How to hide stretch marks on the stomach: with the help of procedures, tattoos, laser, photos

Many people experience stretch marks on the skin during their lifetime. They appear in women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and also with sudden weight gain. Stretch marks do not decorate the appearance, so everyone strives to get rid of them by any means. Fortunately, the modern pharmaceutical industry produces many remedies for stretch marks.

"Mom's comfort"

The most popular remedy for this problem. It is harmless, so it can be used by expectant mothers.

The cream contains:

  • horse chestnut extract;
  • tocopheryl acetate;
  • castor oil;
  • vitamin A.

The product smells pleasant, has a light texture, is quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes. Another plus is the low price. The only downside is the possibility of allergies.

How to get rid of stretch marks at home

Pharmacies sell a variety of ointments, creams, and gels that promise to get rid of stretch marks. However, there is no significant evidence that these cosmetics help.

However, in some cases, home care can be effective, so it makes sense to start fighting stretch marks there. To avoid disappointment in cosmetic procedures, keep a few important points in mind:

  • Use the product of your choice on early stretch marks. It definitely won’t help mature people.
  • It is not enough to apply ointment or cream to the skin - they must be properly massaged. Massage enhances the effect of medicinal cosmetics.
  • Use your chosen product every day for at least several weeks. It may take 2-3 months for the results to appear.

Here are a few products that scientists say What Are Stretch Marks? , can help.

Creams and ointments with retinoids

Retinoids (adapalene, tretinoin) are active substances that increase collagen production and accelerate skin regeneration. In one study, Topical tretinoin (retinoic acid) improves early stretch marks, people applied tretinoin to their skin every night for 24 weeks. After this period, it turned out that the stretch marks became much less noticeable than those of the control group participants who did not use any products.

Attention! If you are pregnant, be sure to consult your doctor. Preparations with retinoids can harm the unborn child.

Products with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is also thought to stimulate collagen production. Sometimes Topical management of striae distensae (stretch marks): prevention and therapy of striae rubrae and albae creams and ointments based on it can really make stretch marks more invisible and give the skin a more uniform shade.

Products based on Asian centella

Centella oil is one of the base oils in Ayurveda. And it really has beneficial properties. Centella in particular also causes the skin to produce more collagen. There is some evidence that products based on centella oil or extract visually smooth out stretch marks.

Almond oil based products

Bitter almond oil has been proven to prevent the appearance of new stretch marks. Thus, one study showed Topical management of striae distensae (stretch marks): prevention and therapy of striae rubrae and albae: women who massaged their bellies with almond oil during pregnancy ended up with significantly fewer stretch marks than their counterparts. those who did not use oil or applied it without massage.

But scientists are not sure about the ability of almond oil to cope with existing stretch marks: more or less convincing evidence of this has not yet been found. However, they didn’t really look for them. So it makes sense to try: you might get lucky.

Products based on cocoa, shea, olive, coconut and other oils

These popular products in the fight against stretch marks have a powerful moisturizing effect. They soften the skin, making it fuller and denser. The epidermis, saturated with moisture, can partly mask the areas of connective tissue underneath.

However, there are no studies that would prove the unambiguous anti-stretch effect of cocoa, shea butter and others.


An effective product from a Belarusian company.


  • hyaluronic acid;
  • lactic acid;
  • lanolin;
  • vitamins A, E;
  • almond oil;
  • coconut oil;
  • Shea Butter.

Has a pleasant smell. The product is rubbed into problem areas with light movements. But there is a minus - the possibility of allergies due to vitamin A intolerance.

How to make stretch marks less noticeable with scrubs?

Cosmetics activate the process of elastin and collagen production. The scrub helps smooth the surface of the skin. It is recommended to avoid the use of appropriate products in the presence of severe dermatological diseases. Women with sensitive skin should apply a small amount of the cosmetic mixture to the crook of the elbow to ensure there is no allergic reaction.

Coffee scrubs contain a large amount of nutrients that have a tonic effect. When using a scrub for stretch marks with coffee, you can achieve excellent results in a short time.

When preparing cosmetics, coffee is mixed with ingredients such as rosehip oil, flaxseed oil and olive oil.

You can simply pour 100 grams of crushed coffee beans with 250 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for 15 minutes. After the specified time has passed, you need to add 5 drops of orange aroma oil to the product. The cosmetic mixture is applied to previously cleansed skin with smooth movements.

Be sure to read: Effective cinnamon wrap that eliminates cellulite and helps you lose weight

Coffee grounds are an all-natural exfoliant that softens the skin and helps remove excess fluid. When preparing a scrub for stretch marks, take 1 tablespoon of the product with 10 ml of water and apply it to the body in a circular motion.

Read also: The effectiveness of using olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

You can also use the recipe below:

  1. Coffee and coarse salt are combined in a ratio of 4: 1,
  2. Then you need to add a tablespoon of cream with a moisturizing effect.

The resulting thick paste is applied to the previously steamed body. After 15 minutes, wash off the cosmetic mixture with sufficient water.

It is recommended that representatives of the fair sex with a pronounced tendency to allergies avoid using products made from coffee grounds.

The following recipe can also help make stretch marks less noticeable:

  1. 20 grams of coffee grounds are mixed with moisturizer.
  2. Add 3 drops of lemon aroma oil and the contents of three capsules of the drug Aevit to the resulting mass.
  3. It is recommended to infuse the mixture for two hours. The finished scrub is used for a massage session at home. It is recommended to do this procedure before taking a bath.

There are other recipes for scrubs made from coffee grounds. They may contain useful ingredients such as mineral water, kefir, and rose oil.

How to choose the right cream for stretch marks

Stretch marks often occur in pregnant women due to the fact that the body gains size. Therefore, the skin stretches, and white stripes appear accordingly. They are called stretch marks or, in medical terms, striae. Many women are upset that their figure leaves much to be desired. There are many remedies for this problem. But doctors say that stretch marks cannot be removed forever. It is only possible to reduce their manifestation and make them less noticeable.

But stretch marks occur not only during pregnancy, but also during rapid weight gain. The body cannot cope with the rapid load, and stretch marks appear. You should use remedies for stretch marks after taking a shower.

Anti-stretch mark products should contain:

  • essential oils;
  • tocopheryl acetate;
  • collagen;
  • elastin;
  • herbal extracts.

Often other additives do not have a very good effect. For example, retinol can cause an allergic reaction. Caffeine perfectly tones and tightens the skin, but it is contraindicated during pregnancy. Seaweed extract is good for the skin, but iodine can be harmful to people with thyroid diseases.

Ointments, creams and other pharmaceutical products

Creams and ointments for stretch marks contain substances that improve the production of elastin and collagen. Popular and effective drugs:

  • Cream Clearvin. The composition contains turmeric, magnolia, neem and aloe. It is recommended to apply it several times a day. Price - about 50 rubles.
  • Badyaga. The powder consists of silicon spicules. When applied, they injure the stratum corneum of the skin, thereby penetrating into the deeper layers. As a result, collagen production improves. The disadvantage of the product is discomfort during use. The skin begins to burn and swelling forms. For 10 g of powder you need to pay about 97 rubles.
  • Succinic acid. It is recommended to use it with a thick hydrosol mixture. After 15 minutes, the product is washed off. Active substances promote renewal of the dermis. Price - from 10 to 45 rubles.

Be sure to read:

How to quickly recover from hives: treatment with drugs and home remedies

You should first consult a dermatologist. Pharmacy products will only be effective against fresh stretch marks.

We invite you to watch a video where a girl shares her experience of removing stretch marks on her stomach with the help of Badyagi and mumiyo:

Types of stretch marks

Striae come in different types. If they are red, it means they are new. They are this color because the blood vessels break under stress and give the skin this color. Recent stretch marks are easier to work with and respond more quickly to therapy.

If the stretch marks are white, it means they are old. These stretch marks are more difficult to work with. It is easier to prevent them than to treat them. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you need to take care of your skin in advance. It is important to moisturize it and maintain a drinking regime. You should also use creams for stretch marks.

But it is worth remembering that stretch mark remedies only act on the top layer of the epidermis. Therefore, it will not be possible to completely eliminate them. Is it possible to make the skin elastic and stretch marks less noticeable?

Radical measures

Among the radical methods of combating stretch marks, deep chemical peeling and laser resurfacing stand out. In the first case, retinoic glycolic and mandelic acids are applied to the skin in low concentrations. This is an effective but traumatic method.

The cost of the procedure is from 1600 rubles. To achieve minimal results with laser resurfacing, 3-4 procedures will be required.

There are no special operations to remove stretch marks.

How to hide stretch marks with self-tanning?

Stretch marks can be visually made less noticeable with self-tanning. In this case, you should use the following recommendations:

  • The fair sex is not recommended to use self-tanning made in the form of a spray. Preference should be given to products with a liquid consistency, after use of which there will be no streaks left on the body.
  • Before applying self-tanning, you should use a scrub. If the product is applied to previously cleansed skin, the effect will be longer.

The scheme for using self-tanning against stretch marks is as follows:

  1. You need to pour a little product into a convenient flat-bottomed container.
  2. A cotton swab is soaked in self-tanner.
  3. The product is applied along the stretch marks (vertically).
  4. Excess self-tanner must be carefully removed.

Methods of aesthetic cosmetology

Removal of stretch marks using carboxytherapy


Mesotherapy is the introduction of biologically active substances using microinjections aimed at the ability to produce elastin and collagen, as they help rejuvenate the skin and improve blood circulation. These substances reach very deep layers of the dermis.

This result cannot be achieved in any other way. With the help of mesotherapy, women effectively fight skin stretch marks, smoothing its surface, and tone the muscles. You can also hide stretch marks on your stomach. But how soon will the long-awaited effect of the procedure be noticeable? Mesotherapy will give the first tangible results after just a few sessions.

Dermabrasion is skin resurfacing.

It is carried out using a special apparatus, in which a nozzle in the form of a large shaft rotates. Before the procedure, local anesthesia is given. Old skin is scratched off.

In its place, pink spots and colloidal scars appear, but since dermabrasion restores the dermis, new skin soon appears at the site of resurfacing. The process is lengthy and takes from 3 to 8 weeks to recover.

Laser peeling

Laser peeling can be used on sensitive areas of the abdominal skin. This procedure is absolutely safe. The laser hits the skin with special beams and evaporates surface cells.

Laser peeling

Thus, it evens out the skin and reduces keloid scars. With the help of laser peeling, old, already non-living epidermal cells are effectively removed from the body, small defects are well eliminated, and at the same time the processes of cell division and skin regeneration are stimulated.

Indications for use:

  • post-operative or post-traumatic scars,
  • scars,
  • tattoos,
  • freckles,
  • dark spots,
  • deep wrinkles,
  • acne scars,
  • photoaging of the skin.

Deep cleansing of the skin with laser peeling is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia.


Abdominoplasty is the most complex plastic surgery technique, because the plastic surgeon must work with the skin, subcutaneous fat, as well as muscles.

As a last resort, you can resort to surgery so as not to once again wonder how to hide stretch marks on your stomach, and not to use a large number of concealers on yourself.

Why do they even appear?

Elena Sibrina : “The main reason is the imbalance of hormones and its effect on connective tissue. This imbalance occurs during adolescence and pregnancy. Plus excessive stretching of the skin (with rapid growth, sudden weight gain).

"Stretch marks can also be a side effect of taking steroid hormones - those used to quickly gain muscle mass."

Stretch marks are also accompanied by some diseases, for example:

  • hypercortisolism (including juvenile) - when the adrenal cortex synthesizes too many hormones - Cushing's disease and syndrome,
  • Marfan syndrome is a hereditary disease associated with connective tissue pathology,
  • Adrenal hyperplasia is a genetically determined disorder in which cortisol production is reduced.

What can help you deal with stretch marks on your skin?

Don’t despair if you can’t remove stretch marks or even make them invisible. They are part of our body and its history. Scars on the hips, chest or anywhere else are memories. About how you grew a few centimeters over the summer. Or, as they noticed for the first time, that the figure had become rounded and became similar to my mother’s. Stretch marks simply accompanied these moments, and nothing more. Accept them and love them - like these girls.

Ashley Graham

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