How many calories does a plank burn in 1 minute? Several exercise options


People who are losing weight by counting calories are interested in the question of their quantity not only in food, but also in training. It is important to understand which exercises are effective and which do not give quick results and require more time or approaches to remove excess weight.

How many calories does a plank burn - an exercise that occupies a leading position in the field of fitness and programs for losing extra pounds. This question is relevant both for beginners in losing weight and for those who have understood the principles of nutrition, but have not chosen exercises for training.

Brief description of the exercise

Before we talk about how many calories a plank burns in 1 minute, it’s worth describing what kind of exercise it is. It is performed as follows:

  1. It is recommended to prepare the surface in advance. It is best if a rubber mat is used as it. Any non-slip material will also work.
  2. Next, you need to stand on two main supports - arms and legs - so that the entire body is a single straight line.
  3. Now you should stand in this position for a certain period.

It is important to monitor your breathing during exercise. It should be even and smooth. Otherwise, it will have no effect.


If pain occurs during exercise, the workout should be cancelled. Do not confuse pain and unpleasant feelings associated with unusual loads. The plank exercise is recommended for overweight people and those who lack physical fitness. Contraindicated in the presence of certain pathologies:

  • interdisc hernias;
  • spinal injuries;
  • hypertension, cardiovascular diseases;
  • damage to ligaments or tendons;
  • inflammation of internal organs;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • Caesarean section, after which 6 months have not yet passed;
  • inflammation caused by surgery, bed rest.

During critical periods or when carrying a child, performing this exercise is only permissible with the permission of a doctor. If classes cause discomfort or your pregnancy is already advanced, postpone them. Listen to your own feelings. If pain occurs, stop exercising and visit a doctor. If there are contraindications, don’t even start, because this can lead to dire consequences.


Benefits of exercise

Why do many women worry about how many calories 1 minute of plank burns? The fact is that this exercise brings enormous benefits to the human body.

  1. It quickly burns subcutaneous fat.
  2. Improves posture.
  3. Forms beautiful muscles in the buttocks and abdomen.
  4. Strengthens the back, shoulder joint and legs.
  5. Trains willpower.

It is also worth noting that this exercise can be performed by absolutely anyone; it does not require sports training, equipment or additional space in the house.

What opportunities does exercise provide?

The plank exercise is:

  1. Saving time (with minimal time spent - maximum benefit to the body)
  2. Saving money (no equipment required, no need to go to a paid gym)
  3. No requirements for conditions (you can do the plank at home, at work, outdoors, at any time and in literally minimal space)
  4. The ability to work with those types of muscles that are necessary for you (you can choose your own from the many types of “bars”)
  5. Enormous benefits and accessibility for everyone
  6. Beneficial effect on the psyche (calms, relieves anxiety and stress)
  7. The opportunity to transform your body in just 30 days
  8. Plank is harmless and safe.

An excellent option for a dramatic change in figure

What exactly does the “bar” do?

  1. Reduces weight, really removes fat deposits, cellulite
  2. Corrects posture
  3. Improves flexibility
  4. Increases stamina
  5. Improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus
  6. Strengthens the health of the body by working the core muscles of the body
  7. Invigorates, gives confidence and the desire to achieve success in planned activities, puts you in a positive mood
  8. Tightens the muscles of the abdomen, sides, buttocks and thighs, reduces waist size

Standard bar

Beginners are advised to try the simplest standard exercise first. For the first time, just 1 minute of plank may seem like an eternity. How many calories can you burn during this period? Experienced instructors claim that in one hour of such a complex action, from 250 to 300 calories are burned. However, it is hardly possible to find a person who would dare to undertake such an experiment. Therefore, in 60 seconds a person can burn about 5 calories.

In a standard plank, the entire load falls on the palms and toes. To perform it, be sure to keep your legs together, do not bend your knees and strain your gluteal muscle as much as possible.

How to do it correctly for weight loss

In order for the exercises to be effective, the muscles to become toned, and the extra pounds to go away, you need to follow some rules. If the technique is incorrect, the results may be zero.

To make your figure slim, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • so that the stomach is drawn in as much as possible, and breathing remains natural and uniform;
  • the buttocks are tense and in line with the heels and crown;
  • the back should not be bent, arched or rounded;
  • It is forbidden to hunch and stoop;
  • do not lower your head or raise your head. Direction of gaze in front of you or at the floor;
  • When performing a plank with outstretched arms, the hands are located strictly under the shoulders, at their width. This will prevent injury;
  • At the beginning of mastering static loads, you cannot rush, trying to perform them beyond the prescribed norm. You need to start with 10 seconds, increasing the duration by the same amount of time every day.

After a month, the classes can be complicated and you can begin to perform a complex that contains 6 exercises with a certain holding time. The total time is 5 minutes of planks, performed in different variations:

  1. For a minute - on outstretched arms.
  2. 30 seconds – elbow position.
  3. Without changing your position, lift each leg in turn and hold for 30 seconds.
  4. Side plank without lifting, 30 seconds on each side.
  5. 30 seconds - with outstretched arms.
  6. A minute - again the elbow position.

In addition, it is very important to take care of proper nutrition:

  • always have breakfast;
  • drink more water;
  • eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions;
  • last meal 3 hours before bedtime;
  • food must be dietary;
  • You cannot eat hamburgers, chips, hot dogs, or drink soda. Replace them with healthy sandwiches, compotes and jelly.

These simple rules will help you lose weight, correct your figure, and improve your health.

Standard bar with extra force

For many, five calories in one minute may seem like a weak result. If you need to burn more, then you need to significantly increase the load. It is recommended to do this using dumbbells. For women and male beginners, sports equipment weighing from 1.5 to 3 kilograms is sufficient. If there is none, then you can use filled plastic bottles, sand cuffs or any other weight.

Now you should do a standard exercise, leaning on your feet and fists, in which the load is compressed. One arm should be raised so that the elbow bend represents a right angle. You need to stand in this position for 30 seconds. Next you should change the position.

It is quite difficult to perform such an exercise fully for the first time; it will require long training. It is also worth noting how many calories the plank consumes in 1 minute if you do it with additional load. The result will be amazing. In such a minimum period of time you can burn up to 12 calories. This is almost twice as much as when performing complex strength exercises.

Number of calories consumed and expended

People were interested in and engaged in counting calories 100 years ago. Nowadays, there are tables with calorie content of foods. The basis of this knowledge is the Atwater method, according to which the first tables were compiled. It is worth remembering that one gram of protein contains 4 calories, one gram of carbohydrate contains the same amount of calories, and one gram of fat contains as many as 9 calories.

It should be borne in mind that the daily norm of kilocalories depends on activity, gender, age:

  • amount of calories consumed during a sedentary lifestyle: for women 1600–2000 kcal, for men 2000–2400 kcal;
  • with a moderate lifestyle: for women 1800–2200 kcal, for men 2200–2800 kcal;
  • with an active lifestyle: for women 2000–2400 kcal, for men 2400–3200 kcal.

Number of calories consumed and expended

Sports and physical activity help burn extra energy, improve metabolism and speed up the burning of fat in the body. Without sports, even significant restrictions in food will not lead to weight loss. Sports are also useful for staying fit. To lose weight, the number of calories burned must be greater than the calories consumed, and to gain weight, vice versa.

For a successful result, the metabolic rate should be calculated. First, we calculate the basic metabolism using the formula: 9.99 * weight in kilograms + 6.25 * height in centimeters - 5 * age in years - 161.

Resistance plank

The most difficult plank for many athletes is the resistance plank. It is performed as follows:

  • It is recommended to take a standard position, focusing on two supports.
  • On the floor below knee level you need to distribute a thread, ribbon or towel rolled into a rope.
  • Now, alternately with your feet, you need to try to step over this obstacle at a fast pace.

The benefits play a bigger role than how many calories the plank exercise burns in 1 minute. If you do it every day, then within a month you will have a beautiful abs, thin waist and toned buttocks.

Five Minute Workout

The plank is not a calorie burner, but a super exercise for beautiful abs, chest and buttocks. As an example, consider a sample of successful and effective training. After all, in just 5 minutes a day you can achieve excellent results if you train daily. You need to start today!

A five-minute full-body workout consists of:

  • planks on outstretched arms - 1 minute;
  • elbow bar – 30 seconds;
  • planks with a raised leg - 30 seconds;
  • side plank – 30 seconds;
  • full plank – 30 seconds;
  • elbow bar -30 seconds.

Several exercises that burn maximum calories

There are several types of exercises that only the most experienced athletes can do. How many calories does a plank burn in 1 minute, which requires maximum effort? Experienced instructors claim that this figure ranges from 15 to 30.

You need to stay for a certain time, leaning on only one arm and leg. The body should be turned to the side. It is recommended to point your upper hand behind your head; this will additionally stretch the waist muscles.

Two hands can also rest on the floor, while your feet will need to be placed on an exercise ball, step or low furniture.

Instead of your palms, you can also lean on your arms bent at the elbows; this will further train the body.

Complicated types of planks

The difficult plank really helps you lose weight! In addition, by performing various variations of it, you can regulate the load on certain muscle groups and pay attention to problem areas. Let's look at the most effective, but not too complex types of planks:

  • Lateral. Helps tighten sagging sides and stomach, slims the body. How to do it correctly: lie on your side with emphasis on your right arm, raise your pelvis and transfer the load to your feet and elbow. The exercise can be made even more difficult by raising your free leg up.
  • Reinforced. It is done in the same way as the classic one. But with the innovation - the left arm and right leg (or vice versa) need to be raised up. They will no longer be a support for a swaying body, which will speed up the burning of calories several times.
  • Dynamic with leg lifts. Requires huge energy costs. It will be very difficult for beginners to maintain this stance. You need to stand in a classic plank position and lift your legs one by one.
  • Dynamic side. The difference from the usual side is that the pelvis cannot be pressed to the floor, it should sway up and down.

Attention! One of the most energy-consuming planks is the combined plank. Starting position – classic plank with emphasis on straight arms. You need to lower yourself onto your forearms and straighten your arms again. Repeat as many times as possible, slowly, without jerking.

Dependence of calories on weight

All of the above answers to the question of how many calories a plank burns in 1 minute apply to people of standard build, that is, those whose body mass index is from 18.5 to 25. Young athletes with underweight will spend less energy value, and people with Obese people, on the contrary, will lose weight faster. All this is due to the fact that the larger the weight, the greater the load on the body when performing each action.

The plank exercise is one of the most effective exercises, which is included in the training program of almost all sports centers. Thanks to it, all muscle groups are worked out. At first glance, it may seem difficult, and even for such a seemingly small period of time as one minute, it is almost impossible to withstand it. It is recommended to perform it starting from 10 seconds, gradually increasing the time, and after 10 days this task will be feasible.

How many approaches to do to lose weight?

The plank will only be beneficial if you do it regularly. It is advisable to practice according to a schedule: every day at the same time. As for the duration of the plank stance, there is no universal advice. Don't look up to other people. An experienced athlete can stand in it for several minutes, while a beginner will fall in just 30 seconds. Focus on your own feelings. The main thing is not to stop doing the exercise until fatigue and slight tremors occur in the body.

When the bar is too high

But that's not all. The plank is categorically not suitable for people with severe obesity, because it will be almost impossible to maintain such a body weight statically, it is undesirable to do this exercise for people with high blood pressure, because a static load can worsen the condition, and the plank is also prohibited for people with serious back injuries, in particular intervertebral hernia, especially in the acute phase.

So it turns out that we are being massively deceived? In relation to the “plank” exercise, no, rather the information is provided incorrectly. Perhaps in order to attract attention to your Internet resource, where, after following the link, they will simultaneously try to sell you something related to make it more interesting to stand on the bar.

Photo: Ivanko

Remember, everything related to our figure requires long-term regular training, miracles do not happen. And this is an axiom. Even after liposuction, people take months to undergo special procedures to avoid negative consequences after surgery.

So what should you do to still train with a fatal lack of time and get at least some results? Start with the simplest: walk more; If you spend time with children, then try to walk more, rather than spend hours at home or in a cafe. Really do the plank, as this is also an exercise option.

Execution technique

If you decide to lose weight this way, first you should find out how to do the exercise correctly, because violations in the technique can be fraught not only with muscle pain, but also with a lack of results.


Take the starting position - lie on the floor with your stomach down. Straighten your arms, lift your body up. Your hands should be under your shoulders. Tuck your pelvis. Stay in this position for as long as the training program requires (from 20 seconds to 5 minutes). Relax. Repeat several times, again in accordance with your individual lesson plan (from 1 to 5 times).


  1. You need to keep your feet together. This will make it more difficult to maintain balance, but the load will be more noticeable, and weight loss will be more effective.
  2. Strain your legs as much as possible and stretch them into a string.
  3. Tighten your stomach. Don't let it sag. This will reduce the benefits of training.
  4. Keep all parts of the body tense, especially the arms, legs and buttocks.
  5. Want to improve your results? Intensely contract and relax your gluteal muscles in this pose.

Common mistakes

  1. You should not bend in the lower back, as this allows the abdomen to relax and sag, and can also cause back pain.
  2. You can't put your head down. You cannot concentrate only on the lower part of the body - this will relax the head and cervical spine. You need to keep your head straight, your eyes can be closed or lowered to the floor.
  3. You can't hold your breath. This can cause dizziness, nausea and even loss of consciousness. Experts advise inhaling slowly through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

Plank exercise for losing weight on the stomach and sides: the correct technique

The plank is a very popular exercise for weight loss. It is an ideal option for those who suffer not only from extra pounds, but also from time pressure. Just a few minutes a day - and within a month, or even earlier, according to reviews and promises from fitness trainers, results will be noticeable.

At first glance, the technique for performing it is as simple as possible: just think - you need to stand in one position for some time, without running, without jumping, and without sweating off yourself in three streams. In fact, those who are unprepared cannot withstand even a minute, which means the load on the body is colossal. What's the magic?

What to do at home

You can also perform a number of simple exercises at home that will not take much time, for example: 1) push-ups (three sets of 12–30 repetitions); 2) bodyweight squats (three sets of 12–30 reps); 3) plank (three approaches from 30 seconds to infinity); 4) lateral raises with dumbbells, you can use water bottles (three sets of 12–20 repetitions).

Sources: https://www

Useful tips

When, after a month of regular training, the scale shows several kilograms less than the initial weight, and your favorite jeans finally begin to fasten, the question of whether the plank exercise affects weight loss will disappear by itself. The main thing is to maintain this result further. And to improve it, it is advisable to listen to the advice of experienced trainers.

  1. Start with the minimum amount of time you can hold in a plank and increase it by 20-30 seconds daily.
  2. Training should be done every day.
  3. After a month, having mastered one option, surprise the body, create a stress situation for it and start performing another type of exercise. This will allow you to consolidate your weight loss results and continue to shape your figure. Do not stop.
  4. You can start any workout with a plank as a warm-up - strength and cardio, at home and in the gym, running and working out on a machine.
  5. Eat right so that the fat folds go away forever. Don't overeat before bed. Light diets for faster weight loss are welcome.
  6. Get enough sleep.
  7. Drink plenty (up to one and a half liters per day) of water.

By following these recommendations, you can achieve excellent results within a month of regular and proper training. It is not without reason that it is believed that the plank is the best exercise for losing weight, which does not require time or financial investment and is accessible to absolutely everyone at home.

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