12 effective exercises that will make your figure ideal

Learn these exercises and you'll never pay for a gym membership again.

You can exercise anywhere using only your own weight.

We suggest exercises that use only your body weight as resistance, such as push-ups and lunges. They do not require the necessary equipment.

These movements are a staple in many high-intensity workouts. These workouts are intense and fast.

You get through the exercises quickly in less than 30 minutes. This means you can be in great shape without having to go to the gym, spend hours working out, or use special workout equipment. (Seriously, it's science.) Just knowing the right moves is enough.

Here's a list of exercises created by personal trainer and exercise physiologist Albert Matheny.

These 12 exercises are important for those who want to exercise anytime, anywhere.

The trainer also gives 9 workout options that are combinations of these movements. You can use these 12 exercises as building blocks for a variety of fast, high-impact workouts that are possible anywhere.

Some of these movements come with instructions on how to make them more comfortable. Just try to perform the movements that don't have "facilitating" instructions as best you can. Know that it is better to do just a few repetitions of each movement perfectly, rather than doing many movements incorrectly.

Once you've mastered these exercises, learn how to combine them into a full 20- or 30-minute workout.

Push ups

What to do:

  • Place your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Maintain a plank position. Your body should be straight from the back of your head to your hips.
  • The neck should be in line with the shoulders.
  • As you lower, keep your elbows close to your body.

Not recommended:

  • Sagging or protruding buttocks.
  • Tilt your head up or down.
  • Allow your shoulders to rise toward your ears.

How to make it easier:

  • Place your feet wider for better stability.
  • Perform push-ups as described above, but instead of a plank position, do push-ups with your knees on the ground. Just make sure your back and hips are in a straight line.

The best ways to get a ripped body

Eat often

Tip #1 for any nutritionist. Eat every 2-3 hours to lose weight. But, make sure you eat foods that will help you lose weight and keep your metabolism active. Eating healthy foods will improve the quality of your digestive system and your overall well-being. This will help your body use calories as energy, which will help you lose weight.

But there is a percentage of people who are better off eating all 3 times a day, without dividing already small meals into even smaller ones, thereby driving themselves into a feeling of constant hunger.

Drink water

Many times when we feel hungry, we are simply thirsty. By drinking plenty of water, you curb hunger. Therefore, drink at least 3 liters of water every day. If you are exercising, the amount of water should be more. Water also helps remove toxins from the body. It also improves digestion, cleanses the colon, and helps cells function properly. Drink water 20-30 minutes before meals - this will prevent overeating.

Add a protein component to every meal

Proteins are best for building muscle mass and strengthening muscles. So, to get a ripped, toned and lean body, you must include lean proteins in every meal. You can eat eggs, nuts, seeds, fish, chicken breast, mushrooms, lentils, sprouts, peas, beans.

Eat fruits and vegetables

Most metabolic disorders occur due to insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in the body. Vitamins and minerals are essential for various biological reactions in our body. Fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and carbohydrates. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates completely as they are important building blocks of our body. Dietary fiber binds to fat molecules and prevents their absorption. Fats bound to dietary fiber are directly excreted from the body with indigestible fiber. Ideally, you should have 3-4 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

5. Eat Healthy Fats

Not all fats are bad. Healthy fats help reduce inflammation and keep cells healthy. You can consume avocado, flax seeds, olive oil, flaxseed oil, hemp seed oil, pumpkin seeds, fish oil, rice bran oil, coconut oil, peanut oil, sunflower seeds, almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts and pine nuts. It's best to eat nuts in the morning so you can burn calories from them throughout the day.

6. Avoid junk/processed foods

It sounds boring, but the key to weight loss is to avoid all junk foods. Fast food and processed foods are not nutritious at all and contain salts and unhealthy fats. They raise bad cholesterol, increase weight and the risk of heart disease and cancer, and accelerate aging. Thus, avoid French fries, fried chicken, carbonated drinks, packaged fruit juices, flavored cereals and processed foods.

Eat 5-6 times a day

Depending on how long you are awake, you should eat 5-6 times a day. If your waking time is 15 hours, then you should eat 5 times a day (divide 15 by 3). Always have breakfast. Lunch and dinner should be light. You can snack on fresh fruit juices, carrots, celery, yogurt, nuts and fruits.

Cook it yourself

The best way to avoid junk food and consuming extra calories and trans fats is to prepare your meals at home. Stock up on vegetables, fruits, lean protein and healthy fats over the weekend. Also, buy ziplock bags and containers in different shapes and sizes. You can chop vegetables on the weekend and store them fresh in ziplock bags all week. Pack your office lunch in a container. Some good options for lunch are shrimp, chicken sandwich, and lettuce sandwiches.

Reduce your serving size

The amount of food you should consume should be equal to the size of your palm. Eating large amounts of even healthy foods can also lead to weight gain. Even if you eat healthy but don't control your portion sizes, you'll be less likely to lose weight.

Examine the contents of your plate

Every time you eat, look at your plate. Half your plate should contain vegetables, one-fourth should contain lean protein, and the rest should contain complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. This balance should be maintained to provide the body with the required amount of fiber, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as to lose weight and get rid of the loose and decrepit body.

Customize your eating experience

When we are hungry, we often tend to eat everything and quickly. But it's not right. When we chew food hastily, air enters the stomach along with it, which causes bloating. Plus, when we eat quickly, we tend to eat more. So, enjoy your food and eat slowly. You won't overexert yourself, plus you'll maintain an active metabolism.

Have cheat meals

If you strictly follow the points mentioned above, you can definitely enjoy one cheat meal per week. Treat yourself to all kinds of delicious foods, but don't overdo it. If you exercise regularly, you can consume 500 calories more than your average day. If your lifestyle is sedentary, then you can add no more than 250 calories.

Then, a training plan and a set of exercises. Your body must use up the energy you consume in the form of food. If you don't expend energy, it will be stored as fat. And the more fat you have in your body, the more you will have to work later to burn it and create relief. Here's what you should do:

Run up and down the stairs

Stairs are an amazing workout for people who want to lose weight. Run up and down the stairs for 30 minutes every morning. Do this before breakfast. Such a run will work as a warm-up, which will help prepare the muscles for more serious loads in a month. In addition, it burns a few extra calories, helps give your muscles definition and improves breathing.

Jump rope

Once you've trained your legs, it's time to start your actual weight loss workout. Find a jump rope and start jumping. Start with 20 minutes and gradually increase the time to 40 minutes. Jumping rope attacks brown fat in the stomach, which is considered the hardest fat to lose. Jumping rope also strengthens your leg muscles and reduces your waistline.

15. Take a walk

Once you're done jumping rope, it's time to catch your breath. The best way to move and relax at the same time is to walk. This essential workout keeps your legs, arms and entire body moving. At the same time, it also makes breathing easier.

Power training

After a 15-minute walk, it's time to do some weightlifting. Strength training is an integral part of your training plan. Yes! Do you understand me. You need to train with extra weights to lose weight and get toned muscles and firm skin. When you lift weights, your muscles fatigue. Only when they are tired do they lose excess fat while resting. This also highlights the need for proper rest after exercise.

17. Push-ups

It's time for push-ups after strength training. Push-ups are an important step in your weight loss workout plan. They specifically target reducing belly fat and strengthening your core muscles. Start with 5 push-ups, then work your way up to 10, and if you can, stretch it to 50. But do it gradually, as you won't be able to do 50 push-ups on the first day.

18. Cardio

Cardio is another amazing form of exercise. It helps in weight loss and also focuses on increasing muscle strength. It is also a wonderful therapy for improving breathing. Only you must carefully follow the execution technique, since incorrect technique can cause injury and pain. The best way to learn how to run is to watch a video about it and follow the instructions.

19. Crunches

Crunches are amazing abdominal exercises that you should complete your weight loss workout with every day. They give amazing results in reducing belly fat.

There are four different types of crunches: reverse crunches, side crunches, prone crunches, and cable crunches. Start your workout with reverse crunches. Gradually transition into side crunches, which require you to lift one shoulder while keeping the other parallel to the floor. Lying crunches focus on contracting the abdominal muscles, while cable crunches are performed using a special machine.

20. Plank

The front plank is one of the best exercises for burning belly fat. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the core, neck, chest and shoulders and get a beautiful and perfect tummy. Start with 10 seconds and then gradually increase to 30-35 seconds. Once you've mastered the front plank, you can try the side plank.

21. Squats

You can pump up your buttocks and thighs by doing full squats. Make sure to do everything correctly as incorrect technique will damage your knees.

22. Stretching

Finish the exercises with stretching. It relaxes muscles and prevents injury. Stretch your neck, arms, shoulders, legs. You can also try yoga and meditation to relax.

Simple workouts and healthy eating don't work if you don't follow a healthy lifestyle.

Avoid stress

Stress is one of the main reasons why women gain weight, especially in the abdominal area. Stress releases a hormone called cortisol, which inhibits insulin production. Your blood glucose levels begin to drop and you begin to feel food cravings. During this time, you will choose sweet and filling foods instead of healthy foods. So, relax regularly to prevent such “emotional” eating, which will lead to weight gain. Take “me time” every day and do something you really enjoy—get a massage, take a bubble bath, talk to your girlfriends, or listen to music.

Keep moving anyway

To lose weight, you need to expend the calories you consume. If you don't find time to exercise, keep moving anyway to burn calories as energy. Walk to and from your work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator to go up and down. Take breaks between work and move around.

25. Participate in outdoor activities

Many of us don't have time to workout at home or in the gym. Thus, the best way to utilize calories as energy is to take part in outdoor games like badminton, baseball, cricket and football. You can also take part in marathons or join a dance class. Do this 5 days a week to lose weight and feel energized and active. The benefit is that you will be able to communicate and meet people who will positively influence and inspire you to achieve your goals.

Avoid alcohol and quit smoking

Alcohol is broken down into sugar in the body. This sugar turns into fat. Hence, it is better that you consume alcohol in limited quantities. Smoking causes a build-up of toxins, which prevents fat mobilization and causes cancer, constipation and skin problems.

Take a walk after lunch and/or dinner

After lunch and/or dinner, go for a walk. You can do this with friends, spouses, coworkers, alone, or with your dog. Taking a walk after lunch or dinner will not only help you burn calories, but also relax your mind.

Get enough sleep

Sleep at least 7 hours every day. Sleep helps rejuvenate your mind and repair the cells in your body. If you don't get a good night's sleep, your brain will be tired and unable to function properly. When this happens, you will be more inclined to eat unhealthy foods.

However, too much sleep can slow down your metabolism. It is best that you sleep for 2-3 hours after lunch. Let go of your worries by reading a book or listening to music. Get up early so you have time to exercise and prepare a good, healthy breakfast.

Find support

We often tend not to discuss our problems or open up to other people. This not only causes you to gain weight due to stress, but also puts your health at risk. Talk to your best friend or someone you consider close. You can also seek professional help if something is bothering you too much and interfering with your daily life.

Take breaks

Live life to the fullest! Go on a trip, learn a few new languages, watch a movie, etc. to “break” the monotony. A change of place and activity will lead to the appearance of “good” hormones that fill us with a feeling of satisfaction.

Follow these points unconditionally. Not only will they help you lose weight, but they will also reduce your risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, PCOD and many other life-threatening diseases. But remember that depending on your body type and fitness level, it may take some time to see results. The more determined you are to achieve your goal, the faster you will lose weight. So, ladies, start a healthy lifestyle today and say goodbye to unnecessary sentiment in just a few days.

Now let's talk about additional exercises that will help you get your figure in order, and also make your man finally like your reflection in the mirror!


How to do:

  • Place your hands under your shoulders, or slightly wider.
  • Tighten your gluteal muscles.
  • Your body should be in one line from head to toe.
  • Tighten your chest.
  • Tuck your chin.
  • Direct your gaze to the floor.

Not recommended:

  • Lifting or sagging of the buttocks.
  • Raise your head.
  • Staying in a position if your body is not in a straight line is only a good exercise if you do it correctly.

How to make it easier:

  • Hold the position for a shorter period of time.

Spider Lunge

How to do:

  • Starting position: as for push-ups.
  • Place your right foot near the outside of your right hand.
  • Land on your entire foot.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat with the other leg.
  • Maintain a firm plank position.

Not recommended:

  • Allow your shoulders to move out of line directly above your hands.
  • Sagging hips.


How to do:

  • Place your feet somewhere between hip-width and shoulder-width apart.
  • Spread your toes as needed to be flexible as you move.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Look forward and slightly up.
  • Make sure your knees are in line with your toes.
  • Squat down as deeply as possible.

Not recommended:

  • Allow your knees to move out of line with your toes.
  • Bend your knees inward.
  • Raise your heels off the ground.
  • Shift your weight to your toes.

How to make it easier:

Squat shallowly if you find it difficult to squat or have discomfort when standing up.

How to tone your body after losing weight with proper nutrition

When reducing your daily calorie intake, it is important to ensure that your body receives the necessary vitamins and minerals. Foods with high biological value are your friend, which will help you achieve a slim figure and have a beneficial effect on the condition of your skin.

Nutritionist's comment:

What happens to the skin when you lose weight, how to avoid sagging? You need to eat foods rich in antioxidants. This is due to the fact that during the diet, especially in the first days, intoxication is noted, and therefore the number of free radicals increases. Antioxidant compounds neutralize them.

Jump Lunge

How to do:

  • Keep your front knee at a 90-degree angle.
  • Lunge as low as possible without your back knee touching the floor.
  • Keep your torso upright.
  • Distribute your weight evenly between your front and back legs.
  • Jump to switch the position of your legs - your front leg goes back and your back leg goes forward.
  • Coordinate your arm movements so that your front arm moves forward as your opposite leg lunges back.
  • Land softly.

Not recommended:

  • So that the knee touches the floor.

How to make it easier:

Take your time - just do regular lunges.

Single leg lift

How to do:

  • Keep your back straight.
  • Distribute your weight evenly on the leg you're standing on.
  • Raise one leg straight behind you. Lean forward and stop at hip level. Bend as low as your flexibility allows.
  • Pull yourself back to a standing position using the hamstring (back) of the leg you are standing on.
  • Keep your head in a neutral position.

Not recommended:

  • Reach toward the floor with your fingertips: This bends your back. Instead, focus on keeping your back flat and locked through your hips.
  • Try to touch the floor if flexibility does not allow.
  • Change legs on every rep. Do the exercise with one leg for one set, and then switch to the other leg for the next set.

Swing your legs back

Exercise for buttocks, thighs and abs

Get on all fours as for the previous exercise. Stretch one leg back and lift it higher than your body without bending your knee. Stretch your toes, tense your leg. With a smooth pulling movement, lower it, bending the knee, and pull it to your chest, slightly rounding your back and lowering your head. Then bring your leg back and up, lifting your chin.

Do 10 reps and change legs, 2-3 sets.

Reverse Lunge

How to do:

  • Starting position: stand straight.
  • Step back with one foot.
  • Keep your front knee at a 90-degree angle.
  • Keep your chest up.
  • Distribute your weight evenly between your front and back leg.
  • The knee of the back leg can lightly touch the floor.
  • Push through the heel of your front foot to stand up.
  • Coordinate your arm movements so that your hand is in front as your opposite leg lunges back.

Not recommended:

  • Shift the weight of your front leg onto your toes.
  • So that the knee moves to the side.
  • Allow the front knee to bend inward.

Walking on your hands

How to do:

  • Your legs should be as straight as your flexibility allows.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Bend at the waist and place your hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Keep your chest straight as you walk your arms forward until you are in a plank position. Then walk on your hands in the opposite direction and stand up.
  • Tighten your hips and dig your heels into the ground as you walk back on your hands.

Not recommended:

  • Walk your arms past the plank position.
  • Sagging hips.
  • Swing from side to side from the hips.
  • Raise your shoulders up towards your ears.

How to make it easier.

  • Bend your knees slightly if you are unable to reach the ground. Improve your flexibility and work on keeping your legs straight.
  • To turn these exercises into a full workout, follow one of these guides.
  • You can mix and match exercises to make your own workout.

Find out more about our weight loss programs:

The most important protein in the epidermis, responsible for elasticity and youth, is collagen. There are many products containing it on the cosmetics market, and some of them are really effective. But this substance, which is the basis of connective tissue, is also produced by our body. Intensive synthesis ensures beauty and firmness of both face and body.

The following products help synthesize collagen:

  • fish of the salmon family, which are high in unsaturated fatty acids;
  • kelp;
  • poultry (especially turkey), cheese, eggs, dairy products - they contain a wide range of amino acids, from which this protein is formed;
  • raspberries, cherries, blueberries are sources of anthocyonidins, which are needed to protect collagen fibers from damage;
  • broccoli, citrus fruits, cranberries, kiwi, rose hips, cauliflower and cabbage - contain a significant amount of ascorbic acid - a leader among antioxidants - without it the synthesis of your own collagen is impossible.

Other vitamins are also very important if you need to remove excess skin after losing weight. B1 prolongs youth by maintaining high turgor. This nutrient is found in sprouted wheat, brewer's yeast, sunflower seeds, liver, and raw oatmeal. B6 enhances the protective functions of the epidermis; its sources are egg yolk, chicken, pork, beans, and bananas.

A and E are also of great importance. These compounds improve tissue hydration, which has a positive effect on elasticity. You can get these substances in the required quantity by enriching your diet with cream, carrots, sea fish, as well as vegetable oils - olive, flaxseed, corn.

If the question is how to quickly tighten the skin and restore elasticity after losing weight, then you should not forget about such an important component as vitamin PP (niacin). It has a beneficial effect on the condition of both the body and the face - it eliminates age spots, fights expression wrinkles and inflammatory processes. Enters the body with protein products (cheese, milk, pork, fish), as well as potatoes, corn and buckwheat, tomatoes, dates. Partially synthesized, this process requires the participation of the amino acid tryptophan (the source is foods with an abundance of protein).

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