A secret and very effective exercise for the buttocks: one-leg Romanian deadlift

Author: Viktor Kolesnikov - specialist of the site bodybuilding-and-fitness.ru Date: 2019-04-08 Views: 9,372 Rating: 4.4

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One deadlift variation that is a great way to work your glutes and hamstrings even with light weights is the single-leg Romanian deadlift. The features of the technique allow you to get more benefits than from the classic execution on both legs.

Since the exercise is technically quite complex, as it requires good stabilization of the position of the pelvis and torso, it should be performed by advanced athletes who have mastered the ideal technique of classical deadlift on two legs.

With a barbell or dumbbells?

The first times (2-4 workouts) of the Romanian deadlift on one leg should be done without any weight at all in order to learn how to maintain balance correctly.

Deadlifts can be performed with symmetrical or asymmetrical . as symmetrical weight, or, less commonly, dumbbells of equal weight. In this variation, the single-leg row is an excellent exercise for developing the gluteus medius, minimus, and hamstrings .

The asymmetrical version is performed with a dumbbell (weight), which is held in one hand. The load on the main movers (the muscles of the back of the thigh and gluteal muscles) decreases , but at the same time the demands on the muscles that provide stabilization of the position increase.

The single-leg deadlift with asymmetrical weights is a corrective exercise that will help you coordinate the work of the pelvis and shoulder girdle. A neutral spine position is very important when performing deadlifts. The movement should occur in the hip joint, in the shoulder joints, plus a slight flexion of the knee, but not in the joints of the spine.

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Effective exercises with dumbbells for slender legs, firm buttocks and beautiful thighs

The muscles of the legs and buttocks work every day. They are accustomed to constant load, so additional loads must be used to pump them. Habitual weight-bearing exercises can speed up the process of volume reduction. For exercise, you should choose dumbbells weighing more than 3 kg. After the muscles get used to the load, the weight needs to be increased.

Before picking up weights, it is important to warm up your muscles and joints. This will prevent injuries from occurring

With limited time, you can perform only 5 exercises:

  • Squats with dumbbells. They differ from performing regular squats only by the presence of weights in their hands.
  • Plie squat with dumbbells. To perform these squats, keep your legs wider than your shoulders and point your toes out to the sides. The dumbbell is held with both hands in front of you. When performing any squats, your knees should not extend beyond your toes. You should lower yourself into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Lunges with dumbbells. Hold dumbbells in each hand. Perform a lunge from a standing position, straighten up. You can do it on one leg first or alternate them.
  • Weighted gluteal bridge. A dumbbell or a barbell plate is placed on the stomach below the waist and a regular bridge is performed.
  • Bend forward with weights. Take a barbell or dumbbells in your hands. Without rounding your back, lean forward and hold for 2-3 seconds. and straighten up.

In addition to these exercises, you can also do the complexes given later in the article with additional load.

Gluteal muscles and “single exercises”

The impact of “one-legged” exercises on the musculoskeletal system determines their place in the training program. Standing on one leg creates an additional torque that brings the hip of the supporting leg, the pelvis, and with it the entire upper body. The unsupported leg acts in this case as a burden, which leads to an increase in the force that needs to be produced by the hip abductor muscles. Hip abduction is carried out by the gluteus medius and minimus muscles, respectively, these muscles receive an additional stimulus for development.

The single leg deadlift is the best exercise for this region . Weakness of the abductor muscles causes the pelvis to drop on the side opposite the supporting leg, and is also the main cause of knee constriction in double-legged squats. In all of these variations, single-leg exercises place increased demands on balance, and are thus an integral part of programs to improve motor coordination. Another common benefit of single-leg squats and deadlifts is their ability to correct muscle development imbalances on the right and left sides of the body.

The main muscles that are affected when performing the single leg exercise variations mentioned above are:

  1. full squat (pistols) – quadriceps femoris muscle;

  2. partial squat or scissor squat – gluteus maximus and quadriceps muscles;

  3. deadlift – gluteus medius, minimus and major (to a lesser extent), muscles of the back of the thigh, adductor magnus.

It is better to perform exercises on one leg with an average of 8–10 repetitions; the time the muscles are under load , which is extremely important in the development of hypertrophy, is 20–60 s. The emphasis should be placed not on the size of the weight, but on safe execution technique.

The perfect squat for your butt and toned butt

CrossFit complexes containing lunges with dumbbells

The functional complexes given below contain lunges with dumbbells and will not only contribute to the complex development of the athlete (strength, endurance, coordination, muscle mass gain, etc.), but will also significantly increase your energy expenditure during training.

Don’t forget to eat right and recover, since this is what determines whether you can show a truly champion result today. If you feel unwell of any kind, lack sleep, or simply feel not at your best, we recommend holding off on these complexes until you have fully recovered your strength and replace them with something easier.

Chicken LegsPerform 30 dumbbell forward lunges, 10 classic barbell squats, 10 front squats, 10 overhead squats. Only 3 rounds.
Heavy Metal ManiacPerform 6 deadlifts, 10 pull-ups, 20 side lunges, 20 forward lunges, 20 burpees. Only 5 rounds.
Hamstrings Boom!Perform 20 forward lunges, 5 stiff-legged deadlifts, 20 Bulgarian lunges, 5 straight-legged deadlifts, 20 box step-ups, 5 straight-legged deadlifts.
ExactlyPerform 6 barbell thrusters, 8 deadlifts, 30 dumbbell forward lunges. Only 5 rounds.
QuadzillaPerform 10 front squats, 20 forward lunges, 10 spring jumps, 20 forward lunges, 10 classic squats, 20 forward lunges, 10 box steps, 20 forward lunges. Only 3 rounds.
CarinaComplete a 400m sprint, 15 overhead squats, 15 box jumps, 50 forward lunges. Only 5 rounds.

Exercises on the topic

Bulgarian lunges

Lunges with a barbell to the sides

Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders

Author Yaroslav Khvatov

Training experience - more than 8 years. Winner and medalist of All-Russian powerlifting and deadlift tournaments. Candidate for Master of Sports in deadlift.

Lightweight technology

You need to understand that the Romanian single-leg deadlift is an already complicated version of the classic Romanian double-leg deadlift. The trick is that you not only need to straighten your leg, but also maintain your balance. This forces many stabilizer muscles to work. The exercise works well on the buttock of the working leg.

In this variation of the exercise, one leg will be working, and the other will be resting at this time. Some authors recommend lifting your resting leg up, but even with minimal weight it is difficult to maintain balance with this approach. Therefore, a better and safer option would be to take one leg back and place it on your toes to stabilize your balance.

  1. You need to raise your knee as high as possible so that the target muscle group can feel the load. At the same time, the leg that stands on the floor tenses , as well as the abdominal muscles, which act as a stabilizer ( Analysis of the most effective abdominal exercises ).
  2. The body slowly bends forward at the hips and the non-working leg is moved back . While in this position, the supporting leg stands on the toe and is sure to bend slightly at the knee joint. After this, you can take the dumbbells/barbell from the platform.
  3. The body is straightened and lowered by contracting the gluteal muscles . The hips are pulled back to maintain balance and the dumbbells are placed in the starting position. It is important to make sure that the dumbbells or barbell rest completely on it between repetitions.

Full and partial amplitude. Work within the amplitude. Pumping

Features of deadlift

This technique is rarely used under normal conditions and is more relevant for girls. Professional bodybuilders also use it, because it has a great effect on the back of the thigh. In addition to the biceps, the exercise has a positive effect on the buttocks and lower back muscles.

The peculiarity of the technique is the prohibition of excessive weight. The pursuit of significant indicators in this regard inevitably leads to injury. We can’t set records here; we leave them for other modifications of the deadlift.

The deadlift technique is different; the main difference is straight legs. Yes, there is no need to bend your knees here, if only a little due to the anatomical features of the body. It is also advisable that the bar be on racks and not on the floor.

The stance is similar to the classic one (legs are shoulder-width apart and feet are parallel). The grip is similar to the classic one (from above, shoulder width apart). Bend your elbows (a little) and keep your back straight, as if it were fixed at the back by planks. The shoulder blades must be brought together throughout the entire process of lifting weights. Already moving down, we arch our backs and bend over, moving our pelvis back (synchronously). Be sure to keep your shoulder blades brought together, and your back always remains arched. You cannot round your back at the very bottom; you should feel the maximum stretch in the muscles located on the back of the thigh. There is no need to straighten your arms, your knees are slightly bent. Lower the bar to the middle of the shin. Climb. The barbell rises only due to the tension of the hamstrings. You need to lift the projectile no higher than the middle of the thigh, and the bar moves upward along the shins

It is important to start lifting without jerking, and the secret lies in lifting correctly. It needs to be implemented not with the back muscles, but with the legs

Your feet should be firmly planted on the floor and your legs should be pushing the weight upward. Then your back will not get tired, and the effect will be maximum. The gaze is always directed forward during the exercise. The bar moves exclusively vertically along the legs; there should be no deviations.

Deadlifts are often performed not with a barbell, but with dumbbells.


How to do the crane exercise: advanced version

Remember that in this position, the Romanian deadlift on 1 leg is a difficult and traumatic exercise, so the crane exercise is only for experienced men and women!

  1. First, you need to place the sports equipment on a small elevation, for example, a singing platform. After this, lift one leg and slowly lean forward towards the hip joint. At this moment, the working leg should straighten and as a result form a straight line with the body.
  2. Once in this position, bend the knee joint of the supporting leg and take the implements in your hands. Straighten your body by tightening the muscles of your buttocks. To make it easier to maintain balance, your hips should move back. After this, you need to return the dumbbells to the elevated position. Between repetitions, the apparatus must lie completely on the platform. Professionals can do this exercise without a step platform or bench. But in this case, the exercise becomes more difficult.

For the exercise to be as effective as possible, the working leg and body must move synchronously . Your movements should resemble the work of a well crane.

For beginners, this movement can be quite difficult and traumatic, so you shouldn’t do it!

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There are different types of this exercise. Each of them has a number of distinctive features. To choose the most suitable option for yourself, the exercises should be considered in more detail.


In the classic version, deadlifts with a barbell allow you to develop back muscle tissue. The exercise is performed on bent, but very slightly, legs. You need to adhere to the following scheme:

  1. The body initially straightens, after which the back bends slightly.
  2. The chest is pushed forward.
  3. The shoulders move back.
  4. Feet are shoulder-width apart.
  5. The buttocks and hips move back slightly so that the bar falls without jerking or sudden movements.
  6. Along with the lowering of the projectile, the pelvis moves back.
  7. When raising the bar and lowering it, the lower back remains arched all the time.
  8. The bar must be lowered to the floor. After this, it is raised again, making a short delay at the level of the knees.

Speaking about how to do this exercise correctly, special attention should be paid to the grip. It is performed at shoulder width

The palms should be directed towards the body.


The Romanian deadlift, performed with dumbbells, is so named thanks to the efforts of weightlifters from this country. With the help of this exercise, they won many victories, participating in competitions on an international scale. In fact, this is a derivative of the classic version, in which an isolated load is placed on the gluteal and femoral muscle tissue.

The training scheme is identical. True, the shells do not fall to the floor. The lowest point is the level of the center of the shin. This reduces the load on the lumbar region. The risk of injury to the spine is minimized.

On the Smith machine

The exercise is considered an excellent option for beginners. When performed on a Smith machine, deadlifts are several times safer than the classic version. The design of sports equipment consists of several securely fixed elements. The machine is equipped with hooks that allow you to hone your technique before moving on to working with free weights. The risk of back strain and injury is minimal.

With dumbbells

The deadlift technique with dumbbells is no different from the Romanian one. The only difference is the use of different equipment. During training, the athlete pumps up muscles using dumbbells rather than a bar.

It is extremely important to adhere to breathing rules when performing the exercise. When the shells fall to the floor, you need to take a deep breath

Deadlifts are done with dumbbells on straight legs. They bend slightly only when the equipment is taken and when the bottom point is reached.

Such exercises with dumbbells for girls are considered an excellent option. When they are performed, the gluteal muscles are pumped up. The figure acquires a sporty, beautiful appearance.


  • The most common mistake is not maintaining the correct stance . Beginners are often afraid to move their leg far back, being sure that this will lead to a fall. As a result, some can only lift their leg slightly off the ground.
  • Breathing errors are also common . Although in this case correct breathing is not as fundamentally important as in many other movements, it should not be lost. While tilting the body, you need to inhale and exhale when moving back.
  • It is important to do the exercise at a moderate pace so that the body can better maintain balance.
  • Also, people often place the projectiles at the wrong height, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of movement. We remind you that the dumbbells/barbell should lie at a height of 20 centimeters from the surface of the ground . This height is optimal.
  • You should not use dumbbells that are too heavy , since at first it is very important to perform deadlifts correctly. To prevent the body from “leaning” forward too much, it is recommended for beginners to use light dumbbells. They will provide an opportunity to correctly work out the technique of this type of Romanian deadlift.

Deadlift while standing on a stand

It's a pull from the pit. It is performed in the same way as the classic version, but the legs are placed on a stand. Thus, the barbell must be pulled and lowered to a lower position. The amplitude increases - the efficiency increases. The height of the stand is 5 – 10 cm. Discs, boards and anything that you can confidently stand on are suitable.

The exercises are difficult to perform and are only suitable for experienced athletes. But it is extremely effective for the buttocks. I would put it in first place in terms of effectiveness for the butt among all pull-downs. But there is one caveat. You need to bend your legs and lower your pelvis quite low (much like in the video). And then you will feel your butt right to the bones.

By the way (applies mainly to girls), if you do deadlifts with small-diameter discs, then you don’t have to stand on a stand, but simply lower the barbell all the way to the floor. The effect is the same. This refers to discs whose diameter is smaller than the standard diameter of 15, 20 and 25 kg discs.

Order an individual set of exercises from the author of this project - Timko Ilya

In Smith

If you are a beginner (up to 1 year of experience) and have poorly developed , back and leg muscles , but want to feel your hamstrings as much as possible, then the Smith machine (and a small elevation) will be the best option for you.

The guide supports have a given trajectory of movement and the imbalance of the body will be minimal. You can start with light weights and without a “boosting” platform. As your muscle growth and technical skills increase, increase the weight of the structure in the power frame and use the platform.

Basic mistakes when doing exercises

Mistakes occur due to poor preparation, poor stretching and inattention when performing deadlifts. That is why the warm-up needs to be done as thoroughly as possible. During the exercise, you need to carefully listen to which muscles are tense in order to regulate the position of the body.

The most common mistakes:

  • Bend your knees. On the one hand, you don’t need to straighten your knees all the way, but on the other hand, they need to be left in a straight position in order to perform deadlifts, and not variations on the Romanian theme. To straighten you need a good stretch. It is optimal to prepare for performing exercises on a hyperextension machine.
  • Lowering the head. You have to look straight ahead. It is convenient to practice in front of a mirror, so mistakes will be obvious.
  • Arching, rounding of the lower back. As soon as you let go of your lower back, your entire back begins to round. This may cause injury. The weight is lifted by the entire back, not just the lower back, so you need to pay attention to the position of the lower back.
  • Incorrect shoulder position. Deadlifts cannot be combined with shrugs; the shoulders must be straightened from the starting position. Try to fix them at the beginning of the exercise and not move them, as this interferes with the pumping of the necessary muscles and can also cause injury.

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Romanian dumbbell row

  1. We get into the starting position with slightly bent knees. We hold dumbbells with a straight grip, palms facing our feet. You can turn them a little so that the dumbbell does not walk strictly along the front, but partially along the side surface of the thigh. Apart from the knees, the starting position is exactly the same as in the previous case.
  2. We bend the torso forward. The dumbbells are directed towards the feet. In this exercise, the pelvis goes back by bending the knees. This is why you don’t need to have a good stretch, since you don’t need to stretch with straight legs.
  3. Lower the dumbbells to the lowest possible point so that they slide along your legs.
  4. We return to the original state, the pelvis moves slightly forward. At this moment, you should tighten your buttocks as much as possible and squeeze your shoulder blades together. This is the completion of straightening. We lift as we exhale, and lower as we inhale.


We make all movements smoothly and thoughtfully. It is advisable to have a mirror in front of you. You will just keep your head level while observing yourself.

What muscles work?

Deadlifts with dumbbells, along with squats, are the most basic exercise in the entire arsenal. Some experts call the figure 90% - this is exactly the part of the muscle groups in our body that these exercises load. Of course, the load is mainly static in nature, but the fact remains that deadlifts (with a barbell or dumbbells) can tone and give good physical shape to almost all the muscles of a poorly trained or novice athlete.

The emphasis on dynamic loading shifts depending on what type of deadlift you're doing.

  • With the classic dumbbell deadlift, most of the load falls on the quadriceps, gluteal muscles and spinal extensors.
  • When sumo deadlifting with dumbbells, the load is focused more on the adductor muscles of the hips, glutes and quadriceps. The spinal extensors are involved much less; the load on them is more static in nature. The hamstring acts as a stabilizer.
  • When deadlifting with dumbbells on straight legs (Romanian deadlift), the movement is performed by the hamstrings and gluteal muscles, the quadriceps is not involved in the movement. You can also perform deadlifts with dumbbells on one leg, this will allow you to stretch your hamstrings even more in the first phase of the movement.

In all variations of the exercise, the abdominal muscles, calf muscles and upper back (latissimus, rhomboids and trapezius muscles) serve as stabilizers.

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