BCAA for weight loss: is it worth using + the most effective regimens

2021-08-19 19:48:44 0 261

BCAA or branched chain amino acids are 3 essential amino acids that must be obtained from food. They are needed for protein synthesis, muscle growth and other functions of the human body.

BCAA supplements come in powder or tablet (capsule) form and are available over the counter.

A common question asked when purchasing a BCAA supplement is: “Which is better: tablets or powder?” Read on to learn about the pros and cons of BCAA tablets and powders, and which is best to choose.

What is BCAA

BCAA is a complex of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine.
They are called essential because they are not synthesized in the human body, but are supplied only with food. For an adult, 8 amino acids are essential, but only three of them have a special molecular structure with a branched side chain. It is these amino acids that are included in the BCAA complex.

Why them? Because these compounds are the main material for building muscle tissue and make up about 35% of all amino acids in muscles.

A deficiency of essential amino acids, in particular BCAA, triggers catabolic processes in the body, which leads to the destruction of muscle fibers, tissues and internal organs.

What sports nutrition should I take with BCAA?

BCAA is one of the most important supplements, but it only works fully in combination with other sports nutrition. The basic set of sports nutrition for gaining weight and cutting, for women and men, as well as for different sports, will not differ significantly. In addition to essential amino acids, your complex should also include:

  • Vitamins and minerals;
  • Fatty acid;
  • Protein;
  • Pre-workout complexes.


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Price: 1150.00 rub.

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Fatty acid

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Killer Labz Predator-Pro (Anabolic Formula!)

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Why take BCAAs?

Athletes whose goal is to build a beautiful, muscular body need more amino acids than a non-exercising person. But getting the right amount of BCAAs from food is quite difficult, since food proteins contain only 20-25% of these amino acids. Therefore, if you want to build muscle, tone it and speed up the recovery process after training, then optimize your diet by taking BCAAs.

In addition to muscle recovery, taking BCAAs helps slow down catabolic processes in the body. After training, the concentration of amino acids in muscles decreases significantly. And in order to replenish their reserves, the body begins to destroy protein compounds, that is, muscle fibers. Taking the supplement after training will prevent the breakdown process and speed up muscle recovery.

If your diet is in a calorie deficit or you limit the amount of animal protein in your food, then muscle tissue is destroyed more during training. An additional portion of amino acids can prevent this process and speed up recovery.

It is also worth noting that BCAAs help the body cope with stress and strengthen the immune system.

Harm of BCAA

The harmful effects of natural amino acids on the human body in the process of losing weight are completely absent, as evidenced by specially conducted clinical studies. The harm of BCAA if daily dosages are observed and if they are slightly overestimated is completely excluded. Side effects occur extremely rarely, and are limited to allergic, local reactions on the skin of a temporary nature. In practice, such cases are isolated and require additional consultation with a nutritionist.

Does taking BCAAs help you lose weight?

Studies have proven that essential amino acids stimulate fat burning processes in the body. Leucine, which is part of BCAA, is involved in the secretion of leptin, a hormone that determines the rate of fat burning, body weight and appetite.

When there is a deficiency of amino acids, leptin ceases to be produced, as the brain thinks that these are “hunger times” and not the time to get rid of excess. If there is an excess of leucine, the body “believes” that high-calorie food is being supplied and there is no need to make reserves.

In addition, BCAA increases calorie expenditure by burning fat deposits and speeds up metabolism.

BCAA in food

A person receives essential amino substances from food in the form of proteins. When protein enters the body, it is broken down into amino acids. Then the amino acids are recombined into different amino chains and form a protein, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The following foods contain the highest amounts of BCAA grams:

  1. Peanuts (100 g – 4 grams bcaa).
  2. Chicken fillet (100 g – 3.88 grams bcaa).
  3. Lean ground beef (100 g - 3.65 grams bcaa).
  4. Tilapia, salmon (100 g – 3.47 grams bcaa).
  5. Egg (1 piece – 1.3 grams of bcaa).

It is believed that the ideal protein in terms of composition and the ratio of amino acids in it is a whole egg white.

How many grams of BCAAs should you take per day?

Professional trainers advise taking 4-8 grams of amino acids at a time, both for weight loss and for gaining muscle mass. Frequency of administration: 1-3 times a day.

What is better to choose: tablets or powder?

The most common forms of BCAAs are tablets/capsules and powder.

The tablet form, at first glance, seems more convenient than the powder form. After all, the tablets can be taken at any convenient time without a shaker. In addition, pure amino acids have a bitter taste, which is not felt when taking pills.

But the maximum dose of BCAA in one tablet is no more than 1000 mg. This means that you need to drink at least 15 tablets to get 15 grams of amino acids.

The powder form is cheaper because it requires fewer manufacturing processes. At the same time, to obtain a daily dose you need to drink only 3 servings of powder. In addition, BCAA powders are often produced with various flavoring additives, and ready-made cocktails can easily replace the usual soft drinks.


What to look for when choosing BCAA?

If you choose a powder, solubility or speed of mixing with water or other liquids matters. Flavored versions may be a good idea, but check for any artificial flavors, colors, fillers or artificial sweeteners.

When choosing tablets or capsules, check for chemical additives or other additives other than BCAA.

How many BCAA's should you take daily?

The dosage of BCAA may vary depending on the individual's needs and training intensity. You can take BCAA at one time or divided into 3 doses throughout the day in the form of powder, tablets, or a combination of both.

The National Institutes of Health, in its list of dietary supplements used for exercise and performance, has confirmed that BCAAs in doses up to 20 grams per day or less when taken for up to 6 weeks are safe and do not cause significant side effects.

When is the most effective time to take BCAA?

BCAA's can be taken before, during or after training if you need to split your daily dose. Taking 5-10g of BCAA before exercise can provide essential amino acid levels and reduce fatigue once you begin exercising.

Another 5g can be taken during exercise to support energy and endurance, and 5-10g should ideally be taken post-workout to help recover from muscle damage.

When is the right time to take BCAAs?

When gaining muscle mass, it is recommended to take 3 servings of amino acids per day:

  • in the morning,
  • 30-40 minutes before training,
  • immediately after training.

Some athletes also take BCAAs during training to provide their muscles with constant nutrition. On rest days, it is recommended to drink amino acids in the morning and afternoon between meals.

When losing weight or cutting, the regimen for taking BCAA remains the same. If you are actively burning fat, you can add several servings in between meals to suppress hunger and catabolism. But experienced trainers recommend using protein for these purposes.

How to take BCAA

The main goal is to consume fewer calories, but spend more during intense training to lose weight. The specified amino acid, or rather its correct use and combination with a low-calorie diet and physical activity, helps achieve this goal. Before taking BCAA for weight loss, you should consult with a specialist in this matter.

Any online store offers a description of the full course, taking into account the physical fitness and health status of a losing weight person. Useful information on the topic can always be found on Sportwiki. Dietary properties and productive burning of subcutaneous fat depend on the choice of products, for example, you can buy BCAA for weight loss in the form of Drive Black BCAA diet pills (200 pieces), or Nutrex, which make your figure flawless.

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How to take BCAA powder

This dietary supplement should be consumed on an empty stomach; the risk of side effects if the dosages are followed correctly is minimal in both cases. Take BCAA powder 6-8 grams 30 minutes before the start of training and immediately after it. During the recovery period, the daily portion of BCCA for weight loss is 4-6 grams, which should be taken in the morning. It is easiest to use the powder form; the dietary effect is no weaker than BCA tablets for weight loss (as stated in Sportvik).

How to take BCAA capsules

The tablets should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, between meals and at night, the benefits will be enormous. It is convenient to take BCAA in capsules for weight loss, since a single dose can be taken in any extreme situation. Contraindications are minimal, it is important to determine the dosage. It is recommended to take BCAA capsules based on the weight category of the person losing weight. For example, one pill can contain up to 500 mg of BCAA, which is enough for the body for a day. However, this form of release is not cheap; it is the most expensive option and is not available to everyone.

Price for BCAA

It is cheaper to order products online, but choose online stores with a good reputation, or better yet, a website from the manufacturer. This is beneficial in that there are often sales and promotions, free delivery by courier and minimal costs when sending BCAA by mail. The purchase price varies by supplier and region. For example, in Moscow, amino acid sales are somewhat more expensive; in the provinces you can save on purchases. It's time to get acquainted with the capital's prices for BCAA:

  • Pro BCAA (390 grams) – 1,700 rubles;
  • BCAA Drive Black (200 tablets) priced up to 2,000 rubles;
  • BCAA-Pro Reloaded (90 tablets) – 1,700 rubles;
  • BCAA Workout ActivLab (400 grams) – 1,300 rubles.
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