How many calories are in Golden apples?

Description of the variety

A distinctive feature of apples is the characteristic greenish-yellow color of the peel. During the ripening process, the color of the fruit changes from bright green to yellowish. Ripe fruits can acquire a rich golden color. The peel is usually dotted with small black dots.

The shape of the apple is round, slightly elongated, making its outline resemble a cone. The size of an individual fruit is medium-sized. Depending on the characteristics of the seeds and formation conditions, the weight of the fruit reaches up to 220 g.

Important! When harvesting, you must pick the apples yourself, since fruits that fall to the ground may lose their shape and wrinkle.

The advantage of Golden Delicious is the pronounced sweet taste of the pulp. This quality determines the use of fruits in the production of fruit salads, purees, pies, and jams. The ripe fruit has a creamy hue and a bright, characteristic aroma.

The pulp of the fruit is of high quality and has a medium density. Too soft specimens indicate the expiration of the apple’s shelf life, hard ones indicate its immaturity.

The Golden apple harvest takes place in the fall, until early December. The frost resistance of the plant makes the variety available for cultivation in central Russia. Fruit trees are also able to tolerate drought and high air temperatures.

The advantage of growing Golden Delicious is the high speed of fruit ripening. The variety begins to produce crops in the second year of development, but over the years the number of fruits on the tree decreases. To maintain fruitfulness, the plant is pollinated. The volume of fruit from a young, well-groomed apple tree reaches 120 kg in one season.

Apples are able to retain their physical and chemical properties for a long time. This makes it possible to export the variety and facilitates the transportation of fruit over long distances without loss of quality.

Description of the Golden variety

The peculiarity of the Golden variety is that it appeared by chance. In 1905, West Virginia farmer Anderson Mullins obtained it by unintentionally crossing the Grimes Golden and Golden Reinette varieties. Since then, this variety of apples has become widely known in the United States, in European countries, as well as in many regions of Russia with a temperate and warm climate. These fruits are grown both on private farms and on large industrial plantations.

Description of the Golden variety:

  1. The tree is medium-sized, its height does not exceed 2.5 m. Until the age of five, the crown of the apple tree has a columnar crown, and then becomes round.
  2. Brown branches of medium thickness are covered with bright green oval-shaped leaves. Their surface has a characteristic shine, and small teeth are located along the edge of the leaf.
  3. The flowering period of the crop is May. Medium-sized flowers with white and pink petals appear on the apple tree.
  4. Trees of the Golden variety are self-fertile, so at the time of flowering they need pollinators. Apple tree varieties Simirenko, Jonathan, Wagner and Idared are well suited for this.
  5. A fruit tree begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after the seedling is planted. Productivity in the first years is always consistently high, but later decreases and depends on growing conditions.
  6. The fruits are medium or large in size. Their weight is 140–200 g, and their shape is round-conical. When green, they are covered with a dense and smooth skin, which, as it ripens, becomes rough and acquires a golden color.
  7. The pulp of ripe fruits has a delicate texture and a very sweet taste. Depending on the degree of ripeness, it can be colored greenish or creamy, but it is always dense and juicy.
  8. The harvest of ripe apples ripens by the end of September. With proper care, up to 100 kg of fruit can be obtained from one tree, but with a large number of ovaries, the size of the fruit decreases.
  9. Golden apples are well stored and transported over long distances. Under proper storage conditions, the shelf life of the variety can reach 6-7 months.
  10. The variety tolerates frosts well, down to -30 ° C, and drought, but is susceptible to powdery mildew and scab.

Did you know? If you ate one fruit of each variety every day, it would take a person about 20 years to try all the existing varieties of apples.

Chemical composition and calorie content of Golden apples

Most of the fruit is water. The substance makes up about half the contents of an apple. The remaining 50% is filled with beneficial chemical elements, vitamins, malic acid, and antioxidants.

The pulp and skin of the fruit contains the following components:

  • iodine;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • fluorine;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP.

Depending on the quality of the fruit and the conditions of its ripening, the calorie content of an apple can vary from 43 to 57 kcal per 100 grams of product. Most of Golden Delicious is carbohydrates, the content of which reaches 10.7 g.

The amount of protein in the fruit pulp reaches 0.5 g, and the volume of fat ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 grams.

Calorie content of red apples

Contains 47 calories for every 100 grams of fruit. As a result of studies conducted in the USA, it was proven that if you eat two fruits daily for three months, the level of bad cholesterol in the blood will return to normal. Red apples have an attractive appearance, excellent crunch and sweet taste. They differ from sour ones in being more sweet and containing less vitamins. The most popular among red-skinned varieties is Red Delicious.

Properties of Golden apples

The vitamin-rich composition of fruits has a positive effect on the functioning of the body and human condition. Resistance to low temperatures and the ability to withstand transportation conditions without damage allows you to find apples on the counter in summer and winter.

The variety has a number of useful qualities, which are explained by the presence of carotene, vitamins and a large number of chemical elements in the fruit. However, certain properties of apples with unlimited consumption can harm the body.


The high carotene content in Golden Delicious affects the quality of vision. Together with calcium, the substance has a positive effect on the condition of the nail plate and bones, strengthening them. Vitamins of group C are known for their anti-cold properties.

Apples affect the immune system, improve a person’s general condition, help to get a boost of energy and lift one’s mood.

The seeds inside the fruit contain a large supply of iodine. The substance is good for the health of the thyroid gland, so if you have problems with the organ, it is recommended to eat crushed apple seeds. However, you need to eat the seeds in small quantities - a maximum of five daily.

Fact! Apples help destroy excess cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels and thereby increase their lumen.

As a result, the quality of hematopoiesis and the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves. The risk of atherosclerosis, hyper- and hypotension, and coronary heart disease is reduced.

Golden Delicious pulp contains large amounts of antioxidants that eliminate toxic substances in the body's cells. The component is useful for maintaining the normal condition of the skin, maintaining its youth and firmness.

The properties of malic acid are to prevent oral health. The action of the substance causes a rush of blood to the jaws, stimulation of the gums, and elimination of the yellowish tint of teeth.

Apple pulp consists of insoluble fibers that are known to have a laxative effect. Consuming this variety for constipation helps normalize stools and improve intestinal function.

Due to the large amount of water in the composition, the fruits provoke frequent urination, which helps the body get rid of harmful toxins. The removal of excess fluids reduces the number of edemas and normalizes the condition of the skin.

Golden apples contain iron, which is useful for the quality of the circulatory system. The substance affects hemoglobin levels and oxygen saturation of organs. Iron intake is necessary for the prevention and treatment of blood diseases (anemia, leukemia).

Also, the contents of fruits can affect the nervous system, preventing overexertion and stress.

Harm and contraindications

When eating apples, it is important to observe moderation. Overeating provokes side effects and discomfort in the abdominal area. The laxative effect of the fruit can affect stools and cause diarrhea.

Individual intolerance to Golden Delicious occurs. If your body does not accept fruits, you must stop eating them. Intolerance is distinguished by a specific reaction of the body: problems with stool, symptoms of bowel movements or allergies, anaphylactic shock.

Restrictions on the consumption of apples apply to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For different types of ulcers, gastritis, colitis, it is necessary to eat fruits with caution.

Apple seeds contain a number of useful elements, but eating more than five per day is dangerous.

Attention! Among the components of apple seeds, amygdalin glycoside is isolated. Under the influence of gastric juice, the compound breaks down into separate substances, one of which is cyanide.

With frequent consumption of apple seeds, there is a high risk of seriously poisoning the body.

Calorie content of Golden apples

The question of how many calories are in these yellow apples interests everyone who strives for an ideal weight. It is known that 100 g of Golden apples contain 52 kcal. Let's try to find out what the calorie content of one such medium-sized apple is.

Golden Delicious in the amount of 2-3 pcs. per day will not affect your figure

The weight of one unpeeled fruit is approximately 175 g, and without peel - 137 g. Therefore, in 1 piece. from 71 to 91 kcal. Once we have found out how many calories are in an apple, we should determine the approximate calorie content of 1 kg of fruit. This figure is approximately 520 kcal. Many people are interested in knowing approximately how many fruits should be eaten daily to meet the daily requirement. Two or three medium-sized fruits, which together contain approximately 180-270 kcal, will be quite enough.

1 PC.91
100 g52
1 kg520

Of the 520 kcal that 1 kg of apples contains, more than 95% are calories from carbohydrates, 3% from fats and another 1% from proteins.

Rules of use

Golden Delicious apples are eaten with the peel, after washing the fruit with running water. If desired, the fruits are peeled and only the pulp is eaten. Apples can be cut into slices and grated.

Due to the sweet taste of the pulp, the Golden Delicious variety has become widespread in cooking. Juices are squeezed out of the fruits and compotes are made. The product is consumed in the form of jams and preserves. Apples are used in fruit salads and pureed.

To make jam you must follow the following recipe:

  1. Peel the apples (one kilogram). Cut into slices. Eliminate the pits.
  2. Place pieces of fruit in a saucepan or basin, cover with a kilogram of granulated sugar.
  3. Place the container on the stove, light the fire and fill it with a glass of water.
  4. Wait until it comes to a boil and let the mixture simmer for five minutes.
  5. Turn off the stove and leave the pan for twelve hours.
  6. Finish cooking the apples until the sweetness is completely cooked.

The variety can be baked in the oven with or without adding filling. Cottage cheese, dried fruits, nuts, and honey are added to the fruits.

You can bake apples with curd filling in four steps:

  1. Cut out the core and place Golden Delicious in a pre-greased mold.
  2. For the filling, use cottage cheese (about 30 g per apple), sugar, raisins and raw egg. Mix the ingredients.
  3. Fill the holes in the apples with curd mixture.
  4. Bake in the oven at 220°C for 15-25 minutes.

Fruits are suitable for dessert dishes. The sweet pulp goes well with pastry rolls, pies, and casseroles. Muffins, smoothies, and confiture are made from Golden apples.

To prepare cottage cheese casserole, you must follow the recipe:

  1. In a bowl, mix cottage cheese (half a kilo), sugar (two tablespoons), egg whites (two). Add vanillin (teaspoon).
  2. In a separate bowl, make a mixture of semolina and sour cream (three tablespoons of each component). Let the mixture sit for about ten minutes.
  3. Prepare a bowl. Place prunes on the bottom (chop them first).
  4. Divide the apple into two equal parts. Cut the first half into thin slices and place in a second layer.
  5. Add the mixture of semolina and sour cream to the curd mass, divide into two halves. Lay one of them in the third layer.
  6. Add the remaining apple and cottage cheese and semolina dough.
  7. Place the mold in the oven for an hour at 180°C.
  8. Drizzle the finished casserole with honey if desired.

Golden apples are also used to make a healthy biscuit. The sweetness is characterized by low calorie components.

The galette recipe is as follows:

  1. Make the dough. To do this, sift rye (half a glass) and wheat flour (a glass) into a bowl. Add baking powder (half a teaspoon), salt, granulated sugar (a tablespoon) and vanilla sugar.
  2. Throw in a piece of chilled butter (50 g) and grind all the ingredients until crumbs form.
  3. Pour milk (5 tablespoons), continuously kneading the dough. Make a ball out of the mass.
  4. Leave the dough in the refrigerator for an hour.
  5. Add granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, raw egg yolk to 150 g of ricotta. Mix.
  6. Cut apples (2 pieces) into slices. Squeeze the juice from the lime and pour over the fruit. Sprinkle starch, sugar, cinnamon on top.
  7. Roll out the dough to a thin flat cake. Brush the surface with ricotta. The circle should be smaller in diameter than the dough itself.
  8. Place apples on top of ricotta. Fold the edges of the cake, brush with egg white, and lightly sprinkle with granulated sugar.
  9. Bake in the oven at 190°C.
  10. After 30-40 minutes, leave to cool. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

Apples are turned into dried fruits, which are then used in making compotes. The fruits can also be preserved.

Green apple calories

Slightly less than red fruits. It is about 35 kilocalories per 100 grams. Green-skinned apples are not only lower in calories, but also healthier. Durum varieties have a pleasant sourness. These fruits are especially good to eat in hot weather, as they perfectly quench thirst and become an excellent filling for pies. The most popular variety is Granny Smith.

It is best to eat green apples with the peel. The latter contains a large amount of fiber, which improves digestive processes. There are some nuances here. It is recommended to take fruits grown in ecologically clean areas and without the use of nitrates. It is the peel that accumulates toxic and harmful substances with chemicals.

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