9 best exercises for buttocks + monthly training program

Is it possible to pump up your butt at home?

We have great news for you and it is that it is possible to get the butt shape you want, and it does not depend on genetics, as many people believe. Of course, you are lucky if you have such a gorgeous butt from birth, and if not, then you have a chance to get such buttocks at home.

People who sit all day long have weak buttock muscles. Perform strengthening exercises at least 2 times a week to give your buttocks a beautiful appearance and regain their firm shape.

Many of you have probably heard the expression “You won’t get the butt you want just by sitting straight on it.”

Without a doubt, this is true, since you need to pump your butt. The main muscle in this area, the gluteus maximus, is one of the most important muscles in the human body. And they deserve special attention.

The buttocks are made up of three muscles: the gluteus minimus, the gluteus medius and the gluteus maximus. The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest muscle in the human body. All three are very important and are involved in basic human activities such as walking, sitting and maintaining good posture.

Weak gluteal muscles cause other muscles to suffer, which can lead to injury. Strengthening the muscles of the buttocks will help your body function better, and will also bring you some moral and aesthetic satisfaction, and restore the elasticity of your butt. How to make your butt beautiful?

Three important conditions for a beautiful butt


Just as a sculpture needs material, be it Carrara marble or Saxon porcelain, your body (and not least a beautiful butt) needs nutrients - nutrients and vitamins.

You can wear yourself out doing repetitions and endless monotonous squats for your beloved glutes. You can strain yourself in the gym or at home until you collapse on the floor in an exhausted state. However, if you do not adhere to proper nutrition, everything will be in vain.

This means that you will have to say “au revoir” to rich, sweet, fatty deliciousness, since it remains on the hips and buttocks in the form of excess fat mass, and strictly, even a little fanatically, observe the permissible daily allowance of proteins/fat/carbons - abbreviated as BJU .

The daily intake of proteins is 20-30%, carbohydrates – 50-60%, fats – 10-20%.

By the way, a mobile application for counting calories will help you with this - there are a huge variety of them, choose what you like.

  • your body can get proteins from poultry meat, especially from boiled chicken, boiled beef, dietary fish (carp, flounder, pike perch), boiled chicken eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, etc.;
  • It is recommended to get fats from nuts, especially walnuts, avocados or red fish, such as trout;
  • As for carbohydrates, foods such as brown rice, oatmeal and buckwheat, baked potatoes, honey, dried fruits, regular fruits and vegetables are rich in them.

With all this, remember that you shouldn’t eat too much fruit, especially grapes, bananas, dates, since the fructose they contain is instantly transformed into fat. Therefore, limit your intake of sweet fruits: once every 1-2 days.

And the most important condition is to drink a lot of water. Drink up to two liters daily, but not cherry smoothies, carrot juice or lattes, but rather plain, still water.

To accustom yourself to proper nutrition, you will need at least a month of diet and training. The girl’s pumped up butt and legs cause delight among those around her, but, as you can see, they are not given for nothing.


There is an opinion that spectacular results cannot be achieved at home and that they can only be obtained in the “rocking chair”, the patrimony of all true fitness buffs.

Now, this is a fallacy. We will tell you how to properly pump up the butt of our lovely girls, not in expensive fitness clubs equipped with the latest technology, but in harsh, ascetic home conditions.

In fact, other than some equipment, your own weight, self-discipline and motivation, you won't need anything else. To ensure your training course runs smoothly, get an organizer where you will record the days of classes/sets/repetitions. This will give an additional boost (stimulus) to your zeal and allow you to track your progress.

In essence, the training is not anything complicated, its plan is as follows: warm-up, a series of exercises with maximum impact on your part, cool-down, rest.

We will look at specific exercises below.

In addition to home exercises, you can engage in walking in the fresh air to tone your muscles and earn an extra boost of energy.

You may also be wondering: how long will it take for your buttocks to begin to transform into a “butt-building” masterpiece? How quickly can you pump them up at home? Well, the answer here is somewhat ambiguous: it all depends on your body's individual response to exercise, how it absorbs and processes nutrients, etc.

We will have to disappoint you - this will not happen in 7 days. It will take two weeks for your body to more or less adapt to the training regimen. But if you stick to the plan, rest well after each session, and persevere, the early results will start to show within the first 30 days.

Rest and regime

It is important to alternate physical activity with periods of recovery - after all, muscles grow and “repair” precisely during moments of rest. It is especially important to get enough sleep - sleep breaks down fatigue toxins.

In sports mode, you will have to go to the side no later than midnight (preferably at 23:00) and not irritate your eyes with the backlight of your phone, tablet, monitor, etc., as this interferes with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, which actually renews your body. Engrave into your memory: healthy sleep = rapid muscle growth. And ten minutes before diving into the land of dreams, thoroughly ventilate your bedchamber: fresh, slightly cool air will simultaneously saturate your lungs with oxygen, which is useful for muscle recovery and will help you fall asleep quickly.

Effective exercises for the buttocks at home


This exercise is simply designed to pump up your butt quickly; it also works your core, which is very important for protecting your back and its normal functioning.

Muscles worked: lower back, buttocks, hamstrings

  1. Lie on your stomach, arms extended forward, feet together and on your toes. Keep your neck and spine neutral throughout the exercise.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles, inhale and lift your arms and legs up at the same time as high as possible. At this moment, tense your buttock muscles for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Return to the starting position.
  4. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets.

Making the exercise more difficult

Once you feel ready to make the exercise more challenging, add a little weight to pump up muscle mass in the buttocks more intensely. Hold a dumbbell in your hands or place weights on your ankles. Follow the same steps as above.

Gluteal Bridge

The bridge is one of the most effective exercises for working the muscles of the buttocks. Even without adding weight, the posture and range of this exercise will make you feel stronger. You were looking for information on how to make your butt firm - here is the answer to your question.

Works muscles: buttocks, back of thighs, calves

  1. Lie on the floor with your back, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Feet should be completely on the ground, arms at the sides of the body, palms down.
  2. Inhale and press your heels into the floor, lift your hips up, while tightening the muscles of your buttocks and the back of your thighs. With your upper back and shoulders flat on the ground, your body should form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
  3. Stay in this position for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position.
  4. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions, resting 30-60 seconds between sets.

the exercise more difficult

To make this glute exercise harder at home, try doing it on a stability ball. In the starting position, place your feet on the ball, your back should be completely on the ground. Follow the steps described above.

Another variation of this exercise is the bridge on one leg; pumping up the muscles when performing this variation of the exercise occurs right before your eyes. Take the starting position, leaving only one leg in the air. Follow the steps above, then switch legs.

Steps on the steppe with knee lift

A functional exercise such as stepping on the steppe helps develop a sense of balance and improve coordination of movements, and is also aimed at working the legs and buttocks. Such exercises to tone the muscles of the buttocks are especially popular among celebrities and are found in almost all fitness classes. Try to avoid rocking from side to side.

Necessary equipment: a knee-high bench or step to make it comfortable to take steps.

Muscles worked : glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps

  1. Stand in front of a bench.
  2. Step onto the step with your right foot, push off with the heel of your left foot and lift your knee up.
  3. Lower your left leg down, then return to the starting position.
  4. Perform 10-15 repetitions on the right leg, then the same on the left in 3 sets. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets.

Making the exercise more difficult

If after 3 approaches you do not feel particularly tired, then add dumbbells to your hands. Follow the same steps as described above. If this is a morning exercise for the muscles of the buttocks, then leave the dumbbells for the second half of the day.

4. Cross Lunges (Curtsey Squats)

This is not a ballet class as you might think when doing this exercise. No matter how ridiculous it may look, its effectiveness has been proven by experience. In addition to the quadriceps, this exercise targets the gluteus medius, which helps abduct the hip and rotate it in and out.

Muscles involved : quadriceps, gluteus

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, chest forward, arms bent at the elbows in front of you.
  2. Take a step back as if you were lunging so that your right leg is behind your left. Bend your leg at the knee. Your right knee should be positioned behind your left knee. The butt is tense.
  3. Place emphasis on your left heel and return to the starting position.
  4. Do the same with your left leg. This was 1 rep.
  5. Perform 4 sets of 15 reps, resting 30-60 seconds between sets.

Making the exercise more difficult

Do the exercise with dumbbells.

Swing backwards with a bent leg

This exercise is aimed at working the muscles of the buttocks. Muscle tightening occurs within the first two weeks if this exercise is performed regularly. Keep your back straight while performing this exercise, and your stomach should be tucked. Try to abduct and raise the bent leg as far as possible without involving the pelvis and spine in the process.

Muscles worked: buttocks and back of thighs

  1. Get on all fours. The spine and neck should remain neutral throughout the exercise.
  2. Raise your right leg, bent at the knee, up. Keep your foot flat and tighten your glutes as your leg is up.
  3. Lower your leg and return to the starting position.
  4. Perform 15 repetitions for both legs in 3 sets, resting 30-60 seconds between sets.

Making the exercise more difficult

To make the exercise more challenging, add weight to your ankle to pump up the muscles faster.


These are the most popular exercises for firm buttocks on our list. Squats are very effective especially for beginners, since it does not involve lifting weights, it can be done anywhere, so you don’t have to go to the gym specifically for this, you can just tighten your butt at home.

  1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Extend your arms in front of you and squat down.

7. Squat with legs back

A very simple form of exercise for the butt at home and another variation on the theme of squats. The only difference from a regular squat is that the muscles of the back of the thighs are activated by moving the legs back.

  1. Starting position: standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Perform a squat.
  2. Stand up and move your leg back as far as possible.
  3. Return to the starting position and do the same for the other leg.

Making the exercise more difficult

Try this exercise with dumbbells in your hands to pump up your butt muscles faster.

Lie squat

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, feet apart, and hands on your waist.
  2. Then do a squat. Try to keep your back straight and your head straight.

Squat with leg to the side

  1. Starting position: standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Squat down, then stand up and move your leg out to the side as high as possible.
  3. Return to the starting position. Do the same for the other leg.

Making the exercise more difficult

Perform this exercise with dumbbells in your hands. Full exercise for the buttocks, arm and leg muscles is guaranteed.

So, these were the most effective exercises to enlarge your buttocks at home. Now let's move on to a more detailed and specific training scheme.

Rules for performing training

  • You should exercise after two hours after your last meal, or 1 hour before meals. Read the article on how to eat properly before and after training.
  • If you decide to exercise at home, then the duration of the workout should not be less than 30 minutes.
  • After a week or two of regular training, add 10-15 minutes to maintain results.
  • Do exercises for different muscle groups, not just your buttocks. For example, don’t forget about the press at home.
  • Warm up well before training, especially your legs.
  • Don't skip workouts.

If you adhere to a specially designed regime, you can count on an elastic butt 100%!

Mandatory adherence to proper nutrition, correct technique and regularity are all the key to success!

30-Day Workout Program to Strengthen Your Butt Muscles

Do you want to get an “appetizing” butt at home in just 30 days?! Then, let's go. Below is a training scheme that is designed for a month, only for the butt and only for girls. This program is a real exercise for muscles. You will find the most effective exercises for your buttocks yourself through trial and error. You will see the results within a week of training. No equipment, no trips to the gym, all exercises can be done at home and at a time convenient for you. To begin, you need to choose 5 exercises that you will include in this program. Naturally, the type of exercise can be changed, but their number remains the same, and this is the main rule. How to pump up your butt at home:

Day 1Do 6 sets of each exercise you choose.
Day 2Perform 10 sets of each exercise.
Day 3Do 6 sets of each exercise 2 times.
Day 5Perform 5 sets of each exercise 3 times.
Day 6Do 10 sets of each exercise.
Day 7Perform 8 sets of each exercise 2 times.
Day 9Perform 9 sets of each exercise 2 times.
Day 10Do 6 sets of each exercise 2 times.
Day 11Perform 5 sets of each exercise 4 times.
Day 13Do 7 sets of each exercise 3 times.
Day 14Perform 6 sets of each exercise 2 times.
Day 15Perform 5 sets of each exercise 5 times.
Day 17Do 9 sets of each exercise 3 times.
Day 18Perform 5 sets of each exercise 3 times.
Day 19Do 7 sets of each exercise 4 times.
Day 21Perform 10 sets of each exercise 3 times.
Day 22Do 8 sets of each exercise 2 times.
Day 23Perform 8 sets of each exercise 4 times.
Day 25Perform 7 sets of each exercise 5 times.
Day 26Do 6 rounds of each exercise 3 times.
Day 27Perform 9 sets of each exercise 4 times.
Day 29Do 12 sets of each exercise 3 times.
Day 30Perform 10 sets of each exercise 4 times.
4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 daysbreak.

PS One approach consists of 5 repetitions.

How to train a girl’s buttocks to get results in a month

Physiologically, it is impossible to pump up your butt in a month at home or in the gym. This will take much more time. However, it is quite possible to achieve improved physical fitness, as well as a slight increase in strength and endurance of the gluteal muscles. To do this, you need to competently build a training plan, thinking through not only the load, but also recovery.

In order for muscles to grow, you first need to ensure:

  • Proper nutrition with a slight surplus of calories (so that it is enough for muscle growth without a noticeable increase in body fat mass).
  • Increased amount of protein food to obtain all amino acids.
  • Exercise stress.

Moreover, work with weights should be performed with no less than 55-65% of the one-repetition maximum. High-repetition training with light weights will have a good effect on muscle definition, but will not lead to noticeable growth. Especially if the goal is to increase the volume of the buttocks in a short time. With a weak level of physical fitness among athletes, strength training with weights up to 70% of 1RM can show good results in 2-3 months. It will gradually slow down and depend more on training and nutrition than for beginners.

To pump up your buttocks in a month and achieve the maximum possible result within the set period, you must adhere to the following rules in training:

  • Perform no more than 12 repetitions to failure per week (we are talking about the heaviest last sets in each exercise, when muscle failure occurs).
  • Train a muscle group no more than once a week (or divide the volume into two workouts, but with an interval of at least 2-3 days).
  • Work with heavy weights (55-70% of 1RM) and 6-8 repetitions in each set.
  • Apply progressive loads.

Even if all the conditions are met, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to pump up your butt in a month will be negative. However, it is this training regimen that will ensure maximum progression.

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