Jennifer Lopez's fitness regime: the singer's favorite exercises to look like she did at 20 at 49

Beauty secrets of Jennifer Lopez

Every year the singer only gets prettier, acquiring sexy shape, charm and charm. An active social life, creativity and crowds of fans keep a woman on her toes. She is considered a trendsetter in the world of feminine bodies and is considered an idol. Many of Jennifer's fans were motivated by her appearance to work on themselves every day, improving their figure and appearance.

The actress and popular singer reveals her secrets of how she manages to look so stunning:

  • sport every day. J. Lo is prone to being overweight, so she has to model her figure through daily sports activity. She is a mother of two children, and in order to lose 18 kg of excess weight after pregnancy, she chose triathlon. The singer has a personal trainer, Tracy Anderson, who developed a unique program for her figure. The fitness trainer system is not like classic high-interval training, aerobics or heavy weight lifting. Tracy helps women achieve their dancer's body. Every day, the famous singer trains herself using the Anderson method and also does choreography;
  • working on problem areas. In her figure, Lopez highlights her favorite places for fat - these are the buttocks, stomach and thighs. Most of the time during the singer’s physical activity is spent working on these segments. She performs from 9 to 13 different combinations, working on the abs and legs;
  • proper and balanced nutrition. The actress’s nutritionist helped create a daily diet based on the principles of PP, which helps a woman maintain her youth, lightness in her body, and a magnificent figure. Jennifer herself admits that she does not like diets, but sometimes she switches to vegetarianism to quickly lose excess fat;
  • full healthy sleep. J.Lo prefers to sleep over noisy parties and feasts. If there is no filming in the actress’s schedule or her evening is not busy with a concert, she goes to bed no later than midnight. Every day the American woman tries to get at least 8 hours of sleep;
  • calm and meditation. Jennifer believes that the main thing is harmony with yourself. Instead of spas and body wraps, the singer prefers meditation. She sits in the lotus position and monitors her breathing, smoothly letting go of her thoughts. The woman notes that at the same time she begins to feel not only clarity in her head and soul, but also in her body.

Interesting! Jennifer Lopez trained her world-famous appetizing buttocks with the help of individual training, which she changes every 10 days. Her personal trainer advises moving on to new exercises so that her body does not get used to the stress.

Jennifer Lopez's beauty secrets are not that difficult to apply. Plan every day to devote time to your appearance and figure. You'll look great for years to come.

Recommended physical activity

Jennifer combines low-calorie nutrition with physical activity. The singer regularly visits the gym, and a personal trainer works with the woman. Lopez also loves to dance.

Working out in the gym has become part of the star's life

J.Lo's daily gym sessions take up to two hours. Starting with the warm-up, the woman devotes time not only to strength exercises, but also to cardio exercises. The actress also does swimming, jogging, yoga, and walking.

Jennifer's daily routine includes dance classes. Dance moves for two hours help the 51-year-old woman maintain flexibility, muscle elasticity and graceful posture. Lopez gives preference to modern and Latin American dances.

Lopez's love of dancing keeps her flexible and agile on stage.

Jennifer has a favorite exercise in her workouts, which the movie star’s personal trainer called the “platypus walk.” Crouching low with his knees wide apart and his hands behind his head, Lopez takes steps forward and then back. The trainer considers this the best exercise for strengthening the muscles of the inner thighs and buttocks.

To maintain a slim figure even after 50 years, according to Jennifer Lopez, you need a balanced diet, drinking regime, proper sleep and daily exercise. Try following the movie star's advice, you won't regret it.

Diet and nutrition rules Jennifer Lopez

The actress’s daily menu is based on the principles of proper nutrition. At least 40-50% is allocated to proteins, 35% to carbohydrates and only 10-15% to fats. J.Lo does not completely deny herself fatty foods, as she considers them a source of health for the skin, hair, and female reproductive system. In the morning she eats carbohydrate porridge, bread, and muesli. This energizes her for the whole day. In the evening he prefers fish. The actress's lunch must contain protein food so that the body receives building material to maintain muscles.

JLo's Diet Rules

Many argue that the secrets of Jennifer Lopez's beauty and youth lie in successful genetics. The singer denies this. She belongs to the Hispanic race, which has dark skin and tends to gain excess weight. The seductive appearance of the American diva is the result of her hard, regular work.

The secrets to Lopez's blooming and fresh appearance are:

  • giving up tobacco and alcohol. The actress admits that she has never smoked. J.Lo also does not drink wine or spirits;
  • drinking large amounts of water. Every day, a Latina drinks at least 2 liters of clean, cold drinking water. Before each meal, half an hour before, she takes at least 250 ml of the total volume;
  • giving up junk food. The woman gave up fast food, sweet foods, sugar, and carbonated drinks;
  • balanced diet. Jennifer's daily menu is replete with a large number of vegetables, berries, fruits, and seafood. Her calorie intake is 1400 kcal.

The actress herself does not like diets and very rarely loses weight with their help.

Seven Day Simple Diet

A diet based on boiled buckwheat helps to get rid of up to 10 kg of excess weight. Buckwheat is rich in protein, iron, and many beneficial nutrients, so it can be a staple product. For variety, it is fashionable to introduce fruits and green tea without granulated sugar into your diet.

Indicative menu for one day:

  • breakfast – buckwheat porridge with water, apple, tea;
  • lunch – scalded buckwheat and pear;
  • dinner – steamed buckwheat and green apple.

It is better not to cook the cereal, but to brew it with boiling water. Oil, dairy products and sugar are not added to the porridge. Buckwheat is steamed 12 hours before consumption. Prepare healthy steamed buckwheat for breakfast in the evening.

Chocolate diet

A mono-diet of chocolate can eliminate up to 5-7 kg of excess weight in one week. Caloric intake each day does not exceed 585 kcal. It is important not to go beyond this limit. Only completely healthy people can use the diet.

The daily menu should be composed:

  • from 100 g chocolate;
  • 3 tile techniques;
  • unsweetened coffee, tea;
  • at least 1.5 liters of clean water;
  • It is possible to add low-fat milk (up to 1%).

For a chocolate mono-diet, you must use only dark or milk chocolate. White bars and bars with sweeteners are not suitable. The secret to weight loss is to speed up your metabolism by up to 4% due to high caffeine content in your diet. You can eat sweet bars with raisins, nuts, and puffed rice.

Vegan option

A vegetarian diet helps you lose up to 7-10 kg in a week. The mechanism of weight loss is low calorie intake every day. Meat products, seafood, fish, dairy products, eggs, tea, carbonated drinks, cocoa, and coffee are completely excluded from the diet.

Products that can be consumed:

  • legumes (chickpeas, lentils, peas, beans);
  • cereals (any except semolina);
  • seeds, dried fruits, nuts;
  • greenery;
  • berries;
  • vegetables (potatoes with limitation);
  • fruits;
  • soy products;
  • pure water;
  • seasonings and spices;
  • mushrooms.

The listed products contain large amounts of natural protein, fiber, vitamins, beneficial nutrients and contribute to enhanced functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The caloric intake of each day is calculated at 700-800 kcal. You should exit the diet gradually. Staying on a vegan diet for longer than one week is dangerous to your health.

Vegan for company

Daily exercise, healthy eating and the desire to stay healthy and happy - this is, in general, the main secret of Jennifer’s slimness and attractiveness.

And in May 2014, Miss Lopez joined the company of vegans for 22 days, giving herself a five-week weight loss marathon.

Thus, she supported the initiative of Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z, who had previously also become vegan for 22 days, and they liked it so much that they even decided to organize a ready-made food delivery service called “22 days.”

It's worth noting that being vegan is becoming increasingly fashionable in Hollywood. A new round of popularization of giving up animal food in 2013 was given by actor Samuel L. Jackson.

Then, when asked by journalists about the reason for his such excellent shape and whether this means that he is preparing for a new role, he replied that “It’s just a new vegan diet. I'm just trying to live forever."

J.Lo also tried for herself what it was like to “try to live forever” and she really liked it. According to her, during the diet she felt great, despite her 44 years (at that time) and the presence of two children.

«It was a real change -

she said
- To tell the truth, even if you are 70-80 percent vegetarian, that’s already good. It's much better to eat more vegetables, greens and plant-based foods,” Jennifer said. “It will change your life and your health .”

Vegan diet rules

Why 22 days? It is believed that a habit is developed in 20 days. That is, 22 days is enough to reconsider your eating habits and continue to eat differently in the future. Although I'm not sure that such a period is realistic.

What is

Food of animal origin is completely excluded from the products. And we are talking not only about meat, butter or milk, but also about such a harmless product as honey.

Also prohibited are white sugar, various unhealthy snacks such as chips, crackers, candies, and carbonated drinks.

Vegans have only vegetables, cereals, legumes, fruits, herbs, nuts, mushrooms, and soy products on their menu.

Drinks include herbal and green teas, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices.

Adjusted for star menu

Jen’s menu during this period was structured something like this:

  • For breakfast, the star ate millet with bananas, blueberries and almond milk.
  • For lunch she had a vitamin-rich cabbage salad with red peppers.
  • For dinner , zucchini squash topped with vegan cheese and tomatoes.

According to her, during this time she easily lost 4 kilograms of weight.

Secrets of good skin and blooming appearance

Jennifer maintains her fresh look and youth thanks to:

  • protecting skin from the sun. The diva does not visit beaches, does not sunbathe, and always protects her skin with a cream with sunscreen properties;
  • regular use of moisturizers. In the summer, the singer applies a moisturizer to cleansed skin, and in the winter, a special protective cream. At night, the woman applies a regenerating cosmetic composition. She prefers products made from avocado, rose extract, coconut oil;
  • daily self-care. The actress takes time every day to take care of her appearance, figure, and emotional state;
  • regular facial care. Twice a week, J. Lo does gentle peeling in the salon, constantly pampers herself with masks and compresses made for her by professionals;

  • cleansing the skin of cosmetics. Every day after a hard day, Jennifer cleanses her face, neck and décolleté with a special milk;
  • strengthening hair. After each hair wash, Lopez rinses his strands with unfiltered live beer;

Interesting! JLo's skin care home remedies are made with placenta and retinoid ingredients.

The popular singer and actress prefers discreet makeup with an emphasis on the eyes. Jennifer always carries wipes with a mattifying effect in her makeup bag. With their help, she eliminates oily shine and corrects cosmetics.

The combination of sports and diet from Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez and sports have become inseparable. The diva combines her daily exercise with a rational and balanced diet. Women need at least 1.5 g of protein for every kilogram of weight so that their body has a normal metabolism, and exercise only burns fat without losing muscle.

How the famous J.Lo keeps herself in shape:

  • for the buttocks. Get on all fours. Once you have found your balance, move your right arm back and place it on your back. Swing your leg with your knee bent. After 15 repetitions, stretch the limb and tense it for 10-15 seconds. Switch leg and arm;
  • for arms, thighs and calves. Support yourself with your arms bent at the elbows. Place one foot with your toe on the floor, take the other to the side. Raise your body using your arms and supporting leg. Do 30 times. Then do the same with emphasis on the other limb;
  • for the press. Take a kneeling position with your toes on the floor. Hold a dumbbell up to 2 kg in your right hand, bent at the elbow. Tilt your body to the left side 30 times. Transfer the weight to your left hand and do the exercise in the other direction.

Personal trainer Jennifer does not recommend working out with weights greater than 2.5 kg. Anderson believes that a large mass pumps up the body, depriving it of smooth feminine lines. On the advice of her fitness instructor, the singer also takes various vegetable smoothies in the morning, which replenish the deficiency of vitamins in the body and are quickly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to special training, the famous diva does 5-kilometer jogs in the morning, does Latin American dancing every other day, and devotes time to yoga and stretching.

Classic chocolate diet from a celebrity

Once every two months, Jennifer, who admits to having a sweet tooth, allows herself a sweet diet, but only for five days. The actress prefers dark chocolate for this. After all, the cocoa beans from which the product is made contain up to 300 useful substances.

Jennifer occasionally goes on a chocolate diet

The essence of the diet is that during the day a woman eats small portions of dark chocolate weighing 100 grams or two 40-gram chocolate bars. Since the Hollywood star devotes four hours every day to sports and dancing, chocolate compensates for energy costs.

Dark chocolate bar helps celebrities lose pounds

Lopez washes down such sweet food with herbal tea or water, which he drinks three hours after the next piece of sweets. Jennifer says that after a few days on the chocolate diet, she loses up to six kilograms of weight. But such a diet is not suitable for everyone, as it negatively affects liver function.

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