Rational hormonal diet: features of menu design

The A-medic clinic employs experienced gynecologists who are ready to help you get rid of pathology, regulate hormone levels and choose the appropriate course of therapy for you. It is very important not to forget to carry out a gynecological examination, and in case of complaints, consult a doctor immediately. You can take all the necessary tests, undergo diagnostics and consult with a gynecologist in our medical center. How to identify the first signs of hormonal imbalance, how to prevent the occurrence of disorders, and what treatment is used, you can get answers to all these questions in this article.

What is hormonal background?

Hormones play an important role for a woman; they regulate many processes in the body and are responsible for the successful conception and bearing of children. If their balance is disturbed, your condition may change dramatically, your appearance will deteriorate, irritability, insomnia, etc. will appear. There are several types of hormones that are responsible for the normal functioning of the female body. Estrogens and progesterone control complex processes. The first is responsible for shaping the figure, coordinating the menstrual cycle and stimulating the formation of new bone tissue. Progesterone is called the pregnancy hormone because. It is on its level that a woman’s ability to become pregnant depends.

Hormones are biologically active compounds produced by the endocrine glands; their totality is called the hormonal background. It can change under the influence of various factors. If an imbalance occurs in the human body, pathological processes begin to develop. The failure may begin completely unnoticed, but gradually it will make itself felt with unpleasant symptoms. When these alarming signs appear, you must immediately pay attention to your condition, get tested and begin treatment.

Hormonal diet for disorders

The glands that produce hormones that provoke obesity are the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, reproductive and thyroid glands. Dysfunction of each of them has its own manifestations and requires a special approach when compiling a diet.


This organ contains the centers of hunger and satiety. When the hypothalamic part of the brain is damaged, uncontrollable attacks of hunger appear, which contributes to overeating. They are felt especially strongly in the evening, and it is possible to wake up in the middle of the night and search for food. Fat deposition is typical on the abdomen, thighs, and chest.

Places of fat deposition

Weight increases very quickly, patients are worried about general weakness, constant headaches, sweating, pressure fluctuations, and a pronounced reaction to changing weather.

To control your appetite it is recommended:

  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water in small portions - 100 ml each.
  • When an attack of hunger occurs, massage the point located at the junction of the earlobe with the skin for two minutes, and also stretch the space between the first and second fingers of the hand (on both hands in turn) well.
  • Eat food at least 6 times a day, the volume of each serving should not exceed 250 ml (one glass).
  • Before going to bed, drink kefir or yogurt without sugar, to which add 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of oat bran steamed with boiling water.
  • Eliminate substances that stimulate appetite from dishes - spices, sauces, artificial flavor enhancers.

We recommend reading the article about hormonal obesity in women. From it you will learn about the causes of obesity due to hormonal imbalance in women, the consequences of obesity, as well as about examinations of women and the treatment of hormonal obesity.

And here is more information about vitamins for women’s hormonal levels.


It is under the control of the hypothalamus, and the work of almost all endocrine glands depends on its activity. Fat deposition is caused by an excess of the pituitary hormone, prolactin. It helps convert food carbohydrates into fats. Signs of such obesity include scanty menstruation in women, delays, and infertility. Men are characterized by sexual weakness and enlarged mammary glands. To improve metabolic processes, it is recommended:

  • Completely avoid sugar and white flour and all products containing them without exception.
  • Use Jerusalem artichoke syrup and stevia extract as a sweetener.
  • Eat foods with a low glycemic index - greens, zucchini, avocados, tofu, cucumbers, mushrooms, cauliflower, wild rice, plain yogurt.
  • Choose lean varieties of meat and fish.
  • Include foods rich in folic acid in your menu - legumes, peanuts, mushrooms, parsley and avocado.
  • For culinary processing, use boiling in water, steaming, baking in the oven, avoid stewing and frying.

Adrenal glands

Fat deposition in the abdomen and upper half of the torso, face (moon-shaped) causes the stress hormone cortisol. Its increased level contributes to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin, excessive growth of body hair in women, and cycle failure. In men, libido and potency decrease. In both sexes, blood pressure increases and depression develops.

A diet to reduce cortisol includes:

  • giving up coffee and alcohol, green tea with ginger, lemon, dark dark chocolate (up to 30 g per day) is useful;
  • inclusion in the menu of foods containing vitamin C - citrus fruits, broccoli, black currants, rose hips;
  • sufficient intake of proteins from fish, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented milk products, turkey fillet;
  • using flax seeds and flaxseed oil, avocados, and pumpkin seeds as a source of unsaturated fatty acids;
  • eliminating sugar from the diet, limiting flour and table salt;
  • ban on the use of margarine, mayonnaise, and confectionery products with hydrogenated fats.


This organ is the main regulator of energy metabolism. With insufficient production of hormones, the rate of fat consumption slows down and its accumulation in the body is stimulated.

Signs of low cell function include:

  • increased chilliness,
  • cold intolerance,
  • slow heart rate,
  • drowsiness,
  • swelling under the eyes,
  • tendency to constipation.

Unlike most types of hormonal obesity, appetite in hypothyroidism is low.

To normalize hormone production, you need:

  • iodine intake, it can be found in seaweed, fish and seafood, apple seeds, feijoa;
  • amino acid tyrosine, it is found in poultry meat, hard cheese, legumes, pumpkin seeds, yogurt;
  • trace elements: magnesium, selenium, zinc, their sources can be sesame, onions, nuts, brown rice.

Causes of hormonal imbalance in women.

Hormonal imbalance can be caused by several reasons; unfortunately, it is very difficult to answer unequivocally what affects the level of progesterone and estrogen. A lot depends on the balance of biologically active compounds, for example, a girl’s appearance, her physical condition, the possibility of conceiving a child, the stability of the nervous system and much more. As mentioned earlier, in the female body two hormones are responsible for carrying out important processes - progesterone and estrogen. A deficiency or increase in one of them indicates the appearance of an imbalance and entails very serious consequences. There are several reasons for the occurrence of this pathological condition:

Sudden weight loss or vice versa obesity.

When following a strict diet, lack of vitamins in the diet and fiber deficiency affect the production of hormones.

Genetic predisposition.

If a girl has congenital defects in the hormonal system, then in the future she will most likely have problems with women's health, which are very difficult to treat.

Constant stress and worries.

In the modern world, many women suffer from this pathology, because... They are very often stressed and worried.


When a new life is born, serious changes begin to occur in a woman’s body. However, in this case, hormonal imbalance is a natural process that is simply necessary for the successful bearing of a child.


When menopause occurs, the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted, and this affects the production of sex hormones in a woman’s body.


After an artificial termination of pregnancy, a woman’s body finds itself in a difficult situation. Before this, serious changes occurred in it, and the sudden cessation of this physiological process causes hormonal imbalance.

Poor nutrition.

Constant dieting, abuse of fast food, and other junk food can also cause hormonal imbalance. Your body simply will not receive nutrients and vitamins.

Taking hormonal drugs.

Very often, women start taking various hormonal medications without a doctor’s prescription. Incorrect selection of funds can cause a decrease or increase in the level of progesterone and estrogen, which entails serious problems. Therefore, if you are thinking about choosing contraceptive drugs, seek help from a gynecologist, having first passed all the necessary tests.

Hormones in foods - soy and artificial colors

As you know, soybeans have become an integral component of most products produced by the modern food industry. It is added to almost any food: baked goods, sausages, sauces, desserts, etc. Excessive consumption can provoke a disruption in the production of hormones in the thyroid gland, since the isoflavonoids contained in it suppress the activity of this organ. But if there is enough iodine in the body, problems will not arise due to soy.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for products containing food coloring. They can easily destroy your hormonal levels. Dyes are made from petroleum and suppress the entire endocrine system. To prevent negative consequences, you should carefully read the ingredients on the labels and choose products only with natural dyes obtained from berries, fruits and vegetables.

Signs of hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal imbalance very rarely goes away without symptoms, and every woman should know exactly how such changes manifest themselves and how they affect her health. There are several main signs that signal us about an imbalance in hormone levels:


Acne is not just acne, it is an inflammatory disease that requires treatment. Typically, teenagers suffer from this problem; hormonal imbalance occurs during puberty. But if acne began to appear at a later age, then this is a serious reason to think about it. An increase in testosterone or dihydrotestosterone levels affects specific receptors that act on the hair follicles and cause excess sebum production. This leads to clogged pores and, as a result, acne. An imbalance of hormones can cause poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, and frequent stressful situations.

Menstrual irregularities.

Normally, the monthly cycle is 21-35 days, and menstruation lasts no more than a week. Deviations from this norm, the appearance of unusual discharge, constant delays, pain during menstruation - all these signs signal a violation. To find out the cause of such changes, a woman needs to be tested for hormone levels.


If a woman experiences constant delays in menstruation that are not associated with pregnancy or lactation, then this phenomenon is called amenorrhea, and it indicates a hormonal imbalance.

Excessive hair growth.

Many women dream of having thick and shiny hair, but what if it begins to actively grow not only on the head, but also in other areas (on the chest, face, back, etc.). In this case, you should undergo a comprehensive diagnosis; perhaps this phenomenon is associated with a violation of the level of the hormone testosterone.

Weight gain.

Rapid weight gain, while maintaining normal eating habits and a normal diet, may indicate changes in hormone levels (for example, thyroid-stimulating hormone).

Deterioration of sleep.

It becomes difficult to fall asleep, you may feel drenched in sweat at night, and after waking up you are left with a feeling of lack of sleep and exhaustion.

Frequent mood swings, depression.

Hormone levels affect not only a woman’s appearance, but also her condition, including her emotional background. Frequent mood swings, irritability, tearfulness for no reason, uncontrollable anxiety - all these signs indicate hormonal imbalances.

Chronic fatigue, migraine.

If you begin to notice a deterioration in your condition, constant fatigue (both physical and psychological) that occurs for no particular reason, headaches, difficulties in performing the simplest tasks, such symptoms may be observed due to hormonal imbalances. High progesterone levels can cause drowsiness.

Decreased sexual desire.

Few people know, but a decrease in libido can be caused by changes in testosterone levels. It is he who is responsible for a woman’s sexual desire. A decrease in his activity leads to problems in his personal life. If you suspect that your condition is related specifically to hormonal imbalance, then you need to seek help from a specialist and not self-medicate.

Of course, for every woman, hormonal imbalance manifests itself completely differently, and only a specialist can determine that her condition has worsened precisely for this reason. At the appointment, the gynecologist will examine you and prescribe the necessary examination, based on the results of which he will make a diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan.

What can you eat if you have acne?

Acne can be caused by an excess of male sex hormones - androgens, or increased sensitivity of the skin to their effects. In the latter case, the cause is insulin resistance. This condition is characterized by the production of insulin by the pancreas in normal or increased quantities, but the lack of tissue sensitivity to its action. One of the significant risk factors is obesity. Therefore, in nutrition it is necessary:

  • Reduce the proportion of animal fats and simple carbohydrates. This means avoiding fatty and sugary foods.
  • Eat more foods with a low glycemic index, as they do not provoke an intense release of insulin. These include fresh vegetables, unsweetened varieties of fruits and berries, and herbs.
  • The source of carbohydrates can be porridge with water, whole grain bread.
  • Protein is best obtained from cottage cheese, fermented milk drinks and fish. Meat and milk often provoke rashes.

There are a number of products, the introduction of which into the diet will give an anti-inflammatory effect, and also help restore the impaired sensitivity of skin receptors to hormones. These include:

  • spices – ginger, cinnamon;
  • vegetables – Jerusalem artichoke, Brussels sprouts, broccoli;
  • citrus fruits – lemon, grapefruit;
  • berries – blueberries, mulberries, blackberries;
  • lactic acid drinks prepared at home using pharmaceutical starters;
  • green tea, chicory.

Watch the video on how to make sourdough at home:

What are the dangers of hormonal imbalances?

As we have already been able to find out, most of the processes occurring in our body are influenced by hormones. Mood, metabolism, the possibility of conceiving and having a child, sexual development - all this depends on the presence of biologically active compounds in the blood. The natural question then is: what will happen if a hormonal imbalance occurs, what consequences should we expect? By ignoring changes in her condition, a woman risks serious health problems.

First of all, the girl’s appearance changes, acne appears, her hair becomes dull and brittle, she may begin to gain weight or, on the contrary, lose a lot of weight. In the worst case, it is possible to develop infertility, cardiovascular diseases, the formation of mammary tumors, loss of sexual desire and much more. Agree, all these complications significantly reduce the quality of life, or rather make it unbearable. What to do then, how to prevent such a situation from arising? - you ask.

Unfortunately, many women take these symptoms lightly and prefer to ignore them for a long time. In the future, this leads to difficulties in treatment, and sometimes the moment may be missed, and medical care will not be effective. Therefore, if you notice that your menstrual cycle has gone wrong, recently you have begun to constantly feel irritated, tired, or have lost sleep, you should immediately consult a doctor. The gynecologist will prescribe you an appropriate examination, take the necessary tests, and it may turn out that you are simply tired and you just need rest to recover.

Nutrition or heredity - what is more important?

We live surrounded by myths that hinder our ability to kill cancer. For example, we are often convinced that cancer is primarily a problem of heredity, not lifestyle. In reality, everything is not so simple. If cancer were passed on primarily genetically, then adopted children would have cancer rates similar to those of their biological parents, not the same as those adopted. In Denmark, where there is a detailed genetic registry that tracks the ancestry of every person in the country, researchers have found the biological parents of more than 1,000 children adopted at birth. Their conclusion, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, forces us to completely change our point of view on cancer: inheriting the genes of biological parents who died of cancer before the age of 50 had no effect on the risk of developing cancer in a child. At the same time, if an adoptive parent (who does not pass on genes but shapes life habits in their children) dies of cancer, the likelihood that the adopted child will die of cancer increases five times.

This study shows that it is often lifestyle, not genes, that is the main reason for cancer susceptibility. The results of all studies are consistent: genes contribute to a maximum of 15% of cancer mortality. As you can see, there is no fatality, and we can protect ourselves from cancer.

To date, there are no alternative approaches to cancer treatment. It is impossible to cure cancer without resorting to complex methods with proven effectiveness: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy. Gradually, scientists and doctors are beginning to turn to gene therapy for cancer. Over time, it will become available to all patients. Perhaps this will be a fundamentally new page in the history of the fight against oncology.

Still, you shouldn’t limit yourself to conventional approaches. We have the power to complement the treatment by consuming healthy foods that activate our body’s natural defenses.

Female sex hormones and their functions.

To understand how hormonal imbalance occurs, it is necessary to understand which hormones play the main role in the female body, what they are responsible for and how they affect our condition. Hormonal balance is very important for a person; a violation of the level of one of the hormones affects the health and condition of a woman. Today, there are various drugs that can compensate for the lack of one or another biologically active compound.

All hormones are usually divided into female (estrogens) and male (androgens). Let's consider their main types and purposes:

Name of the hormone. Purpose.
Estrogen. For a woman, this is one of the most important hormones. It is responsible for the formation of the figure, for the development of the genital organs, participates in the process of cell renewal, maintains skin elasticity, and prepares our body for bearing and giving birth to a child.
Progesterone. Another very significant hormone for a girl. It is an androgen and is produced in large quantities on the day of ovulation. Progesterone is responsible for a woman’s ability to conceive and successfully bear a child. If its level is low, then most likely the pregnancy will end in miscarriage.
Estradiol. It promotes the establishment of the menstrual cycle, ensures the development of the reproductive system, and plays an important role in the growth of the functional layer of the endometrium. Estradiol is also necessary for pregnant women, it promotes uterine enlargement.
Oxytocin. Sometimes it is also called the love hormone; thanks to oxytocin, a woman becomes more tender, caring, and develops a feeling of attachment to other people.
Testosterone. This hormone is often considered a male hormone, but women also contain it in small quantities. It causes sexual attraction in women to the opposite sex.

This is only a small part of the hormones that are produced in our body; today there are more than 60 varieties of them.

How food affects cancer development

This may seem strange to some, but diet for cancer is often of great importance, helping to stabilize the patient’s condition. However, this is not surprising: food products are processed by the body into simpler components, from which new cells then appear. Nutrition for hormone-dependent cancer requires close attention, since excess weight is a risk factor for breast cancer.

One of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle is a proper diet, which improves the antitumor properties of the immune system, normalizes weight and corrects hormonal levels.

In Asia, the cancers that plague the West—breast, colorectal, or prostate cancer—are 7 to 60 times less common. In contrast, among the Japanese who settled in the West, the incidence of cancer catches up with ours within one or two generations. Something in our lifestyle prevents the body from effectively defending itself against cancer.

Diagnosis of hormonal imbalance.

If you notice alarming symptoms, you should not delay diagnosis; in this case, you should contact one of these specialists: a gynecologist, an endocrinologist or a mammologist. The doctor will ask you to undergo an examination and prescribe the necessary tests (a test to determine hormone levels, a general and biochemical blood test). Also, a woman must undergo an ultrasound examination of her internal organs. Having received the results, the doctor will identify which hormone is being produced incorrectly and prescribe appropriate therapy to normalize its level.


Sample menu for a week of hormonal diet for the third stage:

Day 1

  • Breakfast – buckwheat porridge with kefir, bread with cheese and green tea without sugar.
  • Snack – green apple.
  • Lunch – vegetable stew with chicken liver.
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner – vegetable salad.

Day 2

  • Breakfast – cottage cheese casserole.
  • Snack – boiled egg.
  • Lunch – vegetable salad, boiled chicken breast.
  • Snack - chicken broth with bread.
  • Dinner – baked fish with vegetables.

Day 3

  • Breakfast – omelet with vegetables.
  • Snack – a handful of nuts.
  • Lunch – chicken broth soup, green beans and boiled chicken fillet.
  • Snack - a sandwich with bread and vegetables.
  • Dinner – boiled egg, glass of warm milk.

Day 4

  • Breakfast – oatmeal with milk.
  • Snack – sour apple.
  • Lunch – salad with chicken breast and vegetables, low-fat yogurt without additives.
  • Snack: cottage cheese with dried fruits.
  • Dinner – baked fish with vegetables.

Day 5

  • Breakfast – semolina porridge with fresh berries.
  • Snack – freshly squeezed carrot juice.
  • Lunch – cream soup of tomatoes and mushrooms.
  • Snack: low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner – vegetable salad with chicken.

Day 6

  • Breakfast – two boiled eggs, a glass of warm milk with dried fruits.
  • Snack – bread with avocado and cucumber.
  • Lunch – vegetable and chicken breast salad, fish broth soup.
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner – boiled fish with stewed vegetables.

Day 7

  • Breakfast – rice porridge with milk.
  • Snack – apple.
  • Lunch – buckwheat porridge with rabbit meat.
  • Snack: cottage cheese without additives.
  • Dinner – steamed fish with beans.

Reviews about the hormonal diet menu for weight loss are mostly positive because it includes a variety of dishes. At the third stage, there are no questions about what to cook, because almost all healthy foods are allowed.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance.

First of all, you should understand that only a doctor can help you restore your hormonal balance; you should not self-medicate. The specialist will determine the cause of the change in your condition and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Usually such problems are solved comprehensively, the woman is prescribed medications, various vitamin complexes, diet, etc. In some cases, surgery is necessary. Also, to normalize hormone levels, the doctor may recommend oral contraceptives; they are selected individually for each patient.

Benefits of diet

Dietary nutrition allows you to get used to healthy food and form a high-quality and balanced diet. During the diet, metabolic processes in the body are restored, it becomes easier for the stomach to work, and the body is cleansed of excess impurities. The condition of the skin, hair, and nails noticeably improves. After 1.5-2 weeks, the first changes in the figure are noticeable, it becomes more toned. At the end of the meal, even the stomach disappears - a problem area for many people, which is the most difficult to get rid of.

A large amount of vegetables in the diet helps saturate the body with fiber; dairy products and meat have a positive effect on human muscles and bones.

Cost of treatment.

To prevent hormonal imbalance, a woman should undergo regular gynecological examinations. The key to health is constant monitoring and monitoring of your condition. The cost of treatment is calculated individually, after receiving the diagnostic results. At the A-medic clinic, patients can undergo all necessary types of tests and receive advice from an experienced specialist. You can make an appointment with a gynecologist by calling us at phone number: +7 (499) 350-44-47 or fill out an application online on our website.

The first stage of weight loss

The first stage is the most difficult; you need to reconsider not only your diet, but also the way you prepare food. After overcoming it, the weight loss process will begin, the results will be visible within 1.5-2 weeks. But if a breakdown occurs, then you need to start the stage from the very beginning. It lasts from 10 to 14 days, depending on the initial weight. There should be no deviations from permitted products. At the first stage, you can only eat food with 0 points. These include:

  • Chicken, quail, boiled and stewed rabbit.
  • Lean fish. You can eat both sea and river varieties.
  • Eggs.
  • Any mushrooms.
  • Fresh or frozen vegetables cannot be used; it is not recommended to subject them to heat treatment.
  • Greenery.
  • Dairy products with a fat content percentage of no more than 2.
  • Natural spices, such as ginger.
  • Garlic and onion as flavor enhancers.
  • Sour apples, lemons.

Sample menu for a hormonal diet at the first stage:

  • Breakfast - boiled egg, vegetable salad, tea without sugar.
  • Snack – a glass of low-fat kefir, 2 loaves of bread.
  • Lunch – tomato cream soup with onions and garlic, oven-baked chicken with green pea puree.
  • Snack – natural yogurt without dyes or additives, a medium apple.
  • Dinner - salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, seasoned with a spoon of olive oil, a glass of warm milk before bed.

The menu may vary based on a person's personal taste preferences.

We must not forget about the drinking regime. You need to drink 30-40 minutes before each meal and the same period of time after.


Diet is not only an effective way to lose excess weight, but also perfectly heals the body: metabolism and the functioning of internal organs are restored. A person feels light in the stomach, which increases his performance. The diet can be continued for a long time because it does not harm a healthy body.


Hormonal diet recipes are easy to follow. The most difficult thing is to prepare dishes for the first stage of weight loss, because the range of permitted products is limited.

  1. Chicken with yoghurt sauce. To prepare the dish you will need chicken fillet, low-fat plain yogurt, black pepper, salt and other spices to taste. The breast is washed under running water and marinated in spices. You can choose them at your discretion. If desired, you can rub the breast with garlic. The chicken is poured with a small amount of yogurt, placed on foil greased with olive oil, and sent to the oven. Depending on the power of the stove, the dish is prepared from 20 to 40 minutes at medium temperature. You can serve the dish with stewed vegetables or mashed potatoes.
  2. Vegetable salad with herbs. To prepare, you need to prepare dill, parsley, green onions, cucumber, celery, lemon and garlic for dressing. All vegetables and herbs are chopped, seasoned with lemon juice and grated garlic, you can add spices to taste.


Reviews about the hormonal diet are mostly positive. There is a smooth but stable weight loss, improved well-being, and an attractive appearance, which is achieved through the normalization of metabolic processes. Many people say that the first stage is the most difficult, but after completing it it becomes easier. In addition, the result is the main motivator to “stick with” the diet.

Some women continue to work on themselves, sticking to their diet for six months. Someone notes that after such a long diet it is better to undergo an examination so that the doctor notes the vitamin deficiency and prescribes additional medications.

Negative reviews come from those who have broken their diet. They regained more weight than they had before they started losing weight.

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