Evening exercises - a set of exercises before bed for beginners

Many people dream of having a good figure.

The best option to achieve results is training in the gym. But not everyone has this opportunity due to lack of funds and time. And some even prefer home workouts for the sake of convenience.

If the goal is to lose weight, it is recommended to choose the right set of exercises that will help you lose excess weight and form a beautiful, athletic body.

In this article we will talk about the features of evening exercises for weight loss.

Is it possible to do exercises before bed?

Evening is a time to rest and prepare for bed. Isn’t it harmful to exercise at this time of day, when you have no strength for anything? Tension in the muscles, accumulated during the day, makes any body movements difficult and unbearable. Even emotional fatigue affects physical performance during the day, not to mention the daily stress that almost everyone faces.

All these factors not only accumulate fatigue, but also affect sleep and sleep patterns, complicate the process of wakefulness, and lead to chronic fatigue, which is more difficult to combat every day. The easiest way to help yourself is to perform a simple set of evening exercises. Relieving the nervous system and relaxing the muscles for good sleep will help you fall asleep and wake up with ease, recover faster during the night, and improve your overall physical condition during the day.

How does sport affect sleep?


To this day, research is being conducted on the effect of sports on sleep. Some scientists argue that in order to sleep well, you need to be tired. At the same time, there are recommendations that vigorous exercise immediately before bedtime has a negative effect on falling asleep. To understand why this happens, you need to understand how physical activity affects the body.

As a rule, people who regularly exercise do not have problems falling asleep. It has long been known that during physical activity the hormone of happiness increases, which directly affects mood and prevents the development of depression. Depressive, anxious thoughts often cause insomnia, but thanks to sports, such a syndrome will not interfere with quality healthy sleep.

Features of gymnastics before bedtime

  • Exercising before bed in evening exercises does not lead to muscle overstrain and excessive contraction. On the contrary, exercises are aimed at relieving fatigue, and proper tension will create slight fatigue for better sleep.
  • A complex of such gymnastics is suitable for women and men, as well as children and the elderly, the main thing is to choose the appropriate level of load.
  • For weight loss, a complex of evening exercises is not as effective as a full-fledged workout, but it still helps speed up metabolism and tone muscles, which will have a positive effect on reducing body volume.

Also read: A set of exercises for weight loss for women → A set of exercises for weight loss for men →

Techniques for enhancing the effectiveness of breathing exercises

The results of using breathing to fall asleep will appear much faster if exercises before going to bed are combined with additional factors that help you fall asleep quickly.

  1. A properly organized sleeping bed - a mattress with an orthopedic function, a pillow.
  2. If there are no problems with the heart, blood vessels, or breathing, then the pillow can be excluded altogether. This will improve blood flow to the brain.
  3. Aromatherapy is also beneficial. The oil is dripped onto a handkerchief, which is placed under the pillow.
  4. Oil from bergamot, jasmine, cedar, lavender, and rose will help you sleep.
  5. You can eliminate difficult dreams with the help of sandalwood oil and rosemary.
  6. For relaxation, use a soft melody that can relax and tune in to the desired mood.

Although exercises are effective and safe before bed, sometimes such exercises should be done with caution.

  1. Diseases of an infectious nature.
  2. Elderly age.
  3. Acute, chronic types of respiratory diseases.
  4. Rapid breathing leads to asthma and hypertension.

It happens that insomnia has serious factors that cannot be overcome with breathing exercises alone. Therefore, if such a problem arises, you must immediately contact a specialist. He will select the optimal treatment solution on an individual basis.


Exercises are performed for 30 seconds.

Tilts and turns of the head

Perform simple head tilts to the sides for 30 seconds, without raising your shoulders. Gently stretch the sides of your neck muscles. Then turn your head slowly to the sides, do not make sudden movements. Do not twist your neck too much, feel the stretching of the muscles.

Circular movements with hands

Standing straight, perform circular movements with your arms in one direction, then in the opposite direction. Do not swing when moving your arms. Do not round your back and do not help with your spine and shoulder blades. Movement occurs only in the shoulder joints.

Knee lift or running in place

For beginners , you can perform a simple version by raising your knees up one at a time, your hips should reach a horizontal position. More advanced ones can perform quick climbs, simulating running in place.

Types of exercises after sleep

Every person knows about the benefits of doing gymnastics after sleep since childhood. Exercise helps you get into an active rhythm, gives you vigor and energy. In order to get rid of the remnants of sleep as quickly as possible, morning exercises should be more active than evening exercises. However, it is worth understanding that before starting the required load, you should warm up to avoid damage.

Morning exercises should include head tilts, body bends to the sides, turns, jumping in place, squats, and stretching the inner thigh. Cardio training in the morning, or a simple jog, will be very useful.

Main part

Exercises are performed for 1 minute.


Place your feet hip-width apart, with your feet parallel. When squatting, make sure that your knees do not form an acute angle. The lowest point of the movement is reached at the moment when the hips are in a horizontal position. Don't put your center of gravity on your toes, push off with your heels. Straighten up completely at the top.

Leg raises up in support

Take a mat or towel. Place your knees and palms on the floor. Hips and shoulders should be in a strictly vertical position. Tighten your abs to avoid arching your lower back. Don't swing. As you exhale, swing your heel up, maintaining a right angle at the knee. Don't rush and don't fall on your supporting leg. Perform 30 seconds on one leg, then the same on the other.

Push ups

You can perform an easy version from your knees. Place your palms wider than your shoulders, and when bending your elbows, aim your chest as low as possible to the floor. Tighten your abs, do not allow your lower back to arch. At the top point, as you exhale, straighten your elbows completely.


In this exercise, you can also choose a suitable load. The easiest option is to hold it on your forearms. For advanced people, you can perform plank lifts from your forearms through push-ups. Get into a plank position with your palms under your shoulder joints. Tighten your stomach, keep a straight line throughout your body.

Cross slopes - mill

Place your feet hip-width apart. From a standing position, bend downward and twist your torso, like a windmill movement, with your palm touching the opposite foot. Alternate turns to each leg.

Top 20 asanas before bed

The presented asanas for the evening are easy to perform even with an initial level of training. But if you have difficulties, then do a simplified version of the exercise. Make each movement slowly and smoothly, concentrating on your breathing. Try not to think about anything during yoga before bed to completely relax.

We recommend watching:

  • Top 25 Relaxing Yin Yoga Asanas: Improve Your Flexibility
  • Top 25 yoga exercises for the cervical and shoulder girdle

Lotus position

Why : To improve metabolic processes in the body and prepare the body for the next asanas. The pose also promotes relaxation and is used for meditation.

How to do it : Sit on the floor in a free position and extend your right leg forward. Turn your left leg with your foot facing you. “Turn” your foot with your heel up and place it on the thigh of your right leg. Then bend your right leg at the knee and place your foot on the thigh of your left leg. Keep your back straight and place your relaxed hands on your hips.

How to simplify : Perform the asana near a wall, leaning your back on it. This will help you relax your neck and shoulders and allow you to focus on your breathing.

If you find it difficult to cross your legs in the lotus position, you can simply put them next to each other. Remember, the most important thing in evening yoga is comfortable and relaxing poses.

Lotus Pose Bend

Why : To relax the lower back, relieve tension in the shoulders and neck, and also for gentle stretching of the hips and back.

How to do it : Sit in lotus position or simply place your feet on top of each other. Lean forward, stretching your arms out in front of you. Palms, forearms, shoulders and forehead should touch the floor.

How to make it easier : Good preparation is necessary to perform this asana before going to bed. If you lack flexibility, then simply lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your palms and forearms.

Try not to round, but to stretch your back to further stretch your spine. If you can’t straighten your back, then lean on your palms or put your hands on pillows.

Seated Butterfly Pose

Why : To improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, relax the lower back, stretch the hips and adductors, relax the lower body.

How to do it : Sit on the floor and spread your legs to the sides. Then bend both knees and pull your feet towards you. Bring your feet together and lower your knees down. The back should remain straight and the shoulders and arms relaxed.

How to make it easier : Perform the asana against a wall, leaning your back, as you will concentrate on the movements and breathing, which will help you relax better. It is not necessary to lower your knees to the floor - take a position that is comfortable for you. Don’t try to lower your knees with your hands, because the main thing in asanas for the evening is relaxation, not tension.

Tilt to straight legs while sitting

Why : For maximum stretching of the back, relaxation of the shoulder and cervical region, relieving tension from the lower back, for relaxation and stopping internal dialogue.

How to do it : Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs straight, relaxing your feet and ankles. To do this, you can wiggle your toes and make several slow circular movements with each foot. Bend towards your feet without rounding your back, stretching your arms forward. Try to clasp your feet with your palms and press your forehead to your knees.

How to simplify : If you don’t have enough flexibility to perform this asana before bed, then simply bend over with your back straight, trying to stretch your spine as much as possible.

The most important thing in this evening yoga exercise is not to hunch your back. Try to stretch your stomach towards your hips, and the top of your head up. You can bend your knees slightly if you have tight hamstrings.

Plow pose

Why : For stretching the spine, relieving fatigue from the cervical and lumbar back, as well as for gently stretching the hips, restoring a calm breathing rhythm, slightly lowering blood pressure and calming the nervous system.

How to do it : Lie on your back, placing your hands randomly on the floor. Raise your legs up, lifting your pelvis off the floor and trying to place your feet behind your head so that your toes touch the floor. Bend your knees if you can't keep your legs straight.

How to make it easier : Perform wall-supported plow pose. To do this, do the same as in the classic version, but when placing your legs behind your head, rest your feet on the wall.

Diamond Pose

Why : To relieve tension in the pelvic area, relax the hips and relieve fatigue in the legs. Also for harmonizing the nervous system, concentration and relaxation.

How to do it : Sit on the floor with your legs extended at random, your arms folded along your chest or lying quietly along your body. Take a position, sitting on your knees, feet pointing back. Lower your buttocks onto your feet, reaching a comfortable sitting position. This simple evening yoga pose is great for relaxing before bed. You can make this asana more difficult if you do not sit on your feet, but place your shins on either side of your hips.

How to simplify : This asana requires mobility of the knee joints. If you are unable to get into Diamond Pose, place a pillow under your buttocks and find a position that is comfortable for you.

Half Bridge Pose

Why : To relax the lower back, tone the internal muscles of the pelvis, achieve inner peace and harmony. Include this asana in your yoga practice at night if you have felt mental and physical pressure during the day.

How to do it : Lie on your back with your arms extended at random and your knees bent. Pull your feet towards you, you can clasp them with your palms. Lift your pelvis up into a half-bridge position, feeling the tension in your buttocks and thighs. Move from side to side at the top, focusing on working the muscles.

How to simplify : Place your hands on the lower back while lifting the pelvis, this way you will achieve greater relaxation of all the muscles of the body. Do not arch your back too much if you feel discomfort in the lumbar region. To make it more difficult, you can perform a full bridge.

Happy Child Pose

Why : To relieve tension and muscle tension in the hips and pelvis, achieve peace of mind and improve mood.

How to do it : Lie on your back with your knees bent. Grasp your feet with your palms and pull them towards you, pressing your hips towards your body, but without straightening your knees. Point your feet up, clasping them with straight arms, without lifting your head and neck from the floor.

How to simplify : The asana is ideal for evening yoga, because it can be done right in bed. If you can't wrap your arms around your feet, grab your ankles or simply pull your knees toward your chest, stretching the spine and relaxing the pelvis and hips.

Knee to chest

Why : To relieve tension in the pelvic area, relax the back and neck, achieve peace and harmony with yourself.

How to do it : Lie on your back with your legs extended in front of you. Then pull each knee to your chest one by one, without lifting your lower back and head from the floor. The free leg lies flat and motionless. For a greater relaxation effect, close your eyes. Perform the asana before going to bed, or right in bed, to relax well and calm the nervous system.

How to simplify : The advantage of the pose is that even beginners without experience can easily perform it. To make the pose even easier, bend your knees with your leg on the floor. This will make it easier for you to pull your other leg towards your stomach.

Lying Triangle Pose

Why : To relax the lumbar region, lightly stretch the hips, relax the neck, back, achieve inner peace and relieve anxiety.

How to do it : Lie on your back and spread your arms to the sides. Bend one leg at the knee, while the other remains straight. Bend your bent leg towards your straight leg, bringing your knee behind your thigh and touching it to the floor. You can help yourself with your hand by lightly pressing your palms on your thigh. Turn your head in the opposite direction. Repeat for the other side.

How to make it easier : Bend both knees and slowly twist to each side, concentrating on your breathing and trying to completely relax.

Back Goddess Pose

Why : To relieve muscle tension in the pelvic area and stimulate blood flow, relax the body and mind, and achieve harmony with oneself. This is one of the best poses for women to include in their nighttime yoga routine as it boosts self-confidence and makes you feel great.

How to do it : Lie on your back and spread your arms to the sides. Bend your knees and lower them to the floor with your feet facing inward. Bring your feet together and concentrate on the sensations in your body. Unlike the butterfly pose, you should not pull your feet towards your pelvis, but rather keep them bent at the ankles or knees.

How to simplify : To make the pose easier, simply move your feet away from your pelvis, and do not try to put your knees on the floor.

Legs on the wall pose

Why : To get rid of fatigue and pain in the legs, stimulate lymph and blood flow, and relax the whole body.

How to do it : Lie on your back so that your pelvis is as close to the wall as possible. Raise your legs up, placing them as high as possible on the wall. Relax your feet, ankles, legs, thighs, feel how your pelvic area and lower back relax.

How to make it easier : Place a pillow under your hips to relieve tension in your lower back.

Child's Pose

Why : To stretch and relax the spine, calm the mind, relieve anxiety and achieve inner peace.

How to do it : Get on all fours and lower your pelvis onto your shins and feet, stretching your arms straight forward. Touch your forehead to the floor and press your pelvis toward your legs so that your spine is fully extended. Be sure to include this asana in your evening yoga, because it perfectly relaxes the nervous system.

How to simplify : Child's pose is one of the simplest poses, and therefore does not require simplification. But you can make it easier by placing pillows of a suitable height under your arms and head.

Cat pose

Why : For back flexibility and relieving fatigue from the cervical spine, to get rid of stiffness in joints, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, general calm and relaxation.

How to do it : Get on all fours and lower your head down, relaxing your neck and shoulders. Bend your spine into an arc, squeezing your pelvis inward. Then lift your head up, simultaneously arching your back and moving your pelvis back. Try to distribute the deflection throughout the spine, and not just in the lumbar region. The pose is ideal as an evening asana, as it harmonizes the mind and relieves tension from the back.

How to simplify : Even beginners can easily perform this asana, so the pose does not require simplification. But for beginners, it is better to avoid strong arches in the lower back, so as not to overload this part of the spine.

Cobra pose

Why : For spine flexibility, mental clarity and relief of muscle tension in the neck and shoulders.

How to do it : Lie on your stomach, supporting yourself on your forearms and palms. Raise your head up while raising your body with straight arms. Your legs should remain relaxed and motionless, with your hips flat on the floor. Feel how your abdominal muscles stretch and your spine lengthens.

How to simplify : When performing this yoga asana before bed, do not bend too much in the lower back, especially if you have problems with it. You can also perform the asana on your forearms to relieve stress from your lower back.

Bend over with hands behind back

Why : To relieve tension in the shoulder girdle, relax the neck and slow down the heart rate. Incorporate an asana into your yoga routine at night after a hard day to relieve tension in your back, shoulders and neck.

How to do it : Stand up straight and put your hands behind your back, clasping them together. Lean forward with a straight back, placing your hands behind your head. Keep your back parallel to the floor. If you have good flexibility, you can reach your forehead to your knees, but remember that your back should not round when tilted.

How to make it easier : Don't bend over too much, but try to raise your arms as high as possible to get a good stretch in your shoulders.

Lying Hero Pose

Why : To stretch the hips, improve blood flow in the pelvic organs, relieve fatigue, clear the mind and improve the quality of sleep.

How to do it : Lie on your back, arms resting at random. Bend your legs at the knees and lower them to the floor. Place your shins on either side of your hips so that your heels point up. The pose is ideal for evening yoga, as it helps calm the mind and free it from obsessive thoughts.

How to simplify : In a simplified version, you can simply lie on your shins, in which case your heels will be under your buttocks, which will make the asana easier.

It is not necessary to lean your back too far; you can lean on your forearms, thereby simplifying the position:

Seated camel pose

Why : To relieve muscle tension in the chest and back, reduce blood pressure and heart rate, and bring harmony to the mind.

How to do it : Sit on your knees, your pelvis should be on your heels. Clasp your feet with your palms and bend your back, lowering your head down. Squeeze your shoulder blades to stretch your pectoral muscles and relieve tension in your shoulders and back.

How to simplify : Place your palms on your lower back so you can control the arch in your back, reducing and increasing the load as needed.

You should not do the advanced version of camel pose if you have high blood pressure or neck problems. A light version will also be very effective to do before bed.

Tilt to one leg while sitting

Why : To stretch the spine, relax the lower back, stretch the hips, relieve fatigue and tension in the upper body.

How to do it : Sit on the floor and spread your legs as far as possible. Bend one leg at the knee and pull your foot towards you. Bend towards a straight leg, lying with your stomach on your thigh. Stretch towards your foot, lowering your head towards your knee. Repeat for the other leg.

How to simplify : Do not stretch, overcoming pain, because asanas for the evening should relax, and not strain the body. Bend over in a comfortable zone, stretching your lower back and hips.

Corpse pose

Why : For maximum relaxation of the whole body and preparation of the body for sleep.

How to do it : Lie on your back, place your arms randomly along your body, legs lie freely, feet apart. Do not raise your shoulders, they should touch the floor, relax your face, especially your forehead, open your palms. Listen to your breath to stop the internal dialogue.

How to simplify : The simplest yoga pose that can be done right in bed. Don't forget to include corpse pose in your yoga routine before bed to sleep soundly, just like when you were a child.


Perform each exercise for at least 30 seconds.

Quadriceps stretch

Standing on one leg, bring your heel towards your buttocks and grab it with your hands. Pull your heel as close to your pelvis as possible, increasing the stretch on the front of your thigh. Keep your knees together. Perform a set on each side.

Bend while standing

The exercise is designed to relax the back and hamstring muscles. Place your feet hip-width apart and tilt your torso forward. Grasp your shins with your hands; you can additionally strengthen the stretch by pulling your torso towards your hips with your hands. After performing, stand up slowly with a round back.

Shoulder traction

Standing straight, raise one arm in front of you, and with your free hand, pull the extended one towards your body with a slight effort. Feel the stretch in your deltoids and upper back, then switch arms.

Additional measures to improve sleep

Yoga is an additional mechanism that has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs and the nervous system. To return to sound sleep, it is necessary to understand the cause of the disorder and treat it. Therefore, contact a somnologist or neurologist. Recommendations for improving sleep:

  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • Don’t take on too much work;
  • Rest regularly, restoring strength while playing sports or doing something you love;
  • ventilate the bedroom, sleep on bedding made from natural fabrics;
  • the temperature in the room should be 18-22o degrees;
  • walk outdoors more often.

To improve your psychological state, avoid stress and communicate more often with loved ones. Health problems can also affect your sleep. Therefore, if you have chronic diseases or pathological symptoms, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Yoga describes many asanas that can help improve sleep quality. When choosing a complex, base it on your skills and level of flexibility. During execution, it is recommended to completely free your mind from thoughts and emotions. To do this, it is better to start with meditation, and then move on to static exercises. At the slightest discomfort, change your position.

Recommendations: how to do evening exercises correctly

  • Don't exercise on a full stomach. After your evening meal, at least an hour and a half should pass, or better yet, two.
  • Exercise every day before bed for no more than ten minutes.
  • Don't forget to warm up and stretch properly.
  • After completing the complex, take a shower, preferably a contrast one, and go to bed.
  • Don't overload, you don't need to deliberately increase the difficulty of the exercises by adding additional weights, increasing time, and the like. Do not turn exercise into a full-fledged workout, otherwise the relaxing and calming effect will not be achieved.

Tips for those who prefer sports before bed

For those who regularly exercise, it is important to know that active workouts that stimulate the release of adrenaline should be carried out at least two hours before bedtime. The body will need some time to relax, so invigorating exercises should be left for the morning, and before bed, sports should include exercises that promote relaxation. To do this, you can turn on relaxing music to get rid of all anxious thoughts. Evening exercises can be performed right in bed so that you can get ready for bed with a relaxed body and a fresh head, fall asleep quickly and in the morning feel cheerful, well-rested and full of strength for a new day.

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