We show in pictures: what muscles work on an exercise bike and what swings when riding it

Benefits of an exercise bike

The exercise bike can be recommended to both avid fitness enthusiasts and those who are just starting to exercise. This sports equipment is great for training the muscles of the legs and buttocks. In addition, during exercise on an exercise bike, the heart muscle, as well as the lungs and bronchi, actively work. In order to also train your abdominal muscles, experts recommend pedaling while standing, as if you were trying to climb a steep hill. Even those who experience back pain can exercise on an exercise bike: you will have virtually no stress on your spine. But people with heart disease should avoid exercise on an exercise bike.

For which muscles is an exercise bike effective?

Of course, you can’t say: I bought an exercise bike and any muscle group will become pumped up over time! But it is even more incorrect in answer to the question: “What muscles does an exercise bike train?” throw out an exhaustive: “Legs!” This is too general an answer. Let's dive into the details.


Women and girls! An exercise bike for the hips is an ideal sports equipment, without which the formation of a truly beautiful thigh surface seems unrealistic to us. But this does not mean that boys and men should avoid it.

If we go to any good gym, we will see 4-5 leg machines. All kinds of flexors, extensors, adduction settings, leg extensions with hard work will help develop a powerful thigh, but... will it be graceful, as women want? Big question.

Of course, 40-50 repetitions on exercise machines for the development of quadriceps and hamstrings may well load those muscles that are well pumped by an exercise bike. But will you do them even with minimal load? And how will your body react to such a load? Will it allow muscles to grow, which is not something everyone needs?

The exercise bike does not “inflate” the muscles, since by its nature and technical design it is classified as a cardio exercise machine. With ten minutes of work, there are hundreds of repetitions. At the sentry - thousands. Working the muscles of the buttocks (mentioned quadriceps and hamstrings - its back surface) is in some sense safe. These muscles, working effectively on an exercise bike, become elastic, elastic, toned, but not huge, as happens when working with weights.

Muscles do not grow when riding an exercise bike, but their condition improves. And women who choose this unit for themselves should not fear that they will turn into a bodybuilding icon, hung with muscles.

What about men? An exercise bike is best suited for which male muscles?

Yes, including for the thigh. If you want a thigh “like Schwartz’s”, then first read what groups the exercise bike uses. And... sweat on the exercise bike, removing excess fat from the thigh surface, under which the muscles pumped up by squats with a barbell were simply invisible.

Psoas muscles

The sector that will be discussed in this section is one of the most significant for both men and women who are united by the problem of excess weight.

If you are choosing an exercise bike, find out what muscles it trains from professionals and make sure that the effect it has on the lower back muscles (with a healthy spine) is truly miraculous.

An exercise bike strengthens the muscles of the lower back, creating a so-called “safety frame” for it. Men, your comrade who has been avoiding sports will sooner or later “go ooh”, lifting the weight and standing up straight. And you? No. An exercise bike that develops the leg muscles also develops the lumbar muscles. Moreover, it does this softer, more delicately than, for example, pulling a barbell to the belt, which can be fatal for those who like to “rush into battle.”

First, spin the exercise bike while standing, sitting - well, for at least a month! - feel what pleasant changes have occurred in your body (the weight has gone away, it has become more pleasant to look at yourself in the mirror, and bending over has become easier and easier), and only then “grab” the barbell.

What about women? They don’t intend to use an exercise bike to prepare the muscles of the lumbar region for heavy loads? More often than not. But they are also unhappy if in the morning they see in the mirror that their back and sides are “decorated” with fat deposits. And, by practicing hard, they understand the secret to the success of the tandem - an exercise bike and a group of muscles of the lumbar block - exercises on the first have a positive effect on the second, allowing you to achieve self-improvement and improve your appearance.

Both men and representatives of the best part of humanity should under no circumstances allow lumbar deflections in order to avoid the appearance of painful sensations in the back. What if your back is already hurt? Is it possible to subject the lower back to even the gentle load that an exercise bike provides? The answer is no, but this does not mean that this device should be avoided completely by those with back pain.

Those who believe that people who have lower back problems (for example, sciatica) should not exercise on an exercise bike are deeply mistaken. Let's see what muscles are strengthened on a horizontal exercise bike? All of the above, except lumbar. No strain on your back! And even those who suffer from lower back pain may be interested in training their legs and other muscles using a good recumbent exercise bike. Which ones?


By slightly rounding your back on a traditional (upright) exercise bike and starting to pedal at a high degree of intensity, you will feel beneficial processes occurring in the area of ​​​​your abs.

But which ones exactly? It cannot be said that an exercise bike pumps up the abs better than other equipment in the gym. This is wrong. For the press, there is an inclined bench, a group of special exercise machines that work the oblique abdominal muscles by turning left and right. However, a good fitness instructor will definitely ask you to spin an exercise bike for about 15-20 minutes while standing. Especially those who want to one day see “packs” on their stomach. Why is that?

Doing 100-150 sit-ups on a bench is great. But this will not be enough to start fat burning processes. But 30-40 minutes on an exercise bike is just right for the work on removing fat deposits to begin in full.

You can endlessly be interested in the question of which groups the exercise bike develops best, or you can simply realize once that cardio load triggers fat burning processes, anticipating these most numerous approaches to the bench, to special machines for working out the abs, preparing the heart for them and... of course, the abs itself !

Gluteus maximus muscle

Beautiful, toned buttocks adorn both men and women, especially when the “beach season” is ahead. I bought an exercise bike, but what muscles will it work? Anyone looking to shape up a large buttock can congratulate themselves on the best purchase of the year.

When riding an exercise bike, the gluteus maximus muscles are worked out simply “with a bang” in conjunction with the group of muscles that belong to the back of the thigh. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of repetitions form a beautiful buttock. They also help prevent the formation of body-disfiguring cellulite.

Wouldn't you like the back of your beautiful body to have a “sour” appearance and look flabby? Are you looking for an answer to the question what muscles does an exercise bike train, dreaming of finding a suitable unit for the gluteus maximus? By doing 40-45 minutes on an exercise bike three or four times a week, within a month or two you will see that your figure has changed in the most dramatic way.

Calf muscles

It is generally accepted that in order to develop the calf muscles, it is necessary to use “weightlifting”. Proponents of this hypothesis are, of course, right, but partly. Yes, if there is a barbell on the shoulders, and two weights weighing 20 kg are hanging on the barbell, while the student stands on his toes and lowers back to his heels, doing 30-40 repetitions, then the calf muscles are undoubtedly being worked.

What if you can’t put too much stress on your back? Let's look into any gym. In most cases, we will see there a simulator that imitates the above exercise. It allows you to work your calf muscles while sitting.

Many people train until they are blue in the face, wondering: “Why are there no results?” The answer is obvious: “We came from the wrong end!” Even 50 reps with minimal weight (or even an empty bar) is great. But it takes thousands of repetitions to remove excess fat from your leg.

Is it weak to make a thousand with an empty fingerboard? Surely yes. But an exercise bike, no matter which of the muscles listed above it works, makes it possible to do this thousand relatively easily - while drinking an isotonic drink, watching your favorite movie or reading a book. The calf is simply put to work as you pedal, the hamstrings are stretched, and the work is done to build a beautiful calf muscle.

What types of exercise bikes are there?

Exercise bikes can be divided into 2 main types:

  • horizontal
  • vertical

Recumbent exercise bikes have a low seat: to set the device in motion, you need to stretch your legs forward in a reclining position. Recumbent exercise bikes resemble a bicycle: their pedals are located under the seat. In addition, there are exercise bikes that are driven by the hands: they are used to strengthen the back muscles. Most modern professional fitness equipment is equipped with a computer that will measure your heart rate and help you control your exercise level.

Top 3 quality exercise bikes for fitness boutiques


Excellent functionality and low price are the main advantages of this device. Some users buy it not only for fitness boutiques, but also for a spacious gym. The load system is electromagnetic, and the power source is a built-in generator, which greatly simplifies functionality.

The number of levels is 40, which allows you to train with maximum efficiency. The display shows calorie consumption, current speed and mileage. Heart rate sensors are located on the steering wheel, which is a convenient solution for most users. 10 programs will increase the effectiveness of the simulator several times.

Sold at a price of 164,990 rubles.



  • Efficiency;
  • 40 load levels;
  • Maximum weight – 204 kg;
  • Convenient operation;
  • Economical;
  • Light weight of the equipment - only 66 kg.


  • Not found.

AMMITY Ocean OR 50

Good equipment for little money, which allows you to train with maximum benefit. The main difference between this equipment and the previous model is the aeromagnetic load system. The number of levels is 24, the limit value is 400 W. Cardio sensors are mounted on the steering wheel, and are highly accurate and allow you to accurately indicate the state of your pulse. The number of training programs is 76, which diversifies boring exercises. The weight of the device is 82 kg.

The average cost is 110,000 rubles.

AMMITY Ocean OR 50


  • Efficiency;
  • Suitable for strength training;
  • Convenient seat adjustment;
  • Supports 76 programs;
  • Nice book stand;
  • Comfortable;
  • Appearance.


  • Weight of equipment.

Sole Fitness LCR (2016)

Despite the fact that the product was released 4 years ago, its effectiveness remains at a high level even in 2021. Maximum user weight is 150 kg. The load system is electromagnetic with 40 levels. The flywheel weighs only 14 kg.

The display shows all important information, including calories burned, speed and distance traveled. Unlike the previous version, there are only 10 programs; however, the manufacturer relied not on quantity, but on the quality of a particular exercise.

The main feature of the product is a built-in fan, which simplifies operation. Adjusting the seat does not require any special effort; even a woman can do it. The weight of the assembled equipment is 63 kg, which is also an advantage, as it allows you to move the simulator without any problems.

Sold at a price of 105,900 rubles.

Sole Fitness LCR (2016)


  • Convenient display location;
  • Comfort;
  • Good build quality;
  • 40 levels;
  • Quiet;
  • There is no play.


  • Not found.

How to properly exercise on an exercise bike?

In order to notice the effect, exercise on an exercise bike must be regular. Depending on your goals - losing weight, maintaining good health or, for example, sculpted muscles - you can choose the appropriate intensity of training: from minimum (speed 14-15 km/h) to maximum (speed 30 km/h). Make sure that during exercise your back is relaxed and in a natural position, avoid arching in the lower back. Adjust the seat so as to avoid placing the brunt of the load on your arms. Imagine that you are riding a regular bicycle. Before starting classes, do not neglect warming up. Breathe through your nose. For classes you will need comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics. And try to drink more water! You can exercise on an exercise bike at home, but it is much more effective to do it in a fitness club under the supervision of a professional trainer. He will explain how to move, breathe and distribute the load correctly. This is very important, especially for those who are just starting their sports journey.

What muscle groups are used on an exercise bike (in pictures)?

When exercising on a simulator, your legs work intensively, first of all. Rotation of the pedals, to one degree or another, affects each of the muscle groups of the body, directly or indirectly involved in the work.

In order to understand why an exercise bike is needed and what groups train on it, you should consider what functions they perform:

  • Lower back muscles. Participate in hip flexion, support the lumbar region of the spine, creating a frame and protecting against injury;
  • Hip flexor . This small iliacus muscle is located in the crest of the pelvic bone. Participates in hip extension and knee flexion. It is easy to overload, so if pain appears in this area, you should pause and rest.
  • Press. Serves respiratory function. Intense exercise, especially with maximum pedal resistance, helps strengthen your abs, inner thighs, and pelvic floor. When pedaling, the function of a pump is performed, pushing blood through the vessels. At the same time, congestion in the pelvic area is eliminated.
  • Gluteus maximus . Works in pairs in groups of the back of the thigh. With intensive training, it lends itself well to development. The buttocks become more elastic. The upper thighs are tightened, the legs become slender and sculpted.
  • Anterior thigh. Loaded to the greatest extent. Works when you press the pedal. It is especially heavily loaded in the “hill climb” mode. It is in this area that we experience pain after an intense workout on a stationary bike;
  • Outer thigh. This muscle group works when lifting the leg with the pedal up. She receives less workload than other groups;
  • Posterior thigh. Works together with the gluteus maximus. To work them out well, you should use an inclined position.
  • Gastrocnemius . It comes into play when you press the pedal and stretches the hamstrings;
  • Muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest. They are worked out only at maximum pedal resistance - “driving uphill at the greatest inclination.”

Exercise bike or treadmill?

Many, especially beginners, amateur athletes are often interested in what is better: an exercise bike or a treadmill? It’s not easy to give a definite answer to this question, because both sports equipment have their fans. The main disadvantage of a treadmill compared to an exercise bike is its high price. In addition, training on it requires a slightly higher level of physical fitness. And there are more contraindications in the case of a treadmill: for example, it is categorically not recommended for those who complain of problems with the spine. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is best to seek advice from a specialist who will not only help you choose the right projectile, but also calculate the load you personally need. the La Salute fitness club will do everything possible to ensure that you not only benefit from exercising on an exercise bike, but also get maximum pleasure.

Advantages and disadvantages of the horizontal model

First of all, it is worth noting that the presented model has increased training efficiency. This is due to the position of the body, which simplifies the flow of blood. And this feature directly affects the quality of cardio training. In addition, due to the same position of the body in space, the negative impact on the back and joints is significantly reduced, and the arm muscles are in a relaxed position.

But even here there will be a fly in the ointment. One of the main disadvantages of the presented model is its high cost, which makes classes less accessible to many people. In addition, due to the peculiarities of the landing, the position of the body during exercise remains constantly unchanged, which can lead to some discomfort.

The effectiveness of exercise bikes

The effectiveness of working on an exercise bike can be felt within 2 weeks, provided you exercise regularly (at least 2-3 per week). After all, in fact, everything is very simple:

  1. Working on an exercise bike is an intense aerobic exercise that creates all the prerequisites for fat burning.
  2. Due to the fact that during training the largest muscles of the lower body (buttocks, thigh and calf muscles) are involved, you have the opportunity to become the owner of slender legs and elastic buttocks. Not only women dream of a beautiful convex butt. Men also work fruitfully in this direction, knowing how women are delighted by toned thigh muscles.
  3. By sitting, you are less likely to get injured.
  4. An exercise bike is a tool that allows you to improve your metabolism, and this in turn is one of the main driving factors in losing weight.

Working on an exercise bike is not at all difficult, because you do not need to seek qualified help to find out, say, what exercises can be done on a multi-station. With an exercise bike, such questions do not arise; everything is intuitive.

The benefits of an exercise bike

Many people believe that a bicycle is much better than a trainer. Yes, cycling has its advantages, but home training also has them:

  • the ability to smoothly enter the training process;
  • no risk of getting hit by a car;
  • adjustment of the load and its duration.

“What about fresh air?” - you ask. It is relatively fresh early in the morning, but few people will be cycling at 5-6am. What are the benefits of an exercise bike? I recommend reading Emily Croncleton’s article for the online publication Healthline.

How to choose a horizontal trainer?

Don't make a purchase in a hurry. Ask your consultant for specific features and other important issues. Familiarize yourself with the types of exercise bikes and the technical characteristics of the model that interests you.

  1. When choosing a simulator, determine for yourself the purpose of this purchase: developing joints, working out the muscles of the lower body and legs, maintaining physical fitness, losing weight, rehabilitation. All these goals can be achieved by choosing the right model;
  2. Please note the maximum user weight. When operating this type of equipment, the maximum weight cannot be exceeded, as it can quickly be damaged;
  3. Availability of computer programs for classes. Many simulators are equipped with ready-made training programs. This has implications for delivering quality targeted training. Such simulators allow you to control and regulate the load, for example, adjust it to the recommended heart rate. Here it is important to know 8 rules on how to use an exercise bike.
  4. Ease of use. To determine this indicator, you need to practice using its various functions. Test the simulator, see how comfortable it is for you to exercise. This will help determine if it is right for you. This can be done in the store's sales area.

Attention! When testing this type of sports equipment, be sure to warm up before training. This will warm up the muscles, develop joints and help to correctly assess the capabilities of the simulator.

How long does it take to see results

You can’t train beautiful thin legs or perfect gluteal muscles in a day. To do this you need to train regularly and be consistent. However, you will see results in a few weeks.

Be patient and persistent to notice how exercise affects your body. If you want to track the results of muscle growth, you can make a body fat scale.

As a rule, the first achievements begin to appear after about 4-6 weeks. Your legs, thighs and buttocks will become firmer. Additionally, your workout should be easier to handle than it was when you started.

Find out: how to choose the type of exercise bike for training?

After 6 weeks, continue pedaling at the same pace. Ultimately, increase the duration and intensity of your exercise. But not too much, because this can negatively affect your motivation.

After 2-3 months, you should clearly notice that your legs, thighs, glutes and abs are much more muscular than when you started training. Your muscle mass has increased and your fat mass has decreased. At the same time, your body shape has become more athletic.

Pros of a mini exercise bike

Due to the peculiarities of its design, a mini exercise bike has several advantages over full-size exercise bikes.

  • Size and weight that allow you to easily transport the exercise machine from home to the office, and, if desired, even take it with you on vacation.
  • Greater variability in body position relative to the pedals, which allows you to shift the load in one direction or another.
  • There is almost complete absence of noise when working on the exercise machine, which cannot be said about classic exercise bikes.
  • Compensators for floor unevenness.
  • Low cost.

What other muscles work during intense training?

, the oblique muscles of the abs, arms, and chest come into play

True, they are involved with less force, but they still develop.

If you set out to train them specifically, you will have to buy an electric exercise bike; which muscles are worked on it also depends on the program. When choosing, it is best to consult with a specialist who will assess the individual characteristics of your body. After all, it is important not only to influence certain muscle groups, but to minimize the possible risk.

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