Diet of Ksenia Selezneva: features, effectiveness, sample menu

Selezneva’s diet is effective, healthy and suitable for absolutely everyone! Learn 6 rules of dietary nutrition, get 11 delicious recipes and get rid of 2 kg in a week without hunger and strict dietary restrictions!

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

The problem of obesity has existed for millennia. This is evidenced by the surviving manuscripts of ancient Egypt, Greece, and India. They viewed obesity as a physical disability and noted that overweight people lived a short life and had low fertility. The main trends in the fight against obesity have also been known for many centuries. Thus, Hippocrates wrote that in order to have a beautiful body and good health, you need to limit the amount of food and move more.

There are two options for dealing with excess weight: you can go on a strict diet and lose a decent amount of kilograms in a short time, or switch to a diet that ensures slow weight loss, but allows you to maintain the desired weight for a long time. Diets intended for long-term use are much safer than express diets, and they also do not have their main drawback - the high risk of returning lost fat reserves after stopping the diet regimen.

One of the best methods for losing weight today is considered to be Ksenia Selezneva’s diet. Dietitian, Candidate of Medical Sciences, participant in international congresses on nutrition, Ksenia Sergeevna Selezneva worked for several years as a nutritionist-gastroenterologist at a medical clinic in the capital, and currently holds the position of leading nutritionist at the Moscow Medical Center. She presented her dietary system as a participant in the popular TV show “Wedding Size.”

Advantages of the technique

Ksenia Selezneva’s diet gives a stable weight loss of 1–2 kg per week. The advantages of the dietary system include:

  • safety and complete absence of contraindications;
  • prolonged effect – the result of weight loss lasts for a long time;
  • variety of dishes and availability of products;
  • the diet is easy to endure for a long time without experiencing hunger or loss of strength;
  • When using this nutrition system, metabolism is normalized and toxins are cleansed, and therefore it allows you to get rid of not only excess weight, but also a number of chronic diseases.

Pros and cons of the method

Nutritionists recommend adhering to this technique for a reason.

It has the advantages:

  • This is a balanced diet that normalizes digestion.
  • The menu is varied, so those who are losing weight will not get bored.
  • The diet is easily tolerated, without hunger strikes.
  • The result lasts for a long time.

In addition to the advantages, the diet has disadvantages. We are talking about the need to adapt to a different diet; at first it is difficult. The weight comes off gradually; you shouldn’t expect quick results.

The technique has no contraindications . It is absolutely safe and does not cause harm.

You can follow it without fear. The person’s well-being will improve. Proper nutrition will only bring benefits.

Principles and basic requirements

The mechanism of the diet is based on the gradual restructuring of the body to a proper, healthy diet, balanced in proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The calorie content of the daily menu is sufficient for its normal functioning, but at the same time somewhat less than the energy needs, due to which conditions are created for the consumption of fat “depots”. A professionally designed methodology requires compliance with several basic rules.


Like many modern nutritionists, Dr. Selezneva considers frequent split meals to be correct - the break between meals should not exceed 3 hours. Firstly, in this case, the feeling of acute hunger does not have time to arise and uncontrolled appetite will not force you to eat more than you need. And secondly, the body, reacting to long breaks in food as a danger signal, switches to a mode of storing energy sources (fat cells) for future use. Ideal meal schedule: breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack, dinner, light snack.

Cooking methods

Diet foods can be prepared in any way. Of course, boiled or cooked in a double boiler or slow cooker are lower in calories and it is recommended to give preference to these methods. If you are a fan of stewed or grilled meat, cook it the way you are used to.

The nutrition system also allows relaxation of the regime: if you really want chocolate or cake, once or twice a week you can allow yourself a small piece of your favorite treat, without waiting until such a desire becomes so obsessive that you snap and eat a large portion.

Dr. Selezneva is confident that even eating fried foods is not as harmful for weight loss as is commonly believed, if you do it not often and do not use a lot of fat: deep-fried potatoes are certainly not a dish for weight loss. Just don’t forget to slightly increase your physical activity the next day after deviating from the regime to burn off excess calories.

Drinking regime

Some people think that since many weight loss products contain a diuretic, you need to drink less to lose weight. This is a misconception. Liquid plays an important role in human life, consisting of 70% water. It is a condition for optimal metabolism, removes metabolic products from the body, provides skin turgor, and regulates body temperature through sweating.

The daily fluid intake varies from person to person; per kilogram of weight you need approximately 30–40 ml of water. It is advisable to drink it half an hour before a meal or an hour after it - water drunk during a meal will slow down the digestion process. It is recommended to drink the first glass of water immediately after waking up, before breakfast.

It should also be borne in mind that soup or juice - that is, something that requires digestion - is not included in the recommended volume of liquid. This means pure still water, herbal or green tea, decoctions of rose hips, ginger or sea buckthorn. And if you drank a cup of coffee, you will have to add the same volume to your daily water intake, since coffee, which is a diuretic, will remove some of the water from the body.

Taking vitamins

Multivitamins, according to nutritionists, should be taken all year round. Any, even the most balanced diet is not able to provide the body with nutrients one hundred percent. The vitamin and mineral complex is selected depending on the time of year, age and health status. Your doctor will help you find the best option for you.

Physical activity and adequate sleep

One of the main conditions for ensuring active burning of calories and maintaining the body in good shape is movement. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to strive for extreme loads: just walk more, do Pilates or aerobics, visit the pool or use a home gym. There is no need to force yourself with an unloved sport, choose one that gives you pleasure.

Healthy sleep is equally important. It is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours; the most beneficial time is considered to be from 11 pm to 5 am. Scientists at the Ottawa Research Institute and the University of Quebec Laval have concluded that lack of sleep provokes the release of hormones that increase appetite. A good night's rest promotes the production of hormones responsible for rejuvenation and burning of adipose tissue. In addition, calories are consumed during sleep: in one hour of sleep, men lose 1 kcal per kilogram of weight, and women - 0.5 kcal.

Psychological aspects

You should not frighten yourself with the thought that the process of losing weight is a difficult struggle, requiring constant sacrifices and strict restrictions. With a positive attitude, the results will be higher, and the comfort of life will be fully preserved.

Set yourself achievable goals. If you clearly have a “non-model” build, achieving the 90x60x90 standard at any cost is unreasonable. But adjusting your weight, if it is higher than normal, is quite realistic and useful - both for health and from an aesthetic point of view.

If you have a lot of extra pounds, they won’t all go away at once. Consider the primary goal of the diet to get rid of, for example, 2 kg per week. Having achieved it, consolidate the result, praise yourself for your success and proceed to the next stage. Convince yourself that switching to a healthy diet is not a short-term action, but a conscious lifestyle change aimed at maintaining the health and beauty of your body.


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How to lose weight forever: advice from nutritionist Ksenia Selezneva
I want to lose weight, where to start losing weight - this question is often asked on women’s forums and social networking groups dedicated to weight loss. And this is correct, because it is the wrong approach to losing weight, the lack of a clear program that leads to the fact that diets or exercises do not bring women the desired loss of extra pounds. So where to start losing weight? Dietician at the Research Institute of Nutrition, gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences Ksenia Selezneva. outlined some rules that should be followed by those who want to lose extra pounds.

Diet First of all, you need to eat often - every two to three hours. If you eat frequently, you do not have time to develop an uncontrollable appetite and slow down your metabolism.

This is important: breaks in meals for more than three hours are harmful. Firstly, a seriously inflated appetite will force you to eat two to three times more than your body needs. And secondly, long breaks slow down the metabolism, and no matter what you eat, the absorption of food will not go as it should. The body will try to put aside part of what it receives as a reserve, rather than spend it - after all, it hasn’t been fed for half a day, what if a war breaks out and there won’t be any food for the next few days?

There should be breakfast, lunch, dinner and small snacks between meals.

Snacks play a very important role. Their goal is to prevent you from eating more than your norm at your main meal. For second breakfast, I recommend eating fruits, berries or drinking a smoothie. And for an afternoon snack - fermented milk products, pumpkin seeds, nuts without salt. Skip the afternoon snack and eat more for dinner - checked!

Is your irregular schedule making it difficult to keep track of your diet?

Plan your meals ahead of time. Always keep “on duty” foods on hand: unsalted nuts, fresh berries, dried fruits, whole grain bread with soft cheese and herbs or lightly salted fish, natural yogurt, for example with the addition of pumpkin seeds and cereals.

We eat breakfast, lunch and dinner correctly

When losing weight, breakfast is a very important part of the daily menu. If you don’t have breakfast or don’t have breakfast correctly, you immediately give your body a “command” for the whole day.

What is the right breakfast? These are complex carbohydrates that will provide you with energy for a long time: porridge, cereals, muesli, a variety of cottage cheese dishes, an omelet or salad with a slice of whole grain bread.

Breakfast should be hearty and take place within one hour of waking up. You woke up, drank 1 or 2 glasses of water, prepared your digestive system for work, and about 30 minutes after drinking a glass of water you can have breakfast.

At lunch, it is better to eat fattier protein, which is found in meat, poultry, and fatty fish. You should supplement the protein with a salad of fresh vegetables, herbs, leafy vegetables (for example, arugula or spinach, which are very good for the liver), seasoned with vegetable oil. Flaxseed oil is especially suitable for this, containing a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which are responsible for the condition of the nervous system and skin health. You can use pumpkin oil, which is extremely beneficial for men (for the prostate gland).

Dinner should consist of food that is as easy to digest as possible: thermally processed vegetables (raw food is less digestible in the evening) and lean protein - seafood or fish.

Cooking wisely

The most useful thing is, of course, steaming. A double boiler and a multicooker are friends in a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

But eating food only using a steamer is boring. So you can alternate. All types of cooking are allowed, except frying. There should not be a combination: hot surface, oil and food. That is, it is allowed: double boiler, boiling, baking, stewing and even grilling.

“Human nutrition should be varied and tasty. You cannot exclude carbohydrates and fats from your diet, as this will lead to health problems. The same potatoes and pasta are absolutely harmless if they are properly prepared and eaten in the first half of the day. I advise you to choose durum wheat pasta and not add any high-calorie sauces based on cream or fatty cheese to it. As for potatoes, baked ones won’t do any harm if you don’t abuse them.”

Just pay attention to how much salt and sugar is present in your diet. Less is better. Keep in mind that salt and sugar are found in almost all the foods we buy at the store. Try not to salt your food while cooking; you can add a little salt to the dish directly on the plate for lunch.

For dinner , eliminate salt as much as possible so as not to wake up with swelling and extra pounds gained from water (salt retains water in the body). Do not add sugar to tea and coffee. Even if this is your long-term habit, start weaning yourself off it by gradually reducing the amount of added sugar. Better use honey. And don't be fooled - brown sugar is still sugar, low-sodium, iodized or soy sauce is still salt.

Drinking regime

Fluid plays an important role in our body. 70% of our body weight consists of water. It is an essential participant in metabolism, is part of every cell and fills intercellular spaces. The effectiveness of any diet directly depends on the amount of fluid consumed. Why is it necessary to drink enough free fluid while losing weight? There is an opinion that if you want to lose weight, you should limit your consumption of not only food, but also liquid. This is wrong. If you want to lose weight, drink more fluids. It is important to monitor the amount of salt in your diet. Salt retains fluid in the body, so you need to limit its amount in the diet as much as possible, especially in the evening, do not eat overtly salty foods (cheese, lightly salted fish, pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, sauerkraut, etc.), do not add salt during cooking and do not add salt to the food.

Water is needed for metabolic processes in order to promptly remove everything unnecessary from the body - all metabolic products.

To begin with, let's immediately make a reservation that soups, kefir and juices are things that require digestion, so we do not include them in the total volume of free liquid that you need to drink per day. And everyone’s favorite coffee generally has a slight diuretic effect, removing fluid from the body, so for every 1 cup of coffee you drink, you need to add at least 1 glass of water to the required volume of free fluid.

By free liquid we mean water, green tea, herbal tea without added sugar or milk.

Everyone has their own norm - about 30–40 ml per kilogram of body weight. Everyone's favorite coffee has a weak diuretic effect (removes fluid from the body), so for every 1 cup of coffee you need to drink at least 1 glass more water.

Why should you drink water?

1. Water – an essential component of detox – removes metabolic products and toxins from the body. 2. Affects metabolism. 3. With a lack of fluid in the diet, especially when losing weight, the bile in the gallbladder thickens, which can lead to the formation of stones with subsequent removal of the gallbladder. 4. Prevents dehydration. 5. Helps maintain skin tone. 6. Promotes regular bowel movements. 7. Regulates body temperature through sweating.

It is best to drink water 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals. Drinking liquid directly during or immediately after a meal slows down the absorption of food and dilutes the digestive juice.

Taking vitamins

No matter how you eat, it is impossible to provide yourself 100% with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. And even more so in such difficult periods for the body as spring or early spring, when we all suffer from vitamin deficiency, from hypovitaminosis. Therefore, it is better, of course, to consult a doctor and choose an individual course and dosage. But we need to take vitamins - we don’t have enough of them.

“Even if a person’s diet was 5,000 kcal, his body would still be deficient in certain elements. Therefore, you need to take vitamins not as a course, but on an almost constant basis, after consulting with a specialist.”

6 products for weight loss

Foods that are good to eat to lose weight, maintain your weight within the desired range, and not go hungry.

Hemp oil Contains antioxidants to combat aging, phospholipids, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially necessary in the process of losing weight.

Broccoli An irreplaceable source of magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins and microelements, fiber. Add to salads, puree soups and vegetable side dishes.

Fish and seafood An excellent complete protein that keeps you feeling full for a long time and prevents you from losing muscle mass when losing weight. As soon as there is not enough protein in the diet, a person begins to eat a lot of simple carbohydrates and gain weight.

Spelled is rich in dietary fiber, which promotes regular self-cleansing of the body. They remove bad cholesterol, speed up metabolism, and promote weight loss.

Avocado Contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for skin elasticity during weight loss.

Cranberry The main source of anthocyanins, which have the property of preventing weight gain. Foreign scientists conducted an experiment: animals were prescribed a diet with a large amount of harmful fat, one group was added foods containing anthocyanins, the other was not. The group receiving anthocyanins gained 25% less body weight than those who did not receive anthocyanins.

Spring menu for the whole family

1. By spring, fruits and vegetables that were stored from the last harvest already contain a minimal amount of nutrients. However, adults, like children, do not need to exclude them from the menu. On the contrary, you need to try to diversify the selection of vegetables, herbs and fruits on the table as much as possible. After all, vegetables and fruits are also a source of fiber that our body needs, which perfectly helps digestion. Even if you always have whole grain or bran bread on your table, the amount of fiber they contain is not enough for normal metabolism - vegetables are a must. 2. It is good to use vegetables and fruits of different colors - they contain a different set of vitamins and nutrients. 3. You can prepare freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. Please note that the more pulp in the juice, the healthier it is, which means a smoothie (vegetables, fruits, berries whipped in a blender and diluted with a small amount of water) is much better than juice that has been strained several times - although transparent, it is much less valuable. 4. It is recommended to drink fruit juices no more than twice a week; it is better to dilute them with water. The fact is that fruit juices have a very high concentration of sugar, and as soon as a person drinks it, his blood glucose level rises sharply. After some time, the glucose level also drops sharply - such changes can be harmful to health. It is better to make juices from vegetables or a mixture of vegetables and fruits - you can drink them every day. These can be any combinations you like: apple, orange, celery, carrots, beets (in small quantities), as well as any greens (the problem with greens is that not every juicer “takes” them). 5. If you like carrot juice, you need to take into account that vitamin A, which is what it is useful for, is fat-soluble, which means you need to drink this juice along with a small amount of fat - a spoonful of cream or sour cream. You shouldn't overuse pure carrot juice either. It is safer to mix carrots, for example, half and half with an apple. 6. Spring is a period of acute vitamin deficiency, so even if you try to eat as healthy as possible, you need to take multivitamin complexes at this time, when the body’s reserves are depleted. If your immune system is significantly weakened and you are just about to get sick, you can increase your daily intake of vitamin C - this powerful antioxidant literally energizes you. 7. The most useful “energy drink” is rosehip infusion. It is useful for both adults and children. The most suitable rosehip is mountain rosehip; it is better if it is not ground, but whole. Rosehip is brewed not with boiling water, but with water at about 80 C and left overnight (best in a thermos). Or you can put the fruits in a small amount of water for 15-20 minutes in a water bath, then add warm water and leave in a thermos for several hours.”

Recipe for making rosehip decoction

  • dried rose hips – 20 g
  • water – 200 ml


1. Rinse dried rose hips with cold water. 2. Grind in a coffee grinder. 3. Pour boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. 4. Leave for 4 hours in a cool place. 5. Then strain.

8. It is in the spring that many people begin to struggle with excess weight – the kilograms that have “accumulated” over the winter. But the main recommendation is to treat yourself, your health and your body with respect. Don’t overeat and then starve yourself, but constantly stay in shape and eat right. Then 2-3 extra kilos, even if they appear, will go away. There is no need to suddenly go on a strict diet; you can slightly adjust your diet. As already mentioned, you need to eat every two to three hours. The ideal menu option looks like this: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, snack before bed. We have prepared simple and tasty dishes that should be included in the diet of people who decide to lose weight.

Breakfast Breakfast is one of the most important meals. At this time, it is better to eat all kinds of cereals, eggs, cheesecakes. Finish your breakfast with a sugar-free drink. See recipes for healthy breakfast dishes:

1. Steamed omelette

  • eggs – 2 pcs.
  • milk – 50 ml
  • butter – 7 g
  • salt - to taste

How to steam an omelette:

1. Break the eggs and pour into a bowl. 2. Add salt to taste and milk. 3. Mix thoroughly and then beat. 4. Pour the resulting mixture into a greased mold. 5. Cover with a lid and steam until done. You can use a double boiler or a slow cooker. 6. If desired, when serving, you can pour melted butter over the omelet.

2. Diet cheesecakes in the oven

  • cottage cheese (up to 5% fat) – 250 g
  • egg – 1 pc.
  • semolina – ½ cup
  • sugar - to taste
  • vegetable oil - a few drops for lubrication

How to cook diet cheesecakes in the oven:

1. Thoroughly mix the cottage cheese with the egg until smooth, gradually adding 1 tbsp. spoon of semolina. Stir constantly (add just enough to form balls). 2. If desired, add sugar to the mixture. 3. Grease your hands with oil to make it easier to roll cottage cheese balls. 4. Press each ball (about 1 tablespoon of curd-egg mixture) a little to give the cheesecakes a classic shape. 5. Place the cheesecakes on parchment and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

3. Flaxseed porridge with dried fruits and nuts

Flaxseed porridge is an excellent dietary dish that is essential for a healthy diet for any person. You can buy flaxseed flour in almost any supermarket. Or you can make it yourself by simply grinding flax seeds in a coffee grinder.

  • milk – 1/2 cup
  • flaxseed flour – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • chopped dried fruits - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • pine or other nuts – 1 teaspoon
  • sugar – 1/2 teaspoon
  • salt – 1 pinch

How to cook flaxseed porridge with dried fruits and nuts:

1. Bring the milk to a boil and add the flaxseed meal, placing it on a plate. Mix well so that there are no lumps. 2. Leave for two minutes. 3. When the flaxseed flour swells, season the porridge with sugar, salt and nuts. 4. Mix everything. 4. Before serving, add dried fruits to the flaxseed porridge - dried apricots, raisins, apples or prunes to taste. 5. Serve flaxseed porridge immediately after cooking.

2nd breakfast During the second breakfast you can have a light snack. Fresh fruits and berries are suitable for this; those who don’t have problems with sugar can eat marmalade, chocolate, marshmallows, nuts (just without salt).

Lunch Lunch should consist of vegetable soup (optional), fish, meat or poultry dishes, steamed, grilled or in the oven, some vegetable salad and any sugar-free drink. See recipes for dietary dishes for lunch: 1. Light salad of vegetables and herbs

  • tomatoes – 50 g
  • fresh cucumbers – 30 g
  • sweet bell pepper – 30 g
  • green salad leaves – 30 g
  • parsley and dill – 10 g
  • vegetable oil (preferably pumpkin or flaxseed) – 10 ml

How to prepare a light salad of vegetables and herbs:

1. Cut the tomatoes into slices. 2. Cut the cucumbers into slices. 3. Cut the sweet bell pepper into cubes. 4. Finely chop the lettuce leaves and parsley and dill. 5. Mix everything, add salt and oil.

2. Vegetable soup for weight loss

  • potatoes – 50 g
  • zucchini – 50 g
  • tomatoes – 20 g
  • carrots – 15 g
  • onion – 10 ml
  • parsley root – 5 g
  • parsley – 5 g
  • vegetable oil – 5 ml

How to prepare vegetable soup for weight loss:

1. Prepare all vegetables: peel and wash. 2. Finely chop the carrots, parsley root, and onions and simmer in a small amount of water with the addition of vegetable oil. 3. Place finely chopped potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes into the vegetable broth and cook for 10 minutes. 4. Add stewed roots. 5. Add salt and cook until done. 6. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

3. Boiled cod with herbs

  • cod – 1 piece (150–200 g)
  • parsley and dill - 10 g each
  • salt - to taste and desire

How to cook boiled cod with herbs:

1. Peel the cod, rinse and cut into portions. 2. Place the fish in a saucepan, add cold water and bring to a boil. 3. Remove the resulting foam. 4. Add salt to taste, parsley, dill and cook over low heat until tender.

snack For an afternoon snack, choose fermented milk products (a glass of kefir or yogurt up to 2% fat), pumpkin seeds, and nuts without salt.

Dinner Have dinner three hours before bedtime. For dishes, give preference to steamed or boiled vegetables (you can sprinkle them with lemon juice), and fish, poultry or meat should be steamed, grilled or baked in the oven. And finish off your dinner with a sugar-free drink. All meat, poultry and fish dishes should not be fried in oil! See recipes for dietary dishes for dinner: 1. Green salad with squid

  • squid – 0.5 kg
  • green onions – 200 g
  • low fat sour cream – 2–3 tbsp. spoons
  • parsley and dill - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • black peppercorns – 5–6 pcs.
  • bay leaf – 2–4 pcs.
  • cloves – 2 pcs.
  • salt – 1 pinch

How to prepare a green salad with squid: 1. Boil the squid for 5-7 minutes, after adding spices (black peppercorns, bay leaf and cloves) to lightly salted boiling water. 2. Prepare the green onions: peel, rinse and cut into small pieces 2–3 cm long. 3. Cut the cooled squid into thin slices or rings and mix with the green onions. 4. Add low-fat sour cream to your own taste. 5. Place in a salad bowl and sprinkle with parsley and dill.

2. Rabbit in a pot

  • rabbit meat – 100 g
  • bell pepper – 200 g
  • garlic – 1 clove
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • cumin - to taste
  • tomatoes – 1 pc.
  • celery – 2–3 stalks
  • champignons – 100 g
  • red hot chili pepper - to taste and optional (for spicy lovers)

How to cook rabbit in a pot:

1. Cut the rabbit fillet into pieces. 2. Cut bell peppers into strips, tomatoes into slices, celery, champignons, garlic, chili peppers (optional). 3. Mix everything and put it in a pot, adding cumin and bay leaf. 4. Pour in some water. And simmer until done over low heat.

3. Boiled beef

  • lean beef – 90 g
  • carrots – 5 g
  • onion – 5 g
  • parsley root – 3 g
  • greens (dill, parsley or green onions) – 5–10 g

How to cook boiled beef:

1. Cut the prepared lean meat into pieces. 2. Place in cold water and cook, covering with a lid. 3. When the meat boils, skim off any foam that has formed. 4. Add salt and continue to cook over low heat until tender, adding peeled carrots, parsley root and onions. 5. Place the boiled beef on a plate and sprinkle with herbs.

Before bed This is the last snack. If you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir (1%), rosehip decoction or herbal tea.

Advice to all women: get enough sleep! Healthy sleep is an important factor influencing metabolic processes. When a person sleeps little, metabolic processes slow down, he quickly gains weight, even if he does not change his usual diet.

Do you want to get a good night's sleep before an important meeting?

Then do not eat meat in the evening: it consists of a large amount of indigestible fiber. On their assimilation, the body will spend the energy that it should normally spend on full recovery, processing the information received during the day and preparing for the new day. Better have dinner with grilled or steamed fish and vegetables.

Today, many people underestimate nutrition as an important component of their health. But this is one of the key factors in the normal functioning of the body.

Food can be both medicine and poison for us, leading to a host of diseases. Moreover, we are talking not only about the well-known food “garbage”: fast food, sausage and sweet soda. Even healthy (at first glance) vegetables, fruits, meat and cereals, eaten in quantities unnecessary for the body, will cause fermentation and decay processes and poison it from the inside.

Have you ever thought that chronic fatigue, decreased performance, insomnia, high blood pressure, infertility, and problems with potency can be caused by poor nutrition? Hardly. Most of us are accustomed to attributing these problems to life in a metropolis, intense work and stress.

Meanwhile, you just have to change your eating habits, and many health problems will be solved without drugs! Based on materials from,

See also:

Lori Turner's Volcanic Diet to Boost Metabolism

Zero Belly Diet: Meal Plan for a Flat Belly

How to lose weight forever: advice from nutritionist Margarita Koroleva

Permitted and prohibited products

Selezneva’s diet does not provide any special dietary restrictions. The menu can include:

  • lean meats - chicken, beef, turkey, rabbit;
  • fish and seafood;
  • porridge;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • vegetables and fruits that supply the bulk of fiber, minerals and vitamins.

Most useful for weight loss:

  • fish and seafood – give a feeling of satiety and provide the body with complete proteins and micronutrients;
  • hemp oil - contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, phospholipids, up to a dozen vitamins and 7 types of minerals;
  • avocado is a source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for skin elasticity, which is especially important during weight loss;
  • broccoli is a unique source of microelements, vitamins and fiber;
  • spelled (spelt, a type of wheat) – this dietary product contains vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, proteins and fats in an ideal combination;
  • cranberry - this berry is included in the list of the most beneficial for health; it contains a large amount of plant anthocyanin glycosides, which prevent weight gain.

Products that need to be excluded from the diet or at least limit their quantity include:

  • Salt. Sodium chloride prevents the removal of fluid, and, therefore, retains toxins in the body. Therefore, hard cheeses containing a large amount of salt, pickled vegetables, smoked fish, store-bought sauces, and sausages should be present on the table as little as possible.
  • Sugar. High-calorie and unhealthy sugar can be replaced with honey or stevia, and sweet carbonated drinks and fruit nectars should be excluded from the daily menu forever.
  • Animal fats. Triglycerides, formed during the breakdown of animal fats, are much easier to store “in reserve” than vegetable fats.
  • High-calorie creamy or cheese sauces.
  • Fast food. The so-called “fast food” is essentially food “garbage”; its consumption is one of the reasons for the formation of excess weight.

Mistakes of losing weight and comments from Ksenia Selezneva

Mistakes people make when trying to lose weight:

  • When deciding to lose weight, many people cut down not only the amount of food they eat, but also limit themselves in the quality of their diet. This leads to increased feelings of hunger and increased irritability. The person is unable to think about anything other than food. So he breaks down. To prevent this from happening, you need to adopt the diet completely. That is, they think of it not as a system of restrictions, but as a way of life.
  • Most people who lose weight limit their eating after 6 pm. At the same time, they go to bed late after midnight. This rule can only be applied to those people who go to bed at 22:00. Otherwise, the risk of failure is very high. Moreover, people often eat harmful foods at night. You need to eat 4 hours before bedtime. Preference should be given to fish, vegetables, and kefir with a low fat content.
  • Many people who are losing weight give up potatoes, pasta, and bread. However, if a person continues to eat fast food, sausage and mayonnaise, then the result will be zero. You need to understand that bread, pasta and potatoes are not the biggest “evil” for a person losing weight. They can be eaten, but in small quantities and before lunch. It is good if the bread is dried and made from whole grain flour. Pasta should be chosen from durum wheat. Potatoes should not be eaten during dinner.
  • Giving up sweets is stressful for the body. Therefore, you can eat them little by little: a spoonful of honey, 20 g of marmalade or chocolate will not cause harm. The main thing is to eat them before 14:00. At the same time, sweets should be enjoyed, not to satisfy hunger.
  • Many people who are losing weight begin to go to extremes: they take vitamins, refuse food, but do not achieve results. It is worth understanding that the possibilities of modern medicine are vast. For example, a genetic test can provide a lot of information about the state of the body. Doctors, having deciphered it, will draw up an individual card that will reflect information about the state of health, as well as the characteristics of the metabolic processes of a particular organism. Then a person will certainly know what vitamins he is deficient in, what type of physical activity suits him better than others, and many other important things that will allow him to lose weight correctly and efficiently.


Selezneva’s dietary method does not offer a fixed menu by day or for a week. You can prepare dishes based on your own preferences and recipes, using products from the approved list. The recommendations relate only to the general principles of diet composition.

Breakfast. During a diet, the first meal is very important for weight loss; it gives the body a command to turn on metabolic processes. A proper breakfast consists of hearty dishes that contain high-energy complex carbohydrates: porridge, muesli, cottage cheese, eggs, whole grain bread.

Lunch. For the first snack, nuts, fresh fruits and berries, marshmallows, marmalade or dark chocolate are suitable.

Dinner. For lunch, it is recommended to eat foods that contain proteins and fats: meat, poultry, fish. You can prepare various first and second courses from them by adding vegetables and vegetable oil.

Afternoon snack. For a second snack during the diet, it is better to use medium-fat fermented milk products, seeds or nuts.

Dinner. The last meal should be as easy to digest as possible and consist of lean protein (this could be an egg or chicken) and cooked vegetables.

Dish recipes

Classic vegetable soup for weight loss

Chop and sauté carrots, onions, parsley and celery root in a small amount of vegetable oil. Add diced potatoes, tomatoes and sautéed roots to the vegetable broth. Lightly salt and cook for about 20–30 minutes over low heat. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Chicken cream soup

Boil the chicken fillet until half cooked. Place pieces of potatoes and carrots into the resulting broth and cook for about half an hour. Grind the contents of the soup to a puree consistency (this can be done directly in the pan using an immersion blender). Add a spoonful of butter and finely chopped fresh herbs, add salt, and let it boil.

Rabbit in a pot

Mix pieces of rabbit fillet with slices of tomato, mushrooms and bell pepper, adding a bay leaf, a few peppercorns, a clove of garlic, salt and a spoonful of oil. Place in a pot, add water until it almost covers the mixture. Simmer over low heat for about an hour.

Fish meatballs

Add a piece of bread soaked in water and finely chopped onion to the minced fish, add salt, mix and form the meatballs into small balls. Place them in a form greased with vegetable oil, add tomato sauce diluted with water. Cook in the oven or microwave.

Omelette with tomatoes

Lightly beat the eggs, add tomatoes, cut into small slices, and add salt. Pour the mixture into a mold greased with vegetable oil and place in the oven. The dish is considered ready when a golden brown crust has formed on its surface.

Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin

Mash the medium-fat cottage cheese thoroughly, grate the peeled pumpkin on a coarse grater. Mix cottage cheese, pumpkin shavings, add eggs, a little semolina, a handful of raisins, a spoonful of honey. Pour in enough milk to get a mass as thick as pancake batter. Grease the mold with oil and pour the mixture into it. Bake in the oven until the mixture thickens and turns golden brown. You can check readiness by piercing the casserole with a toothpick - there should be no sticky cottage cheese left on it.

Flaxseed porridge with dried fruits

Thoroughly mix flaxseed flour with just boiled milk. Leave for a few minutes to swell, then add raisins or dried apricots and season with honey. Serve warm.

Onion salad with squid

Boil the squid in salted water, cool and cut into slices. Finely chop the green onions, parsley and dill. Mix the ingredients, adding 10-15% sour cream.

Apples baked with honey and cinnamon

Core the apples and cut off the tops. Fill each apple with a mixture of honey and cinnamon (their proportions are arbitrary). Place the stuffed apples on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 15–20 minutes. Serve chilled.

Fruit and berry smoothie

To prepare this dessert you will need a banana, 2-3 apricots, a small grapefruit, a handful of strawberries or wild strawberries. All ingredients are ground in a blender, and half a glass of fruit or berry juice is added to the resulting puree. The finished smoothie is served in glasses, garnished with red currants or blueberries.

Energy rosehip drink

Rose hips are a real storehouse of useful substances: vitamins, antioxidants, fruit acids, pectins, essential oils and flavonoids. They contain one hundred times more ascorbic acid than apples. It’s easy to prepare a tonic rosehip drink: you need to chop the dried fruits, place them in a thermos, pour boiling water over them and leave for several hours. Strain the finished drink and drink half an hour before meals.

Ksenia Selezneva nutritionist. Biography, personal life, married? Who is her husband?

Ksenia Selezneva is a nutritionist.
Biography, personal life, married? Who is her husband? Everyone is always interested when a young girl suddenly becomes one of the most talked about leading doctors. That is, it is not at all easy for a young girl to get a job in a good clinic, gain work experience, let alone television. It’s very interesting who is Ksenia’s patron. But for now it remains a mystery. However, so is her biography. Everywhere you can find information about Selezneva’s education, but not a word about her family and friends.

Based on the fact that Ksenia graduated from college in 2002 and university in 2008, the girl is about 30 years old.

And if you look at her work experience since 2011, it seems to me that this is not much for a doctor, and I would not be so quick to admire a rather young specialist.

Ksenia not only appears on television, but also works in a clinic in her specialty. And her initial appointment will cost as much as 6,000 rubles.

Ksenia Selezneva is not only a candidate of medical sciences, nutritionist, dietitian, experienced doctor, but also a gastroenterologist.

She completed medical school, internship, academic residency and graduate school.

She develops individual nutrition programs.

Acts as an expert on TV channels Yu, Pervy, TVC, NTV. Since last year, she has been hosting “Wedding Size” together with Anita Tsoi and Eduard Kanevsky. Writes articles for the Russian Medical Journal, Issues of Dietetics, Issues of Nutrition and many others.

In 2011 - 2012 she worked as a dietician at the Nutrition and Health clinic, in 2012 - 2015 she worked as a nutritionist-gastroenterologist at the Capital Medical Clinic, in 2011 - 2015 she worked as a graduate student and researcher at the clinic Research Institute of Nutrition”, has been working at the Atlas clinic since 2015.

You can find out Ksenia’s age, height and weight, as well as see her photos here.

You can read about Ksenia’s nutritional rules and diet here.

Ksenia Selezneva

Specialty: nutritionist, gastroenterologist

Degree: Candidate of Medical Sciences


She entered medical school back in 1999. From 2002 to 2008 she studied at the Medical University. Next comes internship and practice.

Since 2011, she has actively worked in various private clinics.

From 2015 to this day she has been working at the Atlas Clinic.

Activities: participates in congresses and conferences of doctors, writes in popular medical journals. Program Expert - Wedding Size.

Family: no information about relatives. You can only see her circle of acquaintances through her official Instagram page.

The girl has already helped dozens of people on the program become slim and healthy.

Ksenia Seleznyova is a charming girl who not only takes care of herself, but also helps others achieve and maintain excellent physical shape, since Ksenia is a nutritionist and gastroenterologist.

Ksenia has many years of training behind her, which have borne fruit.

Now Ksenia is highly regarded as a professional in her field and is even one of the presenters in the program “Wedding Size”. In addition, Ksenia can be seen in such television projects as

Ksenia has her own Instagram account.

Ksenia prefers to keep her personal life under seven locks; at least on the Internet you can’t find any information about her husband or children.

The famous nutritionist Ksenia Seleznyova does not advertise her personal life, as well as her biography (date of birth, place of birth, who her husband is, whether there are children, etc.) and carefully hides it from prying eyes. Basically, on social networks there is a lot of information about her education, work and scientific activities. But, we can assume that she is about thirty-five years old, although in appearance I would not give her more than twenty-five. The fact is that in nineteen ninety-nine, Ksenia submitted documents to the Moscow Medical School. She probably entered the school after finishing the eleventh grade, at the age of eighteen. It turns out that the year of her birth is one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one and most likely that the city of Moscow is her place of birth. Ksenia Seleznyova has been a candidate of medical sciences since two thousand and fifteen. In the same year, on the Domashny TV channel, together with Anita Tsoi, she began hosting the “Wedding Size” program. Her field of activity is dietology, gastroenterology and nutritionology. Currently working at the Moscow Atlas clinic on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Ekaterina Ivanovna, 40 years old

I have been eating according to the Selezneva system for more than three months. I am very grateful to this wonderful nutritionist - during this time I got rid of all the extra pounds, and I had 15 of them! In addition to the fact that I began to look great and move more easily, my health has also improved: I can bear my periods more easily, my blood pressure has normalized, which used to often increase. I experience absolutely no inconvenience when following a diet, and I gave up eating sweets very easily - now I just need to eat a small piece of chocolate a couple of times a week.

Natalya, 22 years old

I watched Malysheva’s TV show “Wedding Size”. I was impressed - they showed such decent weight loss results. But when I got acquainted with Ksenia Selezneva’s diet, I still didn’t understand – what, exactly, is the point? I need to lose excess weight, and I can start “eating right” later, when I’m older. Selezneva doesn’t have an exact menu, she’s allowed to eat almost anything, will you really lose weight like that?

Elena, 30 years old

This technique, it is immediately obvious, was developed by a professional nutritionist. Judging by the proposed diet, it will definitely not cause harm to the body, it is easy to follow, it is comfortable, so you can eat according to this scheme as much as you like. Moreover, there is no usual condition for diets: if you break the regime a little, start over. I am quite satisfied with Ksenia Selezneva’s diet and I decided to start it immediately. So the positive attitude that the author writes about is evident.

Diet from Ksenia Sobchak. Diet of Ksenia Sobchak - menu, reviews, results, tips

Presidential candidate, ex-host of DOMA-2, charming wife and mother, actress and TV presenter, journalist, public figure, Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak is known for her daring style of dialogue and extraordinary thinking. Another calling card of Sobchak is her impeccable figure. Even after giving birth, she retained her slimness and chiseled shape. The TV presenter knows how to present herself beautifully and, without hesitation, poses in front of millions of lenses.

With a height of 173 cm, Ksenia weighs only 53 kg, her figure parameters are 86/63/86. Perfect proportions!

It's time to find out the secret of her stunning looks. Diets, nutrition, sports?

Secrets of Ksenia Sobchak's slimness

Indeed, Ksenia prefers a healthy lifestyle. She moves and swims a lot, does yoga, pays attention to stretching and goes to the gym. Sobchak attends a huge number of events - one can say about her that she is always on her feet.

The socialite’s diet is also special. Ksenia Anatolyevna uses Professor Shelton’s technique, which few people know about.

According to this method, you should eat mainly separately due to the inadmissibility of mixing alkaline foods with acidic ones, since such a combination slows down metabolism.

Shelton studied his subject for many years in order to ultimately reveal to the world those very lists of prohibited and permitted foods, combined and absolutely not suitable for eating together.

How does Buzova eat?

Shelton's method is effective not only in losing excess weight. Clean eating has other benefits:

  • strong strong nails;
  • smooth moisturized skin;
  • excellent hair condition;
  • increasing body tone.

The professor does not recommend consuming foods at one time that are different in composition and therefore incompatible with each other. Shelton proved that such a diet forces the stomach to work incorrectly - hence sludge buildup, poor digestion, and excess weight.

Diet of Dmitry Nagiyev

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