Diet for Libra, according to zodiac sign, or how to find balance in eating?

The zodiac sign Libra belongs to the element of air. People belonging to this sign are distinguished by their subtlety of mind, high emotionality and simple character. Consequently, their nervous system is highly demanding of attention. Serious illnesses can occur due to stress.

Besides the nervous system, the liver and spleen are also weak points, so they need to be careful about their health. In order to adhere to proper nutrition, there is a special diet.

Features of dietary nutrition for the sign Libra

The weight of representatives of the zodiac sign Libra often fluctuates. It does not change for a long time only when the body is not subjected to any stress and life proceeds peacefully and stably.

If something turbulent is happening in your life, then be prepared for the fact that your weight will fluctuate from extreme exhaustion to extreme obesity.

The patron planet of this sign is Venus, which has been considered a symbol of beauty and harmony since ancient times. That is why it is important for you, as representatives of Libra, to feel pleasure when looking at yourself in the mirror.

The desire to be slim and attractive is an internal and necessary need. Realizing that you don't look the way you would like can drive you into deep depression.

This factor is an excellent motivation for creating an ideal body and for losing weight.

Proper nutrition for Libra

Libra (24.09-23.10) are under the patronage of the sophisticated Venus, which gave them a complacent worldview and the desire to create a harmonious balance in the world around them. When the balance is disturbed, Libra begins to experience severe stress and invariably gets sick.

Libra character

Libras do not fight from a position of brute force, but using disarming logic coupled with cunning tricks, which is more preferable for them. If problems and difficulties arise along the way, then easy-going and peace-loving representatives of this sign prefer to rely on existing profitable acquaintances or old friends to overcome them, instead of entering into open confrontation. Libras always charm with their communication. Due to their natural inclination, they spend most of their time in a romantic mood; Libra strives to help those who suffer and comfort those around them. They do not get involved in quarrels and avoid conflicts. Libras undoubtedly have several very close friends to whom they are really attached, and some of their loves live a long life, but sometimes their attitude can be too frivolous, and simple goodwill on their part does not mean that they are really interested in you. Also, sometimes the desire to smooth out the situation does not hide true concern for the other person, but only a natural tendency to maintain harmony in life. And the point here is not only in the influence of sensual Venus, this tendency is also supported by the patronage of the air element. Tense situations are poorly tolerated by Libra. Excessive work and physical stress can break their spirit. The worst effects are loneliness and poverty, as well as denigration of honor or loss of pride; such trials sometimes completely deprive Libra of the desire for life. For their peace of mind, external beauty and the shine of luxury around them are simply necessary, and even better - the warm rays of fame and social approval. Although Libras are born with a pronounced creative potential, they themselves are rarely ready to admit their unique talent. For this reason, they become famous only if loved ones or relatives push them to present their gift to the judgment of others. Libras feel grateful to others for this and highly value cooperation with other people. Representatives of this sign are characterized by a certain snobbery. Despite all their benevolence, Libra still strives to adhere to the framework of their chosen social circle. They also do not understand and do not encourage rudeness on the part of their interlocutor, even as humor.

Proper nutrition

Libra's sensual nature makes them prone to problems with the central nervous system. In addition, Libra is prone to diseases of the digestive system, inflammation of the mucous membranes and dislocation of joints. Digestive problems clearly and negatively affect the appearance of the skin. So in their diet they should adhere to the following direction: food should not overload the pancreas, liver or kidneys; excluding or reducing to a minimum sweet and fatty foods in the diet is the best solution. However, this is not at all easy for Libra gourmets; they love to eat delicious food, and entertaining guests is their favorite way to brighten up the weekend. At such meetings, they put on the table various sweets or cleverly prepared meat dishes, which have an amazing taste, but are too fatty for the pancreas. Such food breaks a hole in the immunity of Libra, who is prone to catching infections; this is especially dangerous for women, who may often develop diseases of the renal pelvis.

But not everything is so bad, you just need to adhere to these basic principles: 1. You need to include a variety of diuretic drinks, which will also help a weakened body get rid of toxins. 2. Instead of fatty foods, you can switch to pasta seasoned with herbs. 3. All smoked meats, as well as milk, should be excluded from the diet. 4. It is necessary to monitor the maintenance of vitamins A and E, as well as the amount of copper in the body. You can drink beer with the addition of feijoa. 5. Milk is bad for Libra, but fermented milk products are already beneficial. 6. Let cereals and vegetables with fruits make up at least half of the nutritious diet. 7. Potassium phosphate and sodium phosphate are the salts that will give Libra energy. There are many of them in nuts, strawberries and millet.

Scales and food

By temperament, Libras are calm sanguine people. They are characterized by such traits as curiosity, attention to people, gentleness of character, and a desire for balance.

They prefer to be in search of harmony not only for themselves, but nutrition also plays an important role. Libra's appetite directly depends on their mood. They love cozy evenings, with a beautifully set table.

Their food will not be extravagant; it will be simple and at the same time piquant, tasty and healthy.

Diet for Libra: essence and features ^

Libras are characterized by an analytical mind, a love of comparison and choosing the best, as well as self-doubt. They tend to constantly rush between different options for solving a problem, as a result of which they often simply let everything go with the flow. Meanwhile, representatives of this sign are endowed with charm and charisma, and are able to find a common language with almost any person.

  • When it comes to food, Libras usually prefer spicy and meat dishes, but they also have a sweet tooth. By nature, in most cases, they have an athletic build and wide bones, which causes them discomfort, which is why they constantly go on diets and often visit fitness centers almost every day.
  • The kidneys are considered the most “problematic” organ in Libra’s body: they usually suffer due to rare changes in diet and huge amounts of coffee, which airy people love very much and can drink liters of it.
  • To improve health and lose weight, Libra just needs to remove harmful foods from their diet and include healthy foods in it, because to achieve slimness it is not at all necessary to adhere to strict nutritional systems.

What is harmful for Veov

Ironically, the most unhealthy foods for Libras are the ones they love most:

  • Marinades, pickles;
  • Nuts and chips;
  • Coffee;
  • Smoked meats, sausages;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Fatty and spicy cheeses;
  • Fresh milk.

Libra is usually indifferent to sweets, but people on a diet should also strictly limit their consumption of sweets.

Recommended Foods

It is recommended that Libras make up their diet from foods that benefit them:

  • White fish;
  • White lean poultry;
  • Veal;
  • Eggs;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Vegetables: sweet peppers, tomatoes, beets, red cabbage;
  • All berries;
  • Legumes, wheat germ;
  • Pasta from durum wheat;
  • Cereal porridge.

In general, the ideal way to lose weight for Libra is through proper nutrition coupled with exercise: this approach can improve their health and achieve an ideal figure at the same time.

How to lose weight for Libra?

The most effective diet is a balanced diet of natural foods. Eating food with a low glycemic index will allow Libra not only to lose excess weight, but also to cleanse the body.

This method will help normalize the level of insulin in the blood. It is very important to eat food at the same time 5-6 times in small portions. It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition during the holidays or while visiting guests.

Breakdowns in the form of fatty foods and high-calorie sandwiches can have a bad effect on the body for the Libra sign.

Nutrition for women 40+. Preserving health and beauty

June 4, 2021

After 40-45 years, a woman enters a new stage of life. The body begins a gradual transition from puberty to the extinction of the generative (menstrual and hormonal) function of the ovaries. It goes differently for every woman. Nutrition during this period should provide the body with all the necessary substances. In addition, a nutritious diet plays an important role in maintaining optimal body weight, while excess weight can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Nutrition principles for women's health and beauty:

1. Include
“feminine” foods in the menu -
whole grains, legumes, fruits and berries, vegetables.
These are sources of phytoestrogens, which in their structure resemble the hormone estradiol, the most active form of estrogen. 5 servings of foods with phytoestrogens daily help reduce the symptoms of menopause. In addition,
vegetables, fruits and berries are necessary for the good functioning of the digestive system. The daily norm is at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits (berries) per day, excluding potatoes.

2. Choose lean meats

, they are a source of complete protein necessary for the construction of body cells and the normal course of all physiological processes.

3. Introduce dairy products into your diet.

This is the best source of easily digestible calcium, the main building material of bone tissue. After 40 years of age, bone loss occurs faster than its recovery. It is important that you get enough calcium from your diet.

4. Give preference to fatty varieties of fish.

Eating fatty fish is necessary to prevent osteoporosis and strengthen the cardiovascular system, as it is rich in vitamin D and polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3).

5. Control the quantity and quality of fat in your diet.

Limit the consumption of confectionery products and foods high in fat (sausages, hot dogs, processed foods).
Useful sources of fatty acids are
unrefined vegetable oils, nuts, and flaxseed. They contain vitamin E, which is important for the good functioning of the reproductive and other endocrine glands.

6. Consume tea and coffee wisely.

Uncontrolled consumption of these drinks, even in the absence of diseases, can cause unwanted neurovegetative disorders - increased blood pressure, tachycardia, hot flashes.


Reduce your sugar intake to
25-35 grams of sugar per day!
This is 3 teaspoons of jam, 6 teaspoons of sugar or 3 teaspoons of honey.

8. Limit your consumption of table salt.

Physiological changes during menopause can lead to water retention in the body, which leads to edema and hypertension. The norm is no more than 4-5 g. salt per day, including salt in all prepared foods.

9. Remember about water!

With age, the body loses 10–15% of fluid, which can cause constipation and drowsiness. The required amount of water per day depends on body weight, human activity, working conditions and time of year. Excess water in the body is just as undesirable as its deficiency.

10. Distribute calories evenly among meals per day:

breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2-3 snacks in between. This diet will eliminate large portions of food and help normalize weight.

The energy supplied from food must be completely expended through basal metabolism and physical activity. Diet changes should be “tasty.” Everything that does not bring pleasure will sooner or later be stopped.

Thus, nutritious nutrition plays a key role in maintaining beauty and health, and also contributes to the excellent well-being of a woman during this important period of life.

Photo by author: Daria Shevtsova: Pexels

Photo by Sarah Chai: Pexels


  • Nutrition
  • Women Health

2 comments • To leave a comment you must be an authorized user

  • Momotta Thank you. In general, the body is already beginning to prepare for menopause. The diet should first of all be balanced and eat less sweets. When it all started, Ladys formula menopause enhanced formula began to take. This is a multicomponent drug containing vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts. The hormonal levels are normal, the bones are strong, and the appearance has improved, there are fewer wrinkles, components and collagen production increase.
  • Angelokk Don't forget about your immunity. Now there is such a terrible virus, they say category 40 is the most vulnerable. I take fruttilar lozenges three times a year for immunity, these are jelly berries with currant flavor. Contains elderberry, vitamins, zinc. I also eat salads and drink teas, especially those with raspberries and honey.

Proper nutrition for Libra women

Representatives of the fairer sex adhere more strictly to diet restrictions. For Libra women, it is important to look beautiful and feel confident.

Libra will benefit from fish and vegetable dishes, meat, cereals, eggs, dairy products and pasta. It is important to use foods high in vitamin E - cereals, vegetable oils, lean meats and poultry. Vegetables that will be useful are beets, radishes, zucchini, pumpkin, and asparagus.

Fruits include apples, pears, peaches and grapes. In order to improve the composition of the blood, people according to the Libra horoscope need to consume foods containing copper - cucumbers, currants, cranberries, strawberries.

It is worth limiting the consumption of salted, smoked, fried and fatty foods. Do not consume citrus fruits, flour and confectionery products, or alcohol.

Libra: healthy eating rules

Libras are prone to some health problems in the central nervous system and everything in the head. Also, Libra’s “weak points” are joints, mucous membranes, lymphatic and digestive systems . And, most importantly, Libra often has problems with the kidneys and pancreas . Disorder of excretory functions affects the condition of the skin.

Therefore, the main nutrition strategy for Libra is not to overload the kidneys, liver and pancreas , especially with fatty and sweet foods. And this is not at all easy, because Libra likes duck with apples, kebab with red cabbage, beef stewed with prunes and seasoned with herbs. They also love to receive guests by putting a variety of sweets and cocktails on the table, which they willingly consume. All this reduces Libra’s resistance to infections, which often nest in the renal pelvis and urinary tract, especially in women.

1. Diuretic drinks will help the trouble - for example, from juniper and mint, which activate the removal of toxins. 2. Libra is recommended for flour and pasta, dishes with low salt content, seasoned with aromatic herbs. 3. But raw smoked meats, dried fish, margarine and milk are not recommended. 4. Libra's food should be rich in vitamins A and E, copper and iodine. One of the best, albeit original, combinations is beer and feijoa. 5 Fermented milk products also have a beneficial effect on Libra. 6. The menu requires a sufficient amount of bread, rice, fresh and boiled vegetables; plums, peaches, and apricots are very healthy. 7. Strengthening veins requires a lot of vitamin E, the best sources of which are sprouted grains, malt, alfalfa, and unrefined vegetable oil. 8. To cleanse the blood, copper is required, which is found in cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, beets, black currants, strawberries, cranberries, and quinoa. It is advisable, on the advice of a doctor, to select mineral water and drink it daily on an empty stomach. 9. Energy salts of Libra - potassium and sodium phosphates: nuts, buckwheat, millet, strawberries, wild strawberries.

Nutrition for Libra men

Men are philosophical about diet. The pants don't fit, which means it's time to buy new ones. They begin to think about proper nutrition only when it comes to health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to support him and help him prepare his daily diet.

For Libra men, protein intake is important, so it is difficult for them to refuse meat, especially fatty and fried meat. Some specific foods can be limited gradually and then replaced with others. For example, beans are also rich in protein content and can be consumed instead of meat. Many men have a sweet tooth no less than women.

Therefore, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sugar, cakes and cakes. They can be replaced with dark chocolate, honey or candied fruits. Like sugar, flour products and wheat bread contain fast carbohydrates, which are definitely contraindicated during a diet.

They can be replaced with bran bread, whole grain bread or crispbread, although men prefer to avoid the latter. The enemy of athletic forms is mayonnaise and fast food. Mayonnaise can be replaced with soy sauce or yogurt-based sauces.

Harmful hamburgers are replaced with hot sandwiches made from the same whole grain bread. And of course, a man’s best friend is cool beer, it’s best to exclude that too.

There is no need to torture yourself with fasting and the “don’t eat after six” rules. It is enough to choose the right and healthy foods, drink more water and eat small portions. Then the result will not keep you waiting long.

Harmful foods for Libra

Exhausted by the race to lose weight/remove excess fluid from the body, Libra is a typical patient of a nephrologist. It is the kidneys that most often suffer from dietary activity aimed at “shedding” a large number of kilograms in a short time.

Representatives of this sign also often adore pickled vegetables, pickled cucumbers and other crunchy snack foods. Chips and nuts also really appeal to Libra, but they are not recommended to eat all this, at least not in large quantities. You shouldn’t drink liters of coffee, either regular or “for weight loss.” Large quantities of this drink contribute to kidney overload and subsequent health problems.

It is recommended to exclude completely salted fish, smoked meats, various sausages and deli meat products. Often it is because of such food that you experience swelling.

Traditional dishes such as sandwiches with sausage, salads with sliced ​​meat and fish and mayonnaise, as well as sharp and fatty cheeses are also not recommended for Libra.

Vinegar salad dressings are also not suitable for Libra; fresh milk can be harmful. Some astrologers believe that representatives of this sign should give up all citrus fruits and dressings with lemon juice.

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