Soy what is it. Beneficial features. Is it harmful to health?

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Soybean what is it

Soybean is an annual herbaceous plant, a species of the Soybean genus of the Legume family. Cultivated soybeans are grown in more than 60 countries on all continents. Soybean seeds, not quite accurately called soybeans, are a widespread product known as far back as the third millennium BC.

Source Wikipedia

Soybean is one of the most ancient cultivated plants. In China, soybean designs have been found on rocks, bones and turtle shells.

It serves as a raw material for many food products. Due to its high protein content and valuable nutritional components, it can be used as an inexpensive and healthy substitute for meat and dairy products.

Soybean is a waste-free crop. All its parts are processed into more than 400 types of different products.

Origin story

Soybean is the oldest cultivated plant on the planet. According to scientists, the plant formed as a crop about 6-7 thousand years ago in China.

Reference. In China, the crop is highly valued and called the "Great Bean".

Mentions of soybeans are found in ancient Chinese literature dating back to the period around 3-4 thousand years BC. e. Images of the culture have been discovered by historians in China on turtle shells, bones and stones.

From China it was brought to Korea - this happened around 500-400 BC. e. There it also received the status of an important cultivated plant and was actively used by the local population for food.

Around the same period of time, the plant came to Japan, since the Japanese islands were colonized by Korea for a long time.

In 1691, the German botanist Engelbert Kaempfer visited the eastern countries. He became interested in soybeans, and he described it in detail in his work “Amoentitatum Exoticarum Politico-Physico-Medicarum”. After this, the culture became known to European naturalists. However, it began to be cultivated in Europe somewhat later: from 1790 in England and from 1885 in France.

In our country, the first experimental plantings of the crop were carried out in 1877 on the territory of the Taurida and Kherson provinces. Selection work was first carried out at the Amur Experimental Plant in the period from 1912 to 1918. However, during the Civil War, the experimentally bred population was lost.

Amur yellow soybean was restored by 1923-1924, but the phenotype of the variety was somewhat different from the original one. As a result of the active work of breeders during the same period, the first domestic variety was obtained - the Amur yellow population, which was actively cultivated until 1934.

Mass introduction and the beginning of cultivation of the crop in Russia began in 1924-1928. - they began to grow it in the Rostov region, Stavropol and Krasnodar territories.

This is interesting:

Varieties and varieties of beans: faba (garden), ornamental, large-fruited.

Green mung beans - what they are and how they are useful.

Interesting facts about soybeans

Soy is the most common substitute for other, more expensive products. It is unpretentious in cultivation, so soybean raw materials are not expensive. The lowest varieties of soybeans grow up to 15 cm in height, the highest - up to 2 meters. Soybean fruits are beans that open with two leaves and usually contain 2-3 seeds. The fruits are oval, of varying convexity, mostly large, 4-6 cm long, resistant to cracking. The color of the fruit is yellow; occasionally there are forms with brown, black and green seeds.

In terms of protein content, it ranks first among all plants.

Every year, more than 300 million tons of soybeans are grown worldwide, ⅔ of this amount occurs in the USA and Brazil. China ranks first in soybean consumption.

The most popular soy product is soy sauce. There are many recipes for its preparation, but the classic recipe is made from soy, wheat, salt and water.

Soy is widely used by vegetarians. It is used as meat, cutlets, sausages, sausages and other products. At the same time, their taste is indistinguishable from natural products due to flavoring and aromatic additives.

Geneticists experiment with soybeans much more often than with other plants. The goal of their experiments is to improve its nutritional qualities and increase its resistance to the environment and other threats.

What products contain soy?

Thanks to the properties of the plant, it is possible to produce many different foods from it. Soy products are used for preparing dishes and enriching them. They are especially popular in vegetarian cuisine and East Asian countries. Types of soy products:

  1. Natto . Product made from fermented whole boiled seeds.
  2. Yuba . Dried foam from the surface of soy milk. Used raw or dried. Reminds me of asparagus in texture. Pairs with vegetables, grains and potatoes.
  3. Flour.
  4. Edamame . A snack made from boiled green beans with seeds.
  5. Oil . Pleasant to the taste, suitable for frying and dressing, contains a large amount of vitamin E.
  6. Tofu . Cheese with different consistency. It can be soft, jelly-like, or hard. Pressed into blocks. When frozen it is yellowish, then turns white. Very porous.
  7. Meat . Textured flour product. The structure and appearance resemble real meat of animal origin.
  8. Tempe . Fermented seed product. Prepared with the addition of a fungal culture. Pressed into briquettes. Has a slight ammonia odor.
  9. Pasta . Gochujang, doenjang, miso.
  10. Sauce . Liquid dressing for various dishes made from fermented beans.
  11. Vegetarian sausages , sausages, cutlets, burgers, cheeses.
  12. Chocolate . Low-calorie dessert that does not contain animal fats.


A lot of tasty and healthy things are made from soybeans. After special processing, milk and derivatives are obtained from the plant, which are an excellent alternative to animal products and practically do not differ in taste. Soy milk does not contain lactose or cholesterol. Scroll:

  1. Yogurt . Contains a minimal amount of vegetable fats. The vitamins and microelements it contains are no different from ordinary yogurt. Vegans often include it in their diet.
  2. Kefir.
  3. Milk . Used in its pure form, suitable for cooking porridge, making cocktails, and desserts. Does not contain galactose.
  4. Mayonnaise.
  5. Tofu . Cheese analogue. Does not contain cholesterol. Perfectly absorbed by the body. Prevents the development of cancer cells, promotes the restoration and strengthening of bone and muscle tissue. Goes great with herbs, vegetables, seaweed
  6. Curdled milk . Milk fermentation product.
  7. Cottage cheese . It is obtained by fermenting milk with starter or acid and pressing the protein clots.
  8. Ryazhenka.

Soy flour

It is made from dry seeds or meal. Contains almost no starch. Soy flour contains significantly more nutrients and protein than other types. Has binding properties. Because of this, it is good to add such flour to the dough in equal proportions with wheat or other cereals. Eggs can be omitted. Ideal for all types of lean baked goods.


Their defatted flour is produced by extrusion cooking. Soy meat is low in calories and contains a minimal amount of cholesterol. Perfect for dietary nutrition, vegetarian lifestyle. During meat production, all the nutritional properties of the beans are preserved. It contains eight essential acids, so it increases hemoglobin and improves blood quality. Rich in iron and minerals. Well absorbed by the body.

Before cooking, the meat is soaked in water, broth or broth for some time, or boiled, depending on the instructions on the package. The pieces soften and the texture becomes similar to the real thing. You can add any sauces, salt, seasonings and spices to taste. After softening, you can cook with the meat the same as with regular meat: main courses, soups, salads.

What are the benefits of soybeans?

Soy is very popular due to:

  • High yield;
  • High – up to 50% – protein content;
  • Content of vitamins A, E, C, H, group B;
  • The content of essential amino acids, essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, microelements, including iron, potassium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus.

Soy is recommended to be consumed to prevent cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. It is a real find for vegetarians due to its high protein content.

Soy-based products are useful for people with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal problems, and musculoskeletal diseases.

Regular consumption of soy reduces the risk of developing dysbiosis and intestinal cancer. Helps speed up metabolism and reduce cholesterol.

Soybeans are quite high in calories - 381 kcal per 100 g of product. To reduce its calorie content, it can be sprouted. It allows you to quickly saturate your body with healthy plant proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The plant is rich in easily digestible protein with a balanced set of amino acids. The ratio of BJU is optimal. Soy contains virtually no carbohydrates, which makes it low in calories. What else is included in its biochemical composition:

  • protein – 40%;
  • fats – 20%;
  • glucose, sucrose, fructose – 10%;
  • trace elements: nickel, boron, iodine, aluminum, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, iron;
  • macroelements: sulfur, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium;
  • starch;
  • folic acid;
  • retinol;
  • tocopherols;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins B, E, D, beta-carotene;
  • niacin;
  • riboflavin;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • enzymes;
  • thiamine;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • isoflavonoids;
  • choline;
  • linolenic acid;
  • phospholipids;
  • choline;
  • lecithin.

Benefits of soy for women

Soy contains substances that act on the body in the same way as estrogens. They compensate for the deficiency of the female sex hormone. And when there is an excess of estrogen, they suppress its excessive activity.

Regular consumption of soy reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. Soy is rich in lecithin, which prevents fat deposition and helps fight excess weight. Soy products reduce menopausal symptoms.

Doctor says

Anastasia Mertsalova

The combined opinion of doctors on this issue

Menopause is a period of physiological restructuring of the body, characterized by the extinction of the function of the reproductive system, which occurs in connection with age-related changes.

Eating sprouted soybeans helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste. To germinate soybeans, you need to soak them for 6 hours, then rinse and cover with gauze. It is necessary to ensure that the beans are constantly moist. Sprouts will appear on the 2nd day. They can be consumed after 3-4 days.

Sprouted soybeans contain vitamins, enzymes, and biologically active substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It contains 30% more fiber than wheat.

Basic elements of soybean cultivation technology


Soybean is an annual plant with a coarse tap root, penetrating to a depth of 1.5-2 m. Long lateral roots extend from the tap root. The height of the plant ranges from 20 cm to 1.5 m and depends on the soybean variety and growing conditions. The stem is straight, thick or thin, and curly in some varieties.

Lateral branches extend from the central stem in the lower half or third of it. In some forms they are located in one plane, in others in several. In some forms, lateral branches develop second-order branches.

The stem and lateral branches end either in a rough apex with a flower raceme, or in an elongated thin apex bearing leaves. The first is characteristic of forms with straight, rough stems and lateral branches, the second - forms with thin curly stems.

The entire plant is usually covered with pubescence. Its color is yellow and white. The pubescence can be short, tomentose, dense, long, distant, very sparse, appressed.

The fruit is a bean; like the whole plant it is covered with hairs. There are small beans, 3-4 cm long, medium ones - 4-5 cm and large ones, reaching 6-7 cm in length. The beans are straight, sword-shaped and crescent-shaped. Mature beans are yellow, red, light brown, the number per plant ranges from 10 to 400. Depending on the botanical form, the beans crack or remain closed when ripe.

A bean contains from one to four grains. Their absolute weight ranges from 38 to 520 g. The diameter of small grains is 5-5.4 mm, medium 6-7 mm and large grains 9.5-9.8 mm. Coloring can be yellow, green, brown, black and two-tone (marble). The grain ridge also comes in different colors: brown, black, brown, light brown or colorless. The shape of the grains is spherical or oval, convex or flat.


Soybean is a typical tropical plant, its homeland is in areas of Southeast Asia with a long frost-free period and humid, warm summers. Therefore, soybean cultivation is best achieved in areas whose climatic conditions are close to the areas of its main distribution area.

For the development of soybeans, a sum of temperatures from 2000 to 3000 0C is required, with a number of frost-free days of at least 120-150, with an average daily temperature of at least 15 0C. the greatest demands on heat during the period of flowering and ripening of beans. For the normal passage of these phases, an average temperature of 18-220C is required. A relatively high temperature is also necessary for seed germination: the optimal temperature is 15-20 0C, and the minimum temperature is in the range of 10-12 0C. Soybean easily tolerates spring frosts of 1-2.50C and does not freeze, only being slightly delayed in growth. Autumn frosts damage the leaves, but if frosts occur shortly before ripening, then the latter ends normally.

Soybean, as a southern plant, requires a short day. As the days shorten, it sharply shortens the growing season. With a short day, flowering time accelerates, but the filling and ripening of beans is delayed. With long days, flowering times are greatly slowed down.

Soybeans belong to the group of crops that are moderately resistant to drought. During the growing season, it consumes 3-4 times more moisture than wheat. Soybean plants tolerate excess moisture more easily than drought. However, when overwatered, the nitrogen-fixing activity of nodules is sharply inhibited.

For swelling and normal germination of seeds, 130-160% of their weight is required. From germination to the beginning of flowering, soybean is less demanding of moisture and tolerates drought relatively well. Soybeans make the greatest demands on moisture, as well as temperature, during flowering and bean filling.

The optimal soil moisture for soybeans is 70-80% of the maximum field moisture capacity, air - 70-75%.

Areas with stable soybean yields are characterized by wet summers, especially in the second half of the growing season.

Soybean grows well on all soils except solonetzic, heavy and acidic ones, as well as swampy ones. The crop can be successfully cultivated on chernozem, chestnut and soddy-podzolic soils of different mechanical composition, and, with sufficient nutrients, on sandy soils. The optimal soil acidity for soybeans is pH 6.0-7.0.

To obtain high soybean yields, cultivated soils rich in humus and lime, well fertilized, loose, and easily warmed up are most suitable.

The best soils for soybeans are well-structured, sufficiently moisture-absorbing, with a thick root layer, highly fertile with an optimal supply of mobile elements of mineral nutrition, able to easily warm up, rich in humus, with the composition of the underlying rock. Based on the biological characteristics of soybean plants, tillage should be relatively deep. However, on eroded lands and when re-seeding stubble predecessors, it is necessary to resort to minimizing it for this crop.


In the spring, 1-2 cultivations as mass shoots of wintering and spring weeds appear when the soil is physically ripe to a depth of 6-8 or 4-6 cm.

On plowed land that has been leveled since autumn and in the absence of weeds, you can limit yourself to one pre-sowing cultivation to a depth of 4-6 cm.


The highest yields are produced by fall plowing to a depth of at least 20 cm or deep non-moldboard cultivation (chisel or flat-cutter). Spring plowing or surface tillage reduces yield by 20-30%.

After early harvested crops, semi-fallow tillage is used, after late predecessors, improved plowing is used (1-2 stubble peelings and plowing in September-October at a depth of 20-22 cm).

In fields infested with root shoot weeds (sow thistle, thistle and bindweed), layer-by-layer treatment is carried out: peeling 14-15 cm immediately after harvesting the grain, glyphosate is applied to the weed shoots and after 12-15 days deep plowing is carried out at 30-32 cm.

In non-erosive fields, leveling plowed land in the fall is effective.

main tillage system includes stubble peeling and fall plowing with a plow with a skimmer.

It is known that stubble peeling increases soybean yield. Peeling retains its importance if it is carried out correctly and in a timely manner: simultaneously with the harvesting of previous crops and no deeper than 5 cm. The best tool is a disk huller.

When carrying out the second work in the soil cultivation system - plowing - the time and depth of plowing are of great importance for increasing soil fertility and soybean yield.

Autumn plowing is carried out with plows with skimmers (cultural plowing), if possible at an earlier date. Delays in autumn plowing reduce soybean yields.

The depth of fall plowing is very important for soybean yield. Deep autumn plowing contributes to higher soybean yields than shallow plowing, especially when carried out with plows with skimmers, in combination with preliminary peeling of the stubble.

Deeply plowed soil during the entire growing season of plants has a looser top layer, which ensures conservation of soil moisture, good soil aeration and mobilization of nitrate nitrogen.

Also, deep plowing sharply reduces the infestation of soybean crops.


The correct pre-sowing treatment system is closely related to the fall treatment system. In fields plowed for plowed soil, the first tillage of the soil in early spring is carried out in order to create an insulating layer on the surface. The purpose of this layer is to retain soil moisture accumulated during the autumn-winter period.

On light soils that have been well prepared since autumn, an insulating layer is created using a trail or drag. These implements level the soil surface and do not spray it. In spring, they can be used earlier than harrows, soon after the snow melts. On heavy, continuous soils, heavy harrows are used, which can be used to achieve better soil preparation; Both harrowing and grading are carried out at an angle to the direction of the furrows.

In addition to this early spring cultivation of plowed land, to create a more powerful loose layer of soil for soybean sowing, cultivation is usually carried out using paw implements. Cultivation also clears the soil of weeds.

In areas with insufficient or unstable moisture, as well as in years with a dry spring, the top layer of soil often dries out. In these cases, when processing plowed land for soybeans, in addition to cultivation, rolling is used immediately before sowing. By rolling, the rise of water through capillaries from the lower moist horizons of the soil to its upper layer is enhanced.


For sowing, it is necessary to use only well-sorted and uniformly sized seeds with high germination capacity and germination energy. Soybean seeds with a high protein and fat content under poor storage conditions quickly lose field germination and reduce germination energy. Therefore, in the spring, the quality of the seed must be checked. Seeds must be well-formed, with a high specific gravity, free from quarantine weeds, live pests and their larvae that damage soybeans.

Large and medium seeds have higher sowing qualities and yields than small ones. For sowing, cleaned seeds of the first and subsequent reproductions of zoned varieties are used. The highest grain yields are obtained when sowing with first class seeds.

Sometimes after sowing there is a sharp drop in temperature. Seeds and seedlings in cold soil are more susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms and do not sprout. To increase the field germination of seeds, before sowing they are treated against bacterial and fungal diseases with Fentiuram or other analogues of TMTD. The soybean yield without seed treatment is lower than with treatment. Soybean seeds with a moisture content of up to 14% can be treated one to two months before sowing. Early treatment with pesticides protects seeds from fungal and bacterial diseases, does not reduce germination and increases yield by 15%.

Plant growth stimulants and microfertilizers are also used for seed treatment. Such preparations help to increase the energy of seed germination, and soybean seedlings appear several days earlier.

Since the flowability of treated seeds changes, it is necessary to check the setting of the seeder for the seeding rate. When using seeders with a pneumatic seeder, seed treatment has virtually no effect on the seeding rate.


Soybean is a heat-loving crop. Its seeds begin to germinate at temperatures of 6 – 80C. When sown in soil at this temperature, the seeds swell quickly, but their germination is delayed and seedlings appear in 25-30 days. During this period, the Fusarium mycelium develops well and can cause Fusarium rot of seeds and seedlings. Field germination of seeds varies greatly depending on the timing of sowing. If sowing is too early or late, 30.3–31% of the seeds do not germinate, so the crops are sparse.

Soybean sowing begins when the soil warms up well and the stable average daily temperature at the seeding depth reaches 10-140C, and the danger of spring frosts has passed.

The timing of sowing depends not only on the temperature regime of the soil, the biological characteristics of the varieties, but also on the duration of the growing season, the amount of precipitation, soil moisture and aeration. In conditions of good moisture supply, soybeans are sown at the optimal time, with good soil warming and moisture. In dry years, the best results are obtained by sowing early, which allows you to use the spring moisture reserves in the soil for swelling and germination of seeds. Late sowing in such conditions leads to the fact that the seeds fall into dry soil, some of them are affected by diseases, the rest do not germinate for a long time, and seedlings are sparse. With an optimal sowing time, the best development of plants is observed.

In addition, when soybeans are sowed at the optimal time, the best conditions are created for weed control and the implementation of a set of agrotechnical practices. The most effective herbicides for soybeans are Frontier 900 (1.2-1.6 liters per hectare), Harnes 90% (1.6-3.0 liters per hectare), Duald Gold 960EC (1.2-1.6 liters per hectare). hectare) and others. The noted herbicides are used mainly to control cereal weeds and are applied under pre-sowing cultivation, or immediately before or after sowing (before the appearance of soybeans) with incorporation into the soil with harrows.

In fields that are free of weeds or when highly effective herbicides are used, planting can be done earlier.

The size of the soybean yield depends on a combination of sowing time, background fertilization and plant density.

The optimal depth for planting soybean seeds in the main production areas is 4-5 cm, on light soils - 5-6 cm. When the top layer dries out on structural soils, it can be increased to 6-8 cm. When installing seeders at the sowing depth, it is necessary to take into account that During germination, soybean seeds are brought to the surface of the cotyledons. Deviation from the optimal depth sharply reduces the yield.

The depth of soybean seed placement should be set taking into account humidity, temperature of the top layer of soil and seed quality. Shallow planting (2-4 cm) of seeds, as well as deep planting (8-10 cm), reduces the yield.

Optimal sowing dates, combined with the correct depth of seed placement and taking into account their sowing qualities, make it possible to obtain uniform and complete shoots, good plant development, and a high grain yield.


Moisture conditions, biological characteristics of the variety, the degree and nature of field weeds, and the technical equipment of the farm determine the method of soybean sowing. It can be sown in wide rows with row spacing of 45 cm using row-crop seeders or in the usual row method using grain or stubble seeders.

The plant's illumination, supply of moisture and nutrients depend on the plant feeding area, which affects foliage and biometric measurement indicators. With a decrease in feeding area, the height of plants, their weight, stem diameter, number of branches, beans and seeds decrease, and the height of attachment of the lower tier beans increases. With an optimal feeding area, the main number of beans (61.5-70.6%) is formed on the main stem. In sparse crops, most of them (71.5%) are located on lateral branches. With an optimal feeding area, the plants do not branch much; their shoots form in the internodes of the middle and upper tiers, where more sunlight falls.

The biological requirements of a crop in relation to illumination are best met by conventional row sowing due to the uniform distribution of plants over the area in comparison with wide-row sowing, where mutual shading occurs due to the density of plants in the row (every 2-5 cm). This method is applicable to well-cultivated fields with a low degree of weed infestation and, as a rule, requires the application of effective herbicides to maintain the purity of crops from weeds. Row sowing is more preferable for early-ripening, weakly branched, low-growing varieties, especially in the northern areas of sowing, since it achieves more accelerated and uniform ripening of plants.


For the good development of soybeans and obtaining a high yield, timely and careful care of the crops is of great importance. Throughout the growing season, care must be taken to keep the crops free of weeds and the top layer of soil loose. With this type of crop care, the soil retains enough moisture and nutrients for the plants and provides them with good access to light and heat. All this helps to increase the yield.

Depending on the conditions of the year, the weediness of the field and the capabilities of the farm, the care system may include a different set of agricultural practices:

– on wide-row crops without herbicides – 1-2 pre-emergence harrowing, 1-2 seedling harrowing and 2-3 row-spacing cultivations;

– in case of large infestations, it is necessary to combine mechanical (harrowing, inter-row tillage) and chemical (pre- and post-emergence application of herbicides) treatments;

– on a weed-free field with conventional row sowing, it is possible to use only harrowing before and after emergence, but usually it is necessary to combine them with the use of soil (before emergence) and auxiliary (after emergence) herbicides.

Continuous cultivation of row crops, as well as harrowing, can be carried out if the length of the roots of the seeds does not exceed half the length of the seed and provided that the seeds are deeply planted. The cultivation depth is set 2-3 cm shallower than the seeding depth and carried out along the sowing rows.

Harrowing of seedlings is carried out across the sowing rows in the phase of the first trifoliate soybean leaf at a plant height of 10-12 cm. The speed of movement should not exceed 4-5 km/h. It is best to harrow crops in sunny weather in the afternoon, when soybean plants are less fragile and weed seedlings are well destroyed. The number of damaged soybean plants during harrowing before and after germination should be no more than 5 and 9%, and the number of dead weeds should be about 65-70%.

The first cultivation of row spacing is carried out 8-12 days after germination with well-marked rows to a depth of 5-6 cm with a protective zone width of 8-10 cm. For the first cultivation of row spacing, it is recommended to equip cultivators with one-sided razor paws and KRN-38 weeding harrows. The second time, the row spacing is cultivated with pointed paws to a depth of 8-10 cm eight to ten days after the first, but no later than the formation of the second pair of trifoliate leaves, the protective zone is left 10-12 cm wide. The third and fourth times are processed taking into account weeds, precipitation, closing rows and compacting the soil. The last treatment of row spacing, which usually coincides with the beginning of soybean flowering, is carried out in combination with fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Treatment of row spacing with cultivators not only destroys weeds, but also affects the formation of nodules on plant roots, which better fix nitrogen under aerobic conditions and require good and constant access of air.

Thus, the system of mechanized care for soybean crops includes pre-emergence harrowing of crops. After the emergence of seedlings and the rows are well marked, a second harrowing is carried out with light harrows across the crop. The number of inter-row treatments and the timing of their implementation are determined taking into account the presence of weeds: in case of weak infestation and the use of effective herbicides, one or two treatments are carried out, in case of severe infestation - two or three. During the first treatment of row spacing, the soil is loosened in the rows and protective zones using row weeding harrows. Additionally, treat the soil only when weeds appear or the top layer of soil is compacted.

When processing soybean rows, the most productive are wide-cut units consisting of three mounted KRN-4.2 cultivators and a CH-75 hitch. When completing units, it is necessary to match the working width of the weeding and sowing units.

During each treatment, the working parts of the cultivators are set to a given depth, adjusted and secured. During operation, razors and pointed tines should completely cut weeds between rows, not damage soybean plants, and loosen the soil without forming ridges and furrows. The paws should overlap each other by at least 23 cm.


Nutrient requirements

The chemical composition of soybean plants can vary significantly depending on the fertility of the soil and the balance of nutrients it contains. However, under optimal conditions, plants exhibit a fairly uniform composition regardless of region. 90% of dry matter consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen from the air. However, they will not be absorbed if there are not sufficient quantities of other macro- and microelements in the soil. In order of decreasing importance, these important elements are nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur. To form 2.4 tons of seeds per hectare, soybean removes from the soil 124 kg of nitrogen, 22 kg of phosphorus, 102 kg of potassium, 34 kg of calcium, 23 kg of sulfur, 191 g of zinc, 18 kg of magnesium, 207 g of manganese, 865 g of iron and 75 g copper.

The nutrient requirements of a crop vary depending on soil and climatic conditions, variety, yield, cropping system and tillage methods. Soybeans can fix atmospheric nitrogen when there is sufficient Bradyrhizobium bacteria in the soil or when the seeds are properly inoculated. Plants begin to fix significant amounts of atmospheric nitrogen approximately four weeks after germination. Most estimates suggest that soybeans obtain 25 to 75% of their nitrogen needs through nitrogen fixation.

Scientists examined the relative nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium uptake of indeterminate soybeans under field conditions. The general accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the plant followed a pattern characteristic of the accumulation of dry matter. At the beginning of the growing season, the accumulation of nutrients was slow, but then accelerated. About 80% of the total amount of these nutrients was accumulated during the 46-day period, starting from the 54th to the 100th day after emergence, at a constant daily rate. Macronutrient concentrations in stems and leaves occurred in the following order (highest concentration early): nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sulfur. The order of concentration of macronutrients in seeds is as follows: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium and magnesium. If we compare the average rate of absorption of nutrients with the average rate of their content in seeds, then the latter carries 80% of absorbed phosphorus, 78% of absorbed nitrogen and only 53% of absorbed potassium. The remaining phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium are returned to the soil, stems and leaves and recycled when soil organic matter is mineralized. Despite the fact that microelements are required by plants in much smaller quantities than macroelements, their role in soybean nutrition cannot be underestimated, and their removal with seeds as a percentage of nutrients is also high. In descending order of importance, they can be placed as follows: molybdenum, zinc, copper, chlorine, manganese, boron, iron.

Of all the nutrients absorbed from the soil, plants have the greatest need for nitrogen . It is present in all amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, nucleic acids and chlorophyll. Soybean can use nitrogen released by mineralization, residual soil nitrogen, nitrogen fertilizers and atmospheric nitrogen, which is converted into a plant-usable form in root nodules due to the symbiosis of the bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum and soybean. While many crops rely on soil as their primary source of nitrogen, soybeans meet 65–85% of their nitrogen needs through the symbiotic process of nitrogen fixation. Large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers inhibit nitrogen fixation, so most experts recommend either avoiding their use or limiting the dose to a moderate 30-50 kg/ha. Some researchers have noted the beneficial effects of nitrogen use during sowing on nitrogen fixation, as well as on the mass and activity of nodules.

Phosphorus , although required in much smaller quantities than nitrogen or potassium, is critical for rapid growth and proper development of the plant. The most notable functions of phosphorus in plant development are energy storage and transport, membrane function and transmission of genetic material. Phosphorus is critical for the development of plant roots and leaves, as well as the formation of seeds. The phosphorus content of harvested soybean seeds is about 0.50–0.58%. Thus, to maintain the level of phosphorus contained in the soil, it is necessary to return at least a similar amount to the soil every year.

This crop also consumes about 125 kg/ha of potassium . Potassium is especially important for the physiological processes occurring in the plant - it is very mobile and is involved in the transfer of assimilates, activation of many enzymes, regulation of the plant’s water regime and photosynthesis. It promotes the formation of nodules and, therefore, nitrogen fixation, and also enhances resistance to diseases and stress factors. Potassium has a major effect on yield, increasing seed weight and protein content, although it slightly reduces oil content.

Soybean requires a large amount of calcium , of which it consumes 50–90 kg/ha, but only 20% of this volume is carried out with the seeds. Calcium has a beneficial effect on nodules either directly or by improving soil pH; Direct and indirect influence are quite difficult to distinguish. The need for calcium for plant growth can be easily proven by limiting root nutrition to this element. The growth rate immediately decreases, and after a few days the root tips turn brown and gradually die.

Magnesium is a central element of the chlorophyll molecule, one of the activation factors for many enzymes and performs several functions. Magnesium is essential for photosynthesis; if its content drops too low, it limits CO2 assimilation. Magnesium plays an important role in the symbiotic fixation of nitrogen by the plant.

Sulfur is necessary for the synthesis of certain amino acids, and therefore for the formation of proteins. It participates in the formation of chlorophyll and consumes almost as much sulfur as phosphorus and magnesium. The removal of sulfur from seeds can account for up to 27–66% of the total volume absorbed by stems and leaves.

Micronutrients are absorbed by soybeans in smaller quantities than nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sometimes calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Despite this, their role is no less important, and a lack of microelements leads to a significant slowdown in growth rates and a decrease in yield. Zinc activates a number of enzymes and participates in plant nitrogen metabolism and protein formation. Iron is an essential component of chlorophyll and is essential for respiration and photosynthesis. Manganese plays an important role in metabolic processes such as enzyme activation, chlorophyll synthesis, photosynthesis and nitrate reduction. Copper plays an important role in the functioning of chloroplasts and improving photosynthesis. Its deficiency can reduce plant growth and productivity by reducing the rate of photosynthesis. Molybdenum is necessary for the activity of two important enzymes - nitrate reductase and nitrogenase, which are necessary for the reduction of nitrates and for atmospheric nitrogen fixation. It is also necessary for the proper functioning of root nodules and nitrogen assimilation; Molybdenum deficiency in the field has the same consequences as nitrogen deficiency. Boron is essential for meristem activity and therefore for the growth of shoots, roots and floral organs.

Another useful element is cobalt, which is needed in addition to other trace elements. Cobalt plays an important role in effective nitrogen fixation, and has a beneficial effect on the number and weight of nodules and on the nitrogen content in the plant, if the latter is supplied by soil or foliar feeding.



When cultivating soybeans, the control of pests and diseases that affect this crop, worsen its living conditions and reduce yields is of great importance for obtaining high yields.

There are extremely many soybean pests - about 60 species, as well as diseases - 35 species. Viral diseases cause major metabolic disorders in plants, especially the protein complex.


The final result of growing this crop depends on the correct and timely harvesting of soybeans: the quantity and quality of products. Poor and untimely harvesting of crops can lead to significant crop losses and a decrease in its quality.

In soybeans, indicators of the harvest time of most varieties are yellowing and falling leaves, yellowing and browning of stems and beans. The grains in the beans make noise when the plants are shaken. The seeds acquire the color and shape characteristic of this variety. Soybeans are harvested when the beans are fully ripe using combine harvesters. Soybeans, which are highly hygroscopic, are very sensitive to changes in relative air humidity during the day. At the same time, it dries much easier on the root than after harvesting. Wet grain spoils quickly. This must be kept in mind because soybean harvesting usually takes place in a wetter (later) period of the year than harvesting, for example, cereal crops. Soybean grain splits very easily along the plane of contact of the cotyledons and is much more crushed by mechanical stress.

To speed up the ripening of soybeans, it is recommended to use chemical defoliation of crops. Treatment of soybeans with defoliants is carried out at different times: in the green bean phase at a grain moisture content of 76-78%, in the yellow bean phase and at the beginning of their browning at a grain moisture content of 63%. With early chemical defoliation, 86% of the leaves fall off already on the seventh day after treatment.

Late defoliation of crops accelerates drying and leaf fall. Processing soybean crops during the green bean phase at a grain moisture content of 76-78% accelerates its ripening by 14-15 days, but reduces the yield. Defoliation during the green bean phase at a grain moisture content of 70% accelerates ripening by 12-13 days without reducing the yield. When sprayed during the yellow bean phase and at the beginning of their browning, ripening is also accelerated without reducing the yield.

It is also possible to carry out chemical desiccation of soybean crops, which helps accelerate ripening by eight to ten days. After applying desiccation, the leaves dry out and fall off faster, the seeds ripen, while maintaining sowing and yield qualities.

The duration of soybean harvesting should not exceed 15 days. Combines used for soybean harvesting must meet the following basic requirements:

  • cut soybean plants no higher than 5–7 cm from the soil surface;
  • ensure harvesting when grain humidity varies throughout the day within the range of 12-16%;
  • provide minimal grain crushing during threshing;
  • It is good to separate a heap of soybeans, completely isolating the grain, with as little contamination as possible.

Is soy harmful to health?

Soy should not be consumed by people with urolithiasis, as it contains oxalates, which stimulate the formation of new stones. And also for people who are allergic to it, with individual intolerance, during pregnancy.

Excessive consumption of soy can accelerate the aging process, cause eczema, dermatitis, asthma, conjunctivitis.

Excessive consumption of any product can lead to health problems.

Soy has a strimogenic effect. The substances contained in it can provoke disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system and the thyroid gland. The oxalic acid contained in its composition can contribute to the development of urolithiasis.

Mammary cancer

Soy isoflavones, which act like estrogen in the body with a significant increase in consumption, may be one of the reasons for the increased risk of breast cancer.

Numerous studies do not support these claims. Interestingly, soy consumption in Asian women is associated with a lower risk of cancer. In Western countries, soy does not affect the development of breast cancer at all. This is due to the consumption of various types and products of soy, which is used in Asian and Western cuisine. Typically in Asia, soybeans are consumed whole or as fermented products. And in the West, these are most often food additives.


Soybean is the most common crop among legumes and oilseeds. It is widely used as a fodder, food and industrial crop. It is used to prepare butter, milk substitute, fermented milk products, and flour. Soy flour is used as a protein supplement.

Soy is used in the preparation of sauces, sweets, chocolate, yogurt, ice cream, drinks, tofu, sausages, and pates. Soybean oil has a slight nutty flavor. It is used for dressing salads and for frying.

Dry soybeans require pre-soaking for 12-15 hours. After this, it must be washed and cooked for 3 hours.

How soybeans grow

The legume crop is sown in the fields in regular rows. For this purpose, grain or stubble seeders are used. The wide-row sowing method is less commonly used, at a distance of 45 cm between rows.

When choosing a sowing method, you should take into account the tallness and density of the bushes. Otherwise, the plants will kill each other, depriving them of moisture and light.

bean field

Suitable soil

The culture is not particularly picky about the soil. It grows on almost all its species. The average acidity is 6-7 units on the ph scale. An unfavorable environment for growth is acidic, swampy and heavy soil. On sandy soils, soybean can survive only with sufficient nutrition.

The optimal soil for legumes is sod-podzolic, chernozem, and chestnut soil. And in order to get a rich harvest, the soil must be well fertilized and have a loose structure.

It is important to know! Light soil warms up better and faster, which is very necessary for low-lying soybean roots.

It is also important to consider that soybean roots go deep into the ground to a depth of more than 1.5 meters. This means tillage must be deep. The surface fertile layer will be insufficiently nutritious for the plant. Deeply processed humus and lime will have a positive effect on productivity.

Recipes with soy

You can make many delicious, nutritious and satisfying dishes from soybeans.

Soy meat in the oven

Required Ingredients:

  • 150 g soy meat;
  • Bell pepper;
  • 300 g champignons;
  • Parsley;
  • Spices, salt - to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 5 tbsp. l. soy sauce.

Pour boiling water over the soy meat for a few minutes. Cut the peppers and champignons into strips. Place in a baking dish, salt, add spices, sauce, butter. Mix.

Bake for half an hour in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Then turn off the oven and let it brew for 10 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with parsley.

Soy cutlets

To prepare them you will need:

  • 200 g soy meat;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Onion;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 4 tbsp. l. wheat flour;
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Soak the soy meat in hot water for 10 minutes, then grind it. Add fried onions, eggs, mayonnaise, soy sauce, spices, and salt to the minced meat. Mix. Add flour and mix well again.

Form cutlets, roll in flour and fry until golden brown.

Marinated soy meat

We will need:

  • 300 g soy meat;
  • 100 ml soy sauce;
  • 100 ml table vinegar;
  • 150 ml vegetable oil;
  • Garlic;
  • Glass of water;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 1 tsp. ground black and red pepper, turmeric, cilantro, coriander.

Cook soy meat for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the marinade: bring water to a boil, add sugar, pepper, spices, vinegar, oil and let it boil again. After this, mash the garlic and add it to the marinade after boiling along with soy sauce.

Pour the sauce over the boiled soy meat and place it under light pressure so that it does not float up. After cooling for a day, put it in the refrigerator. Ready meat is suitable for salads and as a snack.

Soy meat kebab

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg soy;
  • Lemon;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • Onion;
  • Green onions;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 5 pieces. sweet pea;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Bring the water to a boil, add soy meat, bay leaf, sweet peas, salt and cook for 10 minutes. Then place it in a colander to drain excess liquid. Then put it in a bowl and add ground black pepper.

Cut the onions into rings. Cut the green onions into rings and mix them with the onions. Add half the onion to the soy meat. Sprinkle the mixture with lemon juice.

Add sliced ​​tomatoes and vegetable oil to the resulting mass and place in a cool place for 2 hours to marinate. When the meat is ready, sprinkle it with the second half of the onion mixture, put it on skewers and fry it over coals.

Salad with tomatoes

We will need:

  • 200 g soy meat;
  • Onion;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • Tofu cheese;
  • Green onions;
  • Basil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy mayonnaise;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the cheese and tomatoes into cubes, chop the onion. Fry the cheese until golden brown. Soak the soy meat in hot water for 10 minutes. Fry the remaining ingredients except green onions. Then add cheese, herbs, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

You can eat it warm or cold.

Soy burgers (burger patties)

To prepare them you will need:

  • 50 g soy meat;
  • 1 tsp. dry cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 1 tsp. flaxseed flour;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • Salt, spices - to taste.

Soak the soy meat for 10 minutes in hot water, then grind it. Add cream, oatmeal, flaxseed flour, salt, spices. Pour in warm water, stir and leave for 5 minutes to swell.

Form burgers, roll in breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown.

Soy meat

We will need:

  • 250 g soy;
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • Carrot;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Onion;
  • 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Bring the water to a boil and cook the soy meat for 10 minutes. Then drain the water, cut the meat into pieces and fry until browned. After this, add chopped onion, carrots cut into strips and fry until the carrots become soft. Add the garlic passed through the press, mix and fry for another minute. Then add soy sauce, lemon juice, prunes cut into pieces, mix and fry for 2 minutes over low heat.

Soy goulash

Required Ingredients:

  • 250 g soy meat;
  • White radish;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Onion;
  • Bell pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce.

Pour hot water over the soy meat for 10 minutes, then drain the water and cut the meat into pieces.

Three radishes and carrots on a grater. Cut the pepper into cubes, chop the onion.

Fry the onion in a frying pan, gradually add the remaining vegetables, soy meat, soy sauce and fry over low heat for 10 minutes. Add spices, garlic.

Soy steak

To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 g soy meat;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Onion;
  • Parsley;
  • 2 g soda;
  • Spices.

Boil the soy meat in boiling salted water until tender. After that, put it in a colander to drain the water.

Sauté the onion until golden brown. Then add soy meat and fry for 5 minutes with constant stirring. Cut bell pepper into cubes. Combine soy meat, onion, pepper, soda, parsley, grind spices in a blender and put in the refrigerator for an hour.

From the resulting mass we form steaks, place them in a greased baking dish and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees until golden brown. Before serving, garnish with parsley.

Processed foods

Soybeans are used in several processed foods. These include:

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Beans, onions and sauce. Minimum ingredients for a delicious salad (everyone likes it)

Chicken samoos with cabbage and cheese: crispy and juicy

  • vegetarian meat substitutes;
  • cheeses;
  • yoghurts.

Most products contain textured vegetable protein, soy flour and oil.

Customer reviews about soy products

What do customers say about soy products?

Feedback on the forum

Feedback on the forum

Feedback on the forum

Feedback on the forum

Feedback on the forum

There are a lot of reviews and, basically, they are all positive.

Reduces cholesterol levels

Studies have shown that soy reduces bad LDL cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol. However, the researchers noted that soy supplements do not have this effect. Only soy products have this property. Scientists have concluded that consuming just 47 grams of soy per day reduces total cholesterol by 9.3% and bad cholesterol (LDL) by 13%.

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Diseases and pests

One of the most serious threats to soybeans is cereal weeds . These pests “take away” precious moisture, light and beneficial elements from crops. To prevent this from happening, soybeans are treated with drugs that contain:

  • Bentazone.
  • Imazamox.
  • Cellodim.
  • Imazethapyr.

Legumes also have other pests . These are aphids and spider mites. Traditional methods can help in their destruction: a decoction of hot red pepper or a decoction of wormwood.

Bacterial spot disease is very dangerous for crops. All infected plants should be destroyed.

In rainy, humid weather there may be prerequisites for the appearance of powdery mildew or gray rot. In the fight against such enemies, it is useful to irrigate plants with copper sulfate.

If the humidity in the air is high, then there is a risk of developing angular bacteriosis . The disease will very quickly affect healthy soybeans. That is why, at the first signs of disease, all infected plants from the site are removed and destroyed.

How to grow in the field?

Seed preparation

Before sowing, soybean seeds should be treated . This is done with the help of rhizotorphin, i.e. nodule bacteria.

Standard inoculation equipment is not suitable for soybean seeds. This is due to the large size of rhizotorphin particles, which do not pass through the components of the equipment.

As an alternative to traditional pickling machines, you can use, for example, a concrete mixer. Or carry out the procedure in the back of a truck. True, then you will have to break up the resulting lumps using a seeder.

There is an alternative course of action that does not use nodule bacteria. In this case, before sowing, it is necessary to add ammonium nitrate to the soil. Although this is a more expensive option, it will increase productivity.

Soil preparation

It is also necessary to take care of preparing the soil for the plant. There are many features here. In the fall, it is necessary to treat the soil with special devices - ploughers . The depth to which they are applied will depend on what crops grew on this soil previously. If these were grains, then we will be talking about a depth of about 25 cm. And if corn - from 25 to 30 cm.

With the arrival of spring, the soil is harrowed. If you neglect autumn preparation, then in the spring you will have to carry out cultivation work at a depth of up to 8 cm. And then roll the soil, i.e. compact and level its surface. All of the above will help increase the temperature of the soil layer by a couple of degrees. This means that the weeds will quickly germinate and can be easily removed.

The main purpose of soil preparation is to remove weeds from it , as well as to preserve valuable moisture.

It is worth noting that pre-sowing tillage requires the use of steam or beet cultivators with flat-cut tines.

The field for planting soybeans should be as level as possible . This is explained by the fact that the plant’s beans are located quite low, and therefore harvesting from an uneven soil surface will be difficult.

Fertilizing the soil is also necessary after sowing. Until the emergence of seedlings, herbicides are applied to a depth of at least 3 cm.

When to start planting?

As for the timing of plant sowing, the crop is usually sown in the third ten days of April or the first or second ten days of May. At this time, the soil has already warmed up to 15°C degrees. Late-ripening varieties are sown first, and only then early-ripening ones.

Growing season

In order not to make mistakes when cultivating a crop, you need to know how it grows. The main phases of plant growth and development include:

  1. Germination is the time elapsed from sowing the seed to the very first shoots.
  2. Shooting is the period from the appearance of cotyledon leaves to the development of primordial leaves. The latter appear under good conditions in the period from 6 to 9 days after sowing.
  3. Branching , during which the green mass greatly increases in volume, and roots and nodules grow noticeably. The period begins with the appearance of the first trifoliate leaf and ends with the appearance of buds.
  4. Flowering , after which the plant’s growth stops and new leaves no longer appear.
  5. Formation of beans directly , which, however, cannot be strictly distinguished from flowering. Often, by the very end of flowering, there are already beans with filling seeds in the lower part of the soybean.
  6. Fruit formation . The beginning of fruiting is considered to be the appearance of wilted flowers on the upper part of the stem. Gradually the plant begins to shed its leaves.
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