Monthly training program: rules for drawing up a plan and sets of exercises

If you don’t like your own body and want to change something quickly, you can use a program that will help you get your figure in order in 4 weeks. To see real results, first of all you need to decide on your goal: losing weight, building muscle mass, getting definition.

To achieve success, you need to strictly follow the training plan, adhere to the regime, and give your muscles time to recover. It should be remembered that the training program for girls and boys is different. The former, as a rule, want to lose weight and tone up the body, while the latter want to increase muscle mass and strength.

Making the right monthly lesson plan

Every experienced athlete knows that before training you need to draw up a training program, which should take into account the following points:

  1. Goals. Determine your priorities: build muscle, lose weight, increase strength, make your body sculpted.
  2. Program. You need to select a program based on your goals. Fat burning combines cardio and strength training with light weight and at a fast pace. The weight gain scheme involves working in a low-repetition mode with maximum weights.
  3. Method of performing exercises: for gaining mass and increasing strength - separate, 1 set or superset method, for weight loss and relief - supersets, circular, combined.
  4. A set of exercises. Select exercises, sort them by muscle groups.
  5. Distribution of exercises. To increase mass/strength, load 1 to 3 muscle groups per workout. If you want to lose weight, work on each muscle group a little.
  6. Number of repetitions and sets. When increasing mass - from 6 to 12 times three or four times, as well as 10-15 additional elements for 4-5 sets. To increase strength - from 2 to 6 times in 4-5 sets. When losing weight - from 12 to 20 repetitions twice or four times, for relief - from 12 to 15 times for 2-4 sets.

Start your workouts with a warm-up (about 10 minutes), then perform 3-4 elements to load large muscles (legs, back, chest), then 4-5 movements for secondary muscles (for example, shoulders and lower body), finish the training with stretching ( up to 10 minutes). To lose weight, do cardio exercises for about 25 minutes after the complex.

Keep a notebook of the training program, refine it, record how the weight of the equipment increases, which exercises are effective and which are better to replace.

Making a training plan

Many beginners, wanting to tone up their body in a month, cut their caloric intake to a minimum and torture themselves with grueling cardio workouts. This approach quickly leads to exhaustion, fatigue and loss of motivation.

To achieve the desired goal of pumping your entire body in 1 month, follow the following recommendations:

  • Classes should take place 4 times a week.
  • The daily diet should be 2000 calories. The menu should contain no more than 20 percent fat. The percentage of proteins and carbohydrates should be the same.
  • To more accurately assess the results and effectiveness of your training, you need to weigh yourself and take a photo of your own body.

Planning physical activity is one of the most important components in achieving success in the struggle for ideal body shape. The result largely depends on self-discipline, determination, patience and willpower. Warn your household in advance so that they do not distract you from your home workouts.

The proposed 30-day fitness program is divided into 4 sessions. Each workout involves working out individual muscle groups - abs, arms, legs, shoulders, back, chest.

This technique is suitable for both men and women. 4 different trainings per week must be carried out within 1 month. During this period, your muscles will come into shape, become more prominent, beautiful and toned.

An effective method of repeated effort

When practicing this method, the athlete uses moderate weights, but performs the exercise until the muscles fail, when the last repetitions are very difficult. Then he feels a strong burning sensation, which indicates that all the fibers in a certain muscle group are contracting. First, the slow fibers are activated, and then the fast fibers.

The repeated effort method has the following advantages:

  1. A larger volume of work is performed, which provokes hypertrophy (muscle growth) and an increase in their strength.
  2. During training, the athlete can control the technique.
  3. The likelihood of injury is quite low.

If an athlete really works to failure, then he has a great chance of increasing muscle mass.

First training day

When starting training, remember that it is focused on intense exercise. Pay special attention to performing the exercises correctly and concentrate on your goals. If you are new to sports, and exercises are difficult for you, then you can spend a little more time resting between approaches.

Proper nutrition plays an important role in pumping muscles. An athlete's diet must be balanced, healthy and have the correct ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Using special supplements for bodybuilders will allow you to speed up the process of gaining muscle mass and creating a beautiful figure. By including whey protein in your diet, you can quickly tone up your internal abdominal muscles.

The training plan for the first day includes the following exercises:

  • Leg raises from a lying position at right angles to the floor (15 repetitions, two sets).
  • Exercise “scissors” (10-15 repetitions with a break between sets of 0.5 minutes).
  • Bend your legs to the sides from a lying position. Lie on your back. Take the barbell in your hands. Raise your legs at right angles to the floor and tilt them alternately to one side and then to the other. (2 sets with 10 repetitions). Take a 1 minute break between exercises.
  • Bench press. When lifting the load, inhale slowly, when returning to the starting position, exhale (2 sets of 10 times).
  • Bench press (10 times, 2 sets).
  • 10 arm extensions using a rope.
  • Push-ups with clap (12 times with a pause of half a minute).

All options for exercise complexes for 30 days

There are various effective complexes for 4 weeks that help you lose weight, build muscle mass, increase strength, and create relief.

To reduce the percentage of fatty tissue in the body, you need to focus on cardio and strength training. You need to work in much the same way to make your body sculpted. To gain muscle, it is recommended to use heavy sports equipment and work in low-repetition mode.

In any case, to achieve good results in a month, you need to train hard, monitor your diet, follow a drinking regime, and give your muscles time to rest.

Workout for men

This monthly weight loss workout program will help you shed those extra pounds quickly.

  1. Day 1:
  • Cardio load – 40 minutes;
  • lifting the barbell on the bench – 15x3;
  • lying dumbbell fly – 15x3;
  • inclined shell placement – ​​20x3;
  • seated chest press – 15x3;
  • lifting the barbell with a close grip while lying down – 20x2;
  • arm extension with the handle of the upper block – 20x4;
  • body bending – 20x3;
  • cardio load – 20 minutes at medium speed, and then slow.
  1. Day 2:
  • cardio, as in the previous workout;
  • upper pull of the block – 20x3;
  • lower block link – 15x3;
  • hyperextension – 20x3;
  • lifting projectiles to the biceps – 15x2;
  • “Hammer” – 15x2;
  • arm extension with projectiles to the sides - 20x2;
  • lifting shells forward – 15x2;
  • Roman style curls – 20x3;
  • cardio – 20 minutes.
  1. Day 3:
  • warm-up (cardio) – half an hour;
  • squats with weights – 20x2;
  • extension and bending of the legs in the simulator - 20x2 each;
  • leg press in the simulator (legs together in the middle of the support, widely spread at the top, and then at the bottom) - 20 times each element;
  • rise on toes – 20x5;
  • press of shells up – 15x3;
  • side projectile layout – 15x3;
  • Roman style curls – 15x3;
  • cardio – 15 minutes.

The program is designed for 3 days a week, but if desired, the athlete can exercise more often. The main thing is to select the elements so as to load the upper and lower body.

Important! Use light weights, do 20-25 reps, and work at a fast pace. The pause between sets should not exceed 30 seconds.

A day from a training program to increase mass and strength:

  1. Warm up (exercise bike or treadmill) – 10 minutes.
  2. Lift the barbell while lying down - 8x4.
  3. Press dumbbells (at an angle of 30°) – 8x3.
  4. Lift the barbell while lying upside down - 8x3.
  5. Place your hands on a crossover - 8x3.
  6. Bench press the barbell – 8x3.
  7. Extend your arms on the block - 10x3.
  8. Twisting or bending the body - 15x2.
  9. Stretching.

The program can be supplemented with new elements or completely changed, the main thing is to load all the main muscle groups, follow the technique and periodically increase the working weights.

How to create a training program depending on your goal

Any program is built on a combination of these two types of training. To do this, you need to decide on the main goal :

  1. You want to lose weight and slightly shape your figure.
  2. You dream of getting the biggest butt, especially if you've never had one (or other body parts).
  3. You go to the gym to keep yourself in shape.

Depending on the task at hand, certain exercises are selected, their order, and quantity. Then an individual program is developed.

In addition to the main goals, set specific tasks for yourself. For example, lose 4-5 kilograms in a month . A positive result will motivate you further.

Goal 1: weight loss

Your plans do not include building muscle mass. You just want to lose weight. Then combine cardio exercises with strength exercises. Cardio will help you lose calories faster, and strength training will keep your muscles toned and tighten your figure.

Training frequency . 5 days a week: 3 for strength training and 2 for cardio. In the latter case, it is enough to exercise for 45–60 minutes on one of the cardio machines. The number of repetitions in each exercise is 15-20.

Another option is high-intensity circuit training. Duration 20–30 min.

Nutrition . The main task is to create a calorie deficit. To do this, it is enough to consume 300-500 calories less than the daily norm, taking into account your activity.

Goal 2: Muscle Growth

In this case, highlight strength exercises. Cardio should only be included in your training program if you have excess body fat.

Training frequency . 3 strength training sessions per week with constant progression in weight. The number of repetitions in each exercise is 8-12. The break between classes must be at least two days.

Nutrition . Enrich your diet with protein foods, and also increase the amount of slow carbohydrates. To grow muscles you need to increase your calorie intake. For girls, this is 300-500 additional calories per day.

Main conclusions

It is possible to achieve your goals in 4 weeks, but to do this you need to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Determine the goal of your training: weight loss, weight gain, strength gain, relief contouring.
  2. Create a training program, determine a set of exercises, distribute them among workouts, and calculate the number of repetitions and sets.
  3. If you want to gain mass or increase strength, then work 3-4 times a week, use heavy weights, reduce the number of repetitions.
  4. If your goal is weight loss or definition, exercise 4-5 times in 7 days, combine cardio and strength exercises.
  5. Always warm up before exercise; if you want to speed up fat burning, then start and end the complex with cardio exercise.
  6. Give your muscles time to recover.

By following these rules, you can achieve noticeable results in 30 days.

Second day

The second day of the training program in the fitness room consists of the following exercises:

  • "Plank". The body is parallel to the floor. The reference points are the elbows and toes. Hold this position for 1.5 minutes. Rest between sets is 30 seconds.
  • Side plank. All quantitative indicators of the exercise are the same as in the previous step.
  • Twist. Sitting on the floor, extend one leg parallel to the floor and bend the other at the knee. Turn your torso in opposite directions. (20 times).
  • Plie squats (3 sets of 10 times).
  • Barbell row (10 reps).
  • Leg press (the number of repetitions is the same as in the previous exercise).

Fourth day of the training program

  • Throwing the ball from behind the head (15 times, 2 approaches).
  • Throwing the ball to the side (2 sets of 15 times).
  • Circular movements of the body with the ball in hands (15 times 2 approaches).
  • Barbell press (10 times).
  • Raising the barbell from a standing position to an angle of 90 degrees to the floor (3 sets of 10 repetitions).
  • Dumbbell raises. Arms spread to the sides (3 sets of 10 times).

By following this muscle mass training program, you will be able to significantly improve your muscle definition and tone your entire body within 1 month.

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