How to quickly gain weight for a skinny girl at home

Causes of thinness

First, it’s worth finding out what caused the sharp decrease in body weight. Experts identify two main provocateurs of thinness:

  • curvature of the spine (scoliosis);
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

The site of scoliosis development is determined by the parts of the spine that are responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland. Problems with lack of weight are most noticeable if the curvatures are concentrated in the area of ​​​​the tight fit of the vertebra to the organs of the digestive system.

To gain weight, a thin girl is encouraged to undergo a course of massage and exercise. The recovery period depends on several factors:

  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • genetic predisposition to thinness;
  • the presence of concomitant problems that relate to the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

A girl’s genetic predisposition to thinness contributes to significant weight loss.

Weight gain is only possible after full or partial alignment of the spine. Therefore, complex treatment is prescribed. In addition to massages, consultation with an osteopathic doctor is offered. After the examination, the surgeon writes out a referral for exercise therapy (physical therapy). You should not neglect unconventional methods. One of the most effective ways involves doing yoga.

Experts call the second most common cause of severe weight loss a dysfunction of the stomach and intestines. In this situation, the problem increases due to the slow absorption of food. Against this background, appetite is lost, the skin becomes painfully pale.

It is quite difficult for girls to gain weight, even if they regularly consume high-calorie foods. When the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, there is an excess of the hormone, which is responsible for the breakdown of tissue. Cortisol burns food entering the stomach, preventing the body from entering fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Cortisol is a stress hormone. It begins to be actively produced by the adrenal glands at times of strong excitement and stress. To stabilize the situation, you need to learn to relax and control your thoughts.

Definition of “proper nutrition”

Proper nutrition (PN) is one of the main components of a woman’s healthy lifestyle. The PN system is often defined as “the science of food, the use of foods and their effects on health.” After all, everything that a person eats ultimately becomes part of his body.

In the modern rhythm of life, women not only do not pay attention to their diet, but often are not at all interested in this issue. The most common extreme eating habits are eating too much food and not eating enough nutritious, healthy foods. But the composition of foods, together with the size of portions, directly affects your well-being. Water and other liquids that a woman consumes also affect the condition of the body.

The basis of any healthy, balanced diet is the principle of energy dynamics: the energy value of food should be equal to the energy expenditure of the body. If this principle is regularly violated (by consumption of high-calorie foods), and energy expenditure is not equal to the calories consumed, a gradual increase in body weight, turning into excess weight, cannot be avoided. At the same time, the chemical composition of food must correspond to the physiological needs of a woman. By applying the principles of proper nutrition to lose weight, women can not only get their bodies in shape, but also improve their overall health.

Psychological barrier

Getting better is sometimes as difficult as losing weight. Bad habits, emotions, and psychological barriers prevent you from solving the problem. Lack of internal self-support is the strongest obstacle to recovery. This is manifested in the following factors:

  • low self-esteem;
  • inability to cope with emotions;
  • lack of full communication;
  • need for protection;
  • self-prohibitions and taboos;
  • internal conflict.

Qualified specialists with the participation of loved ones will help you effectively overcome problems. A psychologist, in a conversation with relatives, tells how to properly communicate with a person who is not able to find harmony with himself.

Simple but effective tips will help you overcome the psychological barrier:

  1. Organizing outings with the whole family (or with friends).
  2. Close communication (you need to learn to open up to loved ones, talk about what worries you).
  3. Monitor the atmosphere in the family circle (if possible, exclude stressful situations and unpleasant emotions).

If the weight deficit is 25% or more, you cannot do without the help of a psychotherapist.

The path to eliminating the problem lies in determining the nature of the psychological barrier. If thinness is associated with the desire to bring the body shape closer to fashionable parameters, girls cease to adequately evaluate themselves. Obsessive thoughts about losing weight lead to food rejection. An experienced psychotherapist must be involved to regulate the condition.

Proper nutrition... Get started!

Risk factors that women have to deal with on a daily basis, such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, etc., often manifest themselves as a result of ignoring unhealthy habits. The habit of adhering to a proper nutrition system, formed both in childhood and in adulthood and even in old age, will allow a woman to get rid of extra pounds and restore health and maintain it throughout her entire life.

The direct connection between proper nutrition and a healthy weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving overall health is enough reason to start changing your habits. By gradually changing your diet to a healthy one, a woman takes the path of recovery, getting rid of depression, returning to physical activity and a positive attitude towards life. Proper nutrition is not a long, routine journey (to be convinced of this, just read the reviews of real women on the Internet)! In fact, the habit of eating right and living actively is formed much faster and easier than you think!

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Nutrition when gaining weight for an ectomorph

People with a thin build are called ectomorphs. Their muscles are very poorly developed, and the fat layer is practically absent. Metabolic processes in the body occur at incredible speed. This consumes a lot of energy. There is nothing left for building muscle mass.

To correct the situation, you should develop a special diet. It should be satisfying, enriched with fats, carbohydrates and proteins. You also need to introduce regular physical training aimed at building muscle mass.

Dietary recommendations for ectomorphs:

  1. Ingredients for preparing dishes are selected only of high quality, natural origin.
  2. Daily calorie intake is suggested to be 10-15% higher than normal (within 2500-2900 kcal).
  3. When creating a menu, use more foods rich in carbohydrates (they should be about 50%, fats - 20%, proteins - 30%).
  4. Preference is given to fats of vegetable origin.
  5. Consume fish oil (it contains a large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids).
  6. Divide the daily diet into 5-7 meals with an interval of 2-2.5 hours. Portions should be small.
  7. Exclude fast carbohydrates, fast foods, fatty and smoked foods from the menu. Sources of slow carbohydrates should be porridge and flour products made from wholemeal flour.
  8. Use meat, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, and legumes as a source of protein.
  9. Up to 60-70% of all ingredients should be fresh vegetables and fruits.
  10. Drinking regime – at least 3 liters per day.

We must understand . Muscle mass is not gained by eating or exercising. This happens during sleep. Therefore, an ectomorph needs to maintain a sleep schedule (at least 8 hours a day).

Products for a balanced diet

In order to gain weight, you need to properly balance your diet. The menu includes foods enriched with fats, proteins and carbohydrates.


Preference is given to vegetable fats. Dishes should be prepared using olive, corn, flaxseed and sunflower oils. The olive-based product is saturated with fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system and metabolic processes.

Sunflower seeds, avocados, nuts, and egg yolks contain valuable micro and macroelements and fat-soluble vitamins. Omega fats and vitamin D that are valuable for the body can be found in fish oil.

When creating a menu, you should avoid using animal fats and trans fats.


The main sources are:

  • rabbit;
  • turkey;
  • chicken;
  • beef;
  • veal.

You can occasionally include lean varieties of pork in your diet. The weekly menu necessarily includes fish and seafood, chicken eggs, milk and its derivatives. Fermented milk products are selected with low fat content.

It is better to use homemade products made from natural milk: yogurt, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. Calcium, amino acids and other beneficial substances found in milk are important for gaining muscle mass.


The source of the substances are foods with a low glycemic index. First of all, it's porridge. The diet should include:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • rice;
  • Wheat groats;
  • pasta.

The menu is replenished with dishes from fresh vegetables, fruits, and non-acidic berries. To regulate the level of sugar entering the body with fruits, they should be consumed in the first half of the day and during training. Foods enriched with fiber and sugar replenish energy reserves well.

The following is prohibited:

  • fatty and smoked foods;
  • alcohol;
  • sweets, confectionery;
  • packaged drinks.

HealthHow to gain weight without harm to your health: 5 important steps

Text: Olga Polevikova

In our society, the cult of a slim body is strong : inconsistency with it is considered a problem and many people do not give up trying to lose weight. In particular, this applies to women, who are forced by the media to have “beach body” standards all year round. Difficulties with weight gain are less often understood and much less discussed in society. Thinness is often considered a “gift of fate,” and complaints that a person cannot gain weight are perceived as coquetry.

Firstly, a thin figure is not a reason for shaming, just like being overweight. Secondly, this is not always a conscious choice: for some people, weight loss may be associated with diseases, while others simply want to have a more sculpted and stronger body, but this cannot be achieved. We decided to understand the reasons for underweight and find out how to gain weight intelligently without harm to your health.

Understand the reasons

From a medical point of view, excessive thinness is a condition in which the weight is not enough for the normal functioning of the body. Body mass index (BMI) is widely used to determine healthy weight. To roughly understand your BMI, it is recommended to divide your weight by the square of your height in meters. It is believed that if you are too thin, your BMI is less than 18.5. However, self-diagnosis using this scheme is very unreliable. In addition, it is important to remember that BMI itself is a very conditional indicator of health, which does not take into account constitutional characteristics and the ratio of muscle and fat mass.

To measure the latter, ultrasound, a special caliper device, underwater weighing and a number of other methods are used. It is generally accepted that for women the normal body fat content is from 20% to 32%. Rates may vary depending on age, activity level and other factors. However, all of these rough numbers may indicate a potential problem. Weight deficiency can be both a sign and a cause of a number of serious diseases.

We have already said that excessive thinness can be caused by metabolic disorders. In addition, being underweight is among the signs of cancer, type 1 diabetes and severe gluten intolerance. So, before changing your diet and habits, be sure to consult your doctor. Sometimes the cause of excessive thinness is an eating disorder or an unbalanced diet. In such cases, the body does not receive enough nutrients, which increases the risk of developing osteoporosis and severely impacts the immune system. For women, extreme thinness is fraught with hormonal imbalances, menstrual irregularities and problems with the reproductive system. Doctors often prescribe weight gain to patients, and it is worth asking your doctor for detailed recommendations on how to gain weight correctly.

Think over a new diet

Weight gain is a gain of fat and muscle tissue. To gain more fat tissue, you need to create a calorie surplus, that is, consume more than you burn. It's not as simple as it seems at first glance. Eating everything is not an option. High-calorie foods like sugary sodas, fast food and baked goods will not only add a couple of kilograms to you, but also possibly cause health problems. A high concentration of simple carbohydrates in such foods can lead to fatigue and apathy, dental problems and even osteoporosis. Saturated fats found in fast foods raise cholesterol levels and may increase the risk of heart disease.

To gain “healthy fat,” you need to eat wisely over a long period of time. A surplus of 300–500 kcal per day is enough. Organize yourself a regular diet: three main meals and a couple of snacks. Load up on fish, complex carbohydrates, starchy vegetables, and use olive and coconut oils when cooking. A good option is nuts and dried fruits: they are high in calories and rich in vitamins. When gaining muscle mass, pay attention to sports nutrition. Reasonable consumption of protein shakes and gainers will help you add proteins and carbohydrates without harm to your health.

Do strength training

In order for excess calories to be converted not only into fat, but also into muscle mass, you will have to go in for sports. Cardio activities like running, spinning and dancing should be avoided - they burn too many calories and don't help build muscle. For weight gain, strength training is suitable - training based on working with weights. It is believed that working at the limit of your capabilities is most effective: when it seems to you that you can no longer lift the weight, but you do two or three more repetitions. The fact is that muscle fibers are surrounded by connective tissue, in which microdamages occur during training. Its cells begin to actively build in order to “patch” the micro-tear, thereby increasing muscle volume.

Despite this generally accepted technique, we advise you to work with weights very carefully. You need to start working in the gym under the supervision of an experienced trainer who will monitor the technique of performing exercises and the level of load. A professional will help you achieve the desired result faster and avoid injuries. In any case, you need to treat yourself with care, and the coach’s advice - critically. Before starting training, and also if controversial issues arise during training, it is better to consult a doctor whom you trust.

Be patient

Healthy weight gain is a long process and requires patience. To track your results, doctors recommend weighing yourself at approximately the same time every day. The main thing is to treat this ritual without fanaticism, because a certain weight is not a goal, but an intermediate result of working on your health. You can keep a food diary to determine your optimal diet. Online services like Healbe and Dacadoo and wearable gadgets are suitable for this purpose. However, a healthy diet can sometimes be disrupted: there is nothing wrong with an extra croissant or cheesecake - especially if you are trying to gain weight.

Remember that muscles grow during periods of rest, so proper rest is very important. Get enough sleep and avoid stress. If you want to not only gain weight, but also maintain it, you will have to change your lifestyle. And if you can eventually refuse the help of a trainer, and meticulous calorie counting is not at all necessary, then a balanced diet and physical activity should stay with you for a long time.

Get inspired

Give yourself different incentives for every day. Record your successes, share them with friends - online or in person, buy beautiful sportswear - in general, do what pleases and motivates you personally. Thousands of people have already walked the path to a strong figure and good health, so why not take their advice? There are many profiles of Russian fitness bloggers on Instagram, in which they talk in detail about proper nutrition, daily routine and training.

Don't be afraid to stop being skinny. Look at weight gain as more than just a medical condition. This is a great reason to learn healthy habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle. In addition, a strong body and plus-size figures are finally beginning to be perceived as an option for the norm. Celebrities from Beyoncé to Kim Kardashian, plus-size models, body-positive dancers, yoga and fitness trainers - all these successful women never tire of reminding us how useful it is to not care about other people's standards and define your personal goals. Follow their example: it’s not easy, but it’s very important to learn to respect your body and accept it at any stage of life.

Photos: keattikorn –, snyfer –, anitasstudio –, tbaeff –, TopShop

Menu for the week

Taking into account the nutritional recommendations for ectomorphs, the following weekly menu is proposed.


Number of meals
meat – 100 g egg – 2 pcs. milk – 200 ml porridge – 100 g juice – 250 mlvegetable soup – 200 g meat – 200 gcottage cheese – 150 g honey – 2 tbsp. l. muesli with milk – 100 g/200 ml


Number of meals
omelette – 2 eggs fish – 200 g yogurt – 200 mlbuckwheat – 200 g kefir – 250 mlvegetable stew – 200 g chicken fillet – 200 gcottage cheese – 150 g honey – 2 tbsp. l. rice – 100 g fish meatballs – 150 g tomatoes


Number of meals
Oatmeal – 150 g, chicken cutlets – 200 gvegetable salad – 150 g omelet – 2 eggs kefir – 200 mlnoodle soup – 200 g boiled fish – 200 gyoghurt cereal bar – 200 mlchicken fillet – 200 g chopped vegetables – 200 g


Number of meals
wheat porridge – 150 g veal meatballs – 150 g yogurt – 200 mlboiled eggs – 2 pcs. milk – 200 ml cereal bar vegetable soup – 200 g mashed potatoes – 100 g fish – 200 gvegetable salad – 200 g dried fruitsPoultry meat – 200 g Vegetable slices – 150 g


Number of meals
omelette – 2 eggs fish meatballs – 200 g milk – 200 mlfish – 200 g buckwheat – 100 g vegetable salad – 150 g yogurt – 200 mlvegetable stew – 200 g pasta – 150 g chicken fillet – 200 gnuts – 30 g honey – 2 tbsp. l. muesli with milk – 100 g/200 ml


Number of meals
milk – 200 ml oatmeal – 100 gveal meat – 200 g vegetable salad – 200 gpasta soup – 200 g fish – 200 g mashed potatoes – 100 gdried fruits kefirfish cutlets – 200 ml vegetable stew – 200 g yogurt


Number of meals
milk porridge – 150 g cookies – 30 gpoultry meat – 200 g rice – 100 g milk – 200 ml bread – sliceborscht – 200 g spaghetti – 150 g fish – 200 g bread – 2 slices green tea – 200 mlKefir
cottage cheese – 150 g sour cream – 100 g grain bar herbal tea – 200 ml

Additions to main dishes such as:

  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • fruits;
  • green and herbal tea;
  • tea with milk;
  • black bread (1-2 pieces);
  • biscuits;
  • smoothies (protein composition).

How to gain weight with exercise

An integrated approach to the fight against thinness involves a combination of a properly formulated diet and physical activity. Exercises from powerlifting are taken as a basis. The program is developed individually with the inclusion of the following elements:

  • bench press;
  • barbell squats;
  • deadlift;
  • rocking the press;
  • French press;
  • pull of the upper block to the chest;
  • leg bending from a lying position in a machine;
  • lifting the barbell to the chin;
  • leg press in the gym.

These are basic exercises. In order to get better, girls should perform them 8-10 times with 2-4 approaches. Regularity of classes – 2-3 times a week.

Developing a sports program on your own is difficult. It is easier to gain weight effectively with the assistance of an experienced trainer who will draw up a clear training plan.

How to create a menu so that a woman can gain weight?

It is important to think through your diet so that it is as beneficial as possible for the body and gives you energy for productive work and training in the gym.

According to experts, for healthy weight gain it is necessary to exceed the calorie content of the usual diet. But this surplus should not exceed 500 kcal per day. Otherwise, the menu will do more harm than good. A nutritionist will help you create the right diet. [1]

What points to consider when creating a diet for weight gain?

  • Increase the size of your usual food portions by a third. If you are not used to this, you can use larger plates. New dishes will “deceive” the brain.
  • Eat more often. Make a menu in such a way that there are 4-5 full meals a day.

What should you eat to gain weight? Add more healthy calories to your menu:

  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • fatty fish;
  • meat and poultry;
  • fatty dairy products (milk, kefir, cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt).

If you want to gain weight at home, don’t forget about healthy snacks that will increase the number of calories you consume per day. It is also an additional source of proteins important for the body. Snack on nuts, whole grain bread with hummus or cheese, toast with peanut butter, bran yogurt, fruit salad with sour cream or natural whipping cream.

Let us help you get rid of anorexia


Preparations for gaining muscle mass

Natural protein with chocolate flavor
Gainers and protein supplements will help a girl get better. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the composition. It should contain: creatine, proteins and other nutrients. There is no sugar in a quality gainer.

Optimum Nutrition

The multicomponent supplement contains complex carbohydrates, proteins, riboflavin, phosphorus, iron, zinc, thiamine and vitamin groups. The product regulates metabolic processes, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and helps build muscle mass. Cost 4000 rubles.

VP Laboratory Mass Builder

The composition is unique, patented by the manufacturer. It contains proprietary complex carbohydrates that provide rapid muscle gain. The following auxiliary components are used: vegetable fats, protein. The composition does not contain additional micro and macroelements. The cost of packaging is 1300 rubles.

BSN True-Mass 1200

The manufacturer has developed a product enriched with protein, complex carbohydrates, cholesterol and a group of vitamins. The composition includes: iron, calcium, sodium, sucrose. The dietary supplement promotes rapid muscle mass gain. The cost of packaging is 3400 rubles.

A small note. Drugs for gaining muscle mass can be used if there are no contraindications and you are engaged in anaerobic or strength training (without the participation of oxygen), which contribute to the gain of muscle mass.


Thin girls often experience a lack of appetite and food intolerance. For better absorption of nutrients and restoration of the digestive system, the doctor prescribes medications.

Pharmacological drugs are recommended primarily for those who are at risk of being diagnosed with anorexia. The active components of the tablets reduce metabolic processes, giving nutrients a chance to enrich the blood, tissues and cells of the body.

Among the effective means for weight gain:

  • Nutrizon;
  • Riboxin;
  • Peritol;
  • Methyluracil.

Tablets should not be taken based on your own opinion. Any drug if used incorrectly can cause harm to health.

Folk remedies

You can quickly gain weight using folk remedies. The easiest way involves eating pollen. An infusion from it is prepared simply. First, make a decoction of chamomile (for 200 ml of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of dry preparation). After cooling, add pollen (1 tsp) and liquid honey (1-2 tsp) to the warm liquid. For a week, drink the infusion twice a day, 200 ml.

Pollen helps restore the body and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands and ovaries. This is important, because thinness develops against the background of poor functioning of these organs.

Another recipe calls for the use of brewer's yeast. They are available in the form of powder, tablets or capsules. The use is described in the instructions. Common scheme: taken with meals, regularity – 1-2 r. per day, course duration – 1-2 months.

How not to lose weight with stomach disease and gastritis

The disease gastritis has a number of symptomatic manifestations. One of them is sudden weight loss. To gain muscle mass, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Consume more of the foods included in the diet for this pathology.
  2. Organize regular meals (5-7 meals per day).
  3. When creating a menu, take into account the compatibility of dishes (serve meat products with vegetables, fruits separately from milk derivatives).
  4. Lead an active lifestyle, spend more time in the fresh air.
  5. Do not forget about the drinking regime (at least 2.5-3 liters of clean water per day).
  6. On the advice of a nutritionist or gastroenterologist, take dietary supplements (modern products help stimulate appetite and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system due to the content of special enzymes).

It sounds contradictory, but to gain weight you need to move more. For this purpose, various sets of exercises are used to build muscle mass, gymnastics, and other physical activities. When developing a menu, it is important to take into account energy costs so that the food fully compensates for them. Then it will be possible to eliminate thinness even with gastritis.

How to quickly, and most importantly, safely gain weight

The reasons why a person seeks to gain weight can be different. But in any case, it is important to make a plan so that the process does not harm your health.

How to gain weight for a skinny girl? The following needs to be done:

  1. Consult a doctor

Self-medication is unacceptable. If you are underweight, it is important to exclude possible diseases that contribute to sudden weight loss. So see a therapist. A specialist, taking into account the collected medical history, will be able to recommend measures that will help you gain weight. If necessary, the doctor will give referrals to other specialists - a neurologist, nutritionist, gastroenterologist, oncologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist.

  1. Motivate yourself

It is difficult to fight established habits in daily routine and nutrition. But to gain weight you need to do this. To make it easier to reach your goal, motivate yourself.

Buying a beautiful tracksuit, a personal blog on the Internet, subscribing to the accounts of stars and fitness trainers - the motivation can be anything. The main thing is that it “works” in your specific case.

  1. Be patient

It is impossible to gain weight quickly at home without harm to your health. Proper weight gain is a long process. So take your time and be more patient. Health comes first.

  1. Think over a new diet

Weight gain is a gain of fat and muscle tissue. On the way to your goal, you cannot do without revising your usual diet. Get ready to create a new menu and include foods that you may not have eaten before.

To gain healthy weight, you need to eat right for a long time. This should become your new way of life.

  1. Workout

In the gym you not only lose weight, but also gain weight. Sign up for training. Since you will begin to eat more in the future, it is important that the excess calories entering the body are “converted” not only into fat, but also into muscle mass. That's why you can't do without sports.

Consult a specialist. Not all workouts will be beneficial for gaining weight.

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