Making coffee with butter for delicious weight loss

Are you tired of classic diets based on fruits and vegetables? Then we offer a new trend - coffee with butter for weight loss. Reviews about this method are very different. Some people fell in love with it from the first cup, while others consider it not entirely effective. The unusual drink is gaining popularity among residents of foreign countries, and has already reached us. The method promises to get rid of extra pounds and give you strength. We suggest you understand how a diet with oil can affect your weight.

Coffee is a popular drink loved by many, but adding oil to it raises eyebrows. It is especially interesting that such a cocktail is called a dietary cocktail. Want to know how coffee drink works for weight loss? This article will tell you about all the nuances of losing weight using this method.

Who invented

An unusual variation of coffee with butter was created by US entrepreneur and healthy lifestyle advocate Dave Asprey. The invented drink was called Bulletproof coffee.

The idea for a coffee mixture for weight loss came from tea that a man tried during a trip to Tibet. Then he was offered a green infusion with yak oil, which delighted him. The drink gave me strength and relieved me of hunger. Interestingly, it supports the vital energy of the nomads of the Tibetan mountains, so they drink up to 10 cups a day.

All this interested Dave Asprey, and he came up with something new from a combination of coffee and butter, which soon became popular. Later, the man founded the company of the same name, which produces a miracle cocktail.

Dave regularly drinks Bulletproof coffee as a breakfast replacement.

How to take it correctly?

The most important advantage of the drink is weight loss. It also increases alertness, improves brain function and physical performance. Positive effects are observed only with moderate consumption (once a day, for breakfast).

You should additionally enrich your first meals with any fruits (bananas, apples) and nuts to improve the quality of your diet.

It is important to note that there is no evidence base regarding the relationship between the beneficial and harmful properties of bulletproof coffee for the human body. Only “single” properties have been proven, on the basis of which it is impossible to present a complete picture.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before starting to drink coffee with ghee. Only a specialist can competently weigh all the advantages and risks and make a sound decision regarding the advisability of switching to a similar version of the ketone diet.

Bulletproof coffee should be taken no more than once a day (for breakfast), and I additionally enrich my meals with fruits or nuts.

Ingredients of a diet cocktail

The weight loss drink included only coffee and butter. Although we are promised quick results, no studies have yet been conducted to prove this point of view.

Let's look at how butter can help you lose weight, because it's no secret that it is a high-calorie product that you are advised to avoid when dieting. At the same time, it contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which produces a fat-burning effect. The substance is able to quickly activate, providing the body with vitality. This process helps convert fat deposits into energy.

But it is worth noting that the results of the tests showed a small proportion of weight loss from acid. However, despite laboratory studies, scientists have confirmed that butter can produce weight loss results for overweight people.

Coffee with butter is suitable for anyone who needs extra energy during the day. The drink is recommended for people who skip one of their meals - the fat burner Bulletproof coffee will be its alternative.

There is still no definitive proof that Asprey's theory is true and coffee affects the pounds.

What does the drink give?

According to the inventor himself, drinking for weight loss has several advantages:

  • Gives a burst of energy, which is necessary for a person with an active lifestyle.
  • Improves mood and overall well-being.
  • Increases performance by raising tone.
  • Normalizes the functioning of metabolism due to plant components.
  • Burns excess weight by converting calories into energy.
  • Relieves hunger because fat saturates the body.

Dave Asprey himself notes that after taking the cocktail he feels better, and the technique has a positive effect on brain activity.

The story of a strange combination

It is believed that the American David Asprey came up with the idea of ​​giving this drink its modern look. According to this version, while traveling in Tibet, an American entrepreneur was impressed by the drink that local residents prepared from an infusion of strongly brewed tea leaves with the addition of yak milk.

This milk, having a very high percentage of fat content, approaches butter in this parameter. The traveler liked the property of this unusual drink to give strength, satisfy hunger and cheer up at the same time.

Returning home, but still impressed by the Tibetan treat, David Asprey, as an experiment, tried to slightly change his recipe, replacing tea with a drink made from coffee beans, and yak milk with butter. The result surprised and pleased. The taste of coffee has become softer. It turned out that the taste of butter goes well with it.

Calorie content and intake rules

If you are thinking about starting to drink coffee for weight loss, then it is worth knowing its calorie content. One cup can contain up to 400 kcal. Therefore, it should be used as rarely as possible. But we are promised that drinking a drink will prolong the feeling of fullness for 4-6 hours, and during this time all the calories are consumed, and you become slim.

The author of the program recommends drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, but forbids drinking pastries with it. Otherwise, you will not lose weight, but will only gain weight.

While taking the cocktail, the kilograms will disappear gradually and regularly. You won't see any sudden jumps. Weight loss is achieved thanks to antioxidants and diuretics, which remove excess fluid from the body and prevent its accumulation. The fats contained in the drink are not deposited on the figure and are converted into energy.

To improve your weight loss results, follow these rules:

  • Watch your diet and eliminate unhealthy foods. Switch to a healthy diet, giving up flour, sweets and fatty foods. Enrich the menu with vegetables, fruits, fish and meat.
  • Avoid eating foods high in sugar because they raise blood glucose levels, causing food cravings.
  • Eat at certain hours, accustoming yourself to order. Breakfast can be replaced with coffee, which will wake up the body.
  • Get some physical activity. You need to burn the calories and energy you've gained throughout the day. Otherwise, they will settle as fat on the waist and sides.

Coffee ranks 2nd among drinks in health benefits because it contains antioxidants. However, you should choose a quality product.


Drinks should not be consumed:

  • for cardiovascular abnormalities;
  • for diseases of the digestive system;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • with individual intolerance.

The method of losing weight using coffee and butter should not be used by pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

Doctors do not recommend neglecting a classic breakfast in favor of coffee, because a fatty drink for weight loss can affect the intestines and cause diarrhea.

Properties of coffee with coconut oil

Coconut oil is a vegetable fat rich in fatty acids, vitamins B2, B6, E and C, folic acid, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and zinc. The most useful product is fresh, cold-pressed, not refined. It fights cardiovascular diseases, regulates cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes, contains antioxidants to combat skin aging, and protects against the harmful effects of the sun. It has a positive effect on human immunity and has antibacterial and antiviral effects. Supports the functioning of the digestive system, accelerates metabolism. The “building” triglycerides in coconut oil are not converted into fat deposits, but are only used to produce energy, “accelerate” metabolism and increase muscle mass. The addition of all this natural wealth to coffee cannot go unnoticed by our body - and by people who wanted and want to put such a valuable combination at their service.

We cook ourselves

The manufacturing company offers various mixtures for brewing coffee at home. However, it is almost impossible for Russians to get their hands on them. But don't be upset! We will tell you how to properly prepare a weight loss product so that anyone can enjoy it:

  1. The method has several flavors in the line, but more often the original drink is brewed from Arabica coffee with butter. It is also allowed to add palm or coconut.
  2. Sugar (including sweetener) should be avoided.
  3. It is advised to take a natural black product of the highest quality, and not instant. It is Arabica beans that are considered to be the most “clean”, without toxins.
  4. Oils included in drinks for weight loss should only be of plant origin. You should not use milk and cream because they are harmful additives.

Butter will cover up the bitter taste. The drink will be aromatic and tender.

Bulletproof coffee recipe for weight loss

So, to enjoy an interesting taste, prepare the ingredients in the correct ratio:

  • whole coffee beans;
  • no more than 1-2 tsp. butter;
  • 100 ml. water.

Let's start cooking:

  1. The grains should be ground. One Turk will take about 2.5 tsp. crushed product.
  2. Brew coffee over a fire in the usual way, covering the beans with water and bringing them to a boil.
  3. Pour the drink into a cup and add butter.

If you are trying coffee for weight loss for the first time, follow the proportions and choose a small piece of butter so as not to overdo it with fat content.

Recipe for a slim figure

Another way to make coffee for those who want to keep fit.

Prepare the following products:

  • whole coffee beans;
  • 100 ml. water;
  • 1 tsp. butter and coconut oil.

Let's start preparing a cocktail for weight loss:

  1. You should grind the grains, you will need 2.5 tsp. ground coffee.
  2. Fill the product with water and cook in a pot over the fire, remove after boiling.
  3. Place the brewed drink in a cup and add butter and coconut oil.
  4. If you want to make an airy drink with foam, then pour the coffee into a blender and whisk it. This will create a “maslatte” that will appeal to many.

If desired, you can use olive oil in the recipe instead of coconut oil.

Nutritionist opinion

There are various rumors surrounding coffee. There is an opinion that the drink does not help during weight loss. It inhibits the release of bile and interferes with the normal functioning of metabolism.

But oil added to coffee, surprisingly, triggers metabolic processes in the body. A surge of energy and increased performance really await the one who drinks this strange drink. But it is not recommended to add more than 10 g of butter, because it can adversely affect the functioning of other organs and increase cholesterol.

It is important to note that you should not drink more than 1 serving per day. Also, avoid taking it in the evening to avoid insomnia. Of course, it is worth knowing the norm of the drink - you are allowed to drink a small cup of coffee, and not a whole glass.

There is no consensus among doctors on taking coffee with oil for weight loss, because the necessary studies have not been conducted to prove its effectiveness. However, if you decide to drink this drink, be careful and monitor your well-being.

Real reviews

I love coffee and drink it all the time. I saw information online about the fat burner Bulletproof coffee, and I wanted to try an interesting drink. But, unfortunately, you can’t find such products in our stores, so I got out of the situation by making coffee myself. I cooked it in a Turk, adding a small slice of butter at the end. It’s easy to make and the taste is mild, but you can feel the fatty content. Overall good coffee. I used it while losing weight, drank it for second breakfast and didn’t feel like eating until lunch.

Evgeniya, 22 years old

I tried coffee with butter from a friend who read the recipe on the Internet. The drink is truly unusual. It is even rumored to help you lose weight if you eat right. At this time I was on a diet, so I replaced breakfast with a creamy smoothie. I noticed that the feeling of hunger really doesn’t bother me for longer. But I couldn’t drink coffee all the time because it’s too greasy, I get bored quickly and I want to eat something else.

Alexandra, 25 years old

I heard that someone uses coffee with butter to lose weight. My surprise knew no bounds! How can a high-fat, high-calorie supplement help you lose weight? I decided to try it for myself. I didn’t really like the taste, because the bitterness still remains. I lasted a week, then quit. The coffee, although filling, is too greasy. I noticed that after it I feel nauseous and constantly feel sick until the next meal. Therefore, be careful with oil, you can easily overdo it and end up with a fatty drink!

Tina, 28 years old

Coffee in the morning is my weakness. I discovered another option with the addition of oil. At first I didn’t believe it and thought it was some kind of conspiracy. I tried it and was satisfied. Good beans combined with a creamy taste create a tandem of delicate coffee with a slight bitterness. I would like to note that this is not for everybody. As a weight loss product, it has not proven itself so brightly. In 2 weeks I lost about 2 kg. taking into account proper nutrition and sports.

Irina, 34 years old
Coffee with butter will be a godsend for those who like to discover new tastes. An interesting sound can be achieved thanks to a creamy additive. If you follow all the instructions, you can not only enjoy coffee, but also lose weight. However, do not overdo it with portions; allow yourself 1 cup in the morning instead of breakfast.

Health benefits and harms

Adding coconut oil to your coffee is an easy way to reap the health benefits.

Here are a few ways adding coconut oil to your coffee can improve your health:

  • May speed up your metabolism . Research shows that the MCTs in coconut oil and the caffeine in coffee can speed up your metabolism, which can increase the number of calories you burn per day (, , ).
  • May improve energy levels . Coffee contains caffeine, which can help you feel less tired. Coconut oil contains MCTs, which are transported directly to your liver and can also serve as a quick source of energy (,).
  • May help improve intestinal motility . Coconut oil's MCTs and coffee compounds, such as caffeine and chlorogenic acids, may stimulate bowel function and keep the digestive system healthy (,).
  • May help increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels . Several studies have shown that coconut oil may increase levels of HDL cholesterol, which protects against heart disease (, ).

However, adding coconut oil to coffee also has its downsides.

For starters, many people who add it to their morning coffee use it as a breakfast replacement. This means you may be missing out on many important nutrients that you would get by eating a more balanced breakfast.

Although coconut oil contains some nutrients, they are not as numerous as a nutrient-dense breakfast that contains many different food groups.

What's more, coconut oil is high in calories, providing 121 calories per tablespoon (14 grams). Most people who add it to their coffee usually use 2 tablespoons - an additional 242 calories ().

If that doesn't sound like much to you, consider that a 70kg person would need almost 50 minutes of brisk walking (5.6km/h) to burn that many calories ().

Plus, while the combined effects of coconut oil and coffee may speed up your metabolism a little, you're more likely to gain weight if you don't account for the added calories.

The calories in a few tablespoons of coconut oil will likely exceed the calories burned due to the slight increase in metabolism associated with MCTs and caffeine.

Moreover, some medical conditions, such as gallbladder problems or pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), may require you to limit your fat intake (,).

Coconut oil is much more effective when you use it to replace less healthy fats in your diet, such as those from processed foods, rather than when you add it to your diet in addition to other fats.


Adding coconut oil to your coffee may provide health benefits. However, there are potential downsides to this, such as replacing more nutrient-dense foods and adding too many calories. Additionally, certain medical conditions may make it necessary to limit your fat intake.

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