Solving the problem of millions: how to remove fat from a man’s sides

Not only women, but also many men want to get rid of their hated sides. Fat deposits in the waist area do not look aesthetically pleasing and spoil the overall silhouette of the figure. The answer to the question of how to remove sides for a man will usually be complex and will include both dietary restrictions and physical activity.

Do you want to remove your belly? Then this article is for you!

The peculiarity of the male body is that, along with lack of activity, poor diet and excessive passion for beer, the reason for gaining excess weight can be one of its own - a decrease in the level of the male sex hormone testosterone in the body. Due to this, the level of estrogen, a female hormone, increases, which can directly cause the accumulation of adipose tissue. But you can deal with the problem in any case. The main thing is the right set of measures.

Why do men have sides?

Before you figure out how to remove fat from a man’s sides, you need to understand why it appears. First of all, we note that most of us today work in sedentary jobs, and prefer to relax on the sofa watching TV. Lack of physical activity is a very favorable condition for gaining extra pounds. Poor nutrition and overeating are also a direct path to this. Another factor is bad habits and stress , which provoke excessive food consumption and metabolic disorders.

You need to understand that excess deposits around the waist are not only unsightly, but also dangerous. If a man's waist circumference exceeds 88-94 centimeters, this can become a prerequisite for the development of heart and vascular diseases, diabetes and even oncology.

Abdominal fat (concentrated around the waist and sides) is a concentrate of the stress hormone cortisol. Also keep in mind that it may be accompanied by visceral obesity, in which internal organs are covered with fat, and this provokes serious disruptions in the functioning of the body and deterioration of health. Therefore, it is worth taking care of your figure not only for the sake of appearance, but also for the sake of maintaining health.

Why does the figure eight “lie on its side”?

The rudiments of wisdom teeth or eighth molars are present in every person and are formed along with the rest of the teeth during the prenatal development of the child. But, despite this, they erupt at the very last moment, giving way first to the incisors, then to the canines, premolars and other molars. As a result, wisdom teeth begin to fall out in adulthood.

And it is precisely this feature of the development of the last molars that underlies the main reason for the horizontal growth of the wisdom tooth. Since, when they erupt, almost all other teeth are already present in the oral cavity, and the jaw itself is fully formed, quite often there may not be enough space for the correct placement of wisdom teeth. Therefore, the body automatically forms a eruption channel in the direction that is not occupied by anything. In some cases, this leads to the fact that the figure eight, instead of moving in a vertical direction, grows horizontally, injuring gum tissue and even blood vessels along the way.

How to remove sides for a man: the basics of proper nutrition

To remove sides for a man at home, you need to initially adjust your diet. Sticking to strict diets is quite stupid, and not very effective, so the best option is proper, nutritious and balanced nutrition. This is not only a great way to keep fit without putting stress on the body, but also an excellent preventive measure for numerous diseases and health problems.

Proper nutrition is based on the following key factors:

  • You need to eat often and in small portions - 5-6 times a day. This helps improve metabolism, prevent overeating and painful hunger.
  • Portions should be small - 200-300 grams.
  • Drink enough water - at least 1.5-2 liters per day. This helps maintain the normal functioning of the body, saturates the tissues with moisture, and makes it possible to control appetite.
  • Choose the right products. This will be discussed below.

There are foods that actively provoke fat gain in the flank area. These are mainly fatty, fried, sweet, baked goods, smoked foods, pickles, fast food, various sauces, as well as sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol. Those who plan to start fighting for a slim figure are advised to abandon them and replace them with more useful ones. It’s worth building your diet around the following products , which will have an extremely beneficial effect on your figure:

  • lean types of meat, poultry, fish;
  • dairy and fermented milk products with a low fat content;
  • various seafood;
  • chicken eggs;
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • vegetable oils;
  • For sweets, you can eat honey, dried fruits, marshmallows - in moderation.

Pay special attention to healthy complex carbohydrates in your diet. They provide long-lasting energy and help improve endurance. Useful cereals, such as oatmeal and buckwheat, brown rice, wheat bran, which contain a lot of zinc, necessary for the synthesis of the male hormone testosterone. Also useful is grain bread, which is recommended to completely replace white bread.

It is recommended to steam, boil or bake dishes. Vegetables can be eaten stewed. Avoid frying if possible.

By reducing the caloric content of your diet by just 1000 kilocalories per week, you can lose 1-1.5 kg of excess weight, including the belly and sides.

Extraction technique

Attention! Removing a wisdom tooth that lies horizontally is almost always a fairly serious surgical procedure. Due to the fact that most often the roots of such teeth are curved and directed in different directions, plus due to their massiveness, specialists have to additionally cut the gums and remove the tooth almost “piece by piece.”

Because of this, this manipulation is quite traumatic and requires compliance with a special regime after it to avoid postoperative complications. Before the operation begins, local conduction anesthesia is administered, which “turns off” the sensitivity of the area where the tooth will be removed. In this case, the patient is conscious, but does not feel any pain. The patient's awareness during surgery is important for quickly assessing his body's reaction to the manipulations being performed.

After the anesthesia begins to take effect, tooth extraction begins directly. Before removing it, an incision is made in the gum, its soft tissue is separated from the bone tissue, after which the tooth is removed with special instruments and the wound is sutured. The average duration of the operation (without treatment of associated complications) usually takes about 10-15 minutes. If the dentist has to deal with bleeding, the presence of abscesses or purulent bone lesions, then the duration of the manipulations increases significantly.

After the extraction is completed, the patient must be under the supervision of medical personnel for a certain time on an outpatient basis or in a hospital. After the bleeding from the socket of the extracted molar stops, and if the patient is in satisfactory health, the patient is discharged home. A repeat visit to assess the degree of healing of the socket and surrounding tissues is usually scheduled 3-4 days after surgery.

How to remove a man's sides with physical activity

To remove fat from the sides, a man will have to love sports. You can exercise at home or go to the gym – it’s all up to you. Initially, consider the following recommendations:

  • Love cardio exercise. If you specifically want to burn fat, they are even more important for you than strength training. You need to devote them at least 3-4 times a week and practice for at least thirty minutes. You can choose what you like: running, cycling, jumping rope and so on.
  • Don't get carried away with heavy weights. If you devote your training only to strength exercises, your waist may become even wider, although at the expense of muscle mass. Remember that your first task is to burn fat, and only then you need to work on muscles.
  • Include static load in your training . The plank exercise is especially useful for the sides, as it pumps up the abdominal muscles and helps fight fat.
  • Swimming will be useful . By going to the pool at least a couple of times a week, you will soon be able to see your body changing for the better. But don't forget about other types of training.

Simple exercises that can be performed both at home and in the gym will help a man remove his sides. Don't put too much strain on yourself in one approach. It is better to do more sessions, but the number of repetitions in them should be acceptable for you. The optimal break between approaches is 20-30 seconds. Increase the load gradually. For example, you can add one approach every week.

Let's look at the best side exercises for men, which are divided into two groups - with and without weight.

Exercises without additional equipment (they can be performed at home daily).


We have already mentioned this most effective exercise that helps remove fat from the sides of men. It's quite simple to do. You need to take an emphasis lying down, leaning on your feet and palms. Keep your feet together. The elbows should be clearly under the shoulder joints. Do not round or arch your lower back. Stay in this position for as long as you can - this time should be increased regularly. You can alternate between different plank options: side plank, elbow plank, and so on.

Raising the body

Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees. Raise your body, touching your chest to your hips. Repeat as many times as possible.

Body flexion

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, arms should be along your body. Place your palms on the floor. Raise your legs to your shoulders. When lifting, you can bend them a little, but do not spread your knees, but keep them pressed together.


Lie on the floor, hands should be behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Use your legs to perform movements that imitate riding a bicycle. Try to touch your opposite knee with your elbows.

Side exercises for men with additional equipment, which are ideally recommended to be done in the gym under the supervision of a specialist.

Press push with dumbbells

Stand straight, bend your legs. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your elbows and press them toward your torso so that the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Using a push, straighten your legs and arms, twisting your torso to the side. Then return to the starting position and do the same on the other side.

Weighted one-arm plank row

It is done in a special simulator. The V-shaped handle needs to be attached to the lower block of the simulator, stand in a plank position, leaning on your elbows. Take the handle in one hand, pull it towards your hips, straighten it in front of you. Hold this position while tightening your core muscles. The same must be repeated for the other hand. In total, it is recommended to do at least three approaches with at least 5-10 repetitions in each.

Roll-out exercise

Get on your knees, placing them hip-width apart. Take the roller handle in your hands, place your shoulder joints above your hands. Tighten your stomach, push the roller forward and slightly to the right, as far as possible, but without bending your lower back. In this case, you need to keep your arms and legs straight. Return to the starting position and repeat the same. It is recommended to do three sets of ten repetitions in both directions.

Side exercise with dumbbells

You need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bend to the side while bending your opposite arm at the elbow. Do the same for the other side. You can also perform this exercise by straightening your arm completely while bending and moving it behind your head.

Another simple way to remove a man’s sides with exercises is bodyflex , which is available anywhere and anytime. Bodyflex is a type of breathing exercise that does not require much effort, but is very effective. You can start with the simplest option. Stand up straight, exhale slowly through your mouth, then inhale strongly through your nose, inflating your stomach as much as possible. Now exhale actively and sharply through your mouth, inhale. In this case, the stomach should be pulled towards the ribs. Stay in this position for as long as you can, at least ten seconds will be enough to start. Repeat at least three times. To enhance fat burning, you can perform certain exercises, such as twisting or bending, while holding your breath. Bodyflex can also be performed in a lying or sitting position.

Now you know how to remove sides from men. It's not that difficult, you just need to reconsider your lifestyle, include physical activity in it and slightly adjust your diet.

Gynecomastia - symptoms and treatment

Which doctor should I contact for treatment?

Patients with gynecomastia should consult a surgeon experienced in such operations. It is extremely important that the clinic has a license for plastic surgery and a hospital, since a full-fledged operation to correct gynecomastia may require not only the removal of the mammary glands, but also liposuction of the breast area, as well as a lift or plastic surgery.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of gynecomastia is possible only in the early stages of the disease, when the use of estrogen receptor blockers or aromatase can stop the proliferation of glandular tissue. This approach is justified when the cause of gynecomastia is known (hormonal disorders or drug-induced gynecomastia).


If the disease exists for a long time, then its spontaneous regression is impossible, and drug treatment will not be effective, since fibrosis of the mammary glands develops.[21] Therefore, with established gynecomastia, only surgical treatment is possible.

Treatment of gynecomastia stages 1-2

A full-fledged operation to remove gynecomastia consists not only of a mastectomy - the removal of glandular breast tissue, but also of creating an anatomically correct shape of the male breast. Therefore, the surgeon must take into account both medical and aesthetic aspects, as well as listen to the wishes of the patients. Some of them strive to get rid of not only hypertrophied glands, but also to emphasize the lower edge of the pectoralis major muscle. Others want to leave excess fatty tissue, which, in their opinion, visually increases the volume of the pectoral muscles.

The main aesthetic criterion for an adequately performed surgical operation is the absence of areola inversion (“dropping” of the nipple). In foreign medical literature there are descriptions of methods for preserving part of the gland under the areola, which supposedly prevents its retraction. However, this approach is unacceptable, since it sharply increases the chances of developing a relapse of the disease: surgical trauma to the glandular tissue, if preserved, can trigger the process of secondary growth, which will lead to a partial or complete relapse of gynecomastia.

To form a smooth surface and prevent areola inversion, in 2012 we proposed a method for reconstructing fatty tissue. It involves the formation of a fat pad under the areola due to the movement of vascularized fat flaps. This technique is successfully used in men with unexpressed fat tissue, when liposuction is not necessary.

An unnoticeable postoperative scar is an important aesthetic criterion. For this reason, mastectomy should be performed through the areolar approach, and the incision itself should be made along the lower border of the areola strictly along the line of transition of the pigmented skin of the areola into the skin of the anterior chest wall. The length of the incision should not exceed 1/3 of the circumference of the areola to avoid circulatory problems. And although the removal of large mammary glands through mini-areolar access can be a certain technical difficulty, however, as personal experience shows, it is possible to remove glands of any size through the areola without increasing the surgical access.

Surgical approaches along the submammary fold (under the breast), as well as lateral vertical and transareolar approaches that extend beyond the areola should be considered unaesthetic and therefore unacceptable.

Liposuction of the breast area plays an important role in the treatment of gynecomastia. This technique, in combination with mastectomy, gives the best aesthetic results in men with true gynecomastia due to excessive deposition of fatty tissue in the chest area. Like breast removal, liposuction is performed through the areola without the need for separate accesses.

Treatment of gynecomastia stages 3-4. Breast lift

Long-term gynecomastia of large size leads to stretching of the skin and sagging breasts. For this reason, it is impossible to limit yourself to just removing the mammary glands and liposuction; to top it off, breast skin tightening is required.

Paraareolar pexy—tightening the skin around the areola—is necessary for men with grade III gynecomastia. During circular marking surgery, excess skin is excised while preserving the fascia that nourishes the areola. After liposuction and removal of glandular tissue, a padded suture is placed around the outer circumference, which tightens the skin around the areola. This technique allows you to achieve a good aesthetic result, since the postoperative scar turns into a pale texture along the border of the areola.

Amputation breast surgery with free transplantation of the nipple-areolar complex is a standard treatment method for stage IV gynecomastia with severe breast ptosis. The technique involves excision of a complex of tissues (gland/subcutaneous tissue/skin) to form a long linear scar on the anterior chest wall from the sternum to the mid-axillary line. The areola itself is transplanted above the linear scar to an area of ​​de-epidermalized skin.

Lateral mastectomy (lateral breast lift) is our original patented technique that avoids amputation of breast surgery in cases of severe ptosis.[24] The operation combines the benefits of an areola lift with elements of amputation surgery, where a linear scar is formed from the side of the areola to the midaxillary line. The advantage of the technique is the absence of a scar on the anterior chest wall.

Treatment of gynecomastia in adolescents

Gynecomastia in adolescents usually resolves spontaneously, so in most cases no specific treatment is required.

Non-drug treatment. Folk remedies

Honey compresses, fish oil, herbal remedies and other popular methods of traditional medicine are not effective in the treatment of gynecomastia.

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