Breathing exercises for losing belly fat: 10 best exercises

Belly fat is the most annoying accumulation of excess weight on the body. It is also a serious threat to health, as it can cause many diseases of the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. The most common problems that people face are cholesterol, heart attacks, hypertension, diabetes and many more.

This fat is very stubborn and it takes many months to get rid of it. You either need to go to the gym, do strength training exercises to lose weight, or do cardio workouts combined with a diet that includes eating only 1,200 calories per day. But many of us don't like to sweat in the gym. In this case, in order to get rid of extra centimeters at the waist, we recommend doing breathing exercises for weight loss.

How to breathe correctly to lose weight

A variety of breathing techniques are the best way to reduce your waistline and will help you get in shape without straining yourself. Anyone can get rid of excess fat above the abdominal muscles using this technique. Breathing exercises to reduce belly fat are quickly gaining popularity because they are truly effective. These exercises, known as pranayama, are often classified as yoga. They will bring you health and longevity, and also improve digestion by strengthening your abdominal muscles. This is truly an art, but it requires careful attention.

Removing belly flops can only be achieved through a strict, consistent exercise regimen and a calorie deficit diet; you must expend more energy than you consume through food. Most likely, you have become a victim of fat due to lack of physical activity or sedentary work. In addition to the fact that this look does not add to your beauty, it also becomes the main cause of diabetes and heart disease. In order to get rid of your belly fat and regain your health, try to start losing weight using yoga breathing techniques.

Breathing from the diaphragm

This is one of the most effective and useful lying exercises for toning your core muscles. If you breathe more deeply, your abs become more flexible. You need to use your diaphragm while doing this exercise to increase your lung capacity.

To perform, you need to lie on your back. Breathe and watch your chest and belly rise and fall. Continue to breathe, but try to do it deeper and deeper with each inhalation and exhalation.

You can practice this breathing at any time during the day. When performed regularly, digestion improves and all unwanted fat is removed from the waist.

Don't miss: The best exercises to lose weight and reduce your body fat percentage.

Deep breathing

Deep breathing is just as great for losing weight as abdominal exercises.

It is fundamental to pranayama, which is often used in yoga. You only need to devote 15-20 minutes a day to it.

This exercise triggers the absorption of oxygen and is simply irreplaceable for burning calories. Stress leads to hormonal imbalance and you often feel hungry. Whenever you feel hungry, the body takes the food and turns it into fat. By incorporating this exercise into your daily routine, you will be able to control hunger pangs and hormonal balance.

To begin, sit upright in a chair or on the floor with your back against the wall. Place your palms on your knees and close your eyes. Free your thoughts and focus on your breathing. Breathe at a normal rhythm for the first 4 minutes. Meditate. Breathe as deeply as possible, counting from 1 to 4 during each inhalation, and from 1 to 6 during exhalation. Continue for another 10 minutes and you will definitely feel refreshed and satisfied.

Breathing Skull Radiance

Without a doubt, this is the best exercise to get rid of belly fat and strengthen your abdominal muscles, get rid of respiratory problems, colds, eye strain and other irritants. Sit comfortably and take a full breath. Suck your stomach in as you exhale. Continue for 30 seconds and then return to normal breathing for 3 seconds. Repeat the complex three times.

Stimulating breathing

As you might have guessed from the name, it stimulates your senses and energizes you throughout the day. Like the Tai Chi relaxation technique, it helps to relax the muscles. Start by sitting upright on the stele, closing your mouth and relaxing. Count at your normal pace while you breathe. This breathing is aimed at your abs, chest and lungs. To lose weight, do this exercise for 15 minutes daily.

Belly breathing

Unlike chest breathing, this breathing technique targets the diaphragm and the muscles located under the lungs.

The technique is commonly used to build stamina and energy, and to treat anxiety. Your goal is to breathe like this all the time, every day.

Step-by-step instructions on how to breathe with your stomach to lose weight:

Sit on a chair, lie on the floor, or just stand up straight. The first step is to clear your thoughts and forget about all your problems and worries. Just free yourself from everything that gets into your head. Place your hands on your stomach, thumbs next to your navel. Inhale deeply, make sure that your chest does not rise, and allow your abs to stretch.

Flying Belly Castle

The flying castle is also called uddiyana bandha.

This is a high-level technique, one of the most effective for quickly getting rid of excess fat. But it can only be practiced by experienced pranayama students.

Start in a sitting position with your stomach pulled in completely. You should feel emptiness in this area. Continue exhaling in this position and bring your chin to your chest. Hold this position for 25 seconds, then relax and breathe at your usual pace for several minutes. This will help reduce belly fat and significantly improve digestion and metabolism.

Mouth breathing

Mouth breathing tightens your abdominal muscles, relaxing and refreshing you. In addition, this is an excellent exercise for keeping your face and chin toned. Stand, sit, or even lie down to perform the exercise. Open your mouth and breathe evenly and slowly through it. Inhale when you count to 10 to yourself. Exhale should be longer. That is, if you inhale for 2 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds. Don't overexert yourself, do as hard as you can. Repeat 3 times a day daily.

If you cannot inhale and exhale for several seconds, then most likely you have rapid breathing. If you were standing, try this exercise while sitting.

Press breathing

Abdominal tightening for weight loss, also called a “vacuum”, will quickly burn your calories and highlight your abs and make your waist narrow, making it ideal for fast weight loss. Place a pillow on the floor and kneel on it. This is to avoid damaging your knees. Clear your thoughts and close your eyes. Count to 10 and start breathing. Exhale and count to 5; your stomach should feel a vacuum state of emptiness. Hold the position for 2 seconds, then inhale. Repeat 10 times daily.

Abdominal retraction

This breathing technique will force you to exhale all the air from your lungs. It will also help you tighten your stomach as much as possible. With its help, the abdominal muscles, buried under a layer of fat, will show themselves to the light.

Place your hands and knees on the floor. The back should be arched to provide a vacuum. Exhale completely and draw in your stomach. Stretch your lungs as if you were breathing, but no air should enter them. You need to pull in the front wall of your abdomen so that it touches your back (not literally, just to the maximum) and hold this position for 10 seconds. Inhale slowly and repeat the same 10 times every day for better results.

In order to get a flat tummy, you need to remove excess fat and tone your muscles. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, feet on the floor. As you begin to breathe, pull your stomach in as much as you can. Try to press yourself to the floor and breathe as deeply as possible. You can even place your hand on your abs to feel them. The entire abdominal cavity should be retracted. Hold the position for at least 10 seconds. Relax by exhaling slowly.

You can try this exercise standing with your back against the wall. Some also find it effective in a sitting position. If you're too busy to take the time to do this exercise, you can do it right now while you read this article. It will help you achieve a flat tummy.

Sometimes, finding a short and easier route is the best solution. Breathing training may not look very effective, but it definitely plays a role in your body. They will increase the intensity of your workouts. Breathing from your abs, belly, and diaphragm will help you level up your fitness game. This means that you will get all the possible benefits and energy to lose those extra inches.

Video - breathing techniques for a flat stomach

Bodyflex exercises

The method contains 12 exercises, each of which is aimed at specific parts of the body. They are quite easy to perform even for an untrained person. When basic exercises seem too easy, you can complicate them with weights or simply do more approaches.

It is advisable to stretch before and after training.

Almost all stances are static and are performed while exhaling. Execution time is 5-10 seconds, while keeping your stomach pulled in.

Ugly Grimace Stance

To perform this stance, straighten your shoulders, lift your chin up, push your lower teeth over your upper teeth and purse your lips. This exercise is aimed at tightening the neck muscles and eliminating the double chin. Repeat 5 times.

Side stretch

Starting position: bend your knees slightly and rest your hands just above your knees. While performing the exercise, rest your right elbow in a place just above your right knee, raise your left arm straight and stretch it to the right above your head. You need to stretch as much as possible, bending at the waist to the right side. After this, do the exercise to the left side. Repeat 5 times on each side.

Stand "Diamond"

Bend your elbows and place them in front of you, fold the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other - pad to pad. You should get a figure resembling a diamond in appearance. Elbows should be parallel to the floor. During a deep exhalation, you need to press your fingers against each other without lowering your elbows. When performing this stance, the arm muscles and chest are tightened. Repeat 5 times.

Stand "Cat"

When performing the exercise, the spine is involved, which allows you to train the back muscles. Very useful for people with sedentary work.


  • get on all fours;
  • round your back upward;
  • take a deep breath through your nose;
  • pull your stomach in as much as possible;
  • hold your breath for 5-10 seconds;
  • exhale and return to the starting position.

Repeat 5 times.

Pulling the leg back

Starting position on all fours. After exhaling, move your leg back, with the toe pointing down and reaching towards the body. The buttocks and back of the thigh are worked. Repeat 5 times on each leg.

Hamstring stretch

Lying on your back, raise your legs straight perpendicular to the floor. After exhaling and drawing in your stomach, pull your legs towards you as much as possible and hold for 5-8 seconds with tense muscles. At the end of the exercise, return your legs to the starting position, rest and repeat 5 times.

If it is difficult to perform the exercise, you can grab your legs with a belt at the ankles and pull them up with it.

Exercise "Scissors"

Lying on your back, place your hands, palms down, under your buttocks. Do not lift your head and lower back from the floor. Raise your legs 10 cm above the floor and swing as if with scissors, constantly switching legs. It is enough to do 8-10 swings. Repeat 5 times.

Stand "Boat"

The back is straight, the legs are wide apart, the toes are pointing up. Suck your stomach in, hold your breath, and slowly lean forward as low as possible. Repeat 5 times.

Pretzel stand

Sit down and extend your legs straight in front of you. The left leg lies straight, the right leg steps over it and its knee should be directed straight up. With your left hand, hug your right thigh, and with your right hand, place your back on the floor for support. Exhale sharply, hold your breath and twist to the right. Hold for 5-8 seconds, and then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise in the other direction, changing legs. Repeat 5 times in each direction.

Training with all the exercises will take no more than 20 minutes a day. You can lose 1-3 cm in volume in a week. In addition, bodyflex has a beneficial effect on the internal organs and muscles located next to the abdominal ones.

Benefits of Breathing Exercises

Breathing is an involuntary process for which we do not need to exert any additional effort. But in reality, most people do not breathe correctly, and therefore it is necessary to learn the correct technique for prolonging life, good mood and health.

The main beneficial properties of breathing yoga:

  • Relieves tension – deep breathing exercises increase blood supply to the body, reducing feelings of stress, fear and anger.
  • Cleanses the body - breathing removes 70% of toxins from the body. So, if you breathe incorrectly, toxins accumulate in the body, which can lead to serious illnesses later. Cleansing the body can also be done using a 30-day cleansing diet for weight loss.
  • Relaxes the brain – high levels of stress and increased anxiety can lead to various health problems. Deep breathing delivers oxygen to the brain and reduces anxiety levels, relaxing the body, which in turn increases mental clarity and inner peace.
  • Helps to get rid of excess weight - additional oxygen enters the body, helps burn excess calories accumulated in the body and promotes weight loss.
  • Tones the organs - the movement of the diaphragm during breathing massages vital internal organs, such as the heart, stomach, liver, pancreas and small intestine, and improves blood circulation in them. Controlled breathing also tones the abdominal muscles.

Breathing exercises

Breathing is one of the most important processes affecting physiological functions in the body. A well-developed respiratory apparatus is a reliable guarantee of the full functioning of cells. It has been established that the greater the body’s ability to absorb oxygen, the higher the person’s physical performance. And vice versa: an insufficiently developed external respiratory apparatus entails a decrease in the required level of oxygen supply, which can contribute to the development of painful disorders in the body associated not only with the respiratory system, but also with the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.

To strengthen the respiratory system, ENT doctors recommend several methods of breathing exercises. As important as it is to increase the use of oxygen, it is equally important to develop the body’s resistance to hypoxia, i.e. to oxygen starvation of tissues. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is through volitional breath-holding exercises. Artificial hypoxia allows the body to rebuild its functions and mobilize protective reserves. It is important to remember that such exercises should be carried out carefully and carefully, trying to avoid respiratory discomfort.

The best remedy is physical activity. Such loads have a double training effect: they increase resistance to oxygen deficiency and, by increasing the power of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, contribute to its better absorption. Physical activity has another positive effect. Increasing the amplitude of movement of the diaphragm has a beneficial effect on the condition of other internal organs. Contracting during inhalation, the diaphragm puts pressure on the liver and other digestive organs, facilitating the outflow of venous blood from them and its entry into the right side of the heart. When you exhale, the diaphragm rises, facilitating the flow of arterial blood to the abdominal organs and improving their nutrition and function.

In addition to the simplest ones, a number of specialized methods of breathing gymnastics have been developed - Strelnikova’s “paradoxical” gymnastics, Buteyko’s shallow breathing technique, methods using oriental techniques, etc. They are based on exercises for “correct” breathing: regulation of inhalation and exhalation, breathing rate and a certain body position. They are very effective in the treatment of bronchial asthma and bronchitis, allergies, vegetative-vascular dystonia, angina pectoris, but they must be mastered under the supervision of a specialist methodologist and only then performed independently.

SM-Clinic doctors will help you choose the necessary individual course of breathing exercises, based on an analysis of the condition of your body.

You can find out more details and sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone

What's important to remember

These breathing exercises must be performed systematically. Never do them on a full stomach. If you have been diagnosed with heart disease, a hernia or an ulcer, it is better to consult a doctor or completely eliminate it so as not to harm your health. These exercises provide excellent results, but only if done after you have done moderate forms of exercise like Tai Chi, yoga or walking.

Performing these techniques to lose weight is a better alternative to other forms of exercise. But they need to be performed together with a balanced nutrition program for weight loss. They can be made without any additional equipment, and therefore they are accessible to everyone.

However, you need to be clear about them and learn enough about them to make it possible to achieve your goals. Nothing can be achieved without effort! Even if you miss one day of exercise, it's okay, as long as you try the next day and continue to try. When performing these techniques, the entire load falls on the abdominal muscles, which helps burn fat around it. You don't have to go to the gym and sweat there. Such an accessible and simple form of training as breathing is with you every day, every minute. No need to continue searching! Stick to doing these great exercises every day and you will see excess belly fat disappear! Good luck in your endeavors and leave feedback on your results!


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