How can a 13, 14, 15 year old teenager get pumped up at home or in the gym?

Greetings, my young friend. Today we have an important and serious topic - how to pump up a teenager. I remember when I was 13 years old, watching films with Arnold Schwarzenegger, admiring his huge biceps, and then going up to the mirror and crying quietly. But I did not despair, I was sure that at the age of 14 I would have more muscles than him, and at 15 I would be called to play the role of the Terminator.
But the problem is that I didn’t know how to pump up such a mountain of muscles so that girls would run after me in droves. Well, or at least enough muscles so that my appearance doesn’t make them laugh.

Now the situation has changed radically. Therefore, right now I will tell you how to build muscles for a teenager.

Is it even possible for a 13, 14, 15 year old teenager to get pumped up?

In fact, it all depends on your genetics. It will be the hardest for guys who have arms like the legs of a sparrow , and whose ribs are more prominent than their abs. Gaining weight as a teenager is very difficult.

If you're a chubby lover of grandma's pies, then this will be a little easier for you.

The main difficulty will be nutrition. I remember my childhood and how we spent from morning to evening on the street and we clearly had no time for food. Everyone, with the exception of plump Seryozha, he always had a bun in his pocket.

Therefore, if you decide to become a pumped-up male, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to go home and eat on a schedule .

The next difficulty is that you won’t be able to push yourself too hard in the gym. The fact is that at this age the spine has not yet formed; if you give a large axial load, this can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, I would advise you to first use the services of a personal trainer.

But, despite all these difficulties, it is possible for a teenager to get pumped up. The main thing is that you have a desire and approach this matter responsibly.


There are no clear age restrictions for the procedure. It all depends on the individual facial structure, medical or aesthetic indications and your desires. People under the age of 30 come for the procedure to get rid of facial wrinkles that occur due to high facial activity. After 35 they come to deal with age-related changes.

And at any age - if you want to get rid of migraines or hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

As practice shows, men come to the clinic to inject Botox, Dysport or Xeomin to get rid of excessive sweating or migraines, and girls more often use Botox to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead and in the corners of the eyes.


Despite its effectiveness, botulinum therapy is not a panacea. In modern cosmetology, there are a huge variety of drugs, procedures and their combinations that will help you get excellent results.

Before each procedure, the doctors of our clinic conduct a consultation with a full collection of medical history and indications, after which they offer the most effective way to solve the aesthetic problem that the patient has addressed.

Pumping up muscles at home

We all understand that at the age of 14 you don’t have money for the gym, and saving on buns in the school canteen is also not an option, because without food you won’t gain weight.

If asking your parents is not an option, then you can start training at home . And then, when you reach the size of a closet, you can take money from high school students.

What can we pump up at home:

  • back;
  • legs;
  • breast;
  • shoulders;
  • hands;
  • press.

I’ll tell you right away that it will be more difficult for a teenager to build muscles than for an adult man, but you’re a serious guy and you’re not going to relax, so you’ll succeed.


As for me, the back is the most important thing; it needs to be trained first. If you have a powerful back, then at least you will have fewer problems with the spine, because the muscles will create a good corset that will take the main load and relieve the spine.

But not every adult, even an adult, understands this. But really, why build a powerful back if you can just spread your elbows wider, imagine that your back is as wide as the equator and proudly walk around the city, scaring passers-by.

But if you still want to build real muscles , then at home you can do the following exercises:

  1. Pull-ups . There are a huge variety of pull-up options. The most effective for pumping up the back, in my opinion, are classic wide-grip pull-ups. You can also do pull-ups with a reverse close grip. If you don’t know how to do pull-ups, you can buy an expander band (by the way, it will also be useful in other exercises). With such an elastic band it will be easier to pull yourself up and over time you will learn to pull yourself up on your own.
  2. Bent-over dumbbell rows. This exercise should be done with light weight and, most importantly, light weight. This exercise places an axial load on the spine, therefore, you need to pay attention to the technique. If you don’t have dumbbells, you can use the same elastic band.

  3. boat. This exercise is a must for teenagers. It strengthens the muscles along the spine, which will allow you to increase the load on dumbbell rows in the future. And in principle, if Masha asks you to carry her briefcase home, you will have a much better chance of carrying the briefcase without breaking your back, and maybe you can carry Masha too.

At home, these are perhaps the most basic exercises that will help pump up a teenager’s back, but this will be quite enough to build a powerful back like Statham’s.


This is something that even grown men often forget about. Or maybe they don’t forget, maybe they just think that their gherkin will look more massive against the background of thin legs. But I advise you to pay enough attention to your feet too.

If your whole body is proportionally developed , then you will look better than if you have huge arms, and your legs will give way from the weight of your own huge arms.

In addition, there are a huge number of muscle fibers in the legs; each workout stimulates a good release of testosterone and makes not only the legs grow, but also the back, chest, and even neck.

To pump up a teenager’s legs at home, we will need:

  1. Squats . You can squat with or without weight. Naturally, it is better to squat with weight. You may not have extra weight in the form of a barbell or dumbbells, but you do have a schoolbag with textbooks. Just throw it on your back or put it in front of you and squat.
  2. Lunges . Also a very cool exercise. It also pumps up the buttocks very well. And I’ll tell you a secret, my little male, girls like inflated male butts.
  3. Pistols . These are squats on one leg. A great option if you find it easy to squat with your own weight.
  4. Walking to higher ground . It could be a chair, a sofa, a bedside table, in general, anything where you can put your foot and get up without hitting your head on the ceiling.

I described these and other exercises in detail in the article on how to pump up thin legs , so follow the link and learn.

So the legs were pumped up. But, I want to note that if you have a weak back, then I do not recommend lifting your legs with additional weight. Therefore, first, pump up your back, and then add weights to your leg training .


Well, what would it be like without powerful breasts? This is the main attribute of a successful man. Especially if your breasts are larger than those of your classmates. The sagging breasts of classmates who are on a pie diet do not count. This is not a reason to be proud.

To have pumped up breasts, you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Wide grip push-ups . This is perhaps the simplest and most accessible exercise. If you find it easy to do push-ups with your own weight, then a backpack with textbooks will always come to your aid.
  2. Dips . These are already exercises for advanced people. If you want to focus on your chest, then look for wider bars and tilt your body a little forward when performing. If you are generally a powerful guy, then again you can use a backpack and complicate the exercise.

Perhaps you have weak arms , so you won’t be able to immediately start doing push-ups like an adult. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to strengthen your arms first, and then start doing push-ups.


It will be more difficult to pump up your shoulders at home. Most exercises that work the deltoids require a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebell . In some cases, you can limit yourself to ingenuity, but not in all.

So, what can you do at home:

  1. Dumbbell/barbell press while standing or sitting . Not everyone has a barbell at home; dumbbells are easier to find, but if you don’t have them, you can use, for example, water bottles.
  2. Swing dumbbells to the side . Also a good exercise, especially if you have dumbbells. If there are none, then we take water bottles again.
  3. If suddenly you have a kettlebell at home, then you can do kettlebell rows to the chin . It will be absolutely wonderful. But I remind you that this exercise can only be done if you have strong back muscles, so that the weight of the weight is taken not by the spine, but by the muscles.

At home, it is best to pump your shoulders if you have an expander band. This thing is inexpensive and gives you the opportunity to upgrade whatever your heart desires.


So we finally got to our hands. How else can you conquer girls if not with your hands, right? We all want to pump up our biceps like Everest, so that once we strain our shirt and the T-shirt breaks, the main thing is that our mother doesn’t scold us.

Of course, you are unlikely to believe me, but I want to tell you that when you pump your back, chest and shoulders, your biceps and triceps work and, accordingly, swing. But I myself understand that this does not sound so convincing, so you will not be able to sleep peacefully until you find exercises that will turn your rowan branches into powerful oak stems.

So, what can you do for biceps:

  1. Standing/sitting barbell/dumbbell curls for biceps . This is perhaps the most popular exercise and the most effective. Again, if we don’t have the equipment, we go ask mom for bottles of water.
  2. Reverse close grip pull-ups . In addition to the back, this exercise also works the biceps very well. It turns out we kill two birds with one stone.
  3. Hammers with dumbbells or with the same bottles . This exercise differs from regular biceps curls in that the palms face each other.

What about triceps:

  1. Narrow grip push-ups from the floor . Great exercise for that. To pump up your triceps and at the same time load your chest. The difference from classic push-ups is that we place our hands closer to the body, and when lowering, we do not spread our elbows to the sides, but rather press them against the body.
  2. Push-ups on parallel bars . In this case, you need to find narrow bars. When lowering, keep your body straight, do not lean forward, and move your elbows back.
  3. Back push-ups from a bench/chair/sofa /whatever. The exercise is difficult, unpleasant, but effective. But the main thing here is to learn the correct technique, which is the most difficult thing. According to statistics, 10 out of 10 people do not succeed in this exercise the first time. Therefore, I recommend doing it under the supervision of a trainer or a person who has already mastered the technique.

I wrote more about how to build healthy arms


And here is another weakness of girls. Washboard instead of a belly . If you can see abs on your stomach, then be sure that at the age of 14 all the girls are yours. And it doesn’t matter that these may not be cubes, but ribs, they still have not yet learned to distinguish between them.

To pump up your abs, you don’t need any equipment at all. Just lie down on the floor and lift your body, and then lift your legs. In general, there are a million exercises, even if you change them every day, the exercises may not be repeated for the rest of your life.

I have already written an article about how to make six-pack belly fat for a man, and since the program will be no different for a teenager, just go ahead and read.

What types of fitness can a teenager choose?

There are a huge number of types of fitness. Their selection must be approached as responsibly as possible. So that fitness not only does not harm. But it also gave the teenager pleasure. Enjoyment from classes. And helped me relax.

When you select a type of fitness for a teenager, analyze his physical indicators:

  1. Body type.
  2. Temperament.
  3. Character.
  4. What is his current state of health?
  5. What individual preferences does he have? Perhaps the teenager has already decided which section he wants to go to.

After you have clarified all the above points, proceed to choosing the type of fitness. Let's look at the main ones.

Power training

We recommend starting strength training no earlier than fifteen years of age. Especially if the teenager has to lift heavy weights as part of his classes. Up to the age of fifteen, a teenager can engage in physical exercises with his own weight:

  1. Pull up on horizontal bars.
  2. Do push-ups from the floor.
  3. Do lunges.

Also, a teenager can use special dumbbells during exercises. And other types of weights. Their selection must be approached very carefully. So as not to break your back.


Swimming is suitable for both teenagers and young men. As part of it, the teenager will have to exercise in the water. Swim in different styles.

With this activity, a teenager can easily improve the condition of his muscles. Pull them up. Strengthen bones. Improve the condition of your ligaments.

Swimming is also beneficial for other organs of the body. With its help, the teenager will improve the performance of the heart and blood vessels. And also the respiratory system.


Dancing is also a rather interesting form of fitness for teenagers. However, the selection of a section must be approached responsibly. The trainer must be a highly qualified specialist and teacher. He must be able to communicate correctly with teenagers.

You can choose absolutely any type of dance. The main thing is that the teenager enjoys doing them.

Cardio training

Cardio training is convenient because a teenager can do it without supervision. We are talking about different types of running. Race walking. Riding a trainer bike. Orbitrek. And much more.

Also, as part of cardio training, the teenager will have to do many other exercises. They should be simple to implement.

Martial arts

Martial arts are suitable for boys. At them, teenagers will be given exercises to improve their general physical fitness. Train your breathing. Vestibular apparatus. And many other body systems.

Also, the teenager will learn to throw punches. Protect yourself. And stand up for your rights.

Training program for teenagers

You can train at home every day, the main thing is to alternate muscle groups. You can split your workouts into 3 days and do exercises for 3 days in a row, and then preferably rest for 1-2 days.

A program for a teenager might look like this:

Day 1, back and biceps

  1. Wide grip pull-ups 3 sets to the maximum (no more than 16 times, if you get more, then take a backpack and put textbooks there).
  2. Bent-over dumbbell rows 4 sets of 8-16.
  3. Pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip, 3 sets to the maximum (also no more than 16 times).
  4. Boat 4 sets of 16-20 reps.
  5. Lifting dumbbells for biceps 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Day 2, chest and triceps

  1. Dips on the uneven bars 5 approaches to the maximum (no more than 16 times, or add weights).
  2. Push-ups 5 sets maximum (no more than 16 times).
  3. Close-grip push-ups, 5 sets maximum (no more than 16 times).

Day 3, legs and shoulders

  1. Squats 4 sets to the maximum (no more than 16 times, if you get more, add weights).
  2. Lunges 4 sets of 8-16 on each leg.
  3. Walking uphill 4 sets of 8-16 on each leg.
  4. Standing/sitting dumbbell press 4 sets of 8-16 reps.
  5. Swing dumbbells to the sides 4 sets of 8-16 times.

This is how they turn into two-meter big men with the width of Van Damme's splits.

Rocking out in the gym

for a teenager to pump up in the gym , because there are glands there . There are pieces of equipment both at the factory and at the construction site, it’s much more economical for the budget, but at this age you may not be allowed to go to the factory or construction site. But at the age of 18, you can safely leave school and go there to work, where you can not only get pumped up, but also earn money.

Now let's get down to business. If you still decide to go to the gym, then I recommend working out with a trainer, if you don’t want to ruin your health so badly in a couple of years, or even months, that you’ll never work out again.

By the way, in most gyms at the age of 13-15 you will not be allowed at all without a coach or parents , so discuss with your family the purchase of a subscription to the coach.

The most basic requirement for training teenagers is to minimize axial load, and at the very beginning it is best to eliminate it altogether. Gradually. When the back muscles become stronger, it will be possible to add basic exercises that involve an axial load, for example, squats, deadlifts, bent-over barbell rows, etc.

You can train in the gym 3 times a week, each of the three days will include certain muscle groups. A gym workout program might look like this:

Day 1, back and biceps

  1. Pull-ups 4 sets of 8-10 reps.
  2. Dumbbell rows lying on a bench 4 sets of 8-10 times (this exercise is similar to a bent-over barbell row; it is good because it eliminates axial load due to the fact that you are lying on a bench).
  3. Wide-grip lat pull-downs to the chest, 4 sets of 10-12 reps.
  4. Hyperextension 4 sets of 8-12 reps.
  5. Lifting dumbbells while sitting on a bench, 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Day 2, chest and triceps

  1. Bench press 4 sets of 8-10 reps.
  2. Incline dumbbell press 4 sets of 8-12 reps.
  3. Reduction of arms in the butterfly simulator, 4 sets of 10-12 times.
  4. Bench press with a narrow grip, 4 sets of 8-10 reps.
  5. French press 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Day 3, legs and shoulders

  1. Squats with dumbbells 4 sets of 8-10 reps.
  2. Leg press 4 sets of 8-12 reps.
  3. Lying leg curls 4 sets of 10-12 times.
  4. Seated dumbbell press 4 sets of 8-12 reps.
  5. Barbell rows to the chin 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

You can train your abs at least on each of these days, or you can train them separately at home on days when you take a break from training in the gym.

You can do small complexes on the press , for example, the following:

  1. Hanging leg raises on the bar 15 times.
  2. Lifting the body on the bench 15 times.

You need to do these 2 exercises without rest, repeat 3-4 times.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass for a teenager

If you are thin and want to gain weight as a teenager, then be prepared for the fact that you will stop liking food and you will be sick from just the sight of it. Because you will have to eat a lot .

You will need to eat a lot of meat, fish, dairy products, various cereals, nuts and other things. The most important thing is to maintain the required amount of BZHU and cover the calorie consumption. I wrote about this in more detail in an article about nutrition for weight gain for a skinny guy.

And you must understand that if you train hard, put all your strength into training, but during the day you eat one cookie and eat yogurt before going to bed, then you will not have any mass.

At what age should you start lifting?

I recently watched a video on the Internet where a bodybuilder brought, no, or rather didn’t bring, but brought his son to training. My son is neither more nor less – two years old. I read several negative reviews, like: “Dad is crazy, save the child from the monster!” And others: “from childhood, a boy sees what an adult man does. The father does not drink on the bench at the entrance and does not sing in a bad voice, sitting in a flower bed. The child receives an image of correct behavior and life values.”

I agree, love for sports is good, but the gym is too much.

Gainer and protein in adolescence

Now the wrath of a million mothers will fall upon me, but I will still say that all these proteins and other chemicals are harmless even for babies . Therefore, they can be safely used when gaining weight. I wrote about this in articles about sports nutrition for weight gain, namely about gainer and protein for skinny guys.

But I still recommend that you start without sports supplements, so to speak, start swinging like crazy . And then, when you reach a certain level and your weight stops growing, you can add gainer and protein.

But if you still decide to take this step at such a young age, then be prepared that the liver will fail not by the age of 30, but by 20, and the piper will no longer stand at 18. These are, of course, jokes and myths, but I I wouldn’t risk becoming a young myth buster and testing all this on my own experience, especially since your parents may not approve of your eagerness to use sports supplements. So buy some buckwheat, some breast meat, and run and swing.

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