When do changes become noticeable after losing weight? Coach's opinion

When a person begins to lose weight, you want to see changes almost the next day after the first workout. But, unfortunately, such miracles do not happen. To get the desired result, you need to work long and hard. Together with coach Ruth Dushkina

We figure out when the first changes become noticeable and how they manifest themselves.

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When will the first results appear?

To begin with, it is important to understand what exactly is considered a result. If we talk about the number on the scale, the first changes can be seen after two weeks of training.


If a person loses weight, at first excess water leaves the body. It could be 1-2 kg, for some – 3 kg. Naturally, the scales immediately show a different number.

Photo: istockphoto.com

But it's not just about kilograms. After about a month of training, you can do a body composition analysis - now this service is offered in almost all fitness clubs. Then it will become clear how the quality of the body has changed: how much fat, muscle, water, etc. it contains.

In general, you shouldn’t overuse weighing. After all, people with the same weight but different body composition will look completely different.


If the weight is 60 kg, but there is more fat and less muscle, or at the same 60 kg there is more muscle and less fat, the person will look completely different in the mirror. Body parameters also change. But the number on the scale will be the same - so this is far from the most important thing.

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Chose the right products

The American system is wonderful because, on the one hand, it offers a ready-made solution, and on the other, unlike most popular diets, it gives freedom. You don’t categorically demand “low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast, turkey with broccoli for lunch,” when there’s nothing of this in your refrigerator, and you hate broccoli. You focus only on conventional portions, and choose the “filling” at your own discretion.

Being a perfectionist, I left only the safest things in my menu: grain bread, durum wheat pasta, milk - up to 1.5% fat. Of the fruits, I rejected the most high-calorie ones - grapes and bananas, although, of course, this is not necessary. But I stopped being afraid of grains, which previously didn’t fit into my diet at all. Muesli for breakfast, rice or spaghetti for lunch. Thanks to them, I was always full and didn’t feel like I was “on a diet” at all.

What if the weight still increases?

Sometimes, when starting to exercise and switching to proper nutrition, a person, on the contrary, gains a little weight. And that's okay.

Photo: istockphoto.com


This is either water retention in the body from training, or the result of muscles attracting water. Therefore, the number on the scale may be 1-2 kg more.

But there may be another reason. For example, a girl always wanted to lose weight and ate 700 kcal a day. This is very little. The trainer increases the caloric intake. But the body, thinking that this is temporary and the person will again eat very little, begins to delay everything. Before this, he was stressed and is now hoarding resources.


It is necessary, with the help of a good balanced diet and constant training, to launch all the processes in the body. And this will take some time, which is why there may be weight gain. But as soon as everything starts up, everything functions as it should, the weight will begin to decline.

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I started losing weight when my legs gave out. Weight loss story and before and after photos

Evening, my son is sleeping. What else can a woman do if not visit sites on the Internet? The cat purrs affectionately on my pillow, hot coffee is ready. As always, I’ll get stuck in the wilds of the World Wide Web for three hours. Social networks, recipes, New Year's crafts... Suddenly I accidentally saw your competition “I did it!” It seemed like there was something to write, something to say, and suddenly my thoughts started racing.

So, let's begin. My journey to losing weight was a very long one. Or rather, this is what I’ve been going for all my 37 years (since birth). My mother's childhood was during the hungry post-war period. She believed that a beautiful child is a complete child. A girl must have cheeks, not cheeks - please do not confuse them. Naturally, by the age of 18 I had neither a waist nor a beautiful figure. But, as my mother said: “You have beautiful eyes.” That's how she lived - and ate, ate. Everything in life worked out: I graduated from college, I have a good job, my children love me very much - I have beautiful eyes.

Somehow I suddenly turned thirty years old. One fine day the pressure began to go off scale. The doctors helped. Soon my long-awaited son was born. Problems did not take long to arrive. This time there was premature birth, blood pressure, and a bunch of other problems. So we spent two months in the hospital with our son.

I'm thirty-seven. The eyes are getting more and more beautiful, and the weight is almost 100 kg. Do you think that stopped me from eating a lot of food? Not so! But one day my legs gave out. I just couldn't get up for work this morning. And anyway, weight has nothing to do with it. This was my deep conviction.

I visited the doctor. Well, how was your visit? I practically crawled into his office. I couldn’t straighten up, a sharp pain pierced my whole body. It seemed as if an electric current had been connected to every cell of mine. Magnetic resonance imaging showed the presence of three hernias in the spine. To make his work easier, the doctor advised - although no, he demanded - to lose weight. Otherwise, disability.

I came home, thought, and decided: I need to start. I tried it before too, with little success. But food always got the best of me. Am I, a literate woman, with a higher education, with the highest category, really not able to prevail over a plate of food? Only later did I come to the conclusion that food is an addiction, just like alcoholism, drugs and smoking.

But everything turned out to be simpler than I thought. Of course, sports are good, although I am lazy by nature. The best option for me is to close my mouth in time. I came up with a simple system for myself. I eat everything tasty in the morning, by lunch I remove sweets and starchy foods from my diet, have a light dinner and don’t eat after six in the evening. I don’t starve, I eat everything - only at a certain time. It turns out that you don’t have to torture yourself with apples and kefir.

My life has changed. You have no idea with what euphoria I go out into the street. Many people don't recognize me. My clothes began to hang loose on me. At first, I couldn’t pick out a wardrobe for myself in the store. It seemed that in the mirror there was still the same woman, size 54. When I went through customs control, they studied me for a very long time: the changes were so noticeable.

I forgot to mention weight. To date I have lost 27 kg. I have a waist, those hated cheeks are gone. But the eyes have become even more beautiful. Now I don't look like a pig that should be slaughtered for the holiday. I received the nicest compliment from my son. He said that “mom has become like a princess, but before she was soft!” You will do anything for the sake of the most important person on earth. It turns out that I could do it too!

How to stay motivated?

First of all, a coach can help with motivation.


I always explain everything to my clients: why, what and how is happening in their body. At every training session I try to motivate them with my example.

Also, the same visual changes can become an incentive not to give up. They are best seen in before/after photographs. As the trainer explains, she asks clients to take photos at a certain frequency and look at the result - something changes, and the person sees it.

Photo: istockphoto.com


When you see yourself every day, nothing seems to change. But if you take photos “before” and then a month and a half later “after”, in comparison you will see how you have changed. And it motivates. In general, you need to formulate and understand why you are training in the first place. After all, it’s not only about a beautiful body, but also about health.

List of necessary products for quick weight loss

The main thing is to diversify your diet with such products. You can't afford to eat the same product every day. In this case, the body will be depleted and left without nutrients.

As a result, metabolism slows down, therefore, rapid weight loss is impossible.

The menu for a week for weight loss must include such products as:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Cereal porridges;
  • Low-fat kefir and yoghurts;
  • Lean chicken and beef;
  • Fish and seafood.

As for prohibited foods, all flour products, store-bought chips and crackers, smoked sausage and cheese, alcoholic beverages, various fatty sauces, cookies and candies should be excluded from the diet.

In addition, it is advisable to get rid of the habit of adding various seasonings to food. The seasonings themselves do not contribute to fat deposition, but they can quickly increase appetite.

Meals for a week for weight loss should be balanced, eating in small portions.

Never said "diet"

When someone persistently offered me a piece of chocolate or cake, I explained that I had rearranged my diet a little and now I don’t eat it. “Diet” is always something difficult and temporary. The changes that have occurred in my life are in no way associated with anything like this.

It’s been a year now that I’ve managed to maintain my -15 kg. And this does not mean that I never touch cakes and buns. The same calculations help me keep the situation under control (I continue to count portions, although not so fanatically) and two simple rules. First: no more than two fatty or sweet meals per week. Second: at least 30 minutes of movement per day. Even if it's just a walk with the dog.

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