Japanese long breathing diet: essence, basic exercises, results, contraindications

What is the Japanese long breathing diet and how to do it correctly? This will be discussed in the article.

In 2012, not very famous even in his home country, a fifty-year-old actor from the place where the sun rises became famous not only at home, but throughout the world. The fact is that lucky Mike Ryosuko very successfully turned to doctors about problems with his spine. And he was advised to use Japanese breathing exercises, which were designed to strengthen the muscles around his spine and relieve the actor of back pain, which at that time prevented him from leading a normal life.

The essence of the Japanese long breath diet

And, lo and behold, by practicing the method proposed by the doctors, Mike not only got rid of the annoying back pain - in the seven weeks that he devoted to the course of exercises, he lost as much as thirteen kilograms of excess weight and twelve centimeters of fat deposits around the waist. And the most amazing thing is that the actor spent no more than two minutes a day on exercise. And what’s even more surprising is that he was fifty-five at the time, and we all know very well how difficult it is for older people to lose weight.

Of course, such a sensational result led Ryosuko to think that it could work for other people, and he was happy to share the method, which he called the “long breathing diet,” with netizens and people living nearby. Six months later, if not the whole world, but certainly the entire female part of the population of planet Earth learned about Mika.

Long breath

An accidental side effect of a set of exercises radically changed the life of a Japanese man. Now he is called the “weight loss guru” and the method that he improved and expanded has a huge number of followers. Not to mention the fact that Mike himself looks at most thirty thanks to his training methods.

IMPORTANT: The Japanese long breathing diet is actually nothing more than breathing exercises that allow you to fill the blood, muscles and skin cells with oxygen and thus burn excess fat and has nothing to do with food. Only in a figurative sense, because thanks to it, the cells are saturated with oxygen.

With the help of breathing exercises, toxins are removed from the body, which also helps to lose excess weight. It is surprising that in addition to Mike Ryosuko's technique, there are many other breathing exercises in Japan, but none of them have become so widely known.

Doctors explain the phenomenon of breathing exercises by the fact that fat consists of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. When a person inhales oxygen, it helps break down fat deposits into carbon and water. It is because of this that people who walk a lot in the fresh air burn much more fat than other people.

Japanese Long Breath Diet: 2 Basic Exercises

Today there are only two exercises in the long breathing technique.

Exercise 1

  1. You need to tighten your buttocks and push one leg forward, transferring approximately ninety percent of your body weight to the other.
  2. Slowly draw air into your lungs while raising your arms above your head. This should take you exactly three seconds.
  3. Now exhale slowly while contracting your body muscles for seven seconds.

This exercise should be repeated depending on your capabilities for two to five minutes every day. Don't forget to change your leg.


Exercise 2

  1. To begin, straighten up, stand straight, placing one hand on your stomach and the other on your lower back.
  2. In this position, draw air into your lungs, while drawing in your stomach, and then release the air, continuing to draw it in. You need to inhale for three seconds and exhale for seven seconds. Exhale more intensely than you inhaled.

This exercise can also be done for two to five minutes every day. By doing just two minutes a day, you will notice results within two months. Because of this, Ryosuke’s method was called “the method for the lazy.”

Breathing exercise technique for weight loss from Mike Ryosuke

Mike Ryosuke is a famous Japanese film actor who successfully lost weight using a system of breathing exercises he invented.

The reason that Rika had to pay close attention to her health was the lumbar pain that had been incessant throughout the year.

Well familiar with the culture of his ancient country and healing methods, this Japanese film actor decided to use the experience of old Japanese healers and try to recover with the help of meditation and a special system of breathing exercises.

After 2 weeks, the pain in the lower back began to subside, and after several months it left Rike for good.

In addition to the improvement in the condition of the lumbosacral region, there were other obvious improvements in Miosuke’s body - in just over six months, the actor lost more than 10 kilograms, and his waist decreased by a little less than 13 centimeters.

While performing breathing exercises, Rike Myosuke did not follow a diet and did not do additional exercise in the gym.

Interesting fact! At the time of the discovery of breathing exercises, Mika Ryosuke was 55 years old!

The Japanese method of removing belly fat by breathing according to the system of Rike Miosuke is recommended for busy people who find it difficult to find time for the gym or who cannot follow a diet.

Order of exercises:

  1. The starting position of the body is a straight back, feet together, shoulders pulled back, the top of the head stretches up. Step forward on your right leg, transfer your body weight and fix it on your left leg.
  2. Breathe for two minutes as follows: count “1 – 2 – 3”, simultaneously raising both arms up, inhale deeply with your stomach through your nose, then slowly exhale for 7 seconds, tensing your entire body during exhalation. Put your hands down, relax.
  3. Perform daily, alternating legs, for at least 2-3 months until results are achieved.

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Japanese Long Breath Diet: Results

In addition to the amazing and very desirable effect of losing weight, breathing exercises will give you many incredibly pleasant “side effects”.


By spending just two minutes a day exercising, you will notice that you:

  • The immune system and protective functions of the body will increase.
  • The functioning of the upper respiratory tract will improve.
  • The musculoskeletal system will be strengthened and its functioning will improve.
  • Osteochondrosis will not declare itself as loudly as before.
  • The blood will be enriched with oxygen.
  • The vocal cords will be restored.
  • The elasticity and general condition of the skin and hair will improve, and the number of wrinkles will decrease.
  • Metabolism will speed up.
  • The stomach will tighten and the abdominal muscles will strengthen.
  • The contours of the body will become clearer and more beautiful.

Recommendations from doctors and people practicing the Japanese long breathing diet

Any gymnastics, like any and any sport, has its own principles, following which you will become healthier and happier. And breathing exercises are no exception.

  • Before starting the Japanese Long Breath Diet, to consult with your doctor and, if necessary, undergo a full examination.
  • Doctors do not recommend practicing breathing exercises without a mentor.
  • Before the main part of the lesson, it is recommended to warm up a little, thereby preparing the body for the exercise.
  • If you notice signs of hyperventilation (nausea, dizziness, darkening, or just sparkles in your eyes), stop immediately and wait until your body returns to normal.
  • You shouldn’t do the exercise for two, much less five or ten minutes on the first day. Your body should gradually get used to the increasing amount of oxygen and adjust to a new mood. Start with one minute and during the first week increase the time to two minutes.

Positive reviews

  • It is advisable to practice outdoors or in a room that is well and often ventilated.
  • People who have managed to lose weight using the Japanese long breathing diet claim that full concentration on the exercise is mandatory for the technique to work for you. So - no unnecessary thoughts, surrender to the breathing process with all the enthusiasm of which you are capable.
  • Don't expect instant results. In this case, you will quickly become disappointed. The effect of the classes will be clearly noticeable after two or even three months of regular classes. Be patient - the method will not only help you lose weight, but also significantly improve your health.
  • If you want to achieve results faster, add yoga exercises the Japanese long breathing diet Additional exercise will help you lose extra pounds faster.

Japanese gymnastics for the spine. Gymnastics Katsuzo Nishi for the spine

The wellness program of the famous Japanese healer Katsuzo Nishi has become popular due to its high effectiveness and ease of performing gymnastic exercises. His basic rules of health are a path to health that has been proven over many years, which allows you to boost the immune system, strengthen the body and give vitality. When performing exercises, a person is in complete harmony with nature. In addition, the Japanese healer's health system has deep Eastern wisdom.

Benefits of the health system

With regular implementation of the complex, you can achieve the following:

  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Get rid of constant constipation and other intestinal problems.
  • Remove toxins and various wastes.
  • Normalize the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Overcome chronic migraines.
  • Improve wrinkle.
  • Improve the activity of the respiratory system.

Gymnastics is an excellent prevention of colds, dental and ear pathologies.

Important! Each exercise of the system must be given 1 hour and no less, only in this case there will be benefit.

Basic rules of the health program

The system of the healer Katsuzo Nishi consists of 6 basic rules and 4 exercises for the spine of Katsuzo Nishi, which must be followed from the very beginning:

  • Sleep only on a hard mattress.
  • Sleep should only be on a hard pillow.
  • Exercise “Willow branch”.
  • Charging "Flexible vine".
  • Element "Bowstring".
  • Gymnastics for the stomach and back.

Regular performance of gymnastic exercises will help maintain the health of the spine for many years.
All of the above rules must be followed, they should simply become part of your day, for the best effect you need to do the exercises in the morning and evening.

Important! You need to start doing gymnastics only in a good mood, in a cozy dark room, and best of all, if weather conditions permit, in the fresh air.

Exercise for the stomach and back

This exercise normalizes blood circulation in the brain, improves posture, and eliminates tension in the blood vessels of the vertebrae.

Performing the exercise:

  1. You need to lie on your back and relax, do gymnastics on the floor, and now just imagine that there is emptiness inside you, and because of this you are floating in the air.
  2. Then you need to bend your knees, while pressing your heels as close as possible to your buttocks, without lifting them from the floor.
  3. Raise your head above the floor without lifting your spine, and stretch your palms to your knees.
  4. As soon as your fingertips touch your knees, remain in this position for one minute, then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise again if desired.

"Willow Branch"

Exercise will help improve the condition of the spine, make it more mobile, improve heart function and eliminate pain in the back.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your belt.
  2. Hands should be exactly on the kidney area, and the exercise must be performed in a relaxed state.
  3. Close your eyes and feel the emptiness inside.
  4. Gently tilt your head back and bend.
  5. When you achieve maximum flexibility in your back, lower your arms down, thereby the body begins to sway like a willow tree.
  6. Lock in this position for 1-2 minutes, then return to the starting position.

Such exercises develop spine flexibility and muscle plasticity.

It is very important when performing the exercise to maintain a smooth deflection and relaxation and avoid strong kinks in the body.

"Bow String"

Exercise will help remove a large amount of salts, especially in the cervical spine, and will significantly improve blood circulation in the spine and its adjacent soft tissues.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Kneeling, with arms along the body.
  2. The body should be brought into a slight smooth deflection, while placing the arms behind the back.
  3. In this position, clasp your ankles with your palms and take this position for 5–10 seconds.
  4. You need to perform this exercise three times in a row, and each time increase the number of repetitions by one, and you also need to gradually increase the time for fixing the position.

When performing the exercise, you need to imagine how living force enters your body. When performing gymnastics, it will be useful to breathe correctly and rhythmically; you should not throw your head back.

"Flexible Vine"

Exercise heals the spine and, in addition, prevents the occurrence of pathologies of the spinal column.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Stand on a flat surface, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist.
  2. Start doing a light massage of the lower back, while you need to imagine how the lumbar spine becomes flexible.
  3. After the massage, lean forward as much as possible to reach your feet with your fingertips.
  4. Then you need to straighten up, return your arms to their original position and bend in different directions.

When performing bends, your legs should be straight, but relaxed. Tilts in different directions must be done quickly, maintaining balance and smoothness.

Japanese long breathing diet: contraindications

Breathing exercises according to the Mike Ryosuko method are suitable for almost everyone - people of any age and with any physical fitness. But, like any sport, it has its contraindications:

  • Pregnant women should consult a doctor or choose exercises that are likely not harmful.

Contraindicated for pregnant women

  • If you have a fever or an inflammatory process that has not yet been cured, it is better to postpone classes.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system and blood pressure are a reason to consult a doctor before you start exercising.
  • It is worth postponing classes if some chronic disease has worsened.

Like other weight loss methods, the Long Breath Diet has both fans and people who deny the ability to lose weight by doing just two minutes of exercise a day.

Some doctors argue that prolonged inhalation and exhalation can even be dangerous to health, so they recommend simply adhering to the fasting day system.

Nevertheless, on the Internet you will find a huge number of users who, like Mika, managed to lose weight using his method.

Regularity of exercises for weight loss

The expected result directly depends on the regularity of doing weight loss exercises.

Name of the exercise systemRegularity of executionDeadline for results to appear
Qigong6 times a week3-5 months
Pranayama5 times per week3-4 months
Oxysizein one day3 months
Strelnikova methodevery day3 months
Bodyflex2-3 times a week3-5 months
Japanese method to remove belly fat by breathingevery day2-3 months
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