Corn silk is one of the safest means for losing weight.

Corn is a prohibited product in many diets. Contains a lot of starch and has a high glycemic index. However, it can also be useful for those who are planning to lose weight. In nutrition, corn silk (the medical name is corn hair) is worth its weight in gold. These are the same silky fibers that fall from the top of the cobs, making them look like dolls. It turns out that when used correctly, they not only actively promote weight loss, but also help with various diseases.

Benefits for weight loss

Nutritionists recommend the use of corn silk, as they affect the functioning of the gallbladder, liver and stomach - those organs on which weight gain and loss depend. In addition, they are a real storehouse of bioactive substances that become participants in metabolic processes, thereby accelerating lipolysis, which leads to the burning of hated fat deposits.

Here are the beneficial properties of corn silk specifically for weight loss:

  • Reduces appetite. Therefore, they are consumed shortly before meals to prevent overeating.
  • They have a choleretic effect. Thanks to the additional production of liver secretions, the absorption and digestion of fats is accelerated. They are not stored in reserve, but are actively spent for the benefit of the body.
  • They have a diuretic effect and regulate water-salt balance. Thereby eliminating excess fluid in the tissues and eliminating swelling throughout the body.
  • Accelerate protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. How to correct a disturbed metabolism.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system. This reduces the amount of carbohydrates and fats stored in reserve.
  • Normalize the functioning of the endocrine system. The state of hormonal levels, which have the most direct effect on weight, depends on it.
  • Cleanse the body of harmful substances, removing waste and toxins.

Corn silk as a means of losing weight has a number of undeniable advantages. Firstly, a complex effect on almost all body systems on which weight depends. Secondly, high efficiency. Thirdly, they have a mild effect without injuring organs. And finally, they do not require strict diets and can fit into any diet (from vegan to healthy).

On a note. While losing weight, a plateau has formed - the weight just won’t budge, and you’ve almost given up? In such cases, nutritionists advise drinking a warm decoction of corn silk in the morning. Judging by the reviews, it perfectly eliminates the problem.

Consequences of bulimia nervosa

It is only at first glance that bulimia seems to be a harmless disorder. A sick person uses food to try to get rid of loneliness and stress, but the feeling of guilt that arises after overeating provokes even more serious mental problems. Bulimics are almost constantly in a state of depression, their life priorities change, and relationships with the people around them collapse.

Mechanical induction of vomiting also affects the physical condition of a person:

  1. The water-electrolytic balance is disturbed. Taking laxatives and constant vomiting lead to dehydration of the body, severe deficiency of calcium, potassium and sodium chlorine salts. The lack of these microelements affects the functioning of the kidneys and heart, the patient's lymph nodes become enlarged, weakness, shortness of breath and tachycardia occur.
  2. There is a metabolic and hormonal imbalance. In women, hormone production decreases, which leads to menstrual irregularities.
  3. Disorders of the digestive system. Stomach or duodenal ulcers and gastritis may occur. This is due to the fact that the enzymes needed by the body are excreted before they have time to be absorbed. The mucous membrane of the esophagus and mouth becomes inflamed, leading to the formation of intractable ulcers. Tooth enamel begins to deteriorate under the influence of the aggressive environment of vomit, which can lead to complete loss of teeth.
  4. The condition of hair and nails also deteriorates sharply. Bone tissue and muscles weaken.
  5. The nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer. All biological rhythms of the body undergo changes.

Treatment of bulimia includes not only correction of the patient’s mental state. Doctors also need to eliminate the consequences of the disease or minimize the damage caused to the body.

Health benefits and harms


Corn silk is valued in dietetics because it allows you to lose weight even for those who are contraindicated from taking most weight loss medications and going on diets for health reasons. They are used in official medicine as part of the treatment of certain diseases.

Their medicinal properties, scientifically proven and used in medicine:

  • expand the gallbladder, causing its subsequent rhythmic contraction;
  • reduce bilirubin levels;
  • reduce the viscosity and density of produced bile;
  • improve liver functioning;
  • accelerate the process of blood clotting;
  • destroy gallstones into sand and remove them from the body;
  • regulate exocrine and intrasecretory functions of the pancreas;
  • lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels;
  • improve intestinal microflora.

Corn silk owes its medicinal properties to the bioactive components they contain:

  • flavonoids;
  • fatty acid;
  • ethers, resins, gum;
  • ascorbic acid, lipophilic (fat-soluble) and hydrophobic vitamins;
  • saponins, tannins;
  • alkaloids, carotenoids (represented mainly by cryptoxanthin);
  • bitterness (glycosides);
  • macro- and microelements.


Like any bioactive material, corn silk, having too powerful an effect on some body systems, can cause harm if used incorrectly.

Firstly, losing weight with their help should be used with caution for people who have serious problems with blood circulation. Yes, they reduce the risk of the formation of cholesterol plaques, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but at the same time they significantly increase blood viscosity, which in certain cases can lead to complications. Therefore, if you have such problems, you should first consult a hematologist. For the same reason, women should stop taking them during menstruation. When the cycle ends, you can resume.

Secondly, this method of losing weight is contraindicated for those who suffer from anorexia and have poor appetite. Eating corn silk may make the situation worse.

Thirdly, the powerful diuretic effect often results in the removal from the body of not only harmful, but also beneficial substances. And first of all, a lack of magnesium and potassium is detected (fraught with heart problems). Therefore, you need to take care in advance about taking additional medications enriched with these elements.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that due to the presence of glycosides and essential oils in the composition, corn silk rarely, but still causes allergic reactions. In this regard, you should start taking them with minimal dosages.

Lifehack. Those who are losing weight know how sometimes they feel dizzy and have a headache from hunger. To relieve these unpleasant syndromes, brew corn silk, soak gauze in the resulting chilled infusion and place it on your forehead. After 10 minutes the symptoms will disappear.

Harm from taking corn silk

But even a very useful product is not suitable in all cases. Sometimes these plant hairs should not be taken so as not to cause harm to the body. Most often, harm occurs if a person begins to take stigma without consulting a doctor, but only after reading reviews on the Internet. And he doesn’t do it correctly and according to the plan. In what cases will consuming this useful product only cause harm?

First of all, this applies to those people who have problems with blood circulation. On the one hand, the stigma removes cholesterol plaques and cleanses the vascular walls, but on the other, it significantly increases blood viscosity. That is why you should always consult your doctor before starting to take it. Women are advised to take a break from treatment during menstruation.

Consult your doctor before using stigmas.

Also, taking stigmas without supervision from a doctor can harm any patient. Indeed, under their influence, not only toxins and wastes are removed from the body, but also elements necessary for functioning. If you do not take additional medications, your magnesium and potassium levels will drop significantly over time. And the lack of these elements leads to problems with the heart muscle.

Well, in rare cases, corn silk aggravates the condition of those people who are more anorexic or simply have poor appetite. In this case, an even greater decrease in appetite may lead to hospitalization.

Attention! Before taking, keep in mind that, like any plant product, corn silk can cause allergic reactions.

True, this happens very rarely. Therefore, if you plan to use corn silk for weight loss, you should definitely know how to take them. Doctors recommend starting with small doses to test the body's response.

Indications and contraindications

Corn silk is not a separate medicinal product and is sold only as part of dietary supplements, plant extracts and herbal teas. All of these products are necessarily accompanied by instructions that state in what cases they are recommended for use and in what cases they are prohibited. When planning to use this raw material for weight loss, be sure to take these lists into account to avoid health complications.


  • gallbladder pathologies (cholecystitis, stones, cholangitis, hepatitis with obstructed bile secretion);
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • cystitis, urinary tract problems;
  • obesity;
  • swelling;
  • diabetes;
  • poor blood clotting, cerebral vascular sclerosis, atherosclerosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • impotence, infertility;
  • insomnia, neuroses, hysteria, depression;
  • in men - prostatitis, in women - menstrual pain, uterine bleeding;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • intestinal disorders, stomach and pancreas problems, gastritis.


  • varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, hypercoagulation;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance;
  • childhood;
  • in the presence of large gallstones (if their diameter exceeds 10 mm);
  • anorexia, lack of appetite, exhaustion, rickets, low BMI (we have already told you how to calculate it);
  • lack of magnesium and potassium.

When using corn silk for weight loss, it is strongly recommended that you consult your doctor or nutritionist first.

Medicinal properties

Stems are drunk during a diet not only to combat appetite, but also to reduce cravings for sweets. The diet is easier to tolerate, and the results will be noticeable much faster.

It is also worth noting the diuretic properties of silky threads. Due to the fact that excess fluid along with toxins is removed from the body, kidney function improves.

The stigmas contain a lot of vitamin B, which is essential for us to maintain vitality.

  • Very often, corn silk is used as a folk remedy for kidney and gastrointestinal diseases. But such treatment methods should always be discussed with your doctor.

dietary supplements

To lose weight with the help of corn silk, just buy them at the pharmacy or order them through an online store. There are different forms of release: liquid extract, alcohol tincture, capsules, phyto-packages for brewing and simply dry raw materials.

The proposed TOP 10 best products with this herbal component will guide you in prices and direct your search in the right direction.

  1. Fitodol is a complex fat-burning tea with herbs. Institute of Natural Therapy. $24.4 for 20 briquettes.
  2. Gleyatonic with corn silk and agrimony is a native micellar complex in the form of an elixir. $3.4 per 100 ml.
  3. Cleansing jelly for weight loss. Leovit. $2.2 for 5 packages.
  4. Wheat fiber. SibTar. $1.5 for 180 g.
  5. Herbal tea for weight loss. BioTradition. $1 for 20 filter bags.
  6. Corn silk. Grass. Phytocontinent. $0.9 for 50 g.
  7. Corn stalks with silks - filter bags. Horst. $0.8 for 20 pcs.
  8. Corn silk. Mountain Altai. $0.8 per 50 g.
  9. Columns with corn silks are dry raw materials. Horst. $0.7 for 35 g.
  10. Corn silk. Herbes. $0.5 for 50 g.

Each of these products is accompanied by separate instructions that must be followed. It prescribes the dosage and duration of the course.

Facts, facts... Corn silk is included in many dietary supplements for weight loss along with other plant extracts. Unlike most of them, they actually promote weight loss. Few herbs do not raise doubts in this matter. But, having seen them in the composition of the drug, you can safely take it - you can’t go wrong.

Foods and herbs that help you lose weight: video

Below is a video that talks about the role of plants and plant-based products in the fight against excess weight. From this television story, you will learn how to eat so as not to feel hungry, what is the best way to snack late in the evening, and also how to make a herbal tea based on corn silk with the addition of other herbs to get rid of the feeling of hunger and prevent overeating.

Corn silk is a product rich in nutrients and normalizes the functioning of many body systems. Regular consumption of a decoction of them provides replenishment with all the necessary microelements. By accelerating metabolism, fat is burned faster and food is better absorbed.

Collection, drying, storage of raw materials

Corn, unlike some plants used for weight loss (senna, garcinia cambogia, mangosteen, rauwolfia, etc.), is ubiquitous. Many farms and farmers have entire plantations of this crop. Therefore, if you do not trust industrially produced drugs, you can always obtain the raw materials yourself and prepare a weight loss product from it at home.

  1. Cobs that are in the stage of milky-wax maturity have healing properties. Harvesting takes place in late August-early September.
  2. Tear off the hairs by hand or with a knife.
  3. Spread them on a newspaper in a thin layer in a well-ventilated, warm room, but not in the open sun.
  4. If you use a special dryer, the temperature is set to 40°C.
  5. They need to be constantly turned over.
  6. The average drying time is about 2 weeks (depending on room temperature).
  7. All this time it is necessary to ensure that the fibers do not turn brown or mold. These should be immediately separated from the rest of the mass and thrown away.
  8. Store in fabric bags.
  9. Shelf life: 1 year.

Try to collect raw materials as far as possible from highways and industrial enterprises. It will be good if it is an environmentally friendly, non-smoky and non-contaminated area.

How to brew corn silk for weight loss

Corn silk is one of the healthy food products for weight loss with a lot of healing properties. The course of taking the decoction is designed for 14-28 days, after which you need to take a break for at least 2 weeks, then the course should be repeated. The main thing is not to forget about the contraindications of such a remedy. An effective recipe for preparing a decoction:

  1. Take 4 tablespoons of dry raw materials and brew a glass of boiling water.
  2. Then wrap the broth warmly and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours.
  3. You can brew the resulting product in a thermos, which is very convenient.
  4. The mixture should be squeezed well through cheesecloth and stored in the refrigerator.

Instructions for use

After the raw materials have been collected and dried, you can proceed directly to losing weight. It is believed that the use of corn silk does not require dieting or intensive training. But unless you create an energy deficit, there will be no weight loss.

Yes, you don’t have to go on a diet. But the minimum that needs to be done is to master the principles of proper nutrition and switch to it, as well as reduce portion sizes.

You are also not required to undergo grueling training, but you definitely need to increase your physical activity. If you are physically inactive, no remedy will save you from excess weight.

How to brew

To prepare a weight loss product from corn silk, you will need:

  • enamel container/thermos;
  • boiling water/alcohol;
  • vegetable raw materials.

First, examine the hairs for debris, remove all questionable components (this also applies to pharmaceutical drugs). If you put it on fire, prepare enamel dishes. If you choose infusion, it is better to do it in a thermos.

To prepare the product you will need boiling water. Initially, it should be either filtered or mineral still water.

The crushed dry raw materials are poured with boiling water or alcohol in the proportions specified in the recipe. Then it is boiled or settled depending on the method of preparation. No additional skills are required for this.

How to use

The method of application depends on the form in which you will use the product and according to what scheme. However, remember: no matter what dosage you settle on, introduce it into your diet gradually. There is no need to drink 1/3 glass immediately before each meal on the first day. On the first day, we drank 1 tbsp. l. 1 time before breakfast; in the second - already 2 times; in the third - 3. If the body responds normally to the drug, it is possible to increase the dosage to the recommended volume.

Basic schemes:

1. The infusion should be drunk half an hour before the main meal, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

2. It is recommended to dilute the tincture before use: 20-30 drops per 100 ml of water. Drink immediately before each meal.

3. Extract (can be bought at the pharmacy) - 20 drops twice a day before meals.

4. Take the decoction:

  • half an hour before meals, 3 tbsp. l. three times a day;
  • in 20 minutes before meals, 1/3 glass three times a day;
  • 1 tsp each every 4 hours;
  • 1 time a day at any time in the amount of 50 ml.

The weight loss course is chosen individually. On average, it should be from 2 to 4 weeks. After this, it is recommended to take the same temporary break, then you can repeat it.

Indications for use

According to the official instructions, indications for the use of corn silk include:

  • nephrourolithiasis ( renal stone disease with small stones );
  • cholecystitis (inflammatory processes in the gallbladder);
  • edema syndrome (excess fluid in the body);
  • cholangitis (inflammatory processes in the bile ducts);
  • biliary dyskinesia (painful condition of the biliary system due to impaired contractile function of the gallbladder);
  • chronic hepatitis (inflammatory processes in the liver tissues);
  • bleeding (most often with hypoprothrombinemia in combination with vitamin K ).
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