A simple diet for the lazy – minus 5 kilograms per month

Armed with a one and a half liter bottle of mineral water, you can not get up from the couch and watch how the extra pounds leave your body. This is of course exaggerated, but a diet for the lazy really allows you to achieve a result of minus 5 kg. You should not drink tea and coffee, but clean water at room temperature.

Extra pounds, folds on the stomach and sides are not valued in the modern world. People around them discuss fat women and sincerely do not understand how you can be so careless about your body and health. There is still some truth in their thoughts. But that's not the main thing. The most dangerous thing about being overweight, besides the threat to health, is psychological problems and the development of complexes.

In rare cases, plump girls behave relaxed and do not feel embarrassed when in the same company with slender ladies. This behavior is most likely the exception. As a rule, those who are overweight cannot achieve success at work or in their personal lives. The excuses that “a lot of worries, children and no time at all” are no longer accepted.


The basis of the diet for the lazy is the principle of drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day. In winter, this figure is one and a half liters per day, in summer – twice as much. The water must be clean and without gas. Tea, coffee and other drinks do not count. Water should be consumed 20 minutes before each meal.

The last meal is 4 hours before bedtime.

A whole list of products is allowed to be consumed:

  • porridge;
  • legumes;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables.


  • carbonated drinks;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • pickles;
  • flour (except for homemade baked goods).


The standard duration of such a diet is only one week. During this time, you can get rid of 5 extra pounds, but for such a result you will need to try. Some continue the diet for two weeks or even a month. At the same time, there may be several options for a lazy diet.

Important! Experts recommend resorting to a diet for the lazy only once every few months. So the desire to achieve an effect of minus 5 kg or more should not prevail over common sense.

An abundance of water, which at first glance only brings positive results, can work in the opposite direction and lead to leaching from the body of microelements necessary for normal functioning. The standard break is 2-3 months.

Basic rules for losing weight quickly

The 2-week diet is effective and safe; it can bring good results even in the absence of physical activity. A specially selected nutritional plan not only helps you lose extra pounds, but also comprehensively cleanse your body of toxins and toxic substances.

Losing weight within 14 days is easier than in a shorter period, since the body gradually gets used to the new diet and does not find itself in a stressful situation due to a sudden change in diet. If desired, during this period you can lose 10-15 kg, without gaining them back when leaving the diet. An important feature of this technique is its safety.

Menu options

Depending on the duration of the diet, you need to decide on the nutritional principles that must be followed to achieve a positive result.

During the weekly menu, you need to pay special attention to fruits and vegetables.

An approximate diet menu for the lazy for a week to achieve a result of minus 5 kg:

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Day 1 serving of oatmeal (150 g)

green tea

steamed fish (300 g) vegetable salad5% cottage cheese (200 g)
apple or pear
Day 2 omelette

a glass of milk

oven-baked chicken breast (250 g)
freshly squeezed juice
steamed vegetables (300 g)
Day 3 a cup of coffee

two sandwiches with cheese

vegetable soup
tomato and cucumber salad (150 g)
cottage cheese casserole (200 g)
Day 4oatmeal with pieces of fruit (200-250 g)buckwheat porridge (150 g)
fresh vegetables (100 g)
oven-baked fish (300 g)
Day 5 2 egg scrambled eggs

green tea

boiled chicken breast (200 g)

fresh vegetables (150 g)

steamed vegetables (250-300g)
Day 6pancakes with sour cream (150 g)chicken broth soup (250 g)steamed fish (250-300 g)
Day 7kefir or yogurt
cup of coffee
rice porridge and chicken drumstick baked in the oven (300 g)steamed vegetables (250 g)

Snacks are provided between meals. These are apples, nuts, dried fruits.

For those who decide to choose a diet for the lazy, you can try the modernized version:

  • first week – emphasis on dairy products;
  • second week – fruits and vegetables;
  • third week – cereals and vegetables;
  • fourth week – seafood (various types of fish, seaweed).

Low calorie diets

We lose weight by reducing calories in food. The body takes energy from internal “reserves”, so the excess begins to burn. Such diets are called starvation diets. Basic principles of low-calorie diets:

  • food norm is 200 g (woman) and 300 g (man), six meals a day;
  • total calorie content of foods taken per day: for a woman – 1,300 kcal, for a man – 1,700 kcal;
  • Be sure to take one and a half to two liters of water every day.

Useful tips

In order for the weight loss process to take active steps, you need to follow some rules:

  1. High-calorie foods should be consumed in the first half of the day.
  2. If you really want to eat flour, it’s better to cook it yourself at home. Charlotte with green apples for breakfast will give you a good mood for the whole day and will not harm your figure in any way.
  3. The snack can be replaced with a glass of clean water.
  4. Sugar and its substitutes are prohibited during weight loss. Those who cannot refuse this clause are allowed to drink a cup of sweet tea or coffee, but only in the morning.
  5. During the day you need to eat plenty of fruits that contain water (apples, oranges, pineapples). You need to be careful with citrus fruits - no more than two oranges a day.
  6. To prevent your face from swelling in the morning, you should drink water for the last time no later than two hours before bedtime.
  7. Alcohol is prohibited.
  8. An active lifestyle, morning and evening walks in the park, running around the stadium, will have a positive effect on your health and help you lose those hated pounds.

Diet requirements for losing belly fat

Almost every representative of the fair sex dreams of a flat tummy. In order to have a thin waist and flat stomach, you should choose the right diet, preferably with a specialist. And the second point is to load yourself with physical exercise.

The diet combined with the plank will give excellent results on problem areas of the abdomen.

To lose weight in the abdominal area, first of all it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strictly adhere to the following requirements:

  • Completely establish your drinking regime: drink at least two liters. liquids. You can drink green tea without sugar, dried fruit compotes, non-carbonated water and decoctions of healthy herbs.
  • Eat strictly according to the regime, several times a day in small portions.
  • Avoid spicy, salty, sweet, fatty, fried foods. Replace with lightly salted, low-fat, steamed and boiled.
  • Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet (with the exception of melon, banana, grapes).
  • Try to completely give up alcoholic drinks and tobacco.
  • Normalize sleep patterns. Sleep at least 8 hours. Go to bed no later than 22.00-23.00 hours.


Having studied the reviews of those who have already tried the diet for the lazy for 5 days, we can come to the conclusion that women lose an average of 3 to 5 kilograms per week. Different results are due to individual characteristics of the body, menu and metabolic characteristics.

Interesting! Green tea helps improve digestion and improves metabolism. A cup of green tea with lemon and grated ginger root will extinguish hunger and promote weight loss.

In addition, dieters can expect the following results:

  • improvement of digestion processes;
  • reduction of skin rashes and acne;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • weight loss;
  • easy rises in the morning.

The negative aspects include:

  • difficulty getting used to drinking a lot of water a day;
  • frequent trips to the toilet.

How to lose 5 kg without dieting. Choosing the right weight loss method

Among all the proposed recommendations for losing excess weight, whatever one may say, diet occupies a leading position. But how not to get confused in the huge number of diets and choose the one that will help you? When choosing a diet, pay attention to the following details:

  • Decide in advance on the list of foods that you can give up while losing weight.
  • Set a time frame for “dieting.” If you want to lose 5 kg in 4 or 5 days, a 3 week weight loss program will not work for you.
  • Consider your health status. If there are foods that you should not eat, choose a diet without them.

How not to lose your temper

In order not to break down and start eating everything that catches your eye and your hand, during the diet you need to correctly set goals for yourself and follow the recommendations:

  1. A great motivator is a picture with a slender woman. It could even be your own photograph, but one where the person is thin and slender. Under the photo you need to attach a piece of paper with the desired weight and the number of days in which you need to achieve your goal.
  2. Invite a friend to support the diet and arrange a competition. It has been noticed that losing weight together is not only more fun, but also more effective. Having organized a competition, the spirit of excitement will not give the woman any slack. The result is excellent results for both and a fun time spent. In addition, you can exchange menus and share your daily weight changes.
  3. Buy clothes one size smaller. When you see a luxurious dress in a store, you urgently need to buy it, but with a slight adjustment - one size smaller. The desire to show off at an event in a chic outfit will only instill in a woman the desire to lose weight and will not allow her to give up.

Dietary Disadvantages

Pros of express diets: quick results, good mood, beautiful body.

There are also disadvantages of dietary nutrition:

  1. Dietary restrictions. During the diet period, only low-calorie foods are consumed and in limited quantities. Result: a deficiency of nutrients and vitamins occurs in the body.
  2. On a psychological background, stress and nervous disorders may appear.
  3. Mono-diets cannot be balanced, as they are based on the consumption of one or two foods. This can lead to exacerbations of chronic diseases or exhaustion of the body.
  4. When switching to a normal diet, there is a chance of gaining weight back.


Victoria, 29 years old: I learned about the diet for the lazy from a friend. “I was very surprised when I saw my friend lose weight. She’s one of those who wouldn’t lift a finger to create a proper menu for herself or sign up for a fitness class,” says the girl.

Victoria followed the example of a friend and drank about 2 liters of water every day for a week. She also had to adjust her diet. I gave up buns, pizzas and my favorite sausages. In a week she managed to lose about 3.5 kilograms.

“Who would have thought that my lazy friend would discover for me a way to effectively and quickly lose weight,” notes Victoria.

Larisa, 43 years old: “The children gave me plane tickets to a hot country. Accommodation and meals at the hotel were paid for. When I return, I have 5 kilograms on the scale,” the woman complains.

Larisa needed to solve the problem urgently, because she had to go to work in a week. I was about to go to the pharmacy for pills, but I came across a description of the diet on the Internet and decided to take a risk.

“I carried a bottle of water with me everywhere and drank.” It was unusual for Larisa to drink about 1.5 liters of clean water a day. But the effect exceeded all expectations. After just 5 days, the scales showed minus 4 kilograms. The joy simply knew no bounds. As a result, I managed to lose about 5 kilograms. “Colleagues admired my appearance and tanned skin. There is no hint that just a week ago I was 5 kilograms heavier,” notes Larisa.

Alexandra, 35 years old: I was on a diet for a month. The hardest thing for the woman was to give up sugar. Alexandra is used to drinking tea with three tablespoons of sweetener. “After a week, I noticed that my skin had cleared,” the woman notes.

She did not try the modernized diet, but repeated the basic menu for 4 weeks. In a month she lost a little more than 10 kilograms.

“I have never lost weight so quickly. This is all thanks to water and giving up sugar,” notes the now slender Alexandra.

Lose weight in a week following diets

How to lose 5 kg in a week, avoiding grueling fasting is a completely doable task. There is little time, sports activities, changes in daily routine and breathing exercises will not have time to show results. But strict adherence to a certain diet will help. Quite a lot of different schedules have been developed, so everyone can choose a diet that suits their preferences and capabilities.

Having decided on a weekly diet, choose:

  1. A diet that is comfortable specifically for you, including familiar foods. Avoid too meager, monotonous diets, they can harm your health.
  2. A nutrition schedule that does not require drastic changes in your usual lifestyle. It is very important not to overestimate the capabilities of your willpower.
  3. A realistically achievable goal (losing 20 kg is impossible in 7 days). Kilograms that are quickly lost often “gain” back just as quickly.
  4. An effective plan that allows you to lose five kilograms in a week and maintain the results achieved. In the future, take additional steps to lose weight.


The main rule of a diet for the lazy is that the result of losing weight is minus 5 kilograms - a lot of water and healthy food. By limiting yourself to eating sweet and unhealthy foods for just a week, you can significantly reduce your waist inches and weight. A diet consisting of fruits and vegetables gives the body a supply of useful components, improves digestive processes and creates a light blush on the cheeks.

Just seven days and you can give up the extra 5 kilograms. Now the most important thing is not to lose your temper and eat excess fat back. After finishing the diet, you need to gradually return to your usual diet and do not forget about the need to reduce your consumption of junk food. A couple of months after finishing the diet, you can repeat it.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

Review of diets, how to quickly lose 5 kg

In the process of losing weight, the most difficult rule to follow is not to give in to temptation. After all, it’s so easy to devour a pack of chips, a pie or a portion of cream cake in a rush. But are you ready to suffer from pangs of conscience later, having lost hope of losing weight? In order not to reproach yourself for being weak-willed and not to reach a state of stress, you need to choose a diet that is close to you in spirit.


The essence of this diet is very simple: 90% of the daily diet consists of one product, which will have to be consumed over several days. Obviously, eating dumplings, pies or sausage will not help you lose weight. Therefore, for such a diet, low-calorie and nutritious foods are provided: apples, buckwheat, oranges, cucumbers, rice, carrots, kefir. And in order to slightly diversify such a boring menu, the remaining 10% is allowed to consume “light” foods, for example, herbal tea, pomegranate, coffee without sugar.

The optimal duration of a mono-diet is 5 days. Such a time frame is justified by the fact that it is difficult to abruptly give up the usual food, and besides, the body is sharply limited in the supply of nutrients. This is where irritability and fatigue appear.

Drinking diet

This is the simplest diet for losing 5 kg. According to the rules of this diet, only liquid food is allowed for 5-14 days. What you can drink:

  • Water.
  • Broths based on fish, vegetables and meat. Adding salt and spices is not allowed.
  • Tea without sugar. You can brew black, white, herbal, green tea.
  • Any fermented milk products with fat content up to 2%. Homemade milkshakes without sweeteners are also suitable.
  • Fruit drinks, compotes, jelly.
  • Fruit and vegetable juices. Consume only homemade product, since store-bought juices contain salt, sugar and preservatives.

Kefir diet

If you are not a fan of preparing different dishes five times a day strictly according to the list, much less going to the gym, the kefir diet “5 kg per week for the lazy” is perfect for you.

This method of losing weight is in great demand, and according to online reviews, it is quite effective. Clear nutritional rules and lists of permitted foods do not apply here. You can eat various protein and vegetable foods in boiled form, for example, lean meats and fish, vegetables and fruits. But the main rule of the diet is to consume at least 1.5-2 liters of kefir per day.


Short-term refusal of food for the purpose of health improvement and weight loss has become very popular today. With the help of “fasting” days, many not only bring their figure into ideal condition, but also easily recover from many diseases.

The bottom line is to completely refuse food. You are allowed to drink water, and if you feel very weak, you can add a spoonful of honey to a glass of warm water.

The duration of fasting may vary, but if you expect to not eat for 5-7 days, you can easily get rid of 6-7 kg.

Before the start of the “hungry” days, you need to prepare: smoothly switch to light food, eliminate breakfast, and immediately before fasting, do an enema. After the diet, you should also start eating in small portions.

5 kg weight loss program in 7 days

Nutritionists advise resorting to more gentle methods of losing weight, because express diets often put the body into a state of shock. A sharp restriction in food and drink forces the body to double accumulate fat in reserve after the end of the diet. And as a result, in a couple of weeks your weight will not only return to its previous levels, but it can also become much more.

To lose excess weight, it is better to adhere to a special program, when weight loss occurs by activating metabolism and reducing the calorie content of dishes. Let's look at a sample menu for the day.

  • Breakfast. First, make lemonade. To do this, add the juice of half a lemon to 200 ml of water. Don't add sugar. After half an hour, you can have breakfast with fruit salad, seasoned with yogurt with a fat content of 2%.
  • Dinner. Prepare a vegetable mix without salt, seasoned with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. You can also treat yourself to a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Dinner. Any fruit is suitable for this meal. You can eat them whole or make a salad. Try to have dinner no later than 7 pm. You can drink green tea.

In between meals you can drink kefir. You are allowed to drink about 1 liter of this drink per day.

If you follow all the rules, you can lose up to 5 kg in 7 days. And to consolidate the result, exit the diet slowly. For example, for the next seven days, stick to the same menu, but gradually add boiled fish and meat. Then gradually return to your previous diet.

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