Practical advice and analysis on stellar buttocks: how to pump up your butt without squats and weights

Is it possible?

The answer depends on what muscle group is meant and what exercises are going to “pump” it. Of course, you can significantly increase the strength and mass of the lower body muscles (glutes, thigh muscles) with exercises such as squats, deadlifts and leg presses , while leaving almost no impact on the upper body muscles. You can also significantly increase your core muscles with exercises such as pull-ups, bench presses and seated presses, without affecting your lower body too much.

But you cannot, for example, pump up your biceps by doing only isolated dumbbell biceps lifts - a slight increase in volume is possible at first, but then dead “stagnation” is inevitable.

The point here is that local load on the muscle will not lead to the release of anabolic hormones after the load , on which post-load muscle growth processes largely depend. But a basic exercise that , and even with a serious load for you, provides the necessary physiological processes.

In addition to the physiological reasons that impose restrictions on attempts to pump up one muscle in isolation from the others, there are also purely mechanical reasons for the impossibility of this.

All muscles are interconnected , being synergists, antagonists or stabilizers in relation to each other.

Let's look at the example of the notorious buttocks. To have a butt like the notorious Usmanova, “pounding” those same buttocks with some kind of blows , you need to be able to do this exercise with fairly serious weights, otherwise hypertrophy will simply have nowhere to go. We're talking about weights comparable to working squat weights. For a girl weighing 60 kg it will be about 50 kg for 8-10 times or 40 kg for 20-25 times. So, it is impossible to imagine a 50-60 kg madam with thin matchstick legs who can squat with a 60 kg or even 40 kg barbell.

After all, the squat is not only about the strength of the buttocks, it is (even to a greater extent) the quadriceps, the hamstring and calf muscles, the spinal extensors, the interscapular muscles of the back and the core muscles (abs, spinal extensors). The body is a system in which everything works interconnected.

As for the glutes around 90 cm, after building a general strength foundation for the body, isolated exercises with weights at an advanced level of fitness (i.e. when you at least feel the mind-muscle connection) will certainly be beneficial.

Remember that isolation exercises are like “sharpening” exercises... but what to sharpen if there is nothing there? Please note that the propaganda of isolation comes from girls who already have a butt . Yes, now they don’t squat, but before that they did it for 5 years.

Beginners, even if they don’t have back problems, will simply twist everything in the world, trying to repeat their side lunges (death to the knees) and jumping on stools after the fitness bikinis of all Rus'. People without experience simply cannot perform the exercises technically correctly, and even feel the muscles. In all these clever exercises, beginners will not even be able to simply lift their already heavy leg and no gluteal muscle will be involved.

It’s possible to pump up your buttocks at home: what exercises and equipment are available to you at home?

Yes, no matter how annoying it may be, it is necessary and important to learn how to do a squat correctly . Yes, the floor squat is not entirely suitable for people with long thighs, but let’s be honest, you can quite reach parallel, right? The squat is just more difficult to master .

Not everyone can understand the correct technique, and most importantly, implement it in every workout, in every approach and repetition. Therefore, they take the easier route - all sorts of oblique lunges and hyperextensions (yes, we don’t do hyperextensions on the buttocks, this is nonsense ), in which they only injure their back. But if you follow the easy path, you are unlikely to get the long-awaited result.

Special point programs

By the way, let's dispel another myth in passing: there are no special programs for thin legs.

You will certainly be promised an “individual program for only 10,000 rubles,” but, in truth, your training will be no different from the training of other people. You need to deadlift and squat while trying to increase the weight on the bar. Yes, you will have to get stronger if you want to look fit, healthy and firm.

Without weight: is there any point?

Air squats (unloaded) - bodyweight squats. What is the use of them: well, movement is better in any case than sitting straight on your butt

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