How did Maxim Fadeev lose 100 kg? Diet and producer regime

At the end of June, on his Instagram, Maxim Fadeev shared a photo that shocked many of his fans. In the picture, the music producer was wearing his own shorts, but instead of having two legs, he was able to fit into one.

Some of Fadeev’s subscribers became very concerned about his state of health, and doctors’ comments about the dangers of such rapid weight loss appeared in the media. However, the artist hastened to reassure the public: he did not perform any operations and, moreover, did not use special substances for weight loss.

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How has Maxim Fadeev changed?

According to Fadeev, the secret of his weight loss lies in the right approach to nutrition and exercise. According to the producer, he did not resort to any special techniques.

“All doctors and nutritionists who want us to lose weight have their own methods, but for some reason they cost a lot of money. The technique that I will write about does not involve pills or any special torment at all. My diet is very simple,” said the artist. The method that Fadeev used to lose extra pounds does not involve financial costs. As the musician said, you only need water of a certain temperature and ordinary products available to everyone. In addition, you won’t have to strictly limit yourself either.

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The composer received many compliments from fans and colleagues. Singer Lolita Milyavskaya was one of the first to congratulate him. "Max! It suits you very well, and the main thing is that you smile!” the artist addressed Fadeev.

And in the comments under the photo with the results of the transformation they began to actively wonder what the secret of such changes was. Comedian Garik Kharlamov did not stand aside either - he, like many of the musician’s subscribers, asked him to reveal the secret and share his methodology.

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Maxim Fadeev, who lost 100 kilograms, spoke about his diet

Maxim Fadeev
The phenomenal weight loss of 52-year-old Maxim Fadeev quite surprised fans, because it is no secret that the producer had previously unsuccessfully tried to get rid of extra pounds. However, this time he seriously took up a special diet and, of course, took up physical exercise. The producer assured that he did not deprive himself of any special preferences in food, but only used a special technique.

“All doctors and nutritionists who want us to lose weight have their own methods, but for some reason they cost a lot of money. The technique that I will write about does not involve pills or any special torment at all. My diet is very simple. It just needs to be painted correctly to show it to you. It does not involve any money, only the availability of water of a certain temperature and certain products. You can’t deny yourself anything!” — Fadeev told fans.

The producer noted that he plans to write an entire book dedicated to the process of losing weight. Fadeev is going to share his own experience and reveal all the secrets of a successful diet to readers.

After losing weight, Fadeev had to update his wardrobe

Let us remind you that Maxim recently showed his thin legs to his subscribers by trying on old shorts.

“In the morning you need to drink 600 grams of hot water, such that it pleasantly burns your throat, but of course, not boiling water. Do this three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. You can't even imagine how the weight will start to come off. You can eat the same way as always, but drink hot water first. Surprisingly, after this you won’t eat more than three spoons!” — the producer shared earlier.

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Fans continue to support Fadeev in his difficult task and wish him further victories in his new field. “With all my heart I wish you health, strong spirit and excellent mood”; "Well done! A real man, he said it and did it! Excellent result”; "This is very cool! I’m really looking forward to recommendations from you on weight loss,” those who were concerned commented on Fadeev’s words.

The producer’s successes are followed not only by subscribers, but also by colleagues. "Max! It suits you very well and most importantly, you smile!” - Lolita Milyavskaya addressed the singer. And comedian Garik Kharlamov bombarded Fadeev with questions about proper nutrition. However, for now, everyone eager to know more will have to wait: the producer promised to reveal new details within two weeks.

Photo: Instagram

What is the secret of Fadeev’s diet?

The producer did not hold back the intrigue for long and admitted how he managed to get rid of excess weight. According to the artist, his main secret is hot water on an empty stomach. Three times a day - morning, lunch and evening - he drank 600 milliliters of hot water, “so that it would pleasantly burn the throat, but of course not boiling water.”

You can’t even imagine how the weight will start to come off. You can eat the same way as always, but drink hot water first. Surprisingly, after this you won’t eat more than three spoons!

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Of course, the producer did not forget about physical activity, but he did not resort to extreme training, and it’s not to say that he disappeared in the gym. Fadeev also noted that he plans to write an entire book that will be dedicated to losing weight. In it, he will share his own experience and talk in detail about his weight loss method.

What motivated the producer to lose 60 kg?

As a child and teenager, Maxim was not overweight. According to him, he began to gain extra pounds due to severe stress, after the death of his newborn daughter. At first he didn’t pay much attention to his changing appearance, but then it began to interfere with his life.

I had to leave the stage because of my unpresentable appearance, then health problems began. The man survived a complex heart operation and clinical death. According to Maxim, he realized that weight was becoming an obstacle to a full life, and made the decision to lose weight, no matter the cost.

Nutritionist opinion

From the point of view of experts, Maxim was able to achieve good results thanks to the right diet. Before the producer decided to lose weight, he was not too picky about food, was fond of sweet dishes, and ate a lot of smoked meats.


Now Fadeev’s diet contains no harmful products and the result, which he is very pleased with, is immediately visible. But the singer says he intends to continue to adhere to these basic rules of weight loss in order to lose many more pounds. You shouldn’t stop on the path to your goal, you should always move forward and prove, first of all, to yourself that you really can.

Weight loss secrets and main stages

Maxim Fadeev decided to publicly announce his intention to lose weight on one of the episodes of Andrei Malakhov’s program, and from there the record figure of 60 kg appeared. And until this happens, the composer refuses to shave his beard. At the time of the start of the fat burning process, Maxim weighed 152 kg with a height of 180 cm.

So far, Max claims to have lost 23 kg, and these results undoubtedly please him. But this does not mean that he is going to stop there, since most of his plans still lie ahead of him - 37 kg.

Max Fadeev managed to achieve a result of minus 23 kg thanks to a special nutritional method developed by him personally.

It is distinguished by its simplicity and high effectiveness, based on the following rules:

  • the predominance of vegetables with a high content of water and fiber in the diet, including cucumber, eggplant and pepper;
  • regular exercise, it is not necessary to choose active varieties, you can do walking, yoga, swimming. Max chose tai chi gymnastics for himself; his recent hobby was Nordic walking for weight loss.

Judging by unconfirmed information that was distributed on the Internet, singer Katya Lel became interested in this method of losing weight. She managed to lose 13 kg, which the singer was certainly very pleased with.

When a thinner Maxim Fadeev appears in the photo, one can really draw a conclusion about the effectiveness and efficiency of his diet. Its advantage is that you do not need to spend days and nights in the gym and eat exclusively oatmeal.

About the water diet for weight loss by Max Fadeev

Since the photos of Maxim Fadeev before and after weight loss are impressive with their results, fans have a question: how to achieve this only with proper nutrition? The answer is simple - a water diet was involved.

Its principles are the following factors:

  • To lose weight, be sure to drink a glass of water before breakfast - this helps start the metabolism and wake up the body.
  • Half an hour before meals, drink a lot of water - it is recommended to drink 2 glasses in small sips. In this way, the body is deceived, and the person eats less food.
  • Before going to bed, you need to drink warm green tea, but without sugar.

The maximum amount of water should not exceed more than 2 liters per day.

Please note: It is necessary to calculate the required amount of water to consume in order to lose weight. The norm is 20-40 ml per 1 kg of weight, which depends on the degree of human activity. With low activity - 20 ml per 1 kg of weight, sports require 40 ml.

Sample menu of Maxim Fadeev

Maxim Fadeev does not have an approximate menu, but he can share with readers the principles of its preparation:

  • Sweets, flour products and fatty foods are reduced to a minimum. Fadeev cannot completely refuse - he can treat himself to goodies in the first half of the day.
  • The diet includes mushrooms, lean meat, fish and dairy products.
  • Maxim drinks a lot of water - up to 2 liters of clean liquid per day.
  • Maxim Fadeev does not have a strict daily routine for eating; he does not eat by the hour. But in the evening and at night, he chooses a portion of stewed vegetables or fresh vegetable salad instead of a piece of boiled meat or fish.

The absence of a regime slows down the process of losing weight - the indicated approximate number of kilograms for weight loss was achieved in 2 years. But these results noticeably improved the composer’s well-being.


Short menu

Maxim Fadeev’s diet is based on the following basic principles:

  • minimizing the consumption of sweets, fatty foods and flour products;
  • filling the diet with mushrooms, lean meat, dairy products and fish;
  • Water is not only a source of life, but also a mechanism for losing weight. It is necessary to drink the maximum allowable amount of water per day (up to 2 liters) and regularly visit the pool.

Fadeev’s diet does not provide for strict rules and restrictions on food intake. It is allowed to eat frequently, adhering to the basics of separate nutrition.


After losing weight, Fadeev’s photos spread all over the Internet. They clearly show how the composer has lost weight and how his appearance has improved. According to Maxim, he was able to lose weight thanks to nature. Living on the island of Bali in a peaceful environment, regular exercise in inactive sports, diving, eating water-containing vegetables and fruits - all helped him lose weight in a short time. The singer expresses gratitude to his loved ones and family members for their help and support.

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