What stretch marks on the skin (striae) look like: photos and videos, signs and causes of occurrence

Published: 03 Dec 2015 at 13:24

Stretch marks on the body are considered one of the most unpleasant flaws that young girls and mature women notice on their bodies. This rather unpleasant skin defect appears in the form of stripes, which are most often localized in those places where the skin is most subject to stretching. Stretch marks or stretch marks, as doctors call them, although they are considered cosmetic defects, cause a lot of trouble for those who want to have an ideal body. We will talk further about why stretch marks appear, how to deal with them and how to avoid or prevent their appearance.

What stretch marks look like on the skin: photos and videos

It’s not for nothing that they say that you need to recognize any enemy by sight. Therefore, every woman wants to know what stretch marks look like in a photo, or even better, in a video. Having made sure that stretch marks look extremely unpleasant, someone will begin to fight them in a timely manner, and the most caring ones will not allow their formation at all. This will help preserve not only your beauty, but also your health.

Stretch marks appear when there is excessive tension on the skin or when there is a hormonal imbalance. In the photo, these are atrophic scars (straight or wavy), which look very unattractive, but do not cause harm to physical health and do not lead to death.

If you look closely at how the stretch marks look in the photo, you will notice their similarity to marks from light lashes. Striae form in places where the elastic fibers of the skin are stretched. Most often they appear on the stomach, thighs, chest, and buttocks. At first these lines are reddish in color and may turn purple due to ruptured blood vessels in these areas. The lines then change color and become more visible as their width increases. From narrow stripes that are barely noticeable, they turn into wide scars (from 1 mm to 6 - 7 mm wide, up to 10 cm long), which become almost white, sometimes with a pearlescent tint. In the photo it seems that there is excess skin in these places, so it tightens and wrinkles. These intradermal ruptures in the epidermis were filled with connective tissue. Its structure differs from the main skin. Stretch marks on the skin after sunbathing are especially visible, since these lines never darken or become saturated with pigment. There are no hairs in the places where stretch marks are located, sweat is not released here and the sebaceous glands do not work.

Bella Hadid

As experts say, this model’s facial features correspond to the “golden ratio,” which makes Bella the most beautiful woman in the world. It’s difficult to call Sister Hadid honest with her fans: from the “ugly duckling” in her teens she became a catwalk star - she assures that without a single cut or injection. But it’s all the more valuable to see her honest photos - with fat and folds on her stomach, with tubercles on her legs. And yes, cellulite does not prevent the model from earning more than 6 million dollars a year.

Photos of stars with cellulite and stretch marks: Bella Hadid. Source: Instagram

Causes of stretch marks or why they appear?

Any skin defect is studied in detail by dermatologists and cosmetologists, so today it has been established why stretch marks appear in women and men, in teenagers and pregnant women, in obese and thin people. The main causes of stretch marks on the body can be identified:

  • Rapid weight gain or loss

With intense weight gain, as with weight loss, body shape changes. Most often, extra pounds are deposited on the hips, stomach, and buttocks. This causes the skin to experience pressure from the inside. The skin becomes thinner, and the gaps are filled with connective tissue. With sudden weight loss, stretch marks also form, since with dietary restrictions, the skin weakens. Lack of proteins leads to ruptures of the epidermis.

  • Fast growth.

This reason for the formation of stretch marks is typical for adolescents. When boys and girls begin to grow sharply, their skin does not always cope with this pace. You have to stretch, which leads to thinning of the skin.

  • Pregnancy

The fetus grows so quickly that the skin on the abdomen does not have time to grow with it. In order to somehow fit the large belly, the epidermis stretches. At the same time, it becomes thinner, which means that internal breaks are observed in some places.

  • Hormonal changes in the body

When women and men of any age have endocrine diseases, the formation of hormones such as collagen and elastin decreases. This leads to loss of elasticity of the skin. As a result, stretch marks can appear not only on the stomach, thighs, buttocks, but also on the arms and back.

  • Lactation

Every mother who is breastfeeding is happy when she has enough milk to feed her newborn. However, for many at this time, the breasts increase by several sizes, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks. Often, stretch marks become noticeable on the chest in the second half of pregnancy.

  • Genetic predisposition

Often, stretch marks, like pimples or moles, are passed on from one generation to another. It is difficult to protect yourself from this defect if everyone in the family had it at a certain age, because there is a low rate of protein formation and the body does not retain moisture well.

  • Cushing's syndrome

With excess collagen production in the body, the tendency to form stretch marks increases. In this case, frequent back pain, facial hair growth, and weight gain are observed.

  • Marfan syndrome

If there is a defective gene in the body, the elasticity of the skin weakens. Patients with this pathology experience the appearance of stretch marks on the skin in the back, lower back, and thighs.

  • Use of anabolic steroids

Sometimes anabolic steroids are used to quickly build muscle mass. The muscles will grow by leaps and bounds, but stretch marks cannot be avoided, since the increase in subcutaneous tissue is uneven. Often stretch marks appear even on the legs.

  • Physical exercise

With excessive stress that the body experiences during intense training, when lifting heavy weights at work, tissue ruptures can occur that are not ready for such loads. Athletes involved in weightlifting, bodybuilding, and loaders are at risk.

If you cannot independently determine what causes stretch marks, you should consult a doctor, since these skin changes often hide serious problems.

Which doctor treats stretch marks?

Stretch marks on the body, if they appeared during pregnancy or pregnancy or have other harmless causes, are treated by a cosmetologist. If it is not possible to contact this specialist, you can undergo an examination by a dermatologist. If the reasons lie in hormonal imbalance or endocrine pathologies, consultation with an endocrinologist is mandatory.

The first signs and symptoms of stretch marks

If you notice the first signs of stretch marks in time, you can fight them effectively and quickly. The more neglected the skin, the more difficult it is to overcome the defect. Before stretch marks appear on the body, the skin becomes thinner. It is difficult to notice visually, but itching appears. This already indicates that something is wrong with the skin. Further, the itching becomes more and more noticeable, the body begins to itch, and purple or red stripes become noticeable on the skin. They often rise above a flat surface. They are characterized by relief. Not everyone has red stretch marks at first. Depending on the color of the skin, they can be brown or pink.

Sometimes stretch marks itch. This happens in two cases:

  • A person gains weight very quickly and the skin loses its elasticity, as it begins to become thinner from tension.
  • Pregnant women may feel itching because hormonal changes occur in the body, sweat production increases, and there are allergies to certain foods and medications.

Sometimes, if there are stretch marks on the body, pain is felt. Most often, it is not stretch marks that hurt, but muscles that are growing rapidly. Breasts that are rapidly forming or filling with milk may hurt. They are extremely rarely painful.

Creams and cosmetic treatments

Even expensive creams can only partially restore atrophied skin. Moreover, the most effective products are not sold in regular pharmacies, but only in specialized stores, as they contain alpha hydroxy acids that are potentially dangerous to the body. According to the dermatovenerologist, creams with this active ingredient can really help, but only with long-term use under the supervision of a specialist.

“Alpha hydroxy acids can actually help to some extent. The success rate can reach 30% with very long-term use, and then in high concentrations at low pH. However, creams with such a chemical formula can cause unpleasant sensations: rough peeling of the skin, redness, dryness. Therefore, they should always be used under the supervision of a professional,” explained Skorogudaeva.

The most effective technique, which allows you to get rid of up to 70% of stretch marks, is dermal roller therapy in combination with the use of cosmetics.

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More details

“Indeed, there are such rollers, they are called - dermoroller. This tool is patented and manufactured in Germany. In the manufacture of these rollers, medical steel is used, which is very strong, with the correct angle of needle formation so that they penetrate deep into the dermis,” the expert said.

The painful procedure, which lasts about half an hour, must be done under anesthesia. The desired effect, according to the doctor, can be achieved only if the needles on the roller reach 1.5–2 mm in length, so that they have ways to pierce the dermis, causing collagen growth.

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Beauty is affordable: 8 ways to save money on beauty procedures “You just have to apply anesthesia to the area treated with a roller, roll the device with needles over the skin and wait until you undergo an inflammatory-reparative process, which will produce the synthesis of scar collagen,” she explained The essence of the procedure is an employee of the department of RNRMU named after. Pirogov.

It is important that the material from which the device is made is strong enough so that the needles do not bend during the procedure and there is no pressure on the skin.

“With increased pressure on the skin, the tissue is compressed, the needles enter the fatty tissue and can pierce a vessel, damage to which causes severe hematomas,” the doctor warned.

After the procedure, the skin swells and acquires a bright red tint.

“But this is a temporary phenomenon. In a day or two, all this will go away,” Skorogudaeva reassured.

She also advised not to confuse dermorollers with mesoscooters, which are not suitable for the procedure described above.

“The mesoscooter does not help because it is aimed at enhancing the effect of the drugs administered through the punctures it made. In the manufacture of such rollers, mild steel is used, which does not withstand more than 10 minutes of procedure. After which the needles bend,” explained the candidate of medical sciences.

Treatment of stretch marks

Dealing with stretch marks is neither easy nor easy. Their treatment, even in modern conditions, with the availability of smart technology and effective methods, is not always successful, so you should not even start with those methods that do not guarantee complete restoration of the skin. The most effective methods for treating stretch marks can be noted.

Laser stretch mark removal is increasingly gaining popularity. And this is not without reason, although laser nanoperforation is a new method, it allows not only to improve the appearance of the skin, but also to completely remove stretch marks. Laser beams specifically penetrate the desired location and reach the connective tissue. Under their influence, collagen begins to be produced, connective tissue is destroyed and the skin is restored. The procedure is effective, but expensive and painful. It is recommended to carry out under local anesthesia.

Chemical peeling is considered a good procedure for removing dead skin particles from the skin. As a result, the patient begins to produce collagen and blood circulation in the upper layer of skin improves.

Biorevitalization is suitable for those who have just begun to develop stretch marks. A special composition is injected under the skin through thin needles, which helps restore the skin.

Mesotherapy is carried out using microinjections, which restore elastin and collagen. To remove stretch marks, several sessions are necessary. At each such session, medications are injected through thin needles into the problem area.

Microdermabrasion is performed using a special device that releases microcrystals. They reach stretch marks and make them less noticeable.

Abdominoplasty is based on transplanting healthy skin to the affected areas. This method, although it completely eliminates stretch marks, has dangerous consequences. The slightest violation of technology can cause complications that are very dangerous.

Treatment methods for stretch marks using creams, ointments and other cosmetics are considered ineffective, although they can be used at the initial stage of formation of stretch marks. When stretch marks appear after pregnancy, treatment methods can be combined. This will help you achieve the best results.

Parts of the body where red stretch marks appear

You are most likely to get stretch marks on your:

  • Hips
  • Breast
  • Stomach
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Stomach

You may also notice stretch marks on your lower back and the back of your arms. You are more likely to get stretch marks on the parts where your body stores more fat.

Red stretch marks are easier to remove since the skin in that particular area can still produce collagen to cover the marks. However, once stretch marks become old and white, they are difficult to treat. With proper treatment, the marks may not go away completely, but will disappear to a large extent.

Prevention and prevention of stretch marks

Since it is not easy to deal with any skin defect, it is better to prevent stretch marks than to fight them if they are present. Measures that help increase the elasticity of the skin will help to avoid their occurrence. However, you need to think about how to stay beautiful in advance, and not when the skin has already begun to itch and microcracks have appeared in several places.

When planning the birth of a child, playing sports, or participating in prestigious competitions, you need to know that the skin can be damaged. And to prevent this from happening, you need to work on yourself. Preventing stretch marks is within everyone's power.

Today there are many medicinal and cosmetic prophylactic products. Creams, gels, and ointments are produced for prevention at home. But there is also traditional medicine, massage, self-massage. Here are some simple tips on how to avoid stretch marks.

  • Using oils to improve skin elasticity.
  • Regular use of scrubs and body wraps helps remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin.
  • Massages and self-massages that activate blood circulation, improve skin elasticity and elevate your mood, which is important for getting rid of defects.
  • Contrast showers should be performed as often as possible.
  • Balance your diet to monitor your weight.
  • Physical exercises tone the entire body and help restore the skin.
  • Drink enough water to avoid even short-term dehydration.
  • Swimming in the pool is an ideal way to combat stretch marks at any time when they are detected.

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Removal of stretch marks with laser

The most effective method for removing stretch marks throughout the world is recognized as procedures using lasers, based on the principle of fractional photothermolysis, which triggers the mechanism of natural tissue repair with the formation of new collagen, without damaging the integrity of the epidermis.

More information about laser procedures for removing stretch marks in our clinic can be found in the article “REMOVING STREAMS AND STRETCH MARKS WITH LASER.”

For laser treatment of stretch marks, our clinic successfully uses several modern professional lasers:

  • fractional non-ablative (without damaging the skin) erbium laser Palomar Lux1540 (Palomar Medical Technologies, USA), delivering effects at a depth of 1-2 mm.
  • infrared laser Palomar DeepIR (Palomar Medical Technologies, USA) performing fractional thermolifting of the skin at a depth of up to 6 mm.
  • neodymium laser Fotona Nd:Yag (Fotona Medical Technologies, Slovenia) at a depth of up to 8 mm.
  • erbium ablative laser Fotona Er:Yag (Fotona Medical Technologies, Slovenia) - fractional resurfacing procedures to reduce the skin flap in cases of severe sagging skin in conditions of widespread stretch marks.

The main advantages of such procedures are visible results after the first session, painlessness, absence of a rehabilitation period, significant visible skin rejuvenation and absolute safety.

To date, there are no analogues of such procedures for the treatment of stretch marks in terms of the effectiveness of the result.

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