Green Ginger Green coffee with ginger for weight loss - reviews

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 04/07/2021

In the modern world, there are more and more overweight people. And each of them dreams of losing weight. Extra pounds become a problem both for career growth and in life situations. You can bring your weight back to normal. This problem can be solved, the main thing is to find a sufficiently productive way. The properties of green coffee and ginger root have only recently begun to be studied, and their effectiveness has already been proven. People who use this product confirm this with their enthusiastic reviews. When combining the properties of these two components, the effect is double. And the kilograms just melt away!

What is green coffee for weight loss

The product has a rich and tart taste that not everyone will like - the taste of ginger. It is compensated by the pleasant herbal aroma of coffee.

Dull olive green coffee beans are moister than the black coffee beans we usually use. Typically, the beans are roasted for better flavor. But you can brew the drink without first roasting the grains. It has a tart and sour taste and has an astringent effect, somewhat reminiscent of persimmon.

Raw beans are low in caffeine. Its quantity increases during the roasting process. Caffeine contains more than 1200 active substances, vitamins and antioxidants.

Green coffee has a significant advantage that stands out from other means used for weight loss. Raw grains contain chlorogenic acid, which disappears after heat treatment. This has been proven by special studies. It is this acid that prevents fat cells from being absorbed into the blood and burns them in the intestines. As a result, the food consumed becomes low-fat. Thanks to this, the process of losing weight occurs.

Many people have impaired metabolism. This is becoming a serious problem. Green coffee with ginger speeds up metabolic processes due to a decrease in insulin levels in the blood, promoting weight loss.

Rating of ginger with green coffee for weight loss based on reviews

What will those who have experienced the effects of the drink say? They write on the forums that green coffee has little effect. It is difficult to draw conclusions from reviews in which there is no objectivity, and people do not mention their diet or lifestyle, and is it even necessary? But, summing up all the comments, we can highlight several advantages:

  • Simple, easy to prepare;
  • The composition of the grains helps burn fat;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • Removes waste and toxins from the body.


  • Low efficiency;
  • Specific taste;
  • Not suitable for people with problems of the heart or circulatory system;
  • Has a diuretic effect;
  • Causes side effects (diarrhea, stool and urination problems, headaches).

Those who lost weight from green coffee with ginger not only left their reviews about this weight loss method, but also rated the drink.

TasteEase of useResult

For a review of green coffee with ginger, watch the video:


Losing weight with green coffee and ginger has become possible only recently. The product was first tested in the USA in 2013. The results of the experiment were published in a special scientific journal, and since then this method of losing weight has begun to gain popularity all over the world.

Ginger root has been used for a long time. And all over the world it is considered very useful. In Europe and the USA it is used as a seasoning for dishes. In Russia and the CIS countries, this unique plant is rapidly gaining popularity.

White ginger is most often eaten. This product only uses black. Green coffee has also become famous due to its chlorogenic acid content. Its acid content is significantly higher than in other products.

This component helps overcome increased appetite, prevents the absorption of carbohydrates, accelerates the absorption of fats contained in the stomach, and has an antioxidant effect.

In addition, this coffee not only helps you lose weight, but also has a cosmetic effect. Important substances included in the product have a positive effect on the skin color, soften and smooth it, eliminate the formation of wrinkles and strengthen nails and hair. But it is worth noting that black ginger grows only in Latin America. Therefore, black ginger is very difficult to find in our pharmacies in an unprocessed form. But this is a very useful product.

How to prepare a weight loss drink from green coffee and ginger?

The classic recipe for making green coffee with ginger for weight loss is simple and does not take much time:

  1. Fresh coffee beans need a medium grind.
  2. Light frying in a frying pan is allowed, but to such an extent that the grains do not change their color.
  3. Only fresh ginger root is used, which is grated or sliced. Brewed with coffee.
  4. Proportions are selected taking into account your own taste preferences. You can adjust the taste with cinnamon, a slice of lemon, and honey.

There is always an alternative to purchasing ready-made instant or ground products, of which GreenGinger is a well-known manufacturer. To prepare, you only need a bag of coffee and a cup of hot water (boiling water is undesirable because it destroys valuable chlorogenic acid).

Advice! It is recommended to drink the drink 2 times a day in the morning for 20-30 minutes. before meals. And for cooking, use only fresh ginger root, which can be stored in the refrigerator without losing its beneficial characteristics.


This product also has contraindications. We recommend that you consult a specialist before using it. If you have a tendency to high blood pressure, kidney problems, diabetes, if you are pregnant or nursing a child, then we do not recommend taking it.

It increases blood pressure, so people suffering from headaches and cardiovascular diseases should consult their doctor. Ginger root irritates the stomach, so for various stomach diseases or gallstones, the product is not recommended.

Ginger coffee recipes

Ginger can be added to coffee as a single additional ingredient or as part of a complex composition. Oriental recipes for the drink most often use mixtures of spices, while European ones use ginger with milk or alcohol.

With ginger and cinnamon

Ginger and cinnamon are a classic combination for warming and spicy drinks. Both spices have a fiery flavor, but affect coffee differently. Ginger root juice gives the drink a spicy, fresh note, while cinnamon adds smoky and sweet notes.

There are two ways to prepare coffee with ginger and cinnamon:

  1. Brew 2-3 tsp. ground grains with boiling water in a cup or hot water in a French press. Let it sit for 5-7 minutes and then add the dried ground spices on the tip of a spoon. The taste of spices will be barely noticeable, but such a drink will help you quickly warm up and eliminate drowsiness.
  2. Pour boiling water over 1 whole cinnamon stick and 3-4 thin slices of fresh ginger. Leave for 10-15 minutes, cool. After this, brew coffee using spice infusion instead of pure water. In this recipe, ginger and cinnamon show their healing properties more fully. Spicy coffee stimulates the immune system, speeds up metabolism and helps you get used to small portions of food during a diet.

It is better to drink ginger-cinnamon drink after meals. It is not recommended to add cream, syrups and sugar to it.

With ginger and pepper

Ginger goes well with black pepper, enhancing its spiciness and adding a noticeable fresh note. The finished drink can be drunk without sugar.

How to make hot coffee:

  1. Finely grind 2 tsp. medium roast beans.
  2. Pour coffee into the pot, 0.5 tsp. dried ginger and 5-10 peppercorns. For a more delicate taste, you can use a mixture of peppers (black, white and pink).
  3. Pour the mixture with 150 ml of cold water and place on the stove. After foam forms, reduce the heat and then simmer until almost boiling 2-3 more times.
  4. Pour into a cup through a strainer to strain out the tea leaves. If necessary, add 0.5 tsp. Sahara.

Long-term brewing of coffee provides it with a rich, pungent taste with a slight sourness.

With ginger, milk and honey

For those who don't like spicy drinks or are afraid to add too many spices, a recipe with milk and honey is suitable. These additions will make the taste soft and creamy. Like the classic version of ginger coffee, a drink with milk and honey can be prepared in two ways:

  1. Pour 2-3 thin slices of ginger with water, boil, simmer for 3-5 minutes and cool slightly. Pour coffee into the pot, add the spicy infusion and milk, and then leave to brew for 5-7 minutes or boil until the foam rises three times. When the finished drink has cooled enough to drink, add honey to taste.
  2. Brew classic ginger coffee. Heat the milk to a temperature of +65…+70°C, froth it. Carefully pour into the espresso cup. Pour honey into cooled coffee.

Spicy coffee with ginger

Coffee prepared according to this recipe has a rich, spicy-sweet taste. It contains dark chocolate, dry or fresh ginger root, cardamom, chili pepper and salt.

To prepare you need:

  1. Mix ¼ tsp. dry ginger or a slice of fresh, 3-4 cardamom seeds, salt and red pepper on the tip of a knife. Add 1-2 tsp. ground coffee.
  2. Pour in 100-150 ml of cold water, boil until boiling, wait for foam to form three times, reducing the heat each time.
  3. Grate ¼ dark chocolate bar. Pour a tablespoon of the product into a dry cup, pour hot coffee, stir until melted.

To lose weight, you can use another version of the drink - made from unroasted grains. In addition to green coffee, it contains ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves.

For cooking you will need 2-3 tsp. unroasted coffee beans and 100 ml water. The mixture is boiled in a Turk, poured into a cup and 2 cardamom seeds, 1-2 clove buds, a pinch of cinnamon and ginger are added. To tone down the spicy taste, you can add a little milk or lemon juice to your coffee.

With ginger and lemon

The recipe for coffee with lemon was invented in Italy. A fresh slice of lemon is placed in the classic Romano, and the Sicilian-style drink is acidified with lemon juice and garnished with zest. Thanks to the combination with ginger, the coffee will turn out tart, sour, bitter and spicy at the same time.

To prepare you need:

  1. Make a double shot of espresso or brew strong coffee in a Turkish coffee pot. When using dry ginger, you can immediately mix the spice with ground grains.
  2. Cool the drink slightly, add 1 tsp. lemon juice or a thin slice of citrus. If using fresh ginger, cut 2 thin slices of the root and mash it well with lemon.
  3. Strain the finished coffee, add 1-2 tsp if necessary. Sahara.

With ginger, cognac and whipped cream

To make a spicy French coffee, you'll need fresh espresso, dry ginger, brown sugar, cognac and whipped cream for garnish. For a warming effect, you can add fresh ginger root instead of dry seasoning. Instead of cognac, flavored syrup is poured into a soft drink.

How to make coffee with ginger and cognac:

  1. Pour in ¼ tsp. dry spices or a slice of fresh root 40 ml of boiling water, cover and let it brew.
  2. Brew 100-120 ml of strong coffee.
  3. Strain the ginger infusion, pour into the finished drink, add 3-4 tsp. cognac
  4. Spread whipped cream on surface and garnish with ground cinnamon.

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