The benefits of losing weight: 10 undeniable health benefits

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  1. Life expectancy increases
  2. Diabetes is receding
  3. The cardiovascular system is healthier
  4. Metabolic syndrome improves
  5. The risk of cancer is reduced
  6. The skin is cleansed
  7. Joints are restored
  8. Kidney function improves
  9. The digestive organs return to normal
  10. Mental health improves
  11. Social status increases
  12. Women's health blossoms
  13. Men's problems disappear
  14. Health is protected from a young age
  15. Youth is extended
  16. Bottom line

In terms of mortality from the consequences of obesity, our country is “ahead of the rest of the planet”: 140 deaths for every 100,000. The corresponding world average remains at 53.7 per 100,000 deaths - which means that Russians “exceed the mortality plan” by almost three times. Excess weight deals a crushing blow to almost all organs and internal systems. To save his life, an obese person needs either long and expensive treatment - or lose weight before it’s too late!

Today, the prevalence of obesity in Russia is growing at an alarming rate: every fourth Russian suffers from this pathology, and every third is overweight - that is, less than a third of the population can boast of being slim. Of the large countries, only the USA, China and India are “thicker” than us. Therefore, the deplorable statistics of deaths is not surprising - given the rollicking “optimization” of Russian healthcare, the greed of food business tycoons who stuff their products with harmful cheap ingredients, the dominance of super-calorie “food garbage” on supermarket shelves and deceptive advertising of far from healthy products. It’s time to ring all the bells, but the authorities are so far limiting themselves to unobtrusive preventive measures in the style of medical examinations and stating sad facts.

The main reasons for the poor state of Russians' figures are recognized as insufficient physical activity and poor nutrition: too little lean meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, too much fat, sugar and baked goods. But there is good news: in order to lose weight for health benefits , you need to do exactly the opposite - switch to the right foods and move more. Despite the fact that the surrounding reality seems to rebel against harmony, our health largely depends on us!

We hope our review of 15 health benefits of losing weight will encourage you to make at least a modest attempt at losing weight. Yes, yes, fortunately, in order to significantly improve the situation, sometimes it is enough to lose a few kilograms. According to the World Health Organization, you only need to lose 5-10% of your body weight and your health will noticeably improve in many ways! The more kilograms of the initial weight you lose, the greater the health benefits of losing weight :

  • minus 5-10% - initial level of recovery;
  • minus 10-15% - average level of recovery;
  • 15% or more is a high level of recovery.

And now we will list exactly how your body will thank you for every kilogram you lose.

Andrey Bobrovsky, Candidate of Medical Sciences, scientific director of the network of weight loss clinics “Doctor Bormental”

“The first benefits of losing excess body weight begin to make themselves felt already in the first week of losing weight: optimism and vitality immediately increase!”

Life expectancy increases

According to extensive research by foreign scientists, excess weight and obesity reduce life expectancy by an average of 4-7 years. Why do obese people die earlier than their thin peers?

  • Obesity increases the risk of virtually every chronic disease, from diabetes to mental disorders. Complications of these diseases can be deadly.
  • Obesity often results in premature death from the most common medical causes - stroke, heart attack and cancer.
  • Obesity completely complicates any health problems: for example, in case of serious injuries and operations, it increases mortality by 45%.
  • If we talk about infections (from flu to hepatitis), then due to obesity, immunity is reduced eight times! Scientists have expressed concerns that the global prevalence of obesity could lead to a new wave of epidemics. And the risk of fatal complications, such as malignant pneumonia and sepsis, is growing.

Data from numerous studies show that as weight increases, these risks increase: grade III obesity with a body mass index of more than 40 takes 14 years of life. In favor of losing weight for health , we can say that the mortality rate is significantly reduced, giving at least 5 years of a full life.

Menu for 7 days

Breakfast Dinner Snack Dinner
1 A glass of kefir and a glass of unsweetened tea 200 ml chicken broth without added salt Glass of yogurt A glass of low-fat milk
2 Two tomatoes Tomato and cucumber salad with any vegetable oil dressing Two cucumbers Salad of bell peppers and cucumbers with sprinkled herbs
3 Milkshake 200 ml, unsweetened tea. Before lunch you can drink another glass of skim milk 200 ml chicken broth A glass of kefir A glass of milk
4 Two oranges Grapefruit Fruit salad: kiwi, orange, apple Grapefruit
5 Two eggs. Before lunch you can eat boiled fish fillet, 0.2 kg Boiled chicken fillet, 150 g and boiled peas, 100 g Cottage cheese, 100 g Cheese, 100 g
6 A glass of kefir and a glass of unsweetened tea during the first breakfast. A glass of grapefruit juice during second breakfast Chicken bouillon Glass of milkshake A glass of milk
7 2 eggs, unsweetened green tea, fruit for second breakfast Rice soup Fruit Vegetable salad with vegetable oil

Diabetes is receding

Diabetes is a constant companion to obesity because insulin stimulates fat accumulation. According to the American Diabetes Association, 80% of diabetics are obese. The reverse process is also true: obesity provokes the development of type II diabetes, when the body stops responding to insulin production. At the same time, the blood sugar level increases, causing painful conditions: constant thirst and hunger, anxiety, dizziness, diuresis, skin itching, etc. Among the terrible consequences of the disease are diabetic coma, blindness, trophic ulcers. The connection between type II diabetes and excess weight is eloquently demonstrated by the figures below.

  • Just 1 kg of excess weight increases the risk of diabetes by 5%.
  • “Plus 10 kg” increases this risk threefold.
  • Obesity increases the risk of diabetes by 7 times.
  • With apple-type obesity, when fat is deposited in the abdominal area and waist circumference exceeds 102 cm in men and 88 cm in women, this risk increases 30 times!

However, the development of type II diabetes is preceded by a period when blood sugar levels are high, but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. At this time, the disease can still be prevented by simply losing weight. Losing just 5 kg in a year reduces the transition from prediabetes to diabetes by 60%. And even for people who already have diabetes, losing weight is good for health : it promotes sustainable remission, bypassing traditional drug therapy in terms of effectiveness.

Rapid weight loss: benefit or harm?

Losing weight quickly and preferably without effort on your part and, even better, for free is the cherished dream of all overweight women. So that right tomorrow or, at worst, in a week or two, you can see a slender beauty in the mirror! And it doesn’t matter how many extra kilos you have - five or twenty-five, you still want to go faster, and even faster! But extreme weight loss does not always lead to the results we expect...

The question that 8 out of 10 patients ask a nutritionist during an appointment is: “How quickly and how much weight will I lose?” But the whole point is that no self-respecting specialist can give a clear answer in numbers to this question.

The rate of weight loss is strictly individual and depends on many factors. Among them: metabolic features, the presence or absence of hormonal disorders, concomitant diseases, physical activity, strict adherence to dietary recommendations, etc. How quickly the extra pounds will go away depends on your initial weight. Surprisingly, people who are more overweight lose it faster. So, for example, a woman with an initial body weight of 120 kg can lose 5-7 or even 10 kg in a month, while her peer with an excess of 5 kg will lose only about one and a half kilograms in a month. However, from a medical point of view, this is quite understandable. Subcutaneous fat tissue retains a large amount of water, and it is water that is primarily lost at the initial stage of weight loss. Thus, the more fat, the more water is lost, and accordingly, the more impressive the number we see on the scale.

This, by the way, makes all weight loss competitions between “friends” who have never seen each other, so popular today on the Internet, meaningless. Most often, the initial parameters - age, weight, state of health, physical activity of the competitors - are absolutely incomparable. So faster weight loss doesn't really mean one diet is better than another or one weight loss product is better than another.

And losing weight quickly turns out to be harmful! Well, think about how long it usually takes to gain extra pounds? Very rarely, weight is gained quickly in a short period of time, 1-3 months. This is usually possible under severe emotional stress, a sudden disruption of hormonal metabolism, the prescription of certain medications, after operations, especially in the field of gynecology or on the thyroid gland, forced limitation of physical activity, for example, after severe injuries. In the overwhelming majority of cases, excess weight is gained, one might say, even “climbs up” almost imperceptibly, and this process occurs over several years. During this time, the cardiovascular and endocrine systems have time to adapt to the increasing volume of adipose tissue. In such a situation, rapid weight loss is equivalent to the loss of a limb: the same heart, which worked in one mode before weight loss, is forced to switch to a completely different one in a short period of time, which is not always safe.

And one more important point: rapid weight loss is almost always accompanied by loss of muscle mass. Fitness fans may object: with active exercise, muscle mass is not lost. Yes it is. But in this case, particularly rapid weight loss does not occur, because muscles are heavier than fat, so the scales will move at a slower pace, although body volume will certainly be lost better than for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. For such people, at the slightest deviation from a balanced diet, a “yo-yo” effect is guaranteed, when the place of “lost” muscles is taken by adipose tissue. Usually this means not just a return to the original excess weight, but also an additional gain of several extra pounds.

So, let’s agree that the rate of weight loss is an individual value. However, there are certain medical standards that determine, so to speak, the preferred rate of weight loss. You can lose weight by 800 g per week or even by one kilogram, but this must be done, at least, under the daily supervision of a specialist. The fact is that such weight loss requires fairly strict restrictive diets, where in addition to calories, minerals are automatically limited. This can lead to serious cardiovascular problems that may require immediate medical attention. Such truly “extreme” weight loss is usually practiced for serious reasons, when obesity threatens the death of the patient or when the patient will soon have a serious operation that cannot be performed in the presence of large excess body weight.

At home, the numbers should be much more modest: 0.4-0.5 kg per week. This is the so-called physiological rate of weight loss, which allows the body to gradually adapt to changing conditions. In addition, such seemingly modest results help to avoid the “yo-yo” effect. Therefore, if in a month you have lost “only” 1.6 - 2 kg, then this is a reason for joy, and not for frustration! And in order to avoid unnecessary reasons for frustration, step on the scale no more than once a week. At the end of the day, monthly weight loss numbers are more important to us than daily ones.

Therefore, I suggest you stop chasing “super numbers” and lose weight correctly, without harm to your health!

Be healthy, slim, beautiful and happy!

Your Anna Belousova, nutritionist, member of the international team of developers of popular weight loss products.


Product by topic: (Weight loss products)

The cardiovascular system is healthier

In relation to the health of the heart and blood vessels, obesity is not harmless - this is a medical axiom. The greater the weight, the greater the load on the “main” system of the body, the more it is compressed by fat deposits, and the more difficult it is for the heart to “push” blood through the vessels. By getting fatter, people put themselves at risk of cardiovascular diseases and their “faithful companions” - hypertension and dyslipidemia. In the first case, blood pressure increases, and in the second, the balance of fatty elements - lipids - is disturbed and the level of cholesterol in the blood increases. It is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and narrows their lumen - atherosclerosis develops. Here are just some of the terrible consequences of inadequate blood supply to the body: ischemia of the heart muscle or brain, heart attack, stroke, intermittent claudication, etc. The result can be instant death or severe complications - paralysis or amputation of limbs due to gangrene. But only a few weeks of healthy eating are enough to save you! As soon as the fat “vice” loosens

  • “bad” cholesterol decreases in the blood;
  • the lumen of blood vessels expands;
  • blood circulation is restored;
  • tissues receive enough oxygen and nutrients;
  • the pressure returns to normal.

Losing weight is good for health: the less fat in the body, the easier it is for the heart and blood vessels in the literal sense of the word!

The nutritionist named the “pros” and “cons” of the most popular diets

The fashion for a healthy lifestyle has led to the emergence of various weight loss techniques. However, before choosing one of the popular modern diets, you should definitely think about your health, and how restrictions in your usual diet will affect your body. Experts have found out the dangers and benefits of the keto diet, gluten-free diet, intermittent fasting, paleo diet and raw food diet.

The keto diet is a low-carb diet, but is characterized by a very high fat content. A typical keto diet meal plan includes 30 grams of carbohydrates per day, which also contains five percent protein and 75 percent fat.

“Good for those who exercise, since a large amount of fat helps the growth of muscle mass. It is especially suitable for men, but at the same time, people with severe obesity lose weight slowly,” nutritionist Oksana Vladimirova told KP.Ru.

The expert highlights the advantages that blood sugar levels remain normal due to low carbohydrate consumption, and the disadvantages: it is difficult to follow, there is a risk of consuming the “wrong” fats, some studies note an increase in the blood hormone cortisol in ardent followers of this diet.

The main idea of ​​the Paleo diet is to eliminate all refined, purified and modified foods from the diet and return to the nutrition of the Paleolithic era. Completely excluded: grains, alcohol, salt, processed foods, dairy products and beans. You can eat poultry, meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts.

Among the “advantages”, the diet participant receives “pure” nutrition without preservatives, dyes and other additives. A high protein diet will keep you from going hungry, and the nutrients in vegetables, oils, nuts, seeds and fruits help reduce inflammation. Many common foods are excluded from the “minuses”, including bread, pasta and cereals. excluded.

A gluten-free diet is prescribed for gluten intolerance (celiac disease) or high sensitivity to it. All foods containing gluten are excluded from the diet. The first items to be banned are pastries, pasta and cereals. One of the advantages is that processed foods containing many dyes and preservatives are excluded from the diet. On the downside, existing gluten-free products often contain more sugar and fat than their gluten-containing counterparts. As a result, this can lead to erroneous weight gain.

Intermittent fasting involves fasting for 16 hours per day. During the remaining 8 hours, you can eat any food. The diet is suitable for people without serious chronic diseases, except for children under 16 years of age. Disadvantages: headaches, irritability and hunger are often noted. There may also be an imbalance in the consumption of calories and nutrients, which means that a deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements can be provoked. But you are allowed to eat all foods and physical activity is strongly recommended.

When following a raw food diet, food should not be cooked at temperatures above 47 degrees Celsius in order to retain all its beneficial properties. Therefore, expensive equipment will be required for such a diet. Particular emphasis is placed on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and herbs. Bread, beans, pasta, dairy products, meat and eggs are prohibited. Although some followers of this diet eat unpasteurized milk and cheese, as well as raw fish and meat. This is fraught with the fact that parasites may appear in the human body and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may develop.

Therefore, experts advise that before switching to a fad diet, you should consult your doctors. The therapist will prescribe the simplest tests to rule out possible problems, and the nutritionist will determine a nutrition plan.

Metabolic syndrome improves

The incidence of metabolic syndrome today has become epidemic. The syndrome includes a whole “bouquet” of closely interrelated pathologies: obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension and chronic inflammatory conditions. The leading part in this “deadly chorus” belongs to obesity. Most often, the victims of the syndrome are those with “beer bellies” filled with the most dangerous, visceral fat. Here's a snapshot of just some of the metabolic torment.

  • Fat deposits in the abdomen and waist compress internal organs and blood vessels, causing high blood pressure and a lack of blood supply to the heart muscle.
  • Due to the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, atherosclerosis develops, aggravating the plight of the cardiovascular system: coronary artery disease develops.
  • The cells of the body stop accepting insulin, allowing the owner to feel all the “delights” of diabetes, which was mentioned just above.
  • The concentration of uric acid in the blood increases, crystals of which settle in the joints, causing inflammation, pain and swelling: this is where gout comes into its own.
  • In addition to everything, patients suffer from shortness of breath, headaches, chest pain, and loss of strength.

Fatal consequences can be impotence, infertility, heart attack, stroke, fatty hepatosis, sleep apnea, oncology, etc. Since the harmful syndrome is largely due to an unhealthy lifestyle, medications are powerless to radically change the situation. There is only one saving solution here: for the sake of health benefits, you need to lose weight !

Andrey Bobrovsky, Candidate of Medical Sciences, scientific director of the network of weight loss clinics “Doctor Bormental”

“From the point of view of modern dietetics, the health benefits of losing weight are invaluable: many diseases and problems that could be fatal recede.”

The risk of cancer is reduced

Cancer is associated with obesity in 40% of cases. Not only does obesity provoke diabetes, which is a risk factor for malignant neoplasms, but it itself contributes to the development of certain types of cancer. Scientific research shows that excessively overgrown adipose tissue releases excess hormones and other substances that trigger the process of degeneration of healthy cells into cancer cells and their pathological division. The following organs are targeted by oncology:

  • colon;
  • pancreas;
  • gallbladder;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • prostate (in men);
  • mammary glands, ovaries and uterus (in women).

Fat deposits make it difficult to diagnose cancer in a timely manner, so the prognosis is usually dismal. And even if the tumor can be detected at the initial stage, the survival rate in obese patients is much lower than in slender ones. After all, as already mentioned, excess weight suppresses the immune system, which also fights cancer cells. Therefore, the longer the patient carries extra pounds, the higher the cancer risks and the worse the prognosis. And this is another good reason to lose weight for health benefits !

Why you need to lose weight

Being overweight is not the only health risk; moreover, the area of ​​the body where fat accumulates has a certain significance:

  • women with a pear-shaped silhouette are prone to fat accumulation on the hips;
  • instead, people with an apple silhouette (more common in men) accumulate fat around the waist.

If the waist is greater than 88 cm, then a person is at greater risk of problems associated with excess weight.

Those who are overweight and have managed to lose weight may immediately notice an improvement in their quality of life, for example, because:

  • sleep better and longer;
  • feel better and more relaxed;
  • have more power.

Obviously, those who are overweight and have managed to lose weight also feel better psychologically. They cope better with social life.

However, those who lose weight only for aesthetic reasons usually gain the weight back, while those who make a commitment to a healthier lifestyle usually manage to maintain the results in the long term.

The skin is cleansed

Obese people are plagued by constant skin problems. This protective cover of the body suffers both from biochemical reasons - disturbances of endocrine and metabolic processes, and from mechanical reasons - friction in the area of ​​fat folds, which are constantly in an “atmosphere” of humidity and increased fat secretion. Here are just some of the dermatological “charms” that accompany those with obese figures:

  • striae - whitish stretch marks of the skin on the most “prominent” parts of the body: stomach, thighs, buttocks;
  • pimples, acne and folliculitis - inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles due to excess sebaceous secretion;
  • irritation - redness and itching of the skin in places of folds or too close contact with linen and clothing;
  • diaper rash - inflammation of the skin between the folds due to exposure to skin discharge and lack of air ventilation;
  • dermatomycosis - fungal infections in fat folds, where there is a warm and humid environment, that is, the most “friendly” environment for fungus;
  • stagnant dermatitis - inflammation of the skin due to insufficient blood circulation, the path of which is blocked by fatty “plugs”;
  • acanthosis nigricans (negroid) is the growth of dark, warty spots on the body that can become malignant.

Let's add to this the well-known scourge of overweight people - excessive sweating, which creates an ideal environment for the listed dermatological pathologies to “thrive”, provoking purulent complications. But losing weight for health benefits triggers the reverse process - and all skin suffering recedes!

Joints are restored

The incidence of osteoarthritis in Russia is growing rapidly: the army of patients with this diagnosis increases by 20% annually. The leading factor in these deplorable statistics is obesity. And here are the reasons:

  • firstly, excess weight mercilessly “presses” on the knee joints, and the cartilage between the bones becomes thinner, since they are forced to bear much more weight than nature intended;
  • secondly, fat cells, which actively participate in the metabolic and endocrine metabolism of the body, produce specific substances that cause inflammation and breakdown of cartilage and bone tissue.

The result is destruction of articular cartilage, severe pain and the inability to move without aids. Even surgery will not help restore a joint damaged by excessive stress, so the patient is deprived of the ability to fully move and loses his ability to work forever. Unfortunately, forced physical inactivity leads to even greater gain of extra pounds - a vicious circle closes. But there is more and more scientific evidence that the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis decreases by 2-3 times, and the prognosis of the disease becomes much more favorable if the patient loses weight for health benefits .

Kidney function improves

Data from diagnostic studies show that obesity also damages the urinary system. In the course of monitoring tens of thousands of kidney patients, a direct connection was established between excess body weight and the presence of chronic kidney disease. The mechanism of influence of adipose tissue on the development of nephropathies has not yet been fully elucidated. Presumably, body fluids flowing through a “compressed channel” due to fat under great pressure injure the delicate functional tissue of the kidneys - the parenchyma, and substances secreted by the fat enveloping the kidneys provoke their inflammation. But one thing is absolutely clear: the more fat in the body, the faster kidney disease progresses, steadily moving into the terminal stage. Here are just three impressive facts.

  • With obesity, the risk of developing kidney failure increases 3 times.
  • Obese patients have to be connected to an artificial kidney device 2 times more often than patients with normal body weight.
  • Obesity promotes malignant degeneration of kidney cells.

However, loss of kidney function can be avoided by managing body weight. Medicine has established that losing weight brings enormous health benefits by relieving fatty “hit to the kidneys.”

Cons of fast diets

Like any other weight loss program, the fast diet has its pros and cons. Therefore, every time you resort to a quick diet, you must remember that a diet is stress for the whole body, and be sure to think about the negative effects that it may entail.

Fast diets are primarily not recommended for people with chronic diseases. Nutritionists believe that a meager menu and unbalanced diet can adversely affect the health of the patient, pregnant or nursing mothers.

The main disadvantage of a fast diet is that the lost kilograms very easily come back, sometimes with “supplements”. During each meal, after finishing a fast diet, the body, exhausted by stress, begins to actively store fat in reserve. Returning to your previous diet, it will take a lot of effort to maintain the achieved weight. It is possible that for some this period will be more difficult than during the diet.

The digestive organs return to normal

Obesity does not spare the digestive system, which includes the gastrointestinal tract and digestive glands - the liver with the gallbladder and the pancreas. All organs located in the abdominal cavity, the “favorite” place for fat localization, suffer from excess weight.

  • Due to mechanical compression by fat deposits, stomach acid moves into the esophagus, causing attacks of heartburn and provoking reflux disease - inflammation of the walls of the lower esophagus.
  • For the same reason, the risk of a gastric hernia increases many times - protrusion of part of it through the opening of the diaphragm into the esophagus, up to the movement of the stomach from the abdominal cavity into the chest.
  • Due to a decrease in the ability of organs to contract and increased cholesterol, which “merges” into the biliary system, stones form in the gallbladder, which lead to inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Stagnation of digestive processes and an abundance of fatty foods provoke the development of pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Fat enveloping the liver causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which progresses to cirrhosis.
  • The intestinal microflora is disrupted, leading to excessive gas formation and colic, and weakened peristalsis is fraught with constipation and hemorrhoids.

In a number of the above cases, the matter may be complicated by malignant degeneration or tissue necrosis. But research shows that switching to a healthy diet literally revitalizes your digestive system - further proof of the health benefits of losing weight .

Mental health improves

Most obese patients will agree that bad moods and gloomy thoughts are their “inseparable friends.” Of course, under the load of dozens of extra pounds, a person experiences not only physical, but also emotional suffering. The reason for complexes and far from pleasant feelings - from resentment to despair and self-loathing - lies not only in the consciousness of one’s unattractiveness and inferiority. Scientists have proven that fat deposits negatively affect the brain, changing its activity, and this affects the way of thinking. Thus, in the course of 15 large-scale experiments, a close “union” of obesity and depression was revealed, and this connection works in both directions.

  • Obese people are nearly 60% more likely to be depressed than people of normal weight.
  • Those who are prone to depression have a 40% greater risk of becoming obese than those who are not depressed.
  • Long-term depression increases this figure to 80%!

Such a close relationship between depression and obesity is not surprising, since one of the most “popular” ways to improve your mood at least a little is by eating high-calorie treats. But the price to pay for “food therapy” is a whole range of physical diseases, superimposed on a depressed state of mind, decreased mobility, energy and performance. These circumstances are “guaranteed” to reduce the quality of life in general. Psychotherapy and a properly selected course of antidepressants will help you break the vicious circle of depression and overeating and once again feel a surge of energy and joy in life. But indispensable “supplements” to losing weight with health benefits should be proper nutrition and physical activity.

Health Benefits of Losing Weight

The areas of the body and pathologies most affected by weight loss, in a positive sense:

  1. Losing weight can lower blood pressure.
  2. Losing weight reduces the risk of heart disease.
  3. In people with insulin resistance, losing weight reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes or, if it is already present, slows its progression.
  4. Weight loss improves glycemic control for everyone and for people with type 2 diabetes.
  5. Weight loss is usually accompanied by a drop in triglyceride levels and an increase in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).
  6. For people suffering from osteoarthritis, weight loss may be accompanied by a reduction in symptoms.
  7. Losing weight rarely solves sleep apnea, but it usually helps reduce it.
  8. Significant weight loss may reduce symptoms associated with hyperventilation syndrome.
  9. Weight loss is often accompanied by a decrease in asthma symptoms.
  10. After losing weight, your overall health improves.

Even short-term weight loss has a beneficial effect on human health. However, the beneficial effect is limited only to the period during which a lower weight is achieved.

Social status increases

Socially, obesity is practically a stigma of being an outcast from society. Slim people, as a rule, treat overweight people with censure, ridicule and disdain. It is difficult for them to find a partner to create a relationship, family life is bursting at the seams, curvy girlfriends turn up their noses, and employers, on the contrary, turn him up. To protect themselves from total “social condemnation” and failure in terms of competition in all spheres of social life, overweight people often choose loneliness. They withdraw into themselves, are embarrassed to communicate and make acquaintances, and are sometimes ashamed to go out. And even if an obese person lives in a family, then, as a rule, an atmosphere of nervousness reigns in it, and the relationship is far from ideal. But here are just some of the significant changes in connection with the return of beauty and health with weight loss:

  • increasing self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • expanding your social circle;
  • arrangement of personal life;
  • strengthening relationships in the family, with friends, in the team;
  • career success;
  • creative development and self-realization;
  • new life interests;
  • personal growth.

People who have lost weight begin to feel completely different and act in new ways. Numerous studies by psychotherapists from different countries prove that by losing weight for health benefits , a person is transformed not only externally, but also internally: he becomes much freer, more energetic and happier, and his life is much more interesting, successful and richer in every sense.

Andrey Knyazkov, nutritionist, chief physician of the weight loss sanatorium “Prison for Fat”

“From my experience, I would like to note that people who have lost weight are very happy with such positive changes! Losing weight for health benefits is like being born again.”

Express diet for very fast weight loss - disadvantages

Nutritionists advise losing weight slowly, monitoring it every day. They are sure that this is the only way to not only lose weight, but also improve the health of the body.

But we want to lose weight quickly or the situation is developing, we only have a week to become slim. And we find a quick diet for weight loss that is effective and do not understand that we will then have to pay with our health.

Disadvantages of an express diet.

  1. The result is short-term, as soon as the diet ends, the kilograms accumulate again.
  2. In this case, only water is lost, not fat. First you lose weight, but since the diet is short, it doesn’t reach fat deposits.
  3. With such a meager diet, there is always a bad mood, depression, resentment towards the whole world, headaches, and a tormenting feeling of hunger.
  4. Your body also suffers, it does not receive vitamins and nutrients, and loses vitality. Under attack, the metabolism, if it is disrupted, will be very difficult to restore.
  5. As a result of poor nutrition, immunity decreases. All infections immediately penetrate the weakened body. If you go off the diet, you may end up on sick leave.

Women's health blossoms

Well-fed representatives of the fair sex are intensely worried about the fact that their figures are far from beautiful. Ah, if only troubles were limited to visual defects! Overweight ladies become unsexy not only externally, but also in the deeper sense of the word, since terrible damage is done to the female reproductive system. After all, fat mass is not just a “storehouse” of the body’s energy reserves, but an independently functioning endocrine organ, which is also responsible for the production of sex hormones. Excessive growth of fat causes an imbalance of androgens and estrogens, threatening catastrophic consequences for everything connected with a woman’s intimate life.

  • There are problems with the skin and hair growth on the face and body according to the “male” type;
  • libido decreases significantly, frigidity may develop;
  • significant fat deposits in the lower body make sexual intercourse difficult;
  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • the ability to fertilize decreases down to the point of infertility;
  • if pregnancy does occur, it is accompanied by complications - toxicosis, gestosis, bleeding, etc.;
  • the risk of fetal anomalies, miscarriage and post-term pregnancy increases significantly;
  • childbirth is pathological, often having to resort to caesarean section;
  • we have already talked about the increased risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer.

The greater the degree of obesity, the higher the likelihood and the wider the range of women’s problems listed. Fortunately, when losing weight for health benefits, hormonal balance is quickly restored, and a woman has every chance of becoming a happy mother - along with a delightful feeling of being beautiful, desirable and sexually attractive.

A balanced approach

Yuri Ivanovich, who is one of the leading specialists in the field of obesity surgery in our country, has performed more than 600 such operations. For the majority of patients who underwent them, the result exceeded all expectations. Having decided to reduce their stomach, yesterday's fat men and women not only lost the hated pounds, but also got rid of the burden of numerous health problems that they acquired along with excess weight.

Including in the intimate sphere. It is no secret that obesity is closely related to infertility: in obese women, ovarian function is impaired, and the ratio of female and male sex hormones changes. And in men, excess adipose tissue, which itself is an endocrine organ, leads to testosterone deficiency, inhibiting not only erection, but also stimulating the development of diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis. As the weight goes away, the lives of obese people improve: they begin to feel better, arrange their personal lives and achieve long-awaited motherhood.

Surgical treatment of obesity also has one more effect, surprising for endocrinologists: having lost weight, patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (unless, of course, this disease is too advanced in them) part with sugar-lowering pills and even... insulin injections. According to Professor Yashkov, this occurs due to the normalization of the activity of the pancreas, as well as due to the fact that the patient’s own insulin begins to work fully after some type of surgery.

Bariatric surgery is very popular in America. In Russia, only a few hundred such operations are performed per year. But interest in this branch of surgery is growing in our country.

Today, a number of domestic clinics perform several types of surgical treatment for obesity. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this case, the pattern is this: the more complex the technique, the more stable and sustainable the result it has. At our request, Professor Yashkov spoke about the most popular methods of surgical treatment of obesity today, which have been successfully practiced in our country for a long time.

Men's problems disappear

No matter how sad the consequences of obesity are for women, men have it even harder: they are three times more likely to die from diseases caused by excess weight. But the main enemies of blood vessels - atherosclerosis and hypertension - threaten not only the heart: insufficient blood circulation prevents a full erection. However, the root of men's troubles is not only this. Hormonal imbalance makes its contribution: in case of obesity, it is merciless even to the stronger sex. The level of testosterone, which is responsible for sexual function, drops in the male body, but the female hormone estrogen is produced in excess, and this is what this leads to.

  • The mammary glands become enlarged;
  • libido decreases;
  • problems with erection occur;
  • infertility develops.

If we add here the weakness, lethargy and poor health characteristic of fat people, then sexual exploits are out of the question. Therefore, sexual life in the stronger sex with obesity often fades - up to its complete absence. Of course, this state of affairs severely wounds a man’s pride and undermines his psyche. To regain self-confidence, improve your personal life and increase potency to a level worthy of female praise, men just need to lose weight for health benefits . By the way, their weight loss is much faster and easier than that of women.

Health is protected from a young age

Since sitting at the computer while eating food teeming with sugar and trans fats has become a favorite pastime for most people, including the most tender years, excess weight does not spare the younger generation. According to statistics, today every fourth child experiences many of the above physiological, and as they grow older, psychological “bonuses” of obesity. Its avalanche-like growth among the young population forced scientists to pay especially close attention to this problem. Long-term observations of control groups of children have recently been completed: their weight and health status were monitored by researchers from the age of 5-6 years until the peak of maturity. It turned out that people who learned the “delights” of obesity in childhood and adolescence were twice as likely to become “prey” of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in adulthood compared to those who initially lived in a slim body. Along the way, a number of very instructive conclusions for parents were made:

  • those who were overweight from childhood and carried their excess weight all their lives without losing it had the greatest risks of health problems;
  • someone who weighed normal as a child and gained weight as an adult had just as high a chance of developing diseases as someone who was obese from childhood and then throughout life;
  • those who were slim from childhood and remained so throughout their lives had the lowest health risks in all respects;
  • someone who was obese as a child and then normalized their body weight had the same minimal risks as someone who was thin to begin with.

This means that the harmful effects of fat mass can be reduced to zero if parents accept their children's obesity and help them lose weight healthily before or as they grow up.

Youth is extended

We've already said a lot about the toll obesity takes on your physical and mental health. All that remains is to add a few touches to the portrait for those over 50.

  • The longer a person lives in a full body, the more fat destroys his body, the more actively all the diseases mentioned above progress - this joyless existence cannot be called the “golden autumn of life”.
  • Recently, scientists have found that in older people, obesity contributes to a decrease in the size of the brain and atrophy of its most important parts, threatening mental disorders - progressive depression, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other manifestations of mental degradation.
  • For women who have crossed the threshold of menopause, obesity has another very unpleasant surprise in store: excess fat provokes an excess of estrogen, which causes the growth of cells alien to the body during the period of fertility shutdown, so the risk of oncology of the mammary glands, ovaries and uterus increases sharply.

And these are very solid reasons for people of advanced age not to resign themselves to extra pounds, lulling themselves with the thoughts that “it’s all over” and “you don’t lose weight in such years.” They are losing weight, and with great success: remember that in the times of not so distant from the era of food excesses, grandparents were as thin as birds! Although metabolism slows down somewhat with age, playing into the hands of excess weight, it is counteracted by hormonal processes and, of course, a somewhat more energetic lifestyle than lying in front of the TV. And the gift for a slim figure will be a powerful healing and rejuvenating effect, multiplied by an increase in energy and optimism. Losing weight with health benefits will prolong a woman's youth and charm, and for men it will preserve sexual activity and charisma for a long time - and make the age of 50+ truly elegant!


The benefits of losing weight can be achieved at any age. You will feel the first benefits within a couple of weeks from the moment you start losing extra pounds. And if you can’t lose weight on your own, sign up for a consultation with us.

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Test check yourself:

fact or fiction?

Eating more fruit can improve bone density.

Correct! Wrong!

Consuming foods with plenty of bioavailable calcium improves bone density. Fruits generally do not contain much calcium.

Excess protein accumulates in the muscles, causing them to increase.

Correct! Wrong!

Once the need for protein and energy has been met, excess amino acids are converted to acetyl-CoA, from which they are converted into fatty acids and stored in adipocytes. Therefore, excess protein will not be converted into muscle.

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