Why choose arugula oil and how it can be used: description and properties

Arugula oil, the properties and uses of which should be known to everyone who wants to have luxurious long curls, eliminate excessive hair loss, split ends, grow a long beard or prevent baldness, is obtained by pressing the seed part of the fruit of an annual herbal crop. The fact is that the product is often identified with usma extract, which is a deep misconception. Some consultants market these products to clients with an emphasis on identity, but there are fundamental differences in chemical composition, characteristics and effects between the products. The plant grows on various soils, so it is possible to grow and produce an analogue of the extract presented on the market at home, which will be inferior to the oil obtained in production. Detailed information about how arugula oil is useful for people, how to use it and not buy a fake, is presented in the text below.

Arugula, or Caterpillar sativum, or Indau sativum, or Eruka sativum

What it is

Oil of arugula, gar-gir, Egyptian usma, indau, eruka sativa, arugula, rocket salad - an extract obtained by cold pressing the seed part of the plant. Vegetable fat has a thick consistency, a light yellow or greenish tint, a specific aroma similar to ginseng and is used mainly in the culinary industry. Due to the high concentration of erucic acid, the product is not very popular in cosmetology, but it can solve problems with severe hair loss.

Arugula is a plant of the Brassica family. Description:

  • herbaceous;
  • height from 30.0 cm to 60.0;
  • life expectancy – two years/one year;
  • stem shape – straight;
  • foliage – dense, fleshy;
  • inflorescences are racemose;
  • flowers – small, yellow;
  • fruit shape - pods;
  • seeds are small.

It is the light brown seeds that serve as the raw material for obtaining valuable oil. Natural distribution area of ​​the culture:

  • North Africa;
  • south, center of Europe;
  • India;
  • Minor, Central Asia.

Now the plant can be found in our country, but the market mainly contains seed extracts mainly produced in Egypt.

What is arugula?

An amazing annual herbaceous plant with small serrated leaves reminiscent of dandelion greens - arugula belongs to the Brassicaceae (Cruciferous) family and has several names: Gooseberry, Eruka sativum, Indau sativum. This unpretentious culture is widespread throughout Asia, Europe, and northern Africa. The heat-loving grass, originally from Mediterranean countries, has taken root in North America.

Arugula greens have a spicy, rich taste with pungent notes and an indescribable specific aroma. It is used in cooking in many cuisines around the world as an additive and seasoning for meat dishes, pastas, hard and soft cheeses, pizza, and fresh vegetables. The herb is extremely popular in various salads and cold appetizers made from vegetables, mushrooms, seafood, fish, eggs, and poultry.

The plant grows on loose soils of almost all types. It only does not tolerate lowlands, swampy and flooded areas of the garden.

Arugula sown in spring already after 3-4 weeks gives an excellent increase in green mass and can be used for culinary purposes before flowering begins (the bush throws out an arrow with inflorescences, on which small fruit-seeds subsequently ripen).

Arugula oil: properties

We have looked at the effect of each substance on the body, now let's try to figure out what properties the extract has. Since the product is suitable for external use and is often recommended for food use, we have divided the effects into groups.

Cosmetic field:


  • toning;
  • lightening;
  • nutrition;
  • softening;
  • hydration;
  • slowing down aging;
  • cleansing;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • increased elasticity;
  • elasticity.


  • structure regeneration;
  • protection from the negative influence of the external environment;
  • shine;
  • increased growth;
  • reduction of hair loss;
  • elimination of the section;
  • increase in density.

Ingestion is accompanied by the following effects:

  • improved functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of the functioning of the nervous system, metabolic processes, blood pressure;
  • improved appetite;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • weight loss;
  • increasing the elasticity of capillaries;
  • reducing the concentration of bad cholesterol in the circulatory system and increasing hemoglobin levels;
  • increased blood clotting and accelerated wound healing;
  • suppression of harmful intestinal microflora;
  • treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system (ulcers, gastritis).

Since the product contains ascorbic acid, regular consumption on an empty stomach serves as an express way to treat anemia.

IMPORTANT. The article is strictly informational in nature, therefore, before using it for medicinal purposes, you should first consult your doctor.

Using arugula oil, they treat dandruff, seborrhea, strengthen weak roots, and fight baldness.

Arugula Seed Oil – 20 Health Benefits

Most people have heard of arugula/arugula/arugula/rocket - it is an inoffensive leafy green vegetable with a bitter, peppery flavor that can be added to a salad to add some bitterness. Nothing special, right? Wrong! It is full of health benefits and the oil extracted from its seeds not only retains all these benefits but adds even more.

Arugula oil is cold-pressed from the seeds of the arugula (eruca sativa), which is a herb from the mustard family native to the Mediterranean region. It is a staple of Italian and French cuisine. Arugula seed oil is a source of nutrients, high in vitamins A, C, B9, K and PP, and minerals including calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, magnesium, sodium, fluoride, potassium and phosphorus, in addition to fatty acids, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, retinol and a whole army of antioxidants.

So, what exactly does it do for your health and the health of your family? Here are just 20 potential health benefits that arugula seed oil can provide:

Arugula seed oil strengthens the immune system

Arugula seed oil is a source of beneficial vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system, and copper in particular is known to stimulate the production of white blood cells to fight off infection. It also contains a compound called diindolylmethane (DIM), which inhibits viral and bacterial infections. Vitamin C is also a recognized immune booster.

Arugula seed oil is a powerful antioxidant

Arugula seed oil contains components such as vitamins A, C and E, as well as beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein, which have strong antioxidant properties and can neutralize free radical damage and rid the body of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is believed to play an important role in the development of a wide range of diseases, including cancer, asthma, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and premature aging.

Arugula Seed Oil for Healthy Skin

Arugula has a long history of use to prevent and treat skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. It contains the compound indole-3-carbinol, which has anti-inflammatory properties and can fight bacterial and viral infections. A rich source of antioxidants that boost cellular metabolism, arugula seed oil may also help fight the effects of aging and slow the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. It is also known to improve skin elasticity, which can help minimize the presence of scars.

Arugula Seed Oil for Brain Health

Arugula seed oil is a rich source of folic acid, and research suggests that regularly consuming folic acid may slow age-related cognitive decline. Arugula is the king of greens, and a study found that people who consumed greens daily had 11 years younger cognitive abilities. Arugula seed oil also contains isothiocyanates, and recent studies have shown that they have neuroprotective properties by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines that can cause brain damage. High in nitrates, arugula seed oil increases blood flow to the brain, dilating blood vessels and thereby preventing cell death due to lack of oxygen. Additionally, the high amounts of vitamins C and K in arugula oil may help manage the symptoms of degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and help slow the degradation of neural pathways.

Arugula seed oil helps you lose weight

Packed with essential nutrients to prevent deficiencies and provide energy, arugula seed oil can aid weight loss by allowing you to follow a low-calorie diet without the risk of depriving your body of its nutritional needs. It is also known to act as an appetite suppressant due to the presence of chlorophyll. In addition, arugula helps speed up metabolism by supporting red blood cell production, increasing energy, and promoting fat synthesis. The natural diuretic effect also helps remove excess fluid and prevent bloating.

Arugula seed oil for hair

Arugula seed oil contains chlorophyll, which in turn contains specific nutrients that hair follicles need to synthesize proteins in keratin to produce healthy hair. Chlorophyll is also responsible for the continuous production of melanin in the pigment cells inside the follicles and thus slows down the progression of gray hair. Arugula seed oil is an excellent remedy for baldness or severe hair loss as it helps awaken dormant hair follicles. For best results, arugula seed oil should be used topically and internally. Regular topical application moisturizes hair and increases its elasticity, eliminating fragility and reducing hair loss. Arugula seed oil also treats dandruff and skin conditions on the scalp, in addition to eliminating lice.

Arugula seed oil for digestion and stomach ulcer prevention

Arugula seed oil is alkaline and can therefore regulate the pH of the stomach to an optimal level, which research shows is vital for digestion. Additionally, the compound chlorophyll found in the oil may promote the growth of beneficial microbes in the intestines, helping to facilitate the absorption of nutrients from undigested food and preventing upset stomach, constipation and flatulence. Clinical studies have also shown that arugula can reduce the secretion of stomach acid and thus prevent stomach ulcers.

Arugula seed oil for diabetes

Several studies have shown that arugula seed oil is effective in regulating blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity. Therefore, it has been shown to be useful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and is also a preventive agent.

Arugula seed oil for male potency

Arugula has a long history of use as an aphrodisiac and male fertility stimulant by the ancient Egyptians and Romans, and now it's backed by science! Clinical studies have proven that it increases levels of the hormone testosterone, improving sperm health and activity, as well as increasing sperm count and male fertility. Containing essential nutrients for sexual flourishing, arugula seed oil is a natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of erectile dysfunction. It increases blood flow to needed areas and helps stimulate sensory function, thereby increasing sensitivity and prolonging sensations.

Arugula seed oil for joints

Arugula seed oil contains a lot of potassium, which can help normalize joint fluid balance and improve joint mobility. This oil can also help repair and strengthen cartilage tissue, as well as relieve joint inflammation due to arthritis, rheumatism or injury.

Arugula Seed Oil for Strong Bones

Being rich in calcium and vitamin K, arugula seed oil helps maintain healthy bones. While calcium is the building block of bones, vitamin K is the glue that holds it all together, and experts now believe that vitamin K may make a greater contribution to building strong, healthy bones than calcium. Research has shown that vitamin K helps reduce bone loss and deterioration, and research confirms that people who take more vitamin K have a lower risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis. Regular consumption of arugula seed oil can benefit those already suffering from osteoporosis and is therefore highly recommended for them, as well as those recovering from bone fractures.

Arugula seed oil improves stamina

A source of important minerals, vitamins and nutrients, arugula seed oil improves metabolism and increases energy. Being a rich source of nitrates, it helps muscles relax and removes lactic acid, thereby preventing muscle pain and fatigue after an intense workout. Research has shown that it can improve athletic performance and endurance by helping to lower blood pressure and reduce the amount of oxygen needed during exercise. Arugula seed oil is also beneficial for bone and joint health as stated above and is therefore highly recommended for athletes.

Arugula seed oil protects the kidneys and urinary tract

Arugula seed oil has diuretic properties that can increase urine production and prevent water retention, thereby removing waste and toxins, preventing future urinary tract infections and protecting against kidney stones.

Arugula Seed Oil Supports Detoxification and Liver Health

Chinese medicine has long cited the liver benefits of bitter green leafy vegetables, and scientific research has supported this belief with arugula. Arugula seed oil helps detoxify the body by helping the liver eliminate harmful toxins and chemicals, neutralizing aflatoxins, heavy metals, pesticides and chemicals that can be ingested through food and which, if left unchecked, can potentially cause liver damage.

Arugula seed oil reduces inflammation

Inflammation is a precursor to many chronic diseases if left untreated. Recent research has shown that erucin, an isothiocyanate found in arugula seed oil, has potent anti-inflammatory properties and can inhibit pro-inflammatory enzymes and cytokines. Arugula seed oil can be taken orally and applied topically as a massage to relieve inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism.

Arugula Seed Oil for Cardiovascular Health

Arugula seed oil has many benefits when it comes to heart health, thanks to its high nutritional value including nitrates, vitamins C and K, folic acid, magnesium, potassium and calcium, which play an important role in maintaining heart health. Overall, they improve blood vessel health, maintain healthy blood pressure levels, lower cholesterol levels, promote improved circulation and control heart rate, thereby significantly reducing the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Arugula seed oil to prevent anemia

Arugula seed oil is a rich source of iron, copper and folic acid, which support the production of red blood cells, while the high levels of vitamin C help in the absorption of iron, thereby significantly reducing the risk of anemia and combating fatigue associated with iron deficiency and anemia.

Arugula Seed Oil for Eye Health

Arugula seed oil contains beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins A and K, and omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain eye health and protect against age-related conditions such as macular degeneration, dark vision and cataracts, and prevent eye strain eye or vision disturbances caused by high-intensity blue light and ultraviolet rays.

Arugula seed oil protects against cancer

Several studies have shown that powerful compounds found in arugula seed oil have anti-tumor properties and are able to prevent cell mutations and kill tumor cells by inducing apoptosis (cell death). Further studies confirmed the ability of arugula seed oil to suppress the growth of melanoma.

One specific compound found in the oil has been shown to slow the progression of cancer, in addition to inhibiting the production of the enzyme histone deacetylase, which stimulates the proliferation of cancer cells. There's a good reason why National Cancer Research recommends cruciferous/kale vegetables like arugula for daily consumption, and why such vegetables are sometimes called "carcinogen killers."

Arugula seed oil for expectant mothers

Arugula seed oil contains folic acid, iron and calcium, which are so important for the health of the mother and unborn child. Folic acid, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, is vital for healthy growth and development of the fetus and helps form a healthy neural tube, which protects against spinal and brain deformities. Folic acid and iron also help control the red blood cells of expectant mothers, and the presence of calcium ensures that the mother is not at risk of weak bones and osteoporosis, providing calcium to the baby from her own body.

So now you know the important benefits of this incredible oil, but how to use it? Take one teaspoon each morning and add a little to a salad or pasta for lunch or dinner. Apply additionally to skin where needed, use on hair and scalp for 30 minutes before shampooing, and use as a massage oil for joint pain and to reduce inflammation.

Add it to your diet today to ensure good health in the future.

Benefits of arugula oil

In the previous sections, we understood the constituent elements and their effects, looked at the properties, but did not talk about the positive effects for various categories of people. So women can test most of the properties for themselves, since the product is suitable for external use and is so rich in vitamins that it is extremely useful even in its pure form.

Due to its accelerating effect on metabolic processes, arugula oil is often recommended for weight loss. The fact is that the exclusion of any familiar foods from the diet leads to a lack of certain vitamin substances, and this extract serves as a source of monounsaturated fatty acids that are valuable for the nervous system. Regular consumption separately from meals can compensate for the deficiency of many substances, but only if the norm is observed - an excess can cause impaired functioning of the digestive organs.

IMPORTANT. Pregnant women should avoid excessive consumption as excess may lead to miscarriage.

There are properties that can be useful for both men and women - the prevention of baldness. The product can quickly solve problems with excessive hair loss. The product is often recommended for beard care.

Since ancient times, in some countries of the world, the extract was considered an aphrodisiac, but there is no scientific data confirming such information. Now we only know about a pronounced immunostimulating effect, which will reduce the body’s vulnerability during colds.

Harm of arugula

Before using arugula in cooking, it is important to make sure there are no allergic reactions. To do this, you can try a small amount of spice and evaluate how you feel.

The following symptoms indicate hypersensitivity to the active substances of the plant:

  • Sore throat, sore throat.
  • The appearance of edema.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Digestion disorder.

Arugula can be dangerous for people taking blood thinners. Medicines in this group, for example, Warfarin, are incompatible with vitamin K, which is found in high concentrations in the plant and affects the composition of the blood. The spice is not recommended in large quantities for people with gout or people with kidney problems.

Arugula oil: application

If we talk about methods of use, the first thing you should pay attention to is the main disadvantage of the product - the high content of erucic acid. The fact is that the concentration of substances is determined by the region of growth and the variety, so you should buy a product that contains a toxic substance in a safe amount.

It is worth considering that, like the plant itself, arugula oil, extracted from the seeds, is most often used in cooking due to its wide range of positive effects. Here it is worth considering the minimum degree of processing - as a salad dressing, in the preparation of mayonnaise.

Thanks to its antimicrobial effect, the product can be used in preparing preparations for the winter (marinades, pickles).

How to drink:

  • weight loss, treatment of anemia - one table spoon. before breakfast;
  • increasing immunity - up to three teaspoons during the day.

IMPORTANT. Within 30 min. You should limit your consumption of food and drink.

Arugula oil: application in cosmetology

The extract is not very popular in this industry, but in some cases it can be an emergency solution for hair loss. In such cases, the product is used in its pure form. There are other uses for:

  • hair – masks of various effects, inclusion in shampoos, balms, conditioners;
  • face and skin around the eyes - only as part of the products;
  • body – soothing and warming massage;
  • beard care;
  • as a makeup remover, base for scrubs.

The following should be considered:

  • apply only to moistened epidermis or to clean, dried strands;
  • no more than once a week;
  • course duration – up to 8 weeks;
  • concentration – up to 10%.

Like all natural products, the product has a cumulative effect, so the first results should be assessed after a month of regular procedures.

Application options on the face:

  • elimination of age spots, freckles, pimples, inflammation - targeted application to problem areas;
  • removing traces of waterproof makeup - on moistened areas using cotton pads;
  • to rejuvenate the dermis (only at the first signs of withering - after 30 years) - mix in a blender in a 1:1 ratio with fresh olives, keep the mixture for up to 15 minutes.

The product has a unique composition and high biological activity, so in its pure form it is suitable only for small areas.

Arugula oil is great for hair care

Arugula oil for hair

Since the extract contains linoleic and linolenic acids, it is possible to treat diseases of the dermis of the scalp, dandruff, and can also be used even on oily hair types. The product regulates the level of sebum produced by the glands, so regular use helps reduce fat content. Here it is also worth observing the measure - once a week is enough.

Problems that can be solved:

  • excessive hair loss;
  • low regrowth rate;
  • dandruff;
  • irritation, itching of the scalp;
  • dullness;
  • section;
  • fragility.

Due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the product is suitable for severely damaged strands, and use on healthy hair serves as a way to prevent split ends, fragility and other problems due to its pronounced protective effect.

Mask options:

  • for hair growth, increasing thickness - in its pure form, keep for at least 20 and no more than 30 minutes;
  • against hair loss, dullness, fragility - in combination with almond oil (ratio 1:1);
  • dandruff treatment – ​​mix with broccoli seed extract in a 1:1 ratio.

Mixing with other bases is also possible; before application, the mixture should be heated to 40 degrees/C. It is recommended to rub the product into the root zone for at least 1 minute.

Arugula oil for eyebrows and eyelashes

This product allows you to increase the thickness of the eyebrows, make eyelashes obedient, and influence growth. Due to the irritating effect, follicles that are in a dormant state are awakened. This process takes at least 4 weeks, while the maximum course duration is three weeks.

How to apply:

  • distribute with a brush 2 hours before bedtime;
  • In the morning, wash off with cleanser.

By following simple rules, you can quickly restore eyelashes damaged by eyelash extensions.

Arugula oil for beard

Using natural oils you can improve the appearance and influence the thickness of hair. To do this, just rub a small amount into the root part once a week before going to bed, massage, comb your beard, and rinse thoroughly in the morning. This procedure will make the hair shafts obedient and give them the desired shape.

Hair Recipes

1. Standard

We washed our hair, then applied the oil for at least an hour (or for the whole night). Put a hat on your head. Then wash off with shampoo or soap. Apply this way 1-2 times a week.

2. Recipe from our customer

“When I wash my hair, I add one or two drops of oil to the shampoo, mix it in my hand and apply. Hair has stopped falling out as actively as it used to.”

3. Mask with arugula oil to strengthen hair

This method strengthens hair follicles, eliminates dandruff and prevents damage to any type of strands.

Heat 2 large spoons of arugula extract and lubricate all your hair with it. Massage the heads for 15 minutes, leave for another quarter of an hour. We wash off as usual.

4. Anti-hair loss mask with arugula oil

Weakened follicles are well strengthened by the following composition:

Stir almond and arugula oils (2 tbsp each);

Apply the finished mixture to the scalp and massage it for 5 minutes;

Let it sit for a total of 1 hour, after which I wash my hair.

5. Mask with arugula oil for hair growth

This stimulator is used to treat growth retardation, damage to hair fibers and split ends:

Add to 3 tbsp. l. arugula extract 1 tbsp. l. amla oils;

Carefully treat the roots with the warm mixture and distribute the rest to the ends;

Leave for 2 hours, then remove.

6. Hair mask with arugula oil for dandruff

To eliminate oily deposits and prevent loss of oily hairs, prepare the following mixture:

Combine broccoli and arugula extracts in equal parts (2 tbsp each);

Apply the mixture to the hair and hold for 60 minutes;

We wash it off thoroughly.

7. Hair mask with arugula oil and honey

With intense hair loss, accompanied by dandruff and itching, this remedy helps:

Heat a large spoon of honey, beat it with 3 tbsp. l. arugula extract and 1 tsp. crushed red pepper;

Lubricate only the roots with the composition, without touching the curls;

After holding it for no more than half an hour, we go to the bathroom to remove everything.

8. Hair mask with arugula and burdock oil

To smooth out unruly strands and give them a healthy shine, it is recommended to use the following composition:

Dissolve 2 tbsp in a bowl. l. arugula and burdock oils;

Apply to the entire hair;

Wait for 1 hour to pass, then wash off as recommended.

9. Hair mask with arugula oil and castor oil

To restore split ends and moisturize dry and dull curls, you should try this recipe:

Mix 1 tbsp into the raw yolk. l. castor oil and arugula oils;

Apply a thick layer to the ends, not forgetting to treat the roots;

Leave it on for 1 to 2 hours, then wash it off.

10. Hair mask with arugula and sesame oil

This composition has a positive effect on thin, weakened and dry strands, eliminating all of the above problems:

We connect 2 tbsp. l. main ingredient with 1 tbsp. l. sesame extract, 1 tsp. honey and yolk;

Distribute the pre-whipped mass over the entire hair;

Leave for 1 hour before washing off.

In general, you can experiment on your own by mixing arugula oil with other oils. Some clients generally constantly make different mixtures so that their hair does not get used to the same thing.

Buy arugula, taramira, ghar-gir and usma oils

Arugula oil: rules for selection and storage

Considering the high cost and low popularity of the product, the frequent identification with usma seed oil, in order to choose a quality product, those wishing to do so will need to spend time studying the information presented on the product.


  • data on the country of origin, importer, compliance with GOST requirements;
  • adequate shelf life - no more than 24 months;
  • not too low price;
  • intact, undamaged packaging with clear, readable labels;
  • darkened glass containers;
  • transparent;
  • consistency is thick;
  • tint – yellowish or greenish;
  • Not a pronounced aroma, reminiscent of ginseng.

If the contents inside are dark or too rich in color, have too viscous consistency and an unpleasant aroma, the recommended conditions were violated during storage. This product should not be used as severe allergic reactions or food poisoning may occur.

After opening, the bottle should be hermetically sealed and stored in a cool place, protected from direct rays of light (preferably in the refrigerator). After the expiration date indicated on the container or violation of the recommended conditions, do not use - allergies may occur.

Arugula oil has restrictions on its use

How to use arugula oil for hair - mask recipes

The modern rhythm of life does not spare healthy curls. Using arugula oil on hair is useful for restoring and protecting against mechanical and thermal stress to which strands are regularly exposed. Thanks to its vitamin composition, the natural product solders and thickens damaged trunks. Achieving the luxury of thick, long locks is easy with affordable recipes made with vegetable oil. The name uses one or two letters “k”, both options are correct.

Benefits of arugula oil for hair Arugula seed oil (gargiry) contains: Medicinal properties:

  • Strengthens roots;
  • Treats dandruff;
  • Provides nutrition and hydration.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications – individual intolerance. Harm in the form of rapid hair contamination is possible if the composition is not removed thoroughly. Methods of using arugula oil In cosmetology, it is widely used for the treatment and restoration of curls in various procedures. You can enrich ready-made products, or create new ones based on it. Works great in masks, balms, sprays, massage mixtures and rinsing decoctions. It is also a relative of broccoli oil.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Head massage Adding to shampoo To prevent hair loss, accelerate growth and thick hair, it is useful to carry out cosmetic procedures. For preparation, arugula oil is mixed in equal proportions with any base oil - olive, wheat, almond. After heating the mixture, distribute it on the roots, rubbing vigorously, warm it, and leave it to act for an hour. Afterwards rinse with shampoo. It is effective to enrich shampoo or conditioner with oil to solve the problem of dryness and magnetization of strands. It is enough to add just five/seven drops per ten ml of cleansing or nourishing product to forget about the cross-section and fragility of the trunks.

Homemade recipes for hair masks with arugula oil

It’s very easy to create natural cosmetics with your own hands, allowing you to strengthen and restore your curls along the entire length. Recipes with moisturizing oil are suitable for all types and help protect the structure of curls. Regular use of arugula can help you grow thick, silky hair.

Growth mask An effective product that stimulates growth and has a beneficial effect on nutrition and strengthening of the root system. Natural components help provide the follicles with acids and vitamins, which are important for the strength and thickness of the hair. With regular use, you can avoid dandruff and irritation and normalize internal processes. Ingredients: Whisk the butter and cream, dilute the powder separately with water. After mixing the components, distribute evenly in the root area of ​​dry strands. Leave for literally five/six minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Can accelerate growth when used once/twice a week. Anti-loss and strengthening mask To strengthen hair follicles, proven products should be used as part of the treatment for hair loss. Beauty recipes of Arab beauties allow you to get long, strong curls with the help of a magic liquid. Stunning shine and elasticity are observed after the first use. Components:

  • 15 ml gargira oil;
  • 10 gr. henna;
  • 10 gr. red clay.

Combine henna powder with Moroccan clay and steam with herbal decoction, stir after seven/ten minutes, add seed oil into a homogeneous mixture. Distribute the finished product evenly on the dry root area, wear a cap, and insulate with a towel. You can leave it on for two/three hours overnight, then rinse as usual.

Arugula oil: harm and contraindications

Too frequent use of any, even the most effective, product can cause loss of results, increased oiliness of strands, impaired functioning of the lipid layer of the dermis, thinning, and early wrinkles. For this reason, the product should not be used more than once a week, unless there are medical procedures that can only be prescribed by a doctor.

External use is prohibited in the presence of individual intolerance, severe burns, deep wounds, diseases of the epidermis and eye organs (eyelash care).

Contraindicated for use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • increased blood clotting (thrombophlebitis);
  • impaired functioning of internal organs (kidneys, liver, gall bladder);
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • in childhood.

Despite the wide range of beneficial properties, the product should not be used during pregnancy, as this may affect the condition of the fetus.

If we consider this vegetable fat as a natural way to increase the amount of transport protein in the circulatory system, this is only possible after consulting a doctor.

IMPORTANT. Abuse during pregnancy can lead to individual intolerance to the product. Breastfeeding mothers should be careful when introducing new foods into their diet, as serious complications may occur for the baby.

Some sources still contain information about the possible increase in lactation with this drug. Here it is worth considering the need to consult with a pediatrician and carefully monitor the baby’s body - any disturbances (stool, colic), rashes indicate that the product should be excluded from the menu.

You should not drink more than three teaspoons per day.

Harmful effects of arugula oil

It is necessary to take into account that the product contains a sufficient amount of phytoncides, so the product can cause a severe allergic reaction. If you decide to use arugula remedy, be sure to check how you tolerate it. Quite often, intolerance is observed in those who are allergic to turnips and radishes.

It is not recommended to use oil during pregnancy and lactation. The drug can be very harmful for various autoimmune disorders, gout. It is very important to buy only high-quality arugula oil so as not to be poisoned by it.

Arugula oil: reviews

You can’t find many reviews about this product online, but if you analyze the opinions of customers from various services, it’s hard not to notice that girls note the regenerative effect on their strands and the benefits of internal use.

IMPORTANT. In search of the best remedy, you should not rely entirely on other people’s impressions - the result depends on the individual characteristics of the body. If external use in its pure form is allowed, it is better to spend half an hour and check for an allergic reaction.

Ksenia, 31 years old, Samara

A year ago, a friend brought arugula oil from Egypt, reviews of which were mostly positive. It lay idle for more than three months until severe hair loss began to bother me. Having read on the Internet about the possible prevention of baldness using this product, I began making masks, and after a month I had already forgotten about the problem. I recommend.

Kristina, 25 years old, Togliatti

Six months ago I noticed severe hair loss and was forced to consult a trichologist. The doctor found out the cause and recommended medications to increase the level of hemoglobin in the circulatory system. Knowing the results from special products, I decided to trust the opinion of a friend and bought Shams Natural Oil’s arugula oil, the reviews of which were mostly laudatory. After a month of regular use, I noticed an improvement, and a blood test showed a normal value for hemoglobin. I recommend.

Olga, 45 years old, Irkutsk

I bought Shams Natural Oils arugula cosmetic oil, reviews of which vary, for the care of eyebrows and eyelashes. Within a week I noticed that the mascara began to go on very smoothly, and my eyebrows became thicker. I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect such a result, I definitely recommend it.

Using arugula in hair care. Arugula oil for hair.

The main effect of arugula oil is to strengthen hair follicles.
With its help, you can not only achieve rapid hair growth, but also stop severe hair loss. This plant has antibacterial properties, which helps fight dandruff and irritation on the scalp. The complex of microelements contained in arugula is clearly balanced, so the oil will help provide complete nutrition to the hair and roots, as well as cope with dryness. Using arugula oil to improve the overall condition of hair, you should also take 10 ml of the elixir orally before meals to ensure comprehensive nutrition of the follicles. If you are struggling with hair loss using this product, you need to rub the heated oil into the roots twice a week in parallel with ingestion. In cases where the hair loss is very severe, and the hair itself is prone to dryness, the number of rubs should be increased up to daily procedures. It's not just damaged hair that needs care. Arugula oil can also be used for preventive purposes. To strengthen hair and stimulate its growth, add the extract to shampoo or conditioner in a ratio of 1 to 10. Quite quickly you will notice the difference: both to the touch and in reflection. To moisturize, you can use a mixture of broccoli and arugula oils; you should take 40 ml of each extract. Like any oil mask, this option is heated in a water bath and applied to the hair. To avoid overheating the product, use water at a temperature of no higher than 40 degrees for the bath. The only peculiarity of application is that the composition should be distributed from tips to roots. Then wrap your head in a towel for an hour, and after completing the procedure, rinse off the healing composition with your favorite shampoo. Arugula will also help strengthen your eyelashes. If you use the oil regularly, very soon they will become noticeably thicker and longer. To achieve this result, apply the product to your eyebrows and eyelashes in the evening and wash off with soap in the morning. Don't forget that the oil can cause slight swelling of the eyes, so try this method for the first time before the weekend to see how your body reacts. If you are not prone to swelling, you can use the oil every day. If you are not satisfied with the appearance after use, there are two ways: apply the product on weekends or apply it in the morning. But remember that dust sticks strongly to the oil - you can get eye inflammation. It is also difficult to apply makeup over the extract. To be beautiful in every way, add arugula seed oil to your arsenal of beauty products. It will help you always be in good shape, look great and improve the condition of your curls. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video, the author of which will talk about his experience of using this product for hair restoration.


Is arugula oil a carrier oil?

This vegetable fat is classified as an auxiliary fat, so it cannot be used as a solvent for esters, but is suitable for use in its pure form.

How to use arugula oil?

The product is suitable for external use for preventive and therapeutic purposes:

  • fight against baldness;
  • eliminating dandruff;
  • regeneration of the structure of damaged curls;
  • relieving inflammation, preserving the youth of the facial epidermis;
  • increasing the thickness and growth rate of strands, eyelashes, eyebrows.

The product is used internally for:

  • supporting the functioning of the visual organs;
  • reducing the concentration of harmful cholesterol molecules and increasing hemoglobin.

The goals determine the method of application:

  • cosmetic - in pure form or as part of products, oil mixtures for hair and face;
  • orally – three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals or a tablespoon on an empty stomach.

Before use, it is worth studying the contraindications - a high concentration of phylloquinone, vitamin K, in some cases is useful - accelerating wound healing - in others it can cause serious harm to health.

Can you make your own arugula oil?

Since it is possible to grow a herbaceous plant even in a garden plot, living in central Russia, many are probably wondering whether it is possible to prepare the extract at home. The fact is that the product on the market is imported from countries with a tropical climate, and the fat is extracted from the seeds by cold pressing. At the exit, all products are subject to quality control. It is unlikely that it will be possible to implement such a scheme at home without special equipment.

Possible options:

  • adding finely chopped leaves to butter;
  • grinding the seed part of the plant into a mushy mass and infusing it for two weeks in basic vegetable fat, followed by filtering through a piece of gauze.

The resulting products will differ significantly from the product available on the market.

How to identify real arugula oil?

The high cost of goods forces buyers to think about the authenticity of the products presented on the market. Since the main method of purchasing is online resources, because the product is quite rare, special care should be taken - the service must be verified, contain information about the method of obtaining, compliance with quality, and reviews. The resulting product should have a thick consistency, a yellowish or greenish tint, and a faint ginseng aroma. The presence of turbidity and sediment is not allowed.

The product is not absorbed into the epidermis, and when applied to glassware it should be washed off well without the use of surfactants.

The presence of an unpleasant odor, too viscous texture, a dark shade may indicate a violation of storage conditions, and too weak a color and a liquid consistency may indicate dilution with other bases.

Is usma oil arugula oil?

Both species are representatives of the same family - Cruciferous, but this is where all the similarities end. You can often find information online that arugula is also called Egyptian usma, but this is just one of the names; in fact, the product obtained from the seeds has fundamental differences due to the difference in chemical composition.

The main difference is the areas of application. The fact is that usma extract is not used to care for the epidermis due to its high biological activity, and for the care of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes - only in a diluted form. The extract obtained from arugula seeds is used in a mono version and is also consumed orally.

IMPORTANT. Usma juice has a coloring effect, but arugula does not.

Thus, the clear answer to the question posed is no, these are different means.

Which is the correct spelling: “arugula” or “arugula”?

In the sources you can find both spellings, the most common being with two letters “k”. Both names are correct.

How to choose and store herbs correctly

In order for greens to be beneficial and not harmful, you need to purchase a quality product or grow it yourself. How to choose arugula when buying:

  • leaves should be green, but withered and faded leaves indicate that the plant was picked a long time ago;
  • the presence of an arrow indicates hard, bitter greens;
  • if you rub a piece of leaf between your fingers, a characteristic mustard aroma will immediately appear;
  • If the product is in a package, then the inside must be dry, without condensation - plants quickly become moldy.

Wherever the spice was purchased, it must be washed with warm water before use, this also applies to store-bought packaging. It is enough to rinse the bunch in a deep bowl or hold it under running water for a while. Washed greens should be dried with a towel and immediately used for food.

The spice is stored in the refrigerator in the freshness zone in a plastic bag or in store packaging. There it can lie for 2–4 days; if this period is exceeded, there will be no taste or benefit. If the greens are vacuum packed, the storage time will increase to a week.

To preserve arugula for the winter with maximum benefit, you need to dry it at a temperature of no more than 42 ° C, otherwise the nutrients will begin to evaporate.

When dried, the plant can be stored for up to six months. You should not freeze the spice - due to the high water content, the leaves will rupture, forming a shapeless, unattractive pile when defrosted.

Brief summary

  1. Arugula oil, the properties and uses of which are often identified with the extract extracted from usma seeds, is most often used in cooking. The product is not very popular in cosmetology, but in some cases it can work wonders.
  2. The chemical composition of the unsaponifiable fraction is characterized by high concentrations of vitamin K, which allows it to accelerate the healing process of wounds and cracks. This property is useful only when blood clotting is reduced, otherwise ingestion can cause harm to the body.
  3. The product contains erucic acid, which is prohibited in European countries due to its toxic effect on the human body, therefore, a product intended for food use must have an appropriate inscription about the safety of the composition.
  4. The product can be applied to the epidermis, but not in pure form, but diluted with other bases. In the mono version, it is better to apply it pointwise to eliminate age spots, freckles, pimples, and inflammation.
  5. The extract is suitable for the treatment of dandruff and hair loss.
  6. Before use, you should carefully study the instructions for use - only if all recommendations are followed, a positive effect is possible.

General description of the oil and composition

Arugula oil is obtained from the seeds by cold pressing. Then they can be subjected to a purification process - the refined version contains much less useful substances. Includes:

  • vitamins B, C, A, E;
  • iodine;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • fatty acid.

The product has a tart, bitter and pungent taste; it is light yellow, thick, and liquefies when heated. In cooking or simply when consumed internally for medicinal purposes, arugula oil can be combined with others:

  • olive;
  • sunflower;
  • nutty;
  • corn.

For external use, it can be mixed with castor, burdock, chamomile, lemon extracts, ylang-ylang esters, and neroli.

Additionally, watch the program about the plant and its benefits:

Arugula for weight loss

The calorie content of arugula is 25 kcal per 100 g of product. Due to its low calorie content, it is recommended for obesity. It can be used on fasting days. Due to the fiber contained in it, a quick feeling of fullness appears, and a person eats less.

Let's prepare a salad for weight loss: to prepare it you need to boil the beets and grate them. Add chopped arugula leaves and sesame seeds. Season with lime juice.

Oils for weight loss internally. Flaxseed oil for weight loss

The popularity of oil made from flax seeds came relatively recently. Reviews began to appear in which they stated losses of 4-5 kg ​​per month by adding this composition to the diet. Why does flaxseed oil attract those who want to lose weight?

  1. Essential fatty acids are contained in huge quantities in oil. For the same unit volume, there are significantly more fatty acids in flaxseed oil than in fish oil. The components are useful in their ability to regulate metabolism. When entering the body in sufficient quantities, fatty acids support the normal rate of metabolism, the absorption of nutrients, and the breakdown of excess fat.
  2. Flaxseed oil literally breaks down fats. True, this applies to fats that come with food: they literally break down into glycerin and water. The components are not absorbed by the body, but are excreted in an unprocessed form. By reducing the intake of fats and slowing down their absorption, you can lose weight well.
  3. The ability of flaxseed oil to suppress the feeling of hunger is also useful. Oil fractions, getting on the walls of the stomach and intestines, significantly reduce appetite.

Flaxseed oil is unusual for the body of compatriots, its use should be careful. And you need to start taking it with minimal test doses. In the first days, you should not take more than a teaspoon at a time. If you feel fine, add a second spoon at a different time of the day on about the third day. And finally, after a week, take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily.

The peculiarity of the product is that it cannot be heated at all. If olive oil still contains beneficial substances after heating, flaxseed oil does not contain them at all.

Customer Reviews

What do real people think about arugula?

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Feedback on the forum

Feedback on the forum

Feedback on the forum

Feedback on the forum

Feedback on the forum

There are a lot of reviews and mostly they are all positive.

Sunflower oil on an empty stomach for weight loss. The benefits of oils for weight loss

The value of natural oils is determined by their complex and varied composition, due to which each of them has its own unique properties. To combat excess body weight, the best ones are those that will help cope with discomfort during weight loss - calm down, relax, get rid of the feeling of hunger and at the same time establish all the processes occurring in the body that are responsible for normalizing weight.

In a state of psycho-emotional stress, many people tend to “eat” stress, indiscriminately absorbing everything that is at hand. Most often, these are high-calorie foods that are harmful to the body, which lead to extra pounds. Essential oils, which have a quick calming and relaxing effect, can help prevent such a situation or get out of a state of stress.

In addition, many overweight people cannot, and some simply do not want, to adhere to a strict diet. Throughout the day, they constantly eat and snack, continuing this even in the late evening and at night. Properly selected esters, which quickly penetrate the blood and activate metabolic processes, can promptly eliminate such an uncontrollable desire to “chew something.” To do this, it is enough to always have an aroma pendant with this oil with you and inhale its aroma whenever you feel the urge to have a snack.

Another common cause of excess body weight is excess fluid that has accumulated in the body and disrupts metabolic processes. In this case, vegetable oils with a diuretic effect will be useful, which will provide a number of positive effects:

  • will prevent the development of edema;
  • restore water-salt balance;
  • remove toxins;
  • normalize metabolism.

Moreover, if you use skin oil at the same time as weight loss, it will help not only remove excess, but also at the same time tighten, rejuvenate the skin, eliminate the appearance of cellulite, and prevent the appearance of stretch marks and other problems.

It is important to understand that vegetable oils can be beneficial for weight loss only if a high-quality cold-pressed product is used in combination with proper nutrition, moderate but fairly intense physical activity and a well-structured rest regime.

In general, there are a lot of options for using natural oils to combat excess weight. You just need to know their capabilities and always follow the rules of use.

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