
  • reducing the risk of developing varicose veins
  • Ensuring the normal functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • prolongation of erection, increased potency;
  • acceleration of brain function;
  • removal of toxins (the nut fights hangover syndrome);
  • stroke prevention

For the elderly

Using the nut in the menu of people over 50-60 years of age reduces the risk of heart disease, relieves headaches, increases blood pressure in hypotensive patients, dilating and strengthening blood vessels.

Despite the increased fat content, the product helps to dissolve cholesterol and generally increase the volume of blood cells, which is useful for those suffering from anemia.

Be sure to read: Benefits and harms of cashews: calorie content per 100 grams, methods of consumption

The calcium contained in the fruits is well absorbed and strengthens the bone and cartilage system. Elderly people often suffer from leaching of this microelement, which leads to injuries: fractures of the limbs, resolution of joint tissues.

Macadamia nut for children

Of course, the nut is useful for any age, but it is recommended to introduce it into the diet from 4-5 years old, so as not to overload a child’s fragile body with fats.

Some experts believe that regular consumption of kernel powder will help children avoid and even cure rickets.

In fact, the fruit contains almost all the required amount of microelements for the body. Therefore, delicious pastries, sweets or drinks with macadamia crumbs will benefit children, saturate their bones with calcium, give them energy, and strengthen their nervous system.

How to prepare the tincture

You can prepare the tincture in two ways:

  • sugarless;
  • with sugar.

Sugar-free tincture

You will need:

  • shells of 5-6 nuts;
  • moonshine/1 liter.


  1. Grind the shells with a hammer.
  2. Place in a jar.
  3. Pour the required amount of moonshine.
  4. Leave for 10 days in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight.

After infusion, filter

Tincture with sugar

You will need:

  • sugar/1 tablespoon;
  • shells/160 grams of nuts;
  • moonshine/3 liters.

How to prepare macadamia shell tincture:

  1. Separate the shells from the kernels and chop.
  2. Place in the oven and fry.
  3. Place the roasted powder in a jar.
  4. Add the required amount of sugar and moonshine.
  5. Cover the jar with a lid and place it in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, for ten to fifteen days.
  6. Shake every three days.

The positive effect on the body is expressed by the anti-inflammatory effect. If you have diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, you should not drink the drink.

Useful properties and uses of macadamia oil

This product is a favorite among cosmetologists and technical manufacturers of shower gels, shampoos, and masks.

Macadamia tree oil promotes rapid absorption and hydration, thereby better nourishing the skin and hair follicles.

The nut consists of 80% unsaturated fatty acids, which are also found in the human body, and therefore does not irritate or cause allergic reactions.

Macadamia strengthens nail plates and hair. Under its influence, the hairstyle acquires volume, healthy shine, and silkiness. The resulting protective film prolongs the effect of the oil and protects hairs from damage.

The product is also used to make medicinal cosmetic preparations that cool burn wounds and straighten scars. Another property is the acceleration of blood circulation in the skin capillaries.


Australian nuts are eaten, pressed into oil, and used in practice by doctors, cosmetologists, and chefs.

Macadamia oil is used to treat burns, scars, and dermatitis. Traditional healers recommend nuts to weakened and sick patients.

For dry, sensitive skin, cosmetologists create magical preparations that restore elasticity and firmness to the skin. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, pigmentation fades. Shampoos based on the Australian nut restore damage and strengthen hair follicles.

At home, macadamia oil is used to prepare nourishing, moisturizing masks for the face, hair, and soften the skin of the hands and feet.

Australian macadamia nuts are especially loved by culinary experts. They fry them, cover them with caramel, chocolate, add them to fruit salads, and baked goods. Chefs advise not to use sugar and enjoy the “pure” taste.

Housewives cook meat, seafood, and desserts with the “Australian”. Nuts will turn your morning porridge into an energy breakfast and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. The crushed kernels go well with coffee.

Macadamia nut in cooking for the benefit of the body

In Australian culture, kernels are used to prepare all kinds of traditional dishes: bread, sweets, salads.

But only a true gourmet will appreciate the taste of macadamia; the average person will be disappointed by the overly expensive hazelnut-like nut. In fact, the exotic plant is distinguished by its softness and spice, which cannot always be felt (especially if the kernels are not ripe).

Be sure to read: Sunflower Kozinak: benefits and harms, calorie content, composition, daily intake for weight loss

The most common product is macadamia oil. It is used not only in cosmetology, but also in cooking. Due to their properties to break down fats and remove toxins, they replace harmful salad dressings and frying materials.

An interesting experiment - raw healthy candies.

To prepare them you will need 150 grams of nuts, dates, chia seeds (or any other), 2 tablespoons of cocoa, half a glass of nut butter. The ingredients are ground in a blender, and the resulting mass is rolled into balls and cooled.

Raw healthy candy

The fruits go well with coffee drinks, spicy teas, and hot alcohol (mulled wine, grottoes). Nuts complement the taste of nutmeg wine and champagne; they complement a cheese or fruit plate well.

Usage rate

How much can you eat to get only the benefits of king nuts and not exceed your daily intake?

You should eat no more than 50-60 grams of nuts per day, but if you are overweight, then no more than 20 g, since high calorie content can lead to weight gain. The most useful are raw kernels, but if you dry them in the oven for 4-6 minutes, they will dry out a little and darken.

Macadamia nuts can be eaten as an independent product, but they go well with seafood in salads, or are used in desserts: candies, chocolate or cakes.

There are 18 types of edible nuts in the world, and the macadamia nut is at the top of the nut pedestal. It is not for nothing that macadamia nut is the leader in the content of useful substances, because just 50 g of nuts eaten 2-3 times a week will not only improve your mood, but also improve your body’s health.

Harm and contraindications

Macadamia nuts are high in phosphorus, which is a concern for people with kidney problems . If you have such concerns, consult your doctor or nutritionist before adding macadamias to your diet to prevent any negative side effects.

If you are allergic to other nuts, avoid macadamia nuts. Additionally, if you experience any food allergy symptoms after eating, stop eating these nuts immediately and talk to your doctor.

Always keep macadamia nuts away from your dog as they are toxic . They can cause serious problems such as weakness, vomiting, diarrhea and tremors. If your dog has eaten a nut, you should call your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Macadamia nuts do not appear to have any negative side effects for pregnant women and those with celiac disease . Even if nuts are gluten-free, always check the label to make sure they were not exposed to gluten during processing.

How it grows and why it costs so much

The area of ​​macadamia plantations is increasing. But the amount of product released to the market is still very small. In 2018, only 211,000 tons were grown. By comparison, the world's average production of hazelnuts is about 500,000 tons per year.

Macadamias are difficult to grow:

  1. The plant prefers fertile tropical soil, but well-drained, as excess water is harmful.
  2. The big threats are weeds, parasites and oceanic storm winds that uproot the tree.
  3. The tree begins to bear fruit only from 7-10 years.
  4. The evergreen plant dies in frosts below 10 °C; the optimal temperature for it is 25 °C all year round.
  5. The tree grows from 8 to 15 meters in height, which often makes harvesting the fruit difficult.
  6. It takes 7-8 months for a nut to ripen.

One macadamia tree can bear fruit for more than 100 years.

Macadamia nuts are listed as vulnerable by Australia's EPBC.


There are 4 registered varieties of macadamia trees. Three of them are cultivated in industrial production:

  • macadamia Integrifolia;
  • Macadamia Ternifolia;
  • Macadamia Tetraphylla.

The fourth, macadamia Jansenii, releases substances toxic to humans and grows wild in the forests of Australia.

In subtropical regions, the walnut is planted as an ornamental plant. In a room or greenhouse, the tree will grow no more than 3 meters in height and you should not expect fruit to appear on it.

Processing process

After complex and long cultivation, processing begins in several stages:

  1. The core is hidden under two layers of protection. The first is the green peel, which is “sucked up” by a special machine.
  2. Drying removes 2/3 of the moisture so that the seeds do not germinate.
  3. The second drying is carried out for 10 days at 30°C. The kernel decreases and “moves away” from the shell.
  4. When the nut is heard knocking on the walls of the shell, it is placed in a special apparatus, where a thin blade makes a long cut in the shell.
  5. Then the fruits are sorted.

The complexity of processing nuts and the need for machine cleaning is one of the reasons for the high cost of the product.

Using valuable macadamia shells

The macadamia tree's valuable product is not only the nut, but also its shell. On its basis, it is customary to make medicinal tinctures with alcohol and special rubs for joints. In addition, macadamia shell tincture is used in gardening for spraying. Regular treatment of vegetable crops with a natural remedy allows you to preserve the harvest and say goodbye to annoying pests.

But first you should learn how to properly separate the shell from the nut. The nuts should first be dried in the oven or in a frying pan . For the simplest option, you will need a large stone with a small hole and a smaller stone.

Place a large stone in a stable manner. Next, place the macadamia nut in the small hole - it should be halfway inside. Hit the shell 1-2 times with a second stone until cracks appear, then you should disassemble the shell with your hands and carefully separate the nut.

Important! You should not hit the shell many times - you risk turning the fragile nut into small crumbs.

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