How to do strength training at home? Rules, set of exercises from the trainer, video

Home workouts for men are a good way to keep your body in shape, lose extra pounds or, conversely, slightly increase muscle mass. Of course, you won’t be able to turn into a bodybuilder with impressive muscle size by working out at home. For such serious work, the gym needs appropriate equipment. But you can train and achieve good results without bulky sports equipment. After all, training at home is very effective if you approach the preparation of a training program correctly and, most importantly, do not be lazy.

Recommendations for training at home

The main condition for success in sports is self-discipline. Not the presence of a barbell, dumbbells or other sports equipment, but real male willpower. It's no secret that getting into a working mood in a cozy apartment, where every corner invites you to relax, is much more difficult than in the gym. Within the walls of the gym, everything is serious, the coach pushes you, other athletes motivate, you don’t even have to think about skidding.

But this does not mean that training at home is a disastrous idea. Not at all. The main thing is to set a goal and move towards it with confident steps. In addition, to achieve the desired results outside the gym, you need to listen to a number of tips from professional trainers.

Tip 1: Warm up

When creating a home workout program for men, it is important to understand that the lack of exercise equipment and the home environment do not exclude the possibility of injury. Moreover, if there was a significant break between classes and your muscles were unaccustomed to the load. You can’t neglect warming up, no matter how much you want to save time. Otherwise, you risk being out of action for a long time and temporarily forgetting about the perfect body you are striving for.

You should warm up correctly. Engage not only the muscle groups you are going to train, but also all the others. Start with slow movements and increase the intensity gradually. In the preparation process, you will need a detailed description of how to warm up before the main workout.

Tip 2: Stretching

When training at home, you should not forget about the cool-down. This final part of the class is no less important than the main part and warm-up. It is best to complete your workout with low-intensity exercise to bring your heart rate and blood pressure back to normal. They need to be done to help the body recover after heavy loads and gradually transition to a state of rest. In addition, moderate stretching promotes accelerated muscle growth.

Tip 3: Regularity

Only by exercising regularly can you get the desired results from your training. You need to train 3 times a week. Do not think that by reducing the number of classes, but increasing their intensity, you will achieve good results. Losing excess weight, a narrow waist and abs on the stomach will remain a pipe dream - no doubt about it. However, we should not forget to maintain balance.

Daily exhausting training will not make your body toned and your muscles sculpted. You will only drive yourself to exhaustion, but you will not achieve the desired results. After exercise, recovery time is needed. And lack of rest leads to the effect of overtraining (chronic fatigue, muscle spasms, depression).

Tip 4: distribution

When creating a training regimen, do not try to fit exercises for all muscles into one session. Each muscle group can be trained no more than 2 times a week. Between focused work with 1 group, sufficient rest is necessary. For example, on Monday you work the pectoral muscles, biceps and triceps, on Wednesday you actively use your legs, back, buttocks, etc. You can’t combine them; you’ll get exactly the opposite of the desired result.

If you exercise 3 times a week, the load on the first day should be 100%, on the second - 75%, on the third - 50%. How long it takes for full recovery depends on the athlete’s training. However, it is not recommended to load one muscle group more than 1-2 times weekly.

Tip 5: Nutrition

When choosing exercises at home for men, do not forget that only by combining regular exercise with proper nutrition can you achieve success. Anyone who exercises intensively in the gym or at home should have an idea of ​​the principles of diet planning:

  • Drink enough fluids. During physical activity, the body loses a lot of moisture.
  • Reduce your consumption of fast carbohydrates. The diet should be low carbohydrate.
  • Increase your protein intake from food (dairy products, nuts, meat).
  • Don't increase your calorie intake by increasing portions. It's better to eat more often, but little by little.
  • Take care of the fiber found in vegetables.
  • Don't give up fat completely. Thus, seafood and vegetable oils are a source of healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6.
  • Don't forget vitamin and mineral supplements.

We tell you in detail about how to eat during training to burn fat and maintain your figure.

Maintaining a proper diet

Exercising without proper nutrition will not bring benefits. During heavy strength loads, if your goal is to lose excess weight, be sure to follow a diet. It should consist of a variety of fruits, vegetables, boiled meat, and all kinds of cereals.

When playing sports, drink at least 1 liter of clean water. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day so that you can burn calories as quickly as possible.

If your goal is to gain weight and build muscle mass, eat plenty of protein in your diet; it can be found in boiled eggs.

Meat must also be on the table (boiled). Eat dairy products, milk, cottage cheese and sour cream.

And also remember to drink plenty of water to replenish your hydration.

Professional trainers and doctors do not recommend using chemical additives during active sports; they will not bring the desired result, but will only harm the body.

Bodyweight training

There are a lot of exercises for this type of activity. Grabbing at everything is not a good idea. It is worth paying attention to the most effective ones.


A common exercise that allows you to load your back and abdominal muscles. From the outside it resembles the starting position for push-ups. To perform, you need to support your own weight, resting on the floor surface with your hands and toes (classic version). In addition to this, there is a bar on the elbows and a side bar.

Suitable for warming up. When performing, almost all muscle groups are involved. If you want to have a toned figure and a flat stomach, be sure to include this exercise in your training regimen. In this article you can familiarize yourself with the rules for performing the exercise.

Push ups

Allows you to train your upper body. The greatest load during exercise falls on the pectoral muscles, anterior deltoids and triceps. The neck and abs are strained less, but are also worked out well during push-ups.

To do a push-up, you need to take the starting position, keeping your weight on your outstretched arms and toes, and then lower yourself to the floor, spreading your elbows to the sides. While in the lower position, try to touch your chest to the surface of the floor. Then return to the starting position.


This is a basic exercise that puts a good load on the back muscles. Performed in various ways:

  • wide grip;
  • narrow grip;
  • reverse grip.

Using different execution options, you can adjust the load by alternately using different muscle groups.

Previously, we talked about how to do pull-ups correctly in our article.


Squats can be used to train your lower body. During classes, the muscles of the thighs and buttocks are loaded. The back and calf muscles are also involved, but a little weaker.

When starting the exercise, stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start squatting while simultaneously extending your arms forward or keeping them clasped across your chest. Return to the starting position.

To increase the load, squats can be performed with dumbbells or on one leg.


Another common movement for working the abdominal muscles. In the classic variation, it is performed without weights. If you want to increase the load, you can use suitable sports equipment (dumbbells, medicine ball).

Twists are divided into several types:

  • straight;
  • reverse;
  • double;
  • lateral.

To perform the classic version, lie on the floor, bend your knees, cross your arms over your chest or place your palms behind your head. By tensing your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders off the floor as much as possible. Lower yourself to the starting position.


When it comes to yoga, it is important to understand that there is no division into male and female exercises, as such. However, there are asanas (postures) that can be classified as strength training. They are aimed at strengthening endurance and are perfect for representatives of the stronger sex.

These exercises include static ones, which involve staying in one position for at least 1 minute. Balance exercises, performed exclusively using the hands. Strengthening asanas that help build strength and endurance.

Before moving on to the main yoga exercises, it is necessary to prepare the body for stress using a set of dynamic asanas. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete more complex ones.

Duration and frequency of strength training

During strength training, micro-traumas to the muscles occur, and the body needs time to recover. Experts recommend that beginners avoid overly intense exercise and include strength training every other day, alternating it with rest days or cardio training. The same option is suitable for Full Body training. In Split programs, the muscle groups being worked alternate with each other on different days.

A workout is considered effective if its duration does not exceed 1 hour. Experts believe that this time is enough to work out the necessary muscles and start the fat burning process.

Training with free weights

Performing physical exercises for men with free weights involves the use of non-fixed exercise equipment. Such as dumbbells and barbells. Below we list the most common ones.

Dumbbell supine press

This option is especially good because the body is in a stable position when performing movements. This makes it possible to use heavy projectiles.

Lie on the floor, hold dumbbells above your chest area with your arms outstretched. Inhaling, lower them, bending your elbows. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

"Hammer" in a tilted position

This exercise allows you to engage the muscles of the upper and lower back.

To begin, take dumbbells and stand straight. Now lean forward with your knees slightly bent. Don't forget that your back should be straight when doing this.

In the starting position, the projectiles must be held on outstretched arms, so that the palms are turned towards each other. As you exhale, pull the weight to your chest and then gently lower it, exhaling.

Bent-over dumbbell raises

A very effective exercise that helps work the muscles of the upper back.

From a standing position, lean forward. Keep your back straight, do not round. With your elbows slightly bent, raise your arms with the apparatus to shoulder height. Try to stay in this position for a few seconds. Then return to the starting position.

Standing Dumbbell Raise

A classic movement that should be included in your training program without fail. With its help, you will be able to achieve good results quite quickly (pump up impressive biceps).

Stand up straight, arms with equipment extended along your body, palms facing away from you. Raise the dumbbells to the level of your upper sternum, bending your elbows. Don't swing while doing this.

Bench press

This exercise can be performed on a horizontal or inclined plane. Ideally, when thinking through a lesson plan, you should include both options.

Position yourself on a bench so that the bar is at eye level and grab the apparatus with a wide grip. Place your feet on the floor (do not lift your feet off the surface when doing this), bring your shoulder blades together.

Now remove the apparatus from the rack and, while inhaling, gently lower it, lightly touching the chest with the bar. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Bent-over barbell row

Provides an opportunity to work the trapezius, rhomboid and broad back muscles. Also includes biceps and extensors.

Lean forward, bending your knees slightly. Grasp the bar with your palms, arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, pull the projectile towards your lower abdomen. Be sure to bring your shoulder blades together. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

When performing this exercise, the main load should be placed not on the arms, but on the shoulder blades and back.

French press

Suitable for athletes who want to increase the volume of their triceps.

Sit on a bench, having previously placed the apparatus so that it is convenient to reach it (or ask a gym buddy to help). Now grab the bar and lift the barbell in front of you at forehead level. Make sure your shoulders and elbows are straight.

Smoothly lower it behind your head as you inhale. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Standing biceps curl

A very common and effective exercise with which you can pump up the biceps muscle. Performed in a standing or sitting position.

In this case, stand straight, do not bend your elbows and straighten your shoulders. Grab the bar and, while inhaling, pull the barbell toward your shoulder joints. As you exhale, lower your arms down. Don't bend your knees too much and round your back.

Safety precautions when performing strength exercises at home

Thinking that when practicing at home you can forget about safety rules is a big mistake. It is imperative to follow them, regardless of where exactly the training takes place.

  • Choose the right clothes and shoes. Things should not restrict movement and, on the contrary, be too free.
  • Monitor your well-being. At the first sign of discomfort (dizziness, nausea, increased body temperature), stop training. It is better to postpone the activity than to get injured and end up in a hospital bed.
  • Be sure to warm up before performing the main set of exercises.
  • Make it a habit to check sports equipment before training for damage.
  • Perform exercises only in the designated area. In the absence of interfering pieces of furniture, sharp corners, etc.
  • Do not throw shells on the floor, place them carefully. If you don’t want to repair the coating, buy new equipment or receive treatment for injuries.
  • After classes, be sure to put the sports equipment in its place. In comfortable apartments there is not enough free space to successfully maneuver between scattered dumbbells, weights and other equipment.

Do not forget that discipline and maintaining order are the first steps to obtaining decent results.

Strength fitness for women

Unfortunately, this type of fitness is not yet of particular interest to girls. Many ladies still prefer simple fitness to strength training. The reason is that girls are afraid to lift weights so as not to gain a large amount of muscle mass.

In fact, there is no such danger, because all the same elements from ordinary fitness are present. Therefore, all you can get is a sculpted, toned body.

There is a lot of information on the Internet, in particular videos about strength fitness. Therefore, you can first look at everything you need, and if you are interested, sign up for the sections.

How else can you exercise at home?

In addition to training with your own weight or loose sports equipment, there are many effective exercises that involve the use of exercise machines. Of course, many immediately imagine bulky structures that require at least a separate room for installation. Don’t rush to conclusions, there are now many modern models that are ideal for practicing at home. And you won’t have to drag furniture to a neighboring apartment to free up space.

Which exercise machine is best to choose for exercising at home can be read in this article.

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Why do you need fitness classes?

In the modern world, fitness requires time, effort and cash injections. But the result will be a beautiful body and health.

Strength training strengthens the functioning of the cardiovascular system and makes us more resilient. It also trains the muscles in the legs very well.

Exercises with heavy weights and dumbbells increase muscle mass, strengthen them, correct the shape of the body and help get rid of excess weight or, on the contrary, gain it.

Anaerobic exercises are performed with weights. Their role is to enhance muscle work and visual adjustment.

But before you start doing such training, you should get a full medical examination, find out exactly your weight, and understand what you want from playing sports.

If you have no contraindications for physical activity, then feel free to start training.

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