What is the one-hour diet, sample menu and reviews of those who have lost weight

The golden hour diet involves eating any food within 1 hour at the same time of day. This weight loss plan is simple. One Hour Diet reviews include both positive and negative. Provided you eat low-calorie foods, it helps achieve excellent results. Many representatives of the fair sex manage to lose 5–6 kg in a week.

Golden hour diet: general principles of weight loss

The diet of one, “golden” hour can be called tough and peculiar. Eating within a strictly allotted time period often causes dizziness, severe weakness, and a sharp feeling of hunger. According to nutritionists, this diet is only suitable for people who do not suffer from any chronic diseases.

Eating one meal a day helps achieve rapid weight loss. With this regimen, it is quite difficult to exceed the daily calorie intake.

The diet of one, independently chosen, hour perfectly satisfies any gastronomic needs. With this diet, almost all products are allowed for consumption (except those that contain sugar).

The average duration of a diet for one “golden” hour is 10–30 days. If you stick to this diet for longer, you may experience a deficiency of minerals, vitamins and amino acids in the body.

Main contraindications

The one, “golden” hour diet has earned a lot of positive reviews. But in essence, it is intermittent fasting.

It is recommended to avoid following the “golden hour” diet if you have the following contraindications:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • cholecystitis;
  • serious intestinal pathologies;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis of various etiologies;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • polyps;
  • erosions on the intestinal mucosa;
  • drug addiction;
  • toxic hepatitis;
  • fatty liver degeneration;
  • cirrhosis.

The above is only an approximate list of contraindications. Therefore, before following a diet, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Side effects

Already in the first three days, a serious weakening of the motor functions of the body may occur. This is a signal that it is better to stop the diet. The restructuring of a healthy body to new conditions occurs within just 2-3 days. If weakness increases after this period, then you need to stop losing weight.

Allowed for no more than 5-6 days, otherwise weakness will develop into fainting or prolonged loss of consciousness. There is a danger of impaired blood pressure and nosebleeds.

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The fact that the golden hour diet proceeds normally is marked by the absence of: nausea, dizziness, “flashes” in the eyes when abruptly rising from bed in the morning, darkening in the eyes when walking for a long time, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, absence of constipation and pain in the hypochondrium and sternum. If all this is not observed, then intermittent fasting is suitable for losing excess weight.

Several recipes

If you follow a diet, you can prepare low-calorie pumpkin puree soup. To do this, you need to take approximately 450 grams of vegetables, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 50 ml of low-fat cream, a small amount of salt and crackers.

The method for preparing dietary puree soup from crackers is as follows:

  1. First, peel the carrots and onions.
  2. The onion is carefully cut into thin half rings. The carrots are chopped on a grater.
  3. Fry onions and carrots in a frying pan in a small amount of oil for two minutes.
  4. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small pieces. The vegetable is placed in a pan.
  5. Add the rest of the vegetables to the bowl with the pumpkin. After this, pour in a small amount of water.
  6. Completely cooked and cooled vegetables are blended using a blender.
  7. At the end of cooking, add a little salt and low-fat cream to the soup.
  8. The dish is served with crackers.

In the reviews dedicated to the 1 hour diet, you can also see a recipe for a diet chicken breast salad. To do this you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 medium-sized beetroot;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 150 grams of chicken breast;
  • a little sour cream, dill;
  • 1 onion.

Chicken breast and vegetables are boiled. After this, you need to chop the beets on a grater. Potatoes are cut into small cubes, chicken breast is finely chopped. Carefully chop the onion and pour boiling water over it for 5 minutes to remove the bitterness. The vegetables are then combined with the chicken breast. The finished salad is seasoned with sour cream. Sprinkle the top of the dish with a small amount of dill.

To prepare cottage cheese cookies you will need the following products:

  • flour in the amount of two glasses;
  • 100 ml water;
  • vegetable oil (approximately 100 ml);
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • 300 grams of cottage cheese;
  • soda (on the tip of a knife).

Combine water, butter, 1 egg, granulated sugar. After this, add cottage cheese and a small amount of flour. The dough should have the consistency of rich sour cream. Then the baking sheet is soaked in oil. Spread the dough with a small spoon. You can also use a cookie pan. The dessert is cooked for 30 minutes at medium temperature.

List of approved products

The difference from any other diet is that there is no ban on the vast majority of delicious foods. And meat lovers do not need to be a hypocrite to themselves about the fact that they can eat deliciously, having only a vegetarian table. During the golden hour, everything is possible except sugar. This ban is associated with the production of insulin. Consuming sugar against a generally “hungry” background will lead to disruptions in the amount of its natural production, and this will cause diabetes in the future.

Permitted products include:

  • any meat, but better than dietary meat, poultry, veal;
  • all breeds of fish and types of seafood;
  • all “milk”, including fermented milk products, cream and butter;
  • bread and bakery products, but without sugar. Similar to the situation with meat, bread made from whole grains or bran is better; all fruits and vegetables, including potatoes and tomatoes; any fast food.

All those dishes that are prohibited by the main dietary programs are available: meat cutlets and chops, broth soups with richness, cabbage soup with sorrel, beef, lamb and pork goulash, fried potatoes and fish, salads with mayonnaise dressing.

It is clear from the list that, in essence, there are no restrictions on the quantity and “quality” of food. Time is limited to 1 hour only. For the rest of the time, only water is allowed; other “edible” liquids are strictly prohibited - broth, juice, tea, coffee, and especially alcohol.

Quitting the diet

During the golden hour diet, the stomach noticeably decreases in size. But in order to maintain the achieved results, you need to continue to eat right even after its completion. Returning to your previous diet after following a diet involves following these recommendations:

  • add one meal each day, starting with breakfast;
  • when creating a menu, preference is given to low-calorie products;
  • The amount of food consumed during the “golden hour” is reduced in proportion to the addition of new meals.

Even if the one-hour diet has demonstrated excellent reviews and results, it is recommended to regularly conduct fasting days. It is especially important to do this during the first six months after following it. After this, the likelihood of returning unwanted pounds will noticeably decrease.

Reviews from people who are actively involved in sports

Amateur athletes can also follow the one-hour diet. But in most cases, they modify it to suit their individual characteristics. Those who actively engage in sports eat mainly foods that saturate the body with protein.

Reviews about this diet during the fat burning period are mostly positive. Such a diet allows you to reduce the percentage of fat in the body (by about 10%). As a result, the muscles become more prominent and their tone increases.


Everything is individual for each person, but if you systematize the general data, the results will be as follows: with excess weight of 3-5 kg. “Burning” occurs in 10-15 days; at 5-10 kg. in 15-22 days.

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If the diet schedule is interrupted or violated, hoping to later return to the schedule, then serious harm to health can be caused. You need to bring yourself out of fasting gradually, especially if it lasts more than 2-3 days. At the initial stage after fasting, it is better to eat small quantities of food that is quickly digested. Little by little and often. In this case, we will not overload the body with difficult-to-digest food.

How to overcome hunger

The first week of the diet for all “losing weight” is associated with a constant and strong feeling of hunger. But the main motivation was that the “hour of permissiveness” would soon come, when it would be possible to eat such beloved dishes and products. This expectation greatly facilitated the whole process and helped overcome the feeling of hunger.

The mechanism of the feeling of hunger itself is associated with a substance such as insulin. More precisely, with differences in its level. When eating fruit or sugar, insulin levels increase and hunger occurs. This knowledge can be used to control this feeling. But fructose is more profitable in this regard, since its glycemic index (a value that is constantly measured by diabetics) is much lower than that of sucrose.

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The feeling of hunger is also associated with psychological dependence on food. It is important to distract yourself with something, to find an interesting and constant activity. The “psychology” of hunger is often associated with idleness and idleness, when we eat out of nothing to do, gaining extra pounds.

Reviews from overweight girls

Girls with an extra 3-4 kilograms speak positively about the diet. This means that the method suited everyone, did not cause any side effects, and was easy to complete. For these girls, the “golden hour” was also associated with constant exercise. In this case, the effect of limited nutrition increases multiple times.

Negative reviews from overweight girls were always caused by a deterioration in tone and health. But this does not mean that the “golden hour” is bad as a weight loss system, it only means that time-rationed nutrition was contraindicated for them. Doctors warn about this.

Before using the “golden hour”, be sure to check with a gastroenterologist. It is advisable to undergo an inpatient examination.

Reviews about the diet of obese people

For people with severe obesity, you need to understand that the magic golden hour diet alone will not help. You need to prepare for it within six months to a year. Preparation includes proper nutrition, vigorous exercise, and giving up bad habits. With this preparation, the “golden hour” diet will be a positive conclusion to acquiring excellent physical shape.

Since obese people mainly used the diet without preparation, reviews about it are negative. In addition, people who are severely overweight often have underlying health conditions. This means that just 1-2 days of diet can lead to exacerbations, pain and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Reviews from athletes

Reviews from professional athletes are extremely positive. This is caused by the specificity that the body exhibits during normalized feeding times. Namely, this is associated with the production of somatotropin.

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Being strong-willed people, athletes improve their “golden hour” individually. Extend the permitted hour to 3-4 hours by eating food that is rich in protein. This allows you to reduce cholesterol levels and total body fat by up to 10%.

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