Coconut for weight loss: is it possible on a diet, benefits and harms, reviews from experts

  • Losing weight with coconut oil: essence and features
  • Coconut diet for weight loss: menu, rules, recipes
  • Coconut for weight loss: reviews from doctors, results of losing weight

The coconut diet is a newfangled weight loss technique that is becoming more and more popular every day all over the world.

The coconut itself and the oil from it contain a huge amount of useful substances, but at the same time it is a low-calorie product with which you can quickly lose weight.

Should you eat coconut when losing weight?

Coconut is eaten when losing weight, as it contains mainly fats. It contains few carbohydrates, which provoke the development of obesity.

The fats in the nut are vegetable, healthy and easily digestible.

The body uses them as a source of energy and converts them into reserves only with a strong excess of calories. However, when including a nut in the menu, it is necessary to take into account its benefits and harm.

Composition and nutritional value

To understand whether coconut can be used on a diet, you need to consider its composition.
100 g of pulp contains 33.5 g of fat, 3.3 g of protein and 6.2 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content - 354 kcal. The nut contains the following beneficial substances in large quantities:

  1. Potassium. Has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. Indirectly contributes to the supply of oxygen to the brain, which activates intellectual activity, facilitates concentration, and strengthens memory. Potassium supports the excretory function of the kidneys. When interacting with sodium, the microelement ensures the correct transmission of nerve impulses. Potassium balances the water-salt balance.
  2. Phosphorus. Keeps teeth and bones strong, prevents osteoporosis. Promotes correct muscle contraction, thereby preventing spasms. Phosphorus helps to recover faster after training and makes sports more effective. The mineral facilitates the removal of toxins and metabolic by-products from the kidneys. The nutrient ensures normal conduction of nerve impulses.
  3. Iron. Provides tissue breathing. Improves systemic and cellular metabolism. Iron is part of many enzymes and amino acids. It is required for the formation of hemoglobin. The mineral regulates cell growth and division. It maintains the normal state of the central nervous system. Iron is required for the correct functioning of the thyroid gland and brain. The nutrient improves immunity.
  4. Molybdenum. It is considered a “male” microelement. Enhances testosterone production and relieves sexual dysfunction. For women, molybdenum helps remove toxins from the body. The mineral strengthens teeth and prevents their destruction. It helps produce hemoglobin and prevents the development of anemia. Molybdenum indirectly improves the condition of intestinal microflora.
  5. Copper. Ensures normal cell division and growth. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Copper regulates the production of melanin, the pigment that gives color to the skin, hair and eyes. A deficiency increases the risk of early gray hair. The mineral protects nerve endings from the harmful effects of toxins. Copper slows down the aging process, makes the skin more flexible, and prevents sagging. The mineral acts as a brain stimulant.
  6. Selenium. Acts as an antioxidant: prevents unwanted oxidative reactions. Selenium supplements are prescribed for asthma to provide relief. The trace element supports the health of the reproductive system and regulates the activity of the thyroid gland. It helps restore hormonal balance. Selenium improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies.

The pulp is able to slightly replenish the reserves of zinc and magnesium: 100 g of pulp contains 9 and 8% of the daily value of these substances, respectively. Coconut contains small amounts of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tocopherols, calcium and sodium.


Milk contains manganese.
Just 200 ml of the product satisfies the daily need for the mineral. The nutrient regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, accelerates metabolism, and forces the body to waste energy. Manganese is needed for the correct functioning of the nervous system. It increases insulin sensitivity, which indirectly has a beneficial effect on appetite.

Milk satisfies hunger because it contains 180 kcal per 100 g, but it must be introduced into the diet with caution. Abuse of the product leads to obesity.

A glass of milk replaces a full meal. For this reason, it is recommended not to use the product alone. It is advisable to add it to tea and smoothies, prepare puddings, soups, etc. It is allowed to pour a little coconut milk into porridge, but in this case you need to monitor the calorie content of the menu.

Coconut milk is a very high-calorie product.

Tablets and capsules

Tablets and capsules contain almost no calories when compared with the unprocessed product, but they greatly reduce appetite, eliminate acute hunger pangs and speed up metabolism.
Supplements enhance the removal of fats from the body. Before taking capsules and tablets, you should consult a doctor, as such drugs can harm the body. It is prohibited to violate the dosages specified by the manufacturer or to independently extend the course.


The extract is similar in action to capsules and tablets, but is more preferable because it is the active substance in its pure form. However, due to the lack of additional ingredients, the drug may not work as well. The extract, capsules and tablets should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation, or with pathologies of the urinary system and liver.

Beneficial features

Not only nutritional value is an indicator that coconut can be eaten while losing weight. Studies have confirmed that it promotes weight loss.

What are the health benefits of coconuts?

  • improve reproductive functions, regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle;
  • normalize digestion;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve blood circulation (dilate blood vessels), help prevent cardiovascular diseases;
  • have antiviral properties;
  • improve skin condition, including alleviating psoriasis;
  • maintain a stable psychological state;
  • regulate water balance in the body;
  • alleviate the condition of urological diseases;
  • promote cell regeneration, having rejuvenating properties.

For weight loss:

  • due to protein, they prevent the breakdown of muscle fibers, forcing the body to use fat deposits instead;
  • improve the functions of the thyroid gland, due to improper functioning of which metabolism slows down, hormonal levels are disrupted and weight gain begins;
  • increase performance, give a boost of vivacity and energy, which can be used for good purposes when losing weight: work at full capacity in the gym and spend maximum calories;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and waste, having diuretic properties;
  • accelerate the fat burning process;
  • prevent the development of vitamin deficiency while dieting and losing weight.

Interesting fact. Due to its sterility, coconut water has long been used in medicine as a blood plasma substitute.

Features of eating coconut on a diet

To avoid the appearance of extra centimeters on your waist, you need to know how to properly consume coconut on a diet. It belongs to high-calorie and fatty foods, therefore, if the recommendations are not followed, it will provoke obesity.

In the morning or evening

It is better to consume nut pulp, butter and milk in the morning and afternoon. These products contain fats that must be actively broken down and provide the body with energy. In the evening, a person’s activity level decreases, which is why excess lipids go into reserves. Capsules and tablets are taken according to instructions.

Daily norm

The safe amount of pulp depends on the gender of the person. Men are allowed to consume no more than 300 g per day, women - no more than 200 g. For butter, the norm is 10-30 g. Restrictions do not apply to coconut milk, but regardless of the type of product, you need to additionally monitor the caloric content of your diet.

Eat before or after eating

It is better to consume coconut before meals. In this case, it allows you to reduce portion sizes. You can eat the product after, but only after 2-3 hours, when the first signs of hunger appear.

Coconut pulp will saturate the body and reduce the feeling of hunger.

Should you eat before bed?

It is not recommended to eat coconut before bed.
In this case, the body receives a portion of fat, but cannot use it up. As a result, lipids have to be sent to reserves. Another factor is the need to digest food. Coconut is not a food that is easy on the stomach. With such a night snack, the gastrointestinal tract will be forced to work hard, which will lead to the appearance of undesirable symptoms: nausea, vomiting, heaviness, digestive disorders, etc.

Diet from the sunny islands

The coconut diet is gaining more and more popularity and is becoming a favorite of many women. Thanks to different serving options, you don’t get tired of the main product. And for its pleasant taste and visible weight loss effect, coconut is increasingly taking root in the menu of modern skinny women.

The main advantages of the diet:

  • no constant feeling of hunger;
  • there are no strict restrictions on the diet;
  • delicious menu;
  • fast and high-quality weight loss;
  • stable energy supply;
  • cleansing the body.

By consuming fruit according to the diet rules, you don’t have to worry about feeling unwell, tired and weak. Everything is just the opposite, because it gives a charge of positive mood and strength.

Coconut can also be consumed on other diets. For example, in the Dukan method for weight loss there is also a place for this fruit.

Where and how to choose a fruit

Undoubtedly, the best place to eat coconut is somewhere on the islands in the Pacific Ocean. There you don’t have to worry about its naturalness and usefulness for weight loss.

But we live in the 21st century, where even in northern latitudes people pamper themselves with exotic products. Today, a whole coconut can be ordered from many online supermarkets and delivered to your home.

How to understand that a fruit is tasty and healthy:

  • by weight - a ripe coconut is heavy;
  • by sound - when shaken, you can hear that there is milk inside;
  • on the shell - a surface without damage or cracks, without mold or other defects;
  • by the “eyes” - on one side of the coconut there are 3 dark circles;
  • by dryness - the fruit should be dry.

However, coconut is a very capricious fruit, and even with visible ripeness, its flesh can be damaged or spoiled. Try to buy fruit from trusted suppliers, this will reduce the risk of an unsuccessful purchase.

Coconut meat, flakes and milk can easily be found in a large grocery store ready to use.

Rules for losing weight

Coconut weight loss promises high-quality weight loss. This means that the lost kilograms (subject to a healthy diet) will not return.

Basic principles of the diet:

  • drink enough liquid (1.5-2 l);
  • exclude fatty, fried and smoked foods, sweets, and baked goods from the menu;
  • eat 4 times a day;
  • do not exceed the daily volume - 1200 kcal;
  • engage in physical activity.

On a diet, you can eat both fresh and dried coconut. The second one is usually sold in the form of candied fruits. Their calorie content is quite high - about 660 kcal per 100 g. But do not be alarmed. To satisfy your hunger, you will need only 3-5 cubes, and their calorie content is much less.

By following the main rules, you will help the body break down fat deposits, remove toxins and strengthen the immune system.

Important information

Doctors recommend giving up the coconut diet if you have serious health problems. After all, the sudden appearance of a large amount of this fruit on the menu leads to an increase in cholesterol, and as a result, to the occurrence of heart pathologies.

To avoid this, you should adhere to all the rules of the method and not abuse the main product.

Product restrictions

During the diet, avoid fast food, store-bought salads, fatty sauces, marinades, pickles, etc. Desserts, including yoghurts with sugar, are excluded from the diet. It is forbidden to drink sweet carbonated drinks. Sugar should no longer be added to tea and coffee; in extreme cases, honey can be used.

It is necessary to monitor the total calorie content of the menu. The indicator is selected individually depending on the basic calorie expenditure and level of physical activity.

The daily nutritional value of products should not be lower than 1200. An adequate deficit for weight loss is 200-600 kcal. Such a shortage will ensure slow weight loss and prevent the occurrence of complications.

Selection and storage of coconuts

It is recommended to choose fruits that are even brown in color.
Green streaks and spots are not allowed. Do not eat nuts that have cracks, dents or mold in their shells. There should be a film on the coconut eyes that prevents premature spoilage of the product. Shake the fruit before purchasing. If there is no liquid in it, it is better to consider other options. The coconut has either been sitting on the counter for a long time or has been damaged.

Undamaged fruits can be stored at room temperature. In this case, their shelf life is 3-6 months. The opened nut is kept only in the refrigerator for no more than 1-2 days.

The pulp can be filled with water and left at low temperature for 3-5 days. Once opened, coconut milk is kept in the refrigerator. It must be consumed within 24 hours.

Fresh coconuts.

Possible harm

If a person has a peptic ulcer, the product should not be consumed. Milk made from the pulp of an exotic nut will not be beneficial for:

  • various intestinal disorders;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • hypertension (meaning its acute period).

It is not recommended to consume milk for women in the last trimester of pregnancy and lactation. Is coconut milk okay for children? It should also not be given to a newborn baby, as it can cause stomach upset. It is better to wait until the baby grows up and reaches at least three years of age. As for hot countries, children there enjoy eating coconuts and drinking coconut milk. But the fact is that their body is prepared, but for our children this product is still exotic.

Coconut Diet Options

There are several options for coconut diets. The strictest is a mono-diet. Due to the paucity of the menu, it is observed only for 1 day and is used as a relief. The longer the duration of the diet, the more balanced its diet, since the body cannot be deprived of nutrients.

Combined fasting day

During the combined fasting day, you are allowed to eat vegetables.
For the detoxification effect, it is better to give preference to raw. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, products are stewed or boiled, if possible, to soften the effect on the stomach or intestines. Along with coconut, you can eat cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, eggplants, etc. They try to eat the nut in the first half of the day, and in the evening they eat salads. Another scheme is to use the pulp as snacks.

Unloading on mono power

A mono-diet involves eating only coconut without other foods. At the beginning of the day, the pulp of half the fruit is grated and divided into 4-5 servings. The nut is eaten throughout the day. You are allowed to drink green tea. If you have an unbearable feeling of hunger in the evening, you can include a glass of kefir in your menu.

Sample menu for 4 days

For a 4-day diet, the menu includes tea, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and cottage cheese.
Every day they eat 100 g of coconut pulp along with other foods. The menu is selected individually, but as an example you can use the following:

  1. First day. Breakfast - 2 tbsp. l. steamed buckwheat, half the pulp. Lunch - 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 25 g coconut. Dinner - half a bowl of buckwheat, the rest of the fruit.
  2. Second day. Breakfast - 2 tbsp. l. rice, half coconut pulp. Lunch - 150 g of cottage cheese, you can add 1 tsp. honey, 25 g nuts. Dinner - 2 tbsp. l. rice, the rest of the pulp.
  3. The third day. Breakfast - 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal, half coconut pulp. Lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese, green tea, 25 g of fruit. Dinner - 2 tbsp. l. buckwheat, 25 g nuts, 40 g cottage cheese.
  4. Fourth day. Breakfast - 2 tbsp. l. rice, half coconut pulp. Lunch is the rest of the nut. Dinner - 100-150 g of cottage cheese.

As a snack, you can drink tea with coconut milk or eat some dried fruits. You can remove some of the pulp from your evening meal and eat it during your second breakfast or afternoon snack.

Porridge with coconut pulp.

Losing weight in a month

The diet is intended for a gradual transition to proper nutrition.
At the same time, eat 50-100 g of coconut pulp per day. The menu is being adjusted gradually:

  1. First week. Baked goods, fruits, sugar, sweets, and cereals are removed from the diet. They eat protein foods and vegetables.
  2. Second week. The menu includes liquid soups, freshly squeezed juices, smoothies, and fermented milk products.
  3. Third week. They eat non-starchy vegetables and fruits. Dietary cereals are included in the menu.
  4. Fourth week. They eat all permitted foods: vegetables, meat, fish, juices, smoothies, fruits, dietary cereals, etc.

Before each meal eat 1 tsp. coconut oil They replace all other fats.

Coconut milk diet

A diet involves eating according to a strict plan. For breakfast, drink 150 ml of coconut milk and eat 50 g of nuts. Lunch - 100 g boiled rice. For lunch, eat 50 g of coconut pulp, drink tea with 1 tbsp. l. milk. Afternoon snack - 80 g of rice porridge. Dinner consists of 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of coconut milk. The maximum duration of the diet is 7 days.

Contraindications for use

These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • excess selenium in the body;
  • serious diseases of the kidneys and urinary system as a whole;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • pathologies of the liver and gall bladder;
  • poor digestion (undigested pulp accumulates in the stomach and causes intoxication of the body).

Those who suffer from diabetes should include this product in their diet with caution - it is better to consult a doctor first.

Did you know that... In the Philippines they make vodka from coconut, which is called lambanog in the local dialect. Its strength reaches 80-90°.

Coconut wrap for weight loss

The wrap helps make the skin more elastic, remove stretch marks and get rid of cellulite.
Before the procedure, the epidermis is steamed and cleansed with a scrub. The skin is not wiped dry. Immediately after the shower, gently rub the oil in, then cover the problem area with cling film. It is removed after 30-40 minutes and the remaining oil is removed with a napkin.

To improve the effect, you need to create a thermal effect. To do this, you can, for example, lie under a blanket or additionally wrap the problem area with a towel.

Wrap to improve skin condition.

What do nutritionists think?

Anna Glebovna, 33 years old The coconut diet can give positive results, but only with exercise and caloric restriction.
Otherwise, the person will get better. This applies not only to coconut diets, but to most other diets, but it is important to use the energy that comes from fat. Sofya Mikhailovna, 42 years old The mono-diet is strict, so I do not recommend using it, especially for people with weak willpower. Balanced nutritional plans are preferable, in which pulp and milk act only as a supplement.

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