How many grams are in a milliliter? Tables of measures and weights of products

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  • How many grams are in a glass?

The dosage of bulk and solid products is indicated in grams or measured with spoons or glasses.

It is believed that a real housewife can measure the dosage of food “by eye”, but not everyone can do this and it is not worth the risk, as you could ruin the dish.

How can you measure the weight of food?

  • scales
  • steelyard
  • measuring cup
  • measuring spoon (jug) with electronic scales
  • teaspoon
  • tablespoon
  • faceted glass
  • thin-walled glass
  • a special set of measuring spoons (you can even buy them at Fix Price)

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Also, in connection with the above problem of “different dishes”, at the beginning I would like to give general rules for measuring products.

Chemical composition of almonds

Almond kernels are one of the richest sources of nutrients and phytochemicals that are essential for maintaining human health.

Almonds are a source of vitamin E (25 mg per 100 g of nuts). 100 g of nut kernels contain an impressive amount of minerals:

  • manganese (Mn) - 2.285 mg;
  • potassium (K) -733 mg;
  • magnesium (Mg) - 270 mg;
  • calcium (Ca)—269 mg;
  • iron (Fe) - 3.71 mg;
  • zinc (Zn) - 3.12 mg;
  • selenium (Se)—2.5 mcg.

Almonds are a source of powerful antioxidants, most of which are concentrated in the outer brown layer of the nut.

Nut kernels contain a lot of B vitamins . Namely:

  • riboflavin - necessary for the functioning of the nervous and cardiac systems, helping to reduce eye fatigue, etc.;
  • niacin (vitamin B3) - responsible for lowering cholesterol;
  • thiamine (vitamin B1) - important for the growth and development of children;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - ensures the body's resistance to stress;
  • vitamin (B6) - performs the function of protecting the body.

Rules for using home weights

  • Fill the glasses with liquid to the very brim
  • Typically, in cooking, two types of glasses are used for measuring: faceted (200 ml) and thin-walled (250 ml)
  • Apply viscous and thick mixtures, for example, honey, jam, with a spoon, so that there are no free cavities left. For the same reason, we spoon the flour rather than pour it from a bag, otherwise cavities will form in the glass
  • One more nuance about flour - do not weigh it after sifting, it will be much lighter
  • Pour bulk products heaped
  • Watch the quality of the products, raw salt and sugar will be much heavier, but expired sour cream is lighter

Weight of a glass of kefir and sour cream

This fermented milk product is highly valued in cooking: it can become the basis for tasty and healthy sauces, gravy and dough. Also, kefir will be a complete and healthy afternoon snack or dinner for those who strive for an ideal figure. In any case, a glass of kefir, how much it will be in grams, is information that will be useful to different groups of people. Due to its high density, kefir, like milk and water, will take up the entire container. This means that a 200 ml faceted and plastic cup will contain 200 grams of kefir, and a 250 ml cup will contain 250 grams.

A glass of sour cream, how many grams does it weigh? The answer to this question is also of interest to culinary enthusiasts. This product is used to prepare delicious pastries and other desserts, aromatic sauces and gravy. There is 210 g of sour cream in a faceted glass, and 250 g in a thin-walled tea glass.

How many grams in a teaspoon

1 teaspoonProduct typeSpoon without slideHeaped spoon
1 teaspoonflour9 grams12 grams
1 teaspoonsugar5 grams8 grams
1 teaspoonpowdered sugar10 grams13 grams
1 teaspoonfine salt7 grams10 grams
1 teaspoonsoda7 grams10 grams
1 teaspoonrice5 grams8 grams
1 teaspooncoffee4 grams7 grams
1 teaspoonhoney10 grams12 grams
1 teaspoondry yeast)2.5 grams3 grams
1 teaspooncocoa6 grams9 grams
1 teaspooncinnamon5 grams8 grams
1 teaspoongelatin (granules)5 grams8 grams
1 teaspooncitric acid5 grams8 grams
1 teaspoonwater5 grams
1 teaspoonvinegar5 grams
1 teaspoonmilk5 grams
1 teaspoonvegetable oil5 grams

Average weight of one grain

Like all fruits, nuts or grains in nature, peanut kernels vary in size. First of all, the dimensions are determined by which of the 5 main varieties we are talking about. Therefore, we can only talk about the range in which most of them fall. The weight of 1 piece after cleaning ranges from 0.3 g to 0.5 g.

The largest variety is considered to be “Virginia”. It is most often eaten whole. Valencia and Spanish have the smallest kernels. They are used mainly for making pasta. Moreover, in each of the 5 main varieties there are subspecies, which also differ in caliber and how much one peanut weighs.

How many grams in a glass

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of glasses, but in cooking, as a rule, a faceted glass is taken as the basis, so the grams of the faceted glass will be indicated in the table below

1 faceted glassProduct typeGrams
1 glasswater200 grams
1 glassvegetable oil180 grams
1 glassghee190 grams
1 glasscream210 grams
1 glassflour130 grams
1 glassSahara190 grams
1 glasssalt200 grams
1 glassrice190 grams
1 glasshoney280 grams

How much does the average daily weight weigh?

In order not to worry about the extra pounds gained, nuts should be consumed in moderation, as this product is high in calories. Nutritionists advise limiting intake to 20-25 pieces per day. A handful of ripe nuts is enough to stay slim. If a person losing weight is engaged in mental work or sports, then he is allowed to eat the maximum amount of almonds (25 pieces) every day.

Taking into account the fact that it is recommended to consume 20-25 whole kernels per day, we can calculate that the average daily dose of almonds for an adult is 30 g. This norm is 182 kcal and contains:

  • 6 g proteins;
  • 5 g carbohydrates;
  • 17 g fat;
  • 4 g fiber;
  • 1.5 g sugar.

Regular consumption of almond fruit reduces the levels of two biomarkers of oxidative processes. Taking 30 grams daily reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. Inhibits oxidative processes in the body's cells, which provoke aging. Acts as a fat burner.

Many are skeptical, citing the large number of calories in the product. But the fact is that some of the fats are excreted unchanged, i.e. does not split and is not absorbed. Therefore, the weight loss effect of taking almonds is very noticeable.

It is better to divide the daily dose into 2-3 doses. Before this, the kernels must be peeled and eaten whole, without any additives.

Measuring tables for various products

Measuring table of bulk products

Product nameFaceted glass - 200 ml (g)Thin glass - 250 ml (g)Table spoonteaspoon
Wheat flour1301602010
Pearl barley200230236
Millet groats190225205
Jan cereal190225205
Corn grits145180206
Oatmeal (Hercules)7090123
Lemon acid2503003010
Baking powder————————155
Powdered sugar140190248
Fine salt3204003010
Granulated sugar (sugar)160200257

Measuring table for liquid and paste products

Product nameFaceted glass - 200 mlThin glass - 250 mlTable spoonteaspoon
Kefir, fermented baked milk250————186
Vegetable oil————————175
Sour cream2102602510
Condensed milk————————3012
Creamy melted butter————————258
Soy sauce230————217
Tomato paste————————3010
Table vinegar200250155

How many milliliters of liquid are in a spoon or glass?

  • How many ml in a tablespoon? 15 ml in a tablespoon = 3 teaspoons
  • How many ml in a teaspoon? 5 ml in a teaspoon
  • How many ml are in a dessert spoon? In a dessert spoon 10 ml = 2 teaspoons
  • How many ml are in a faceted glass? In a faceted glass 200 ml
  • How many ml are in a tea (thin) glass? 250 ml in a tea glass

Measuring table of berries, fruits, dried fruits

Product nameFaceted glass - 200 mlThin glass - 250 mlTable spoonteaspoon
Pine nut110140104
Sunflower seeds135170258
Black currant125155258
Red currants1401753010
Pumpkin seeds95125207
Fresh blueberries16020035———
Dried blueberries11013015———-
Dried rose hips———-———207

Measuring weight table for vegetables and other products

Product nameWeight of 1 product in grams
White cabbagefrom 1500
Potatoes (medium size)100
Onion (medium size)75
Carrots (medium)75
Cucumber (medium)100
Egg C055-60
Egg C150-55
Egg C240-45
Egg yolk20
Egg white30

What determines the weight of the bulk component?

Information on the Internet is very diverse.
According to some sources, the dining room holds 20-25 grams, counting flush with the edges and with a slide, according to others - 10-15 grams. How to determine who is right? It turns out that there are 3 ways to measure the desired weight:

  1. Use a spoon to scoop the powdered mixture from a large container, shaking the cutlery slightly a couple of times. The result is 25 g of premium flour. If you don’t shake, but leave a heap - 30-35 g, level the level with the edges - 20 g.
  2. Pour in the bulk substance - 20, 25, 15 grams, respectively.
  3. Pour the sifted ingredient into the cutlery - the weight decreases by another 5 g, respectively.

The weight of flour powder depends on the type of grinding. The smaller the fraction of particles (highest grade), the heavier they are.

The amount of substance in a tablespoon is also affected by:

  • moisture or flowability of the flour product;
  • type of ground components (potato, corn, oatmeal, rye and other initial products);
  • the capacity of the cutlery itself (a device 7 cm long and 4 cm wide is considered standard).

Control measurements are carried out at an ambient temperature of 0°C, atmospheric pressure of 760 mm Hg. Art. It is simply unrealistic to achieve such conditions when cooking at home, so the term “tablespoon of flour” means the amount of product that is freely poured and held without crumbling. That means with a small slide.

Foreign weights

My husband and I often like to look at foreign sites about food and take some recipes into service, but there is a small catch - they have different weight measures. For example, in addition to quarts, pints and ounces, they do not measure in glasses; instead they use cups, which, you see, is not usual for us and cannot be compared in any way with the volume of our glass. Therefore, we present foreign weight measures.

American volume measures

1 cup250 ml
1/4 cup60 ml
1/2 cup125 l
2/3 cup170 ml
3/4 cup190 ml
1 tsp (1 tsp) 5 ml
1 tbsp. (1 tbsp) 15 ml
1 pint470 ml
1 quart (1 qt, qwart)950 ml
1 fl. oz. (1 fl. oz.)30 ml

English volume measures

1 cup280 ml
1 tsp (1 tsp) 6 ml
1 tbsp. (1 tbsp) 17 ml
1 pint570 ml
1 quart (1 qt, qwart)1100 ml


1 ounce (1 ounce)28.3 g
1 pound450 g

Measure with a spoon

A tablespoon is a universal tool with which you can measure almost any amount of flour product. In this case, you should try to pour equal portions. The event is simple if a small number of measured doses is required. But to measure out more than 10 spoons, a little difficulty arises. The solution is to remember how many spoons a glass, cup, or jar contains. Then cooking according to a recipe will no longer be burdensome with endless measurements.

To prepare dishes with added flour, it is advisable to use containers with a known volume. In this case, you need to remember the table for the correspondence of the amount of ml to the weight of flour in grams:

  • a 100 ml container holds 65 g of flour product (3 tablespoons and a small pinch);
  • 150 ml contains about 100 g (5 tablespoons);
  • A 180 ml container holds 115 g of flour (almost 6 tablespoons);
  • 200 ml – 130 g (6.5 tablespoons);
  • 250 ml – 160 g = 8 tbsp. spoon;
  • 300 ml of flour weighs 200 g (10 full tablespoons).

Knowing the ratio of volume and weight of products, it is always possible to calculate how many tablespoons of flour are needed to prepare homemade delicacies.

Calorie content of almonds

Almonds are a nutritious food (579 kcal per 100 g of product) with a high fat content that can be used both in cooking and eaten salted, raw or fried.

The carbohydrate content in 100 g of purified product is 21.55 g, protein - 21.15 g, fat - 49.93 g. Cholesterol in nuts is 0 mg, fiber - 12.50 g.

Since almonds are high in calories, you need to exercise portion control when consuming them.

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