MCC for weight loss: a false feeling of satiety as a path to slimness?

The principle of action of the drug

The idea that in order to prevent overeating, you need to first fill the stomach with something, thereby reducing its free volume, has come to the minds of many people. So, you have probably already heard the recommendations of nutritionists before meals to drink juices, water, a glass of vinegar drink, and eat a portion of white cabbage salad. And a few years ago, a combination drug such as microcrystalline cellulose appeared. For weight loss, tablets are useful for the following effects:

  • mechanical action . First, a dose of MCC, washed down with water, enters the stomach, where it swells well. Hunger is replaced by a feeling of satiety. Dietary fiber is not absorbed by itself, but goes straight to its destination - the intestines;
  • sorption action . While in the intestines, the drug manifests itself in a new way, “sweeping away” the “mud” film from the mucous membrane, absorbing waste, toxins, heavy metal salts, radionuclides and other harmful substances. By the way, due to its sorption effect, microcrystalline cellulose is often used for poisoning as an alternative to activated carbon and the more expensive Enterosgel.

This “multifunctionality” of the substance has forced various manufacturers of weight loss, beauty and health products to turn to it. So, today you can buy not only classic microcellulose, but also a product to which various useful natural ingredients have been added. In particular, Altai adds rose hips, licorice, and chaga to the MCC, having come up with an attractive advertising slogan “MCC is a janitor of internal organs.”

The effect of microcrystalline cellulose on weight loss

Microcrystalline cellulose is considered one of the best substances for weight loss because it is rich in coarse fibers, which:

  • activate the gastrointestinal tract;
  • help cleanse the body of waste, toxins and allergens;
  • fight constipation and stagnation of decay byproducts.

It is a by-product of cotton processing and its action is very similar to bran. The main advantage of microcellulose is its ability to swell when interacting with water. When consumed, you can reduce the overall calorie intake: fiber increases in volume and fills the stomach, blocks the feeling of hunger.

There are no enzymes in the body that could break down fiber, so a cleansing effect is achieved: fiber attracts unnecessary elements and removes them naturally.

However, you can achieve results only if you completely reconsider your diet and lifestyle: there will be no effect if you continue to eat fatty, fried, sweet and salty foods. MCC will work as an additional aid, but it will not be able to provide instant weight loss.

We recommend reading about lipoic acid for weight loss. You will learn about the benefits and effects of lipoic acid on the body, indications for use, dosage, and the best forms of release of the drug for weight loss. And here is more information about how to choose anorectics for weight loss.

How to take MCC for weight loss?

  1. You should start the weight loss process with 1 tablet per day, taken before meals. Gradually, the daily norm increases first to 5-10 tablets, then to 10-15, etc. The instructions prescribe the maximum permissible dose of microcellulose in the amount of 25 g (50 tablets of 0.5 g). By the end of the course, the dosage should smoothly return to the initial value, that is, 1 tablet.
  2. The tablets are ground into powder and mixed with water (a few drops). Take this solution with at least a glass of water. In addition, the crushed drug can be added to minced meat for homemade cutlets and other semi-finished products that you plan to cook and consume in the near future.
  3. You should drink at least 2.5 liters of water (still) every day. The indicated quantity does not include tea, soup, milkshake and other liquids.
  4. The weight loss course at the MCC is designed for 3-4 weeks. Then you definitely need to take a break.

MCC Janitor with licorice - cleansing and immunostimulating effect

MCC "Dvornik" with licorice - cleanses the body of waste and toxins, normalizes lipid-carbohydrate metabolism, increases the body's defenses.

Effect of MCC "Dvornik" with licorice:

Dietary fiber MCC "Dvornik" with licorice is insoluble in water and is not subject to breakdown in the human digestive tract; their main property is the ability to be adsorbed (they bind and remove heavy metals, free radicals, microbial toxins, and decomposition products from the body). Dietary fiber plays a significant role in normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In the stomach, they actively absorb liquid, swell, increasing in volume several times, and, irritating the mechanoreceptors of the stomach, cause a feeling of fullness and eliminate the feeling of hunger, preventing chronic overeating - one of the factors of obesity. In the small intestine, its mucous membrane is mechanically cleaned, which leads to an improvement in parietal digestion and the absorption function of the intestine. By irritating the intestinal receptors, they enhance its peristalsis, thereby eliminating the stagnation of the food bolus (chyme). Dietary fiber also has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, creating a favorable environment for the life of beneficial bacteria, which synthesize the B vitamins, vitamin PP and vitamin K necessary for the body. The biologically active substances of licorice have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic properties, and have a pronounced immunostimulating effect . Licorice glycyrrhizic acid, by increasing phagocytosis (the process of destruction of microorganisms by leukocytes) and promoting the production of its own protective protein interferon, provides natural antiviral and antimicrobial protection. The complex of bioactive substances in licorice enhances the activity of the glands of the respiratory tract, which facilitates the discharge of sputum during colds and other diseases, and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. MCC "Dvornik" with licorice cleanses the body of waste and toxins, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes carbohydrate-lipid metabolism, helps reduce excess body weight, and has an immunomodulatory effect.


Microcrystalline cellulose, licorice root. Contents in one tablet (not less): dietary fiber – 412.5 mg, glycyrrhizic acid – 3 mg.

Mode of application:

Adults: 3 tablets 3 times a day with meals. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month. The recommended intake provides the body's daily physiological needs (at least): dietary fiber by 18%, glycyrrhizic acid by 100%.


Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy and breastfeeding, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. Before use, you should consult your doctor. Not a medicine.

Storage conditions:

Store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 250C.

Release form:

Tablets of 0.5 g No. 100 in a polymer jar.

Best before date:

24 months.

This product is not a medicine

Contraindications and side effects

Manufacturers of microcrystalline cellulose on the packaging of their products declare the following ailments and conditions that are direct contraindications to the use of the drug: individual intolerance to the components, adolescence, pregnancy and lactation, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. You can also add anorexia here, because in this state it is extremely undesirable to use pills that make hunger “fall asleep”.

It is also interesting to pay attention to the side effects that may result from taking MCC. The most common trouble is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and constipation. This happens if you do not follow the instructions for use. To eliminate the problem, increase the amount of fluid you drink, and also include more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet, while simultaneously reducing your fat intake. In some cases, additional use of laxatives is allowed (after the approval of the attending physician).

In addition, there is an unofficial and as yet unconfirmed opinion that microcrystalline cellulose in large doses stretches the stomach, thereby provoking an even greater appetite. Before taking MCC, consult your doctor - uncontrolled use of even non-medicinal drugs, especially those that create a non-existent feeling of satiety, deprives the body of vital vitamins and microelements. This can provoke a lot of negative consequences, ranging from vitamin deficiency and decreased immunity to heart problems and osteoporosis.

Where to buy and at what price?

The cost of the product is quite low, and its upper and lower limits depend on a number of factors - the place of purchase (chain or online pharmacy, health store, etc.), the number of tablets in the package and the manufacturer. Thus, drugs based on MCC from the “Dvornik” line will cost you from 100 rubles. for 100 pcs. It will be a little cheaper when converted from hryvnia to rubles to buy Ukrainian production. Microcrystalline cellulose "Ankir-B" on the corporate website of weight loss products from "Evalar" costs about 90 rubles.

Reviews from doctors and people losing weight

Marina, 37 years old . As an experienced nutritionist, I note that those who plan to simply use MCC for weight loss and do nothing else are simply fools. The drug itself is good and safe, but it was created as an assistant for those who find it difficult to cope with their chosen diet. And not with a hungry method, but with a balanced nutrition system. And if you take pills and then binge on a large portion of food, or, worse, start eating cakes and pastries as usual, your stomach will simply swell like a watermelon. Yes, not fatal. But it’s not pleasant enough. And most importantly, you won’t be able to lose weight.

Alisa, 29 years old . I’ve already been drinking microcellulose for a month – today is the last day of the course. I myself am a terrible glutton - I cannot control my appetite and the onset of a feeling of fullness. The drug really helped me. In the store and at home cooking, which is close to home, I no longer devoured all the products on the counter with my eyes, so I managed to cope with the temptation to buy even my favorite delicacies. And the sides have gone well, the tummy has shrunk. In general, for such an inexpensive price this is a more than worthy result.

Margarita, 32 years old . From time to time I try to “correct”, that is, lose weight, and microcrystalline cellulose has helped me more than once. I take it as it should be – half an hour before meals, and by the time I eat it I’m already so full that I eat less. I think it will especially help those who suffer from evening gluttons, because dinner should be the lightest, and not everyone has the willpower for this.

Reviews of those losing weight about MCC Ankir B

Judging by the number of reviews from those losing weight about MCC Ankir B, it can be understood that the drug from Evalar is more common than the others. Some users experience constipation after starting to take it - this is the only drawback of the tablets.

Reviews of MCC "Dvornik" tablets

Reviews of MCC “Dvornik” tablets are as follows:

  • do not give a visible effect;
  • they are difficult to swallow;
  • they do not reduce hunger.

Reviews of microcellulose for weight loss “Diet”

Based on reviews of MCC “Diet” tablets, the following can be deduced:

  • the tablets are odorless;
  • adequate size, easy to swallow;
  • appetite really decreases;
  • the drug helps to cope with gastrointestinal problems.

Taking MCC helps reduce food portion sizes and meal frequency

Reviews about the MCC “Cleansing the Body”

Fiber from the MCC “Cleansing the Body” has proven itself as follows:

  • reduces appetite;
  • helps cleanse the skin;
  • easy to swallow;
  • does not have a laxative effect.

We recommend reading about the principle of action of MCC for weight loss. From the article you will learn about the composition of the tablets, their advantages and disadvantages, contraindications for use, and results. And here is more information about the weight loss drug PBK 20.

Microcrystalline cellulose can be taken to reduce appetite and overall calorie intake, but it will not burn body fat. The opinion of doctors is very ambiguous, but everyone agrees that it is absolutely harmless. With the help of tablets you can reduce appetite, cleanse the skin and remove waste and toxins from the intestines, but before use you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

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