COFFEE DIET: menu, reviews, effectiveness, contraindications

Benefits of coffee

It was previously believed that coffee consumption contributed to weight gain. However, the latest research by the most authoritative nutritionists has shown that the situation is exactly the opposite. A cup of morning coffee speeds up metabolism, which is approximately equal to the expenditure of 200-300 kcal, and this tasty drink significantly reduces appetite.

In addition, just one cup of black coffee satisfies a quarter of the body's daily requirement for vitamin P. Brewed coffee contains antioxidants and valuable organic acids. At the same time, the energy value of coffee is only 9 kcal per 100 ml of the finished drink.

Coffee diet - results

The effectiveness of all of the above nutrition systems is simply amazing, and the tougher it is, the more extra pounds you can lose. However, you cannot stick to them for more than 7–10 days, otherwise the joy from the results obtained will be overshadowed by health complications. Coffee helps you lose weight by 500–1000 g per day, but you should not drink the drink on an empty stomach and never drink it before going to bed. The maximum daily dose is 3 cups per day, and such a nutritional system is contraindicated for people with heart and vascular diseases.

Diet menu


A cup of coffee for breakfast. For lunch, a couple of boiled eggs, cabbage salad with tomatoes, a cup of coffee. For dinner, 200 g of fish baked in foil, cabbage salad, 2 glasses of water.


For breakfast, a cup of coffee with toast or crackers. For lunch, 200 g of oven-baked fish (in foil), cabbage salad, a cup of coffee. For dinner, 200 g of boiled beef and a glass of low-fat kefir.


For breakfast only a cup of coffee. For lunch, a soft-boiled egg, a salad of boiled carrots with olive oil, a cup of coffee. A couple of green apples for dinner.


For breakfast there is only a cup of coffee. For lunch, a salad of fresh vegetables with the obligatory addition of parsley root, a couple of green apples and a cup of coffee. For dinner, 200 g of boiled beef, white cabbage salad, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 glasses of clean water.


For breakfast, a salad of boiled carrots, seasoned with lemon juice and a little olive oil, and a cup of coffee. For lunch, 400 g of oven-baked fish, a glass of natural tomato juice. For dinner, 200 g of baked lean fish, cabbage salad, 2 glasses of water.


For breakfast, as on the first day, a cup of coffee. For lunch, boiled chicken breast with a salad of white cabbage and grated carrots, a cup of coffee. For dinner, fresh carrot salad, a couple of boiled eggs, 2 glasses of water.


For breakfast, you can replace a cup of coffee with a glass of strong tea. For lunch, 200 g of boiled beef, two medium green apples, a cup of coffee. For dinner, any dinner menu from the previous days of the diet.

Fourteen day diet

If you just drink strong black coffee without sugar, it is not always pleasant, since not everyone likes and can drink a tart drink without sweetness. Therefore, with this diet, it is recommended to consume it with milk without adding sugar; this will undoubtedly help you lose weight, since the absence of sugar significantly reduces calorie content.

Milk binds tannins, which give bitterness and makes the taste of the coffee drink softer and more pleasant. The drink helps you lose weight and gives energy to the body, also lifts your mood and helps retain calcium in the body so that it is not washed out along with coffee.

Have you tried the coffee diet?



The diet should last exactly 2 weeks, then you should take a break. Every morning you should drink only coffee with milk for breakfast. Under no circumstances should you put sugar in the drink, otherwise all your efforts to lose weight will not be noticeable. For lunch you also need to drink a cup of drink with milk, you can eat some fruit, apples, pears, oranges are allowed. As for meat, you can eat boiled lean beef during the diet. For lunch you can consume about 150 grams of beef. You can have dinner with fresh carrots, beets or cabbage. A serving of salad should be about 200 grams. You should also wash down the salad with freshly brewed coffee with milk.

This approximate diet should be followed for 14 days, the main thing is not to eat flour and sweets.

special instructions

Doctors recommend drinking no more than three cups of coffee a day, since excessive caffeine consumption is harmful to the body and in some cases causes real addiction.

This drink has diuretic properties, so you need to drink more water when drinking it to avoid dehydration. Coffee lovers quickly develop dark plaque on their teeth, so they need to brush their teeth more often than 2 times a day.

The coffee diet also has its contraindications :

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  • diseases of the central nervous system.

Remember that moderate coffee consumption can be very beneficial. In addition, this wonderful drink can help you fight excess weight. We also recommend paying attention to the Banting diet.

  • Diet according to blood types.
  • What to eat to lose weight?
  • 20 main products involved in metabolic processes and burning fat deposits.
  • Sugar substitutes for weight loss - benefits and harms.
  • Diet from specialists at the Royal Danish Hospital.
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  • Men's and women's products, why men prefer beer and women prefer chocolate.

Coffee - pros and cons for losing weight

The grains are rich in caffeine, protein and sugar, and they also contain phenolic compounds, acetic acid, macro- and microelements, pyridine and some vitamins and minerals. Those wondering whether coffee promotes weight loss will easily understand this by paying attention to the following properties:

  1. The extract of raw grains contains biologically active compounds - derivatives of chlorogenic acid, which accelerate metabolism, have a beneficial effect on liver function and suppress the production of glucose and glycogen, forcing the body to draw energy from stored fat reserves.
  2. The drink reduces appetite, speeds up metabolism, and when consumed in moderation, stimulates the functioning of the brain and heart, which is very important when reducing calorie intake, when those losing weight are prone to weakness and apathy.
  3. The coffee diet does not affect a person's mood. He feels cheerful and full of energy, which he has enough even for his usual work and sports.

Those who want to know how coffee affects weight loss have received an answer to their question, but everything is not so simple. The disadvantages include:

  1. Persons with an excitable nervous system may suffer from insomnia, increased heart rate, mental stress, and other problems associated with the functioning of the main “motor” of the body.
  2. Coffee during a weight loss diet increases blood pressure and damages teeth.
  3. Stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, increasing the risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis and stomach ulcers, especially on an empty stomach.

Mid distance: 7 day diet

With a successful combination of circumstances, you can become 7 kg lighter in 7 days. Compared to the three-day diet, there will be much fewer restrictions: only fried, spicy, fatty, salty foods, canned food, fast food, baked goods and sweets are excluded. This is almost a classic healthy diet, supplemented by the obligatory coffee drinking.

Everyone will be able to create a menu of permitted products, giving preference to their favorite or familiar ones. For example, like this:

  • breakfast - 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, or low-calorie yogurt, or cereal covered with milk;
  • lunch – fruit salad or a piece of chocolate;
  • lunch - a “classic” of any diet: boiled chicken fillet, or baked beef, or steamed fish;
  • dinner - an omelet and stewed vegetables, or oatmeal with dried fruits and a glass of kefir, or 2 eggs “in a bag”, a slice of cheese and a couple of crisps.
  • It goes without saying that every meal ends with a cup of coffee. If desired, you can skip one of the meals in the first half of the day, limiting yourself to only an invigorating drink. It is important not to forget to drink more.

Reviews and impressions about the coffee diet for 7 days are shown in the video.

Benefits of the Coffee Diet

The coffee diet attracts those who want to get in shape and want to see results as soon as possible. The weight really goes away quickly, taking with it harmful toxins and excess liquid.

Accelerating your metabolism allows you to continue to stay within your desired weight – subject to some dietary restrictions.

The feeling of vigor has a positive effect on a person’s performance, stimulates mental processes, and gives additional strength for sports.

With hypotension, the pressure is normalized to normal levels.

A decrease in appetite makes it easier to tolerate restrictions on your favorite delicacies and frees up time previously spent on cooking.

Since the metabolic “switch” works differently in all people - depending on age, genetics, muscle size, taste habits - the results will differ. However, the coffee diet is one of the ways that helps you spend rather than store fat, as well as improve your relationship with carbohydrates.


Drink your favorite drink and lose weight! Myth or reality? At first, this method causes mistrust, but practice proves the opposite.

By itself, without additives, natural coffee contains no calories. If you do not overuse the addition of milk, cream, sugar and syrups, you will get a healthy, tasty, dietary product.


The diet works from day one - proven by experts. After just one cup of coffee, impurities, toxins, and excess fluid will begin to leave the body. All this contributes to the active process of fat burning. Also among the main benefits of coffee weight loss:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • quick results;
  • prevention of cancer.

Many people losing weight who drink keto coffee note a daily weight loss of up to a kilogram.

The coffee diet is one of the most effective in the fight for slimness.


Any diet is a risk and a burden for the body. Despite the effectiveness and simplicity of the diet, losing weight on aromatic grains has a number of disadvantages:

  • age and health restrictions;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • destruction of tooth enamel.

Doctors warn that abuse of the coffee diet and neglect of diet rules can lead to swelling of internal organs.

To prevent coffee from affecting your teeth, brush them after each drink.

Basic Rules

Much of the success of the technique depends on adherence to nutritional principles. Remember, you need to start the day with a cup of coffee, it will add strength and vigor to you.

  1. The main product is an aromatic drink that you need to drink throughout the day. You can include dark chocolate in the menu, but not more than 150 g.
  2. The last cup of coffee for weight loss should be drunk no later than 19:00 in the evening, because a strong drink tones the nervous system, which has a bad effect on night rest.
  3. One of the benefits of the coffee diet is the removal of excess fluid. This means that the consumption of any other drinks is strictly prohibited. If thirst becomes unbearable, you can drink a glass of mineral water.

The coffee diet option is suitable only for true connoisseurs, because it is quite difficult to maintain a menu, even for 3 days.

Grocery set

Undoubtedly, the main product of the diet is natural coffee, for example, Arabica or American. By the way, while on a diet you are prohibited from drinking cappuccino or Americano. But this option is only suitable for unloading. If you want to stick to proper nutrition, you should choose a food basket.

In the list of allowed:

  • lean meat (chicken, turkey);
  • wholemeal bread;
  • buckwheat;
  • non-starchy fruits and vegetables;
  • eggs;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • fish;
  • honey;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • kefir drink;
  • cinnamon.

Experts advise eating green apples, which are considered the lowest in calories among fruits.

When on a coffee diet you are prohibited from eating:

  • pasta, starchy cereals;
  • canned food;
  • sauces;
  • cakes, pastries, sweet chocolates;
  • bakery products made from wheat flour;
  • spicy, smoked, fatty.

It is not recommended to add cream, milk and sugar to coffee. To enhance the taste, sprinkle the finished drink with ground cinnamon.

Coffee should be prepared only from natural beans.


No matter how delicious coffee is, doctors do not advise abusing this drink in everyday life. As for a coffee-based diet, it is not recommended to follow it if the following factors are present:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of the kidneys;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • age from 35 years.

To go on a diet, you must be in good health, get rid of bad habits and strengthen your willpower.

Before starting a coffee diet, consult your doctor.

Reviews about the “Coffee” diet

  • “... I, as a doctor, would not recommend a coffee diet. Of course, you will lose 3-5 kg ​​in a week. But you will also cause harm to the body. During the week, your heart will work harder (increased heart rate). And if you suffer from hypertension, then you should avoid diet altogether. In addition, no matter how much you brush your teeth after coffee, after a week of drinking this drink, they will noticeably change their color, not for the better”;
  • “... To be honest, I don’t understand such diets at all. I tried to sit on it and survived for 1 day. In order not to be too upset, I imagined that it was just a fasting day of coffee and chocolate. But in fact, it's crazy to try to lose weight in 3 days by eating chocolate and coffee. Now I stick to a balanced and healthy diet, I deny myself little and I look great!”

Sprinting: coffee diet for 3 days

This option is the most extreme and is suitable for those who, on ordinary days, visit the coffee machine or hum the coffee grinder at least 2-3 times. During this period, you will have to forget about any variety: the mono menu will consist only of a natural drink without added sugar, sweeteners, milk or cream, as well as dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa content.

It will not be difficult to distribute acceptable foods across 4 meals: just break a 150-gram bar into approximately equal parts and accompany each meal with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. It is recommended to drink the last mug no later than 7-8 pm, so as not to provoke insomnia. The amount of water you drink - boiled or mineral water without gas - is not limited, but should be at least 1.5-2 liters.

Depending on the characteristics of your metabolism and if you strictly follow the diet, you can say goodbye to 3-4 kilograms. However, it is worth keeping in mind that only half of it will be subcutaneous fat, and the remaining part will be excess fluid removed from the body. At the same time as water and fat, toxins are also washed out from the intestines, which will allow you to notice a decrease in waist size and will delight you with a feeling of overall vigor and fitness.

Action of grains

The idea of ​​aromatic weight loss arose when nutritionists discovered the benefits of the drink for burning fat.

Coffee contains antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and macroelements.

Is it possible to drink this while on a diet?

You can and should drink mocha while on a diet. Its tonic properties awaken the body, cause pleasure and reduce appetite. If you decide to maintain a certain food system, make sure that you do not have diseases of the excretory system, because the drink has a diuretic effect.

If you follow the basic rules, you can easily lose excess weight and get rid of puffiness.

Instant drink

You cannot gain weight from aromatic grains if you consume them without additives. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to consume instant coffee while on a diet.

Experts say that an instant drink will not add kilograms, but will not bring any benefit either.

One of the advantages of the surrogate is a small amount of caffeine.

On empty stomach

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is harmful, but many people neglect this rule. When dieting, it is also recommended to drink the drink after breakfast. A coffee cocktail before meals harms the nervous, digestive and circulatory systems. In addition, drinking coffee every day in the morning turns into a bad habit that is difficult to break.

The adverse effects of aromatic grains on the gastrointestinal tract have been proven by doctors. As a result of prolonged drinking of coffee on an empty stomach, you will feel:

  • heartburn;
  • heaviness;
  • spasms;
  • pain and bloating.

If you continue to abuse the drink, the risk of developing gastritis, ulcers, and heart problems increases.

Quitting the coffee diet: smoothly and gradually

It is necessary to return to your usual diet correctly - ideally, this period should last as long as the diet itself. Products are introduced into the menu in stages - you should start with those that are rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements in order to compensate for the deficiency that has arisen in the body. Here, the first violin is played by fruits and vegetables, cereal porridges - for example, quinoa with dried apricots and nuts. Mung bean, chickpeas and bulgur, rich in phytoestrogens and fiber, are also useful.

To consolidate success, it would be good to extend the “veto” imposed on the consumption of sweets, buns and chips. Otherwise, the lost kilograms will return pretty soon and it’s as if they haven’t brought back the “prisoners” yet.

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