SPORTS How guys can pump up their calves for summer and girls can build up their buttocks

Features of the calf muscles

The structure of the lower leg muscles is simple. On the visible part lie the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, and below them the soleus muscle. It is slightly visible with pronounced muscle development.

The gastrocnemius is responsible for almost all movements in the ankle joint. The main ones are movements of the foot toward and away from you (raising your toes from any starting position).

The calf muscles work a lot in everyday life. They are dominated by slow (red) muscle fibers.

Some studies have shown the presence of up to 90% slow fibers in the gastrocnemius.

If the shins are large and massive from birth, it means they have more fast (white) fibers.

It is known that slow fibers are difficult to hypertrophy (increase in muscle volume). It is also taken into account that the calf muscles are very durable.

All this imposes specifics on their training.

How to pump up a girl's calves?

To develop a calf training system, it is necessary to find a starting point - the result that we will strive for during the training. We suggest that you take the leg muscles of gymnasts, ballerinas or dancers as a guide – you won’t find too pronounced muscles or cellulite there. If you are satisfied with this result, then here is a list of basic exercises that will help you pump up your calves:

  1. Walking on tiptoes, ballerina style . A simple and always accessible exercise that develops the calf muscles well;
  2. Climbing and descending stairs . It perfectly develops not only the calves, but also other leg muscles. Can be performed with dumbbells or other weights.
  3. Exercise "Spring" . Stand straight and slowly rise on your toes to the maximum, then just as slowly lower back. Perform the exercise 3-4 sets and 30 times. For more advanced athletes, you can complicate the training - stand on one leg or use dumbbells.
  4. Jumping rope, jumping jacks and squats with a load . Everything is simple here - you do the usual jumps or squats, but with weights. This will ensure that all leg muscles work, including the calves.
  5. Seated calf raises are similar to springs, but in a sitting position. It is quite convenient and simple to perform; you just need to place a load of sufficient weight on your knees to perform about 20-30 repetitions.

Also, any other active movements, simple running, sports games like basketball, football, volleyball will develop your legs harmoniously and smoothly! With heavy physical activity, slender legs can be achieved without special training.

Training program

First, let's look at how to pump up a girl's calves at home. There's nothing complicated about it.

For beginners, 1 exercise in 2-3 approaches, 15-30 repetitions, is suitable. This could be a standing calf raise or a similar movement on one leg.

Start with lower ranges of sets and reps and gradually increase the load.

For the intermediate level , 2 exercises are already used, with the same number of approaches and repetitions.

First, perform a calf raise on one leg (with additional weight), and then “finish off” the muscles with movements on both legs at the same time.

In all exercises, the starting position is with your toes elevated, your heels not touching the floor (in weight). Movement occurs only at the ankle, on straight legs.

The gym has a larger arsenal of exercises.

Option 1:

  1. Seated calf raises - 3 sets of 20-30 reps
  2. Standing calf raises in the machine - 2-3 sets of 20-30 repetitions

Option 2:

  1. Toe press in the machine with each leg alternately - 3 sets of 20-30 repetitions
  2. Smith machine calf raises - 3 sets of 20-30 reps

Exercises to pump up your calves in the gym

If you go to the gym, pay enough attention to your lower leg muscles, as the difference between pumped up buttocks and weak calves will create dissonance in your image. In the gym, you can perform the exercises suggested above, but to increase efficiency, it is recommended to add calf exercises to the program in the gym, which involve the use of special machines.

Beginners who do not know how to use exercise equipment are first advised to exercise under the supervision of a trainer. This will help prevent injuries and avoid common mistakes.


Smith machine calf raise

This exercise can replace calf raises with dumbbells. In the Smith machine, stand under the bar so that it is above your shoulder blades. Place your toes on the platform. Do the lifts slowly, the amplitude should be maximum. The Smith machine allows you to use heavier weights than dumbbells. The load in this case is more isolated. If the bar puts a lot of pressure on you or rubs you, you can wrap it in a towel or use a special foam pad.

Toe press

This is done in a leg press machine. It is recommended to work with it without plates at first - this way you will master the technique and prevent stretching of the tendon. You need to lie down in the machine, squeeze the platform up, and rest your toes on the bottom of the platform. Now release the side platforms. Push the platform up with your toes, then gently lower it down, achieving maximum muscle stretch. Perform the exercise carefully. At first, it is recommended to work with an assistant who will insure you.

Calf raises in the gym

You need to sit in the exercise machine, put your socks on special stands, fixing your knees under the support. The heels go down as far as possible, then the toes go up as high as possible. Hold in the upper position for a short time, then lower your heels again. This simulator, shown in the photo, works the soleus muscle .

Calf raises in the Hackenschmidt machine

In addition to the hack trainer, you can use others where the lifts are done in an inclined position. You need to stand under the platform and place your toes on the stand. Place your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders. Now release the clamps and straighten your knees. Lower your heels, then lift up to feel the tension in your calves.

When performing exercises in the gym, focus on the same number of approaches and repetitions as when exercising at home.

The calves can also be used in other lower body exercises. So, they are stretched during deadlifts, and tension occurs during squats and lunges.

Before each workout, regardless of whether it happens at home or in the gym, you need to do a warm-up , and after the workout, stretch or cool down . This will help prevent injuries, sprains, pain in the muscles, and also ensure their better growth. In addition, it is important to take care of proper nutrition, since any muscle group needs protein for growth.

Exercises for beautiful calves are performed with maximum amplitude. At the top point, at the moment of maximum muscle tension, you need to linger for a few seconds. And the main thing when performing all exercises is diligence and regularity. Only they will help you achieve the desired result, even in the case of such a difficult muscle to work as the calf.

General principles of calf training

The calf muscles are considered “stubborn” and difficult to grow.

Most techniques for stimulating muscle growth do not work for them. In other words, training requires a special approach.

In bodybuilding, there are two opposing schools in this area:

  1. High rep training regimen

Adherents of this technique claim that the lower leg is an endurance muscle. You can reach it only by doing many sets and repetitions with light weights.

Here the norm is 50-100 repetitions in one approach. Usually 2-3 approaches are performed.

But there are also schemes where they do 5-10 approaches. True, there are fewer repetitions - 20-30 times.

  1. Low repetition mode

They are convinced that light weights and a lot of repetitions will not make your calves grow, because they experience such loads every day.

To stimulate muscle growth, the calves need the opposite load. Namely, training with weights four times your own body weight!

That is, if you weigh 50 kg, then the working weights in the simulators will be 200 kg! At the same time, the repetition range is lower - 10-12 times per approach.

There is logic in each of these methods and both have the right to life. But still, the “golden” mean is more common.

Training is carried out with average weights and a repetition range of 20-30 times per approach .

For girls, the appropriate frequency of classes is 3 times a week. The calves are hardy and recover quickly.

But you shouldn’t download them more than 3 times a week either. After all, muscles grow during rest between workouts, and too frequent exercise will slow down progress.

Calf exercises at home: technique

For people who actively and regularly engage in sports, pumping the calves is the most labor-intensive process. Girls who want to acquire a beautiful shape of the lower part of their legs should not count on quick results.

A properly designed training program and regimen allows you to get the desired forms. Exercises for the calf group can be done without leaving home.

Be sure to read: Lunges for the buttocks: how to do them correctly at home, effective exercises

When conducting home workouts, it is necessary to take into account a number of general technical principles:

  • Ø exercises are performed at a slow pace, without any sudden actions;
  • Ø the greater the amplitude of movement, the better the muscles are pumped;
  • Ø noticeable effect, achieved through long and intense exercise;
  • Ø every 3-4 trainings, the load changes.

There are plenty of exercises to work your calves outside the gym. To conduct classes, you need comfortable shoes, additional weights and a good mood.


One of the simplest and easiest exercises. You can do it during a break between daily activities. This does not require special conditions or serious physical training.

How to perform:

  • stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • slowly perform calf raises;
  • hold for 5-7 seconds, feeling the tension;
  • slowly lower yourself without touching your heels to the floor;
  • rise again;
  • perform 10-15 repetitions.

Great results can be achieved using weights. To begin with, dumbbells of 1-1.5 kilograms are suitable. Gradually, the weight must be increased. After 2-3 months of training, you can place a barbell on your shoulders as a weight.

Walking on your toes

The specificity of walking on toes is that it must be performed until the lower leg muscles are completely warmed up.

It is best to walk with a small load in your hands. You can use water bottles as a weighting agent.

While walking, certain conditions must be observed:

  • keep your spine straight;
  • the stomach should be pulled in;
  • knees are straight;
  • move around until a strong burning sensation is felt in the muscles.

Walking up the stairs

During lifting, all the muscles of the hip area work. The peculiarity of the exercise for the calf group is that you should not step on the surface with the whole foot, but only with the toe.

You must climb the stairs continuously. 15-20 minutes will be enough to work out the lower leg well.

Be sure to read: Bench leg press: technique of execution, what muscles work, options for execution, what can be replaced

Step platform

At home, the step platform can be replaced with any suitable item. A book, a solid stand or a low box is suitable as a support.

Scheme of the exercise:

  • stand with your toes on the support;
  • hold dumbbells in your fist;
  • perform a smooth rise on your toes;
  • fixate at the top point for 2-3 seconds;
  • lower, your heels should not touch the floor.

Perform 3 sets of 10-12 times.

Jumping exercises with dumbbells

Jumping up from a squat allows you to pump up your lower leg and abdominal muscles, as well as burn calories.

How to do it correctly:

  • pick up dumbbells;
  • place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • perform a deep squat;
  • jump up;
  • repeat 20 jumps.

How long does it take to achieve results?

How long it takes to achieve the desired result depends on the individual characteristics of a particular person.

Usually, in the first months of training, girls’ calves grow quite well. Not quickly, but confidently.

As a rule, in the first month it is possible to increase the volume of the legs by 0.5-1 cm. Then their growth slows down to 3-5 mm per month.

As a result, after 3 months of regular training, girls’ calves increase by an average of 1-1.5 cm. In most cases, this growth is enough for them to create balance in the overall development of their legs.

The attitude of men and women towards pumped calves

In the end, we will find out whether men like pumped-up calves on girls.

So, there is no clear answer to this question. Opinions are divided approximately in half. Some people think that pumped-up calves on girls are beautiful, others want to see a woman with thin and petite legs next to them. One thing is clear: no one likes a flabby and shapeless body. This is why everyone still needs to play sports. Activity prolongs youth, improves health and mood.

What to do if calves don't grow

There are situations when the calf muscles do not want to grow from standard load patterns.

First of all, in such a situation, it is important not to give up your arms (or in this case, your legs) and continue to pump them. Non-standard muscles require non-standard solutions.

Try alternating (lasting a month) high-rep and low-rep load regimens.

Experiment with different training load parameters - training frequency, number of exercises, sets and repetitions, rest period between sets.

Carefully monitor the reaction of the muscles and you will soon find a suitable scheme. It is quite possible that you will develop your own technique that will give results only to you.

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