Is Herbalife harmful to health, properties and contraindications

What is Herbalife? We will look at reviews from doctors, the composition and purpose of the products a little later, but first let’s say that this is a company that was the first in the 90s to start selling its products through network marketing, attracting a large number of people. At that time, their goods did not have low prices, but there were legends about them. Miracle pills guaranteed complete relief from serious diseases and significant weight loss.

Of course, today times have changed, and not just one, but at least a dozen large companies are distributing dietary supplements, and the consumer has more access to information in order to have a basis for healthy criticism. But today it continues to operate on the market. Reviews from doctors warn people to uncontrollably take any medications, including dietary supplements, but often the temptation is too great. The purpose of our article is to objectively review the products of this company, so that it is easier for each of us to make our choice.

History of the Herbalife company

In 1980, a young American, Mark Hughes, created a brand called Herbalife. He was prompted to take this step by a personal tragedy associated with the death of his mother from abuse of weight loss pills. In those years, it was fashionable to mix weight loss products with narcotic substances, allowing you to go without food for a long time. However, this weight loss scheme did not pass without a trace and did more harm than good. Then the young and ambitious Mark decides to create a healthy product based on herbal ingredients, full of miraculous properties and working without exhausting diets. The product was named “Herbalife”: from the Latin root herba – “herb” and the English root life – “life”. The protein shake from the “herbs of life” Formula 1 became the first officially registered product of Herbalife. Initially, sales of the new product took place directly from the entrepreneur’s car, in which he delivered it to neighbors and nearby areas. This approach helped ensure the sales of Herbalife without additional waste of initial capital on advertising and attracting employees. A series of smart marketing decisions, entrepreneurial talent and useful connections with people producing products for a healthy lifestyle allowed Mark Hughes to build an entire multi-million dollar empire on the global problem of weight loss.

Interesting! The whole truth of Herbalife is that the company owes its success not so much to products with miraculous properties, but to a strong marketing program. Being an excellent entrepreneur, Mark Hughes independently developed an effective sales system for Herbalife products, teaching this skill to his employees. He conducted seminars, summits and even organized a school for company employees.

Description of the main Herbalife products

Herbalife products are divided into nutritional supplements and care products to maintain external beauty. The most popular drugs:

  • Formula 1. Protein shake is the main product of any Herbalife weight loss program. Due to its high protein content, the Herbalife shake is rich in nutritional properties and is beneficial not only for those who want to reduce their waist size, but also for strengthening muscle mass. One serving contains 50% of the daily dose of vitamins and only 98 kcal;
  • Formula 2. This Herbalife vitamin complex is available in tablet form. Due to its fortified composition, the product tends to normalize the functioning of the digestive system and strengthen the immune system;
  • Formula 3. Food supplement in powder form. The product fully satisfies the body’s daily need for amino acids and improves protein digestibility;
  • Cellular activator. The beneficial properties of Herbalife biological supplements are due to an improvement in metabolic rate and activation of processes responsible for increasing performance;
  • Aloe concentrate. An indispensable product for cleaning the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Thermojetics. The product is an activator of fat burning processes in the body and is available in the form of a drink or tablets.

In addition to nutritional supplements, Herbalife offers a large selection of products with caring properties - face masks, body creams, shampoos and hair conditioners.

Questions for a Herbalife nutrition expert

Question No. 5: Many people are afraid to start drinking your shake (more precisely, the protein contained in it). They say: it causes an increase in “urea” in the blood. The answer is no, it's not true! They say: show me where, when, who proved that this is not so?! Best regards, L. Netepo. Sayanogorsk.

Thanks for the interesting question! Tell those who have doubts that the data on the safety of taking plant protein is confirmed by clinical studies.

Here are the research data:

Moderately high dietary protein intake (25%) had no effect on renal function (glomerular filtration rate) or urinary excretion of protein and creatinine.*

· A diet high in plant protein (27%) had no negative effect on urinary creatinine excretion.**
Sources: * Skov et al.
Int J Obesity 1999, ** Jenkins et al. AJCN 2001 Question No. 6: Some people experience heart palpitations from herbal concentrate. Is it possible to continue drinking and what is the best way?

This situation is typical for people with increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Caffeine and green tea stimulate their heart rate. In such cases, the herbal drink should be used in the first half of the day and start with a small portion. Also, the Herbal Drink should not be used in the evening if a person has problems falling asleep. Such people are allowed only 1 dose in the morning.

According to experts:

Herbal concentrates contain phyto-components that will tone you throughout the day and help speed up the removal of fats and toxins from the body.

Herbalife products are intended for use by healthy people; therefore, we recommend that people with any medical conditions consult their physician before using the products.

Question #7: Do Herbalife products contain fat burners?

Fat burners can be divided into 5 categories:

· those that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract have a diuretic effect

Aloe plant concentrate increases the contractility of the gallbladder, which has a positive effect on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal-Apple drink and other types of fiber also improve gastrointestinal motility.

“New Cell-u-Loss” contains potassium and magnesium, they are important microelements in maintaining water balance in the body. The intake of potassium and magnesium in the body causes the release of sodium from it, which reduces fluid retention.

· those that accelerate metabolism, activate the central nervous system

NRG tablets and tea and Liftoff drink contain guarana. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, but does not cause addiction or dependence.

Thermo Complete contains caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, and theobromine, which has a stimulating effect on cardiac activity and a mild diuretic effect.

those that control appetite

The yellow tablets contain chromium, which reduces appetite, and garcinia, which prevents the conversion of glucose into fats.

those that block calories

In practice, the effectiveness of these remedies is low; it is better to reduce the amount of food. Herbalife does not offer such products.

means that improve metabolism

There are many representatives of this group. There is a wonderful product Niteworks, which contains arginine, citrulline, aurine, folic acid and has unique properties that help improve performance and prolong active life.

Question No. 8: Can I use the Herbalife product on a regular basis?

Yes, sure. This is the same product! There are restrictions on individual tolerance. Do not exceed the doses indicated on the label for those products that stimulate the central nervous system and increase heart rate.

Question No. 9: What about the drinking regime for those who have kidney problems? And how to recommend aloe juice and herbal drink in this case?

There are many kidney diseases, some of them require drinking a lot, in rare cases there are restrictions - this is chronic renal failure. If you have problems with your kidneys or heart, always monitor the amount of fluid you drink and excrete. The difference should be 300ml. For example, we drank 2300 ml and allocated 2000 liters. 300 ml were lost with exhaled air and sweat.

Herbalife products are intended for use by healthy people; therefore, we recommend that people with any medical conditions consult their physician before using the products.

Question #10: Tell us about celiac disease and gluten intolerance.

Celiac disease (or celiac disease) is a congenital hereditary disease caused by protein intolerance to certain grains. Gluten, as a vegetable protein, in this disease damages the intestinal mucosa, leads to malabsorption, and diarrhea develops.

The difference between celiac disease and gluten intolerance is that gluten intolerance occurs more often with age and the degree of manifestation varies, from mild to severe symptoms. This is bloating, unformed stool. Celiac disease (or celiac disease) typically begins with diarrhea in early childhood and continues throughout life.

Some Herbalife products that contain soy protein contain trace amounts of gluten.

For patients with celiac disease, these products are contraindicated, and for those people who have gluten intolerance, it depends on the severity of this symptom. Most people don't even notice the presence of this amount of gluten.

Herbalife products are intended for use by healthy people; therefore, we recommend that people with any medical conditions consult their physician before using the products.

We would like to thank all participants in this Direct Line. We hope that you received answers to your questions and learned something interesting for yourself from others. We will definitely repeat the meeting with our nutrition expert, prepare your new questions. We will announce the next Direct Line later in our groups. See you!

Learn how to eat a balanced diet and control your weightLearn more

13 April 2021, 17:562016-04-13

Author: Be in Shape

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Karina | 12/27/2019 12:30 I am very glad that I discovered this product. I also found many like-minded people in the healthy lifestyle club, some of whom we became real friends with! We support each other, communicate on a variety of topics, not only about health and weight loss. Thank you for bringing people together!

Composition and quality of Herbalife products

All Herbalife products are made only from healthy, natural and environmentally friendly ingredients. Each product is made on the basis of carefully selected extracts of plants and herbs, for the cultivation of which there are special plantations owned by the company. Near the fields there are production complexes where plants are subject to final quality control and further processing with minimal loss of medicinal properties. All production is certified, and the benefits of each drug are confirmed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and 74 other countries. Despite all the myths that Herbalife products are dangerous to health, their use is harmless at the official level.

Herbalife composition

The main composition of many Herbalife products is kept secret by the developer company, supposedly so that competitors cannot repeat the unique formula. At the same time, on the packaging of dietary supplements themselves, only the main substances included in them are often indicated. For example, you can study the composition of the brand’s most popular product – the Formula 1 protein shake. It includes:

  1. Soy protein isolate. This component saturates the body with building substances to create new muscle fibers. Often found in sports cocktails from other companies.
  2. Milk protein.
  3. Microcrystalline cellulose.
  4. Oat fiber and inulin are natural prebiotics that ensure proper digestion.
  5. Fructose as a sweetener.
  6. A whole complex of thickeners, flavors and additives that provide the desired consistency of the product.
  7. A vitamin-mineral complex that includes all the elements necessary for the human body: vitamins A, C, E, D and group B, as well as magnesium, calcium, iron and others.
  8. There are many reports online that the cocktail contains other substances, many of which are prohibited by law in some countries. For example, ephedrine, which suppresses hunger and causes a surge of energy and strength. However, this can only be proven through an independent laboratory examination.

How Herbalife works

Unfortunately, like all nutritional supplements, Herbalife products cannot work miracles. Cocktails and powders are not able to burn extra pounds before your eyes. They only make the weight loss process easier and more comfortable. Any employee of the company knows that the maximum benefit of Herbalife products is manifested only in the case of a well-chosen nutritional system and responsible adherence to the following recommendations:

  • You need to reduce your calorie intake. The basis of any Herbalife diet is to reduce the caloric content of food consumed by 20 - 30%. Sweets, fried and flour foods are excluded from the diet;
  • Drink enough water. The official formula for calculating the daily norm is 40 ml of water per 1 kg of weight;
  • Do physical exercises;
  • Strictly follow the prescribed nutritional program, since the effect of one product is less effective than a complex combination of drugs.

Thus, the benefits of Herbalife products are only one component of the process that restores youth, health and beauty.

The benefits of Herbalife for weight loss

The benefits of Herbalife for weight loss and human health are obvious. All products are safe, highly fortified and consist of herbal ingredients. Eating miracle cocktails will help cleanse the body of harmful toxins, normalize metabolism and strengthen the immune system. In addition, purchasing Herbalife products carries a certain psychological burden. A person spends a considerable amount on purchasing a complex food product for weight loss, which allows him to tune in to a diet and follow it for the prescribed amount of time.

Herbalife diet

The range of products in the Herbalife dietary nutrition program directly depends on the desired result. There are different programs aimed at:

  • For weight loss;
  • Reduction in volume in centimeters;
  • Improved well-being;
  • Increased efficiency and energy;
  • Improving the condition of skin, hair and nails.

A specially trained sales consultant for Herbalife products selects one of the existing nutrition programs based on the needs and individual characteristics of a person, including metabolic rate, starting weight and height ratio.

Menu for the week

The secret of Herbalife diet foods is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates by increasing the content of healthy, high-quality protein. The weekly regimen is compiled individually, depending on the initial characteristics of the person and his wishes. An approximate menu of products for a week for those who want to lose excess weight:

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Breakfast Healthy breakfast Herbalife (Formula 1 product based on skim milk or kefir)
Snack Cottage cheese 2 loaves of bread Low-fat cheese Protein bar 1-2 boiled eggs 2 loaves of bread Protein bar
Dinner Steamed lean fish fillet Turkey fillet Steamed lean fish fillet Stewed chicken with vegetables Chicken fillet with asparagus Lentils with vegetables Boiled beef or pork
Snack Grapefruit Tea Thermojetics Cherry tomato and cucumber salad Tea Thermojetics Apple green Tea Thermojetics Grapefruit
Dinner Herbalife Dinner (Formula 1 water-based product)

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Important! The main rule is that portions should not be large. In case of a noticeable and persistent feeling of hunger, it is better to increase the number of snacks rather than the portion size.

Prohibited and permitted products

Herbalife nutritionists advise increasing the consumption of foods containing healthy protein (protein). It helps improve metabolism, dulls the feeling of hunger and gives you energy for a long time. Among these products:

  • Chicken, turkey, beef, pork;
  • Lean fish (salmon, tuna, pink salmon);
  • Bean products;
  • Nuts;
  • Eggs;
  • Fermented milk products containing up to 5% fat;
  • Green and citrus fruits;
  • Vegetables;
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal.

Foods high in simple carbohydrates are often harmful and cause diabetes, obesity and other health problems. This is due to their ability to quickly be absorbed and transformed into sugar, sharply increasing its level. Products that should be avoided:

  • Sweet;
  • Flour;
  • Juices, carbonated drinks;
  • Semolina;
  • Dates;
  • Rye malt;
  • Fast food;
  • Prunes;
  • White rice;
  • Potato;
  • Watermelon.

We recommend reading: Potatoes: beneficial properties and contraindications

When weighing the pros and cons of Herbalife products, it is worth considering the fact that the company’s nutritionists recommend sticking to a regular protein diet. Contrary to the stated miraculous properties, the introduction of Herbalife products as dietary supplements will replenish vitamin reserves and speed up metabolism, but will not burn excess fat on your own.

Side effects and consequences of taking Herbalife

Despite the quality of Herbalife products confirmed by the Ministry of Health, there is an opinion that they are harmful. This is due to scientists conducting independent examinations of Herbalife products regarding the balance of benefits and harms of cocktails and nutritional supplements. Laboratory studies by Swiss and Israeli hepatologists revealed the following changes in the body of those losing weight using the Herbalife system:

  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Destruction of liver cells;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Violation of emotional stability, aggressiveness;
  • Development of cerebral vascular pathologies causing stroke;
  • Addiction.

To protect yourself from possible consequences, you must strictly adhere to the dosages of products and follow a diet, not excluding meals.

How to take Herbalife?

Having figured out the benefits and harms of Herbalife products and having decided to purchase magic powders, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the mode of use of the products. There are two schemes for how to use Herbalife:

  1. According to the first of them, it is believed that breakfast and dinner can be replaced with a specialized cocktail from Herbalife “Formula 1”, and lunch can be prepared independently from approved products. At the same time, leave 2 snacks with special bars.
  2. According to the second, breakfast and lunch are replaced with cocktails (“Formula 1” and “Formula 3”) and special additives, and dinner is prepared independently. Snacking on company snacks remains mandatory.

Herbalife diet

In addition to the products themselves, consultants strictly advise following a specialized diet on Herbalife:

  1. Drink at least 3-4 liters of clean water per day.
  2. Eliminate foods with a high glycemic index and low nutritional value from your diet. These include fast food, processed foods, potatoes, baked goods and much more that nutritionists do not classify as proper nutrition.
  3. Consume only high-quality, freshly prepared food in strict compliance with individually selected calorie content according to body mass index.

Contraindications to taking Herbalife medications

There is no official information about contraindications on the packaging of Herbalife products. Despite this, any diet that includes Herbalife products can be harmful to health. For this reason there are some restrictions. You should avoid using Herbalife nutritional supplements:

  • Minors;
  • Elderly over 60 years of age;
  • Pregnant and lactating;
  • With liver or kidney pathology;
  • In case of nervous disorders;
  • For diabetes mellitus;
  • Problems with blood clotting;
  • High blood pressure.

Important! In case of individual intolerance, you should also stop using Herbalife products. A large number of herbal components contained in the company's product line can cause allergic reactions and cause irreparable harm to the body.

Harm from Herbalife

Because the company’s products are considered dietary supplements, the degree of testing of which for entering the market is much lower than that of drugs, the effect of Herbalife causes controversy among many adherents of a healthy lifestyle:

  1. There are a lot of rumors that the company adds narcotic, intoxicating and other substances that are addictive and harmful to health to jars and tablets. Moreover, all available examination results indicate that they contain only proteins, herbs, plant extracts and vitamins.
  2. Like any other product, Herbalife has a number of contraindications for use, the list of which is worth familiarizing yourself with before purchasing.
  3. When considering the benefits and harms of Herbalife products, it is important to mention possible allergic reactions and side effects, the occurrence of which depends on the individual characteristics of the human body.

Herbalife contraindications

According to consultants, there are practically no people for whom Herbalife is contraindicated. However, there are warnings on the packaging that the product is not recommended and may cause harm:

  1. Pregnant and lactating women.
  2. Children and teenagers under 18 years of age.
  3. Patients with any diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  4. People with diabetes.
  5. All those who experience an exacerbation of any existing chronic diseases during the diet.

Side effects of Herbalife

Among the dangers of Herbalife, it is worth highlighting a number of unwanted side effects:

  1. Allergic reactions to one or more components of the product may occur. This side effect is typical for any medicine and supplement, as it depends only on the characteristics of the human body.
  2. A protein diet with a sharp reduction in calories can lead to insomnia and other sleep disorders, and manifestations of nervous disorders.
  3. A sudden change in diet is harmful and can provoke an exacerbation of heart disease and changes in blood pressure.

Reviews from endocrinologists and nutritionists about Herbalife

Kamozina Tatyana Yurievna, nutritionist, 33 years old, Moscow

Every good nutritionist knows that losing weight quickly without any effort is useless, and in some cases even dangerous. For protein to work, its consumption must be combined with physical activity. Herbalife products are a good help on the path to a healthy lifestyle. However, the beneficial properties of Herbalife are not a panacea for all ills. A beautiful body is a huge job that requires work and time. This needs to be understood.

Evgeniy Petrovich Kedrov, endocrinologist, 46 years old, Tyumen

Herbalife products are very good balanced supplements. Despite this, they can cause disturbances in calcium metabolism. I am sure that before taking any dietary supplements or dietary supplements, you should consult with a specialist in order to determine your individual risks of developing unpleasant consequences and complications. Under the supervision of a doctor, taking medications like Herbalife gives only positive results.

Secret ingredients and side effects

After a month of use, you will receive:

  1. A weakened nervous system and lack of sleep;
  2. Nausea and pain in the stomach and liver;
  3. Addiction;
  4. Joint problems;
  5. Complications of diseases;
  6. Loss of libido.

Herbolife contains ephedrine , so taking it is harmful, even not in large quantities. This component causes insomnia, rapid heartbeat, and disruption of the nervous system.

The company also keeps silent about the fact that the analysis revealed that the product contains amphetamines , a drug that causes psychological dependence. That is, we are dealing with a powerful drug of mass consumption. This is the main reason why people who fall into the Herbalife sect stop thinking sensibly and continue to drink cocktails, even if they are harmful to their health.

In addition to psychotropic substances, a number of non-natural elements have been added to “healthy” teas and cocktails. Most of them help you lose weight, but cause serious harm to the stomach, liver and blood vessels. Herbalife clients go to the doctor after a short-term use because of stomach pain and poor health.

Also, during the outbreak of Herbalife’s popularity, doctors recorded a high mortality rate among people with serious illnesses. Whether this is a coincidence or not remains a mystery.

What do clients think?

Buyers are sure that Herbalife teas and cocktails do not help with weight loss. The proof is hundreds of negative reviews. To lose weight you need to follow several points:

  • Proper nutrition;
  • Physical exercise;
  • Healthy sleep.

By following these rules, weight will begin to go away even without using Herbolife. In addition to harm to the body, buyers do not receive any positive effect, but only pay money for the poison.

The cost of one jar of evening cocktail, which lasts for 10 days, is 1,600 rubles. For the slightest effect you need 3 such courses, that is, 4800 rubles per month. Consumers consider this price too unreasonable for Herbalife drugs.



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