Propolis for weight loss: recipes for effective remedies

Does propolis tincture help with weight loss? Reviews from forums and the opinions of doctors say yes. But in this case, natural questions arise. What are the benefits of such drops, how to take propolis with alcohol, what recipes to use to prepare the product? There are different forms of the drug: dry powder, water infusion, alcohol extract. The last option is the most popular.

It’s worth starting with the question of why propolis elixir is useful in the fight against excess weight. Understanding these processes will make taking the drug conscious, and will also remove unnecessary illusions regarding it.

What is propolis

Propolis (in other words - bee glue, bond or resin) is an adhesive substance containing resinous substances. Uza has a dark green color, a bitter taste and a pleasant specific aroma, reminiscent of the smell of birch. Bees use it to polish the honeycombs in which brood grows and to seal out pests that enter the hive. The biochemical composition of bee resin is very complex. It found:

  • 55% various resins and balms
  • 30% waxy substances
  • 10% essential oils
  • 5% pollen

In addition to the mentioned substances, oza contains cinnamic alcohol, cinnamic acid, tannins, minerals, vitamins, and natural antibiotics. The highest concentration of these compounds appears in fresh bee glue, so it is better to use it to prepare the tincture.

Why is propolis tincture useful for weight loss?

The bee product is not a direct fat burning agent. Its action is based on the general regulation of metabolic processes. As a result of a course of treatment, you can achieve improved health and some weight loss. In order for propolis tincture for weight loss to have a visible effect, it must be used in combination with other methods and means.

If you follow this rule, bee elixir provides significant assistance in losing weight. Propolis has the following beneficial properties :

  1. Normalizes hormonal balance in the body of women and men.
  2. Corrects protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
  3. Promotes the removal of harmful substances (toxins, products of incomplete breakdown).
  4. Reduces the concentration of protein responsible for lipid accumulation and accelerates lipolysis.
  5. Stimulates the accumulation of ATP in cells, due to which the body is capable of high physical activity.
  6. Balances the psycho-emotional background and increases resistance to stress.
  7. Improves skin firmness and elasticity while losing weight, prevents and reduces cellulite.
  8. Slows down gerontological processes that contribute to the accumulation of fat in tissues.
  9. Normalize intestinal microflora and strengthen human immunity.
  10. Relieves inflammatory processes and kills pathogenic microorganisms.

Biochemists note that the biologically active substances of bee resin reduce the concentration of PPAR-gamma protein, which is responsible for the accumulation of fat molecules in tissues. As a result, lipids do not accumulate in the body, but, on the contrary, are broken down. This is one of the direct reasons why propolis and its tincture are useful for weight loss.

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Composition and beneficial properties of propolis

The chemical compound in its original form is a tight lump of tree resin. It is formed from digestive enzymes from bee salivary glands, pollen and wax. Thanks to this structure, propolis becomes a sticky mass that exhibits antibacterial properties.

Bees apply glue to the walls of the honeycombs when building a hive. This is necessary to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms in the wax and get rid of parasites that can harm the larvae.

Propolis is bee glue and an antiseptic for honeycombs. People collect its remains for medicinal purposes.

The chemical composition of the substance is important for human health, which includes essential oils, tannins, resins, organic acids and the following components:

  1. Retinol. Vitamin A increases visual acuity and improves trophism of the optic nerve. The chemical compound has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails. Retinol eliminates brittleness of nail plates and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the scalp.
  2. Thiamine and riboflavin. Representatives of the B vitamin group are responsible for the psycho-emotional state of a person and the functioning of nerve fibers. Vitamin B1 and B2 contained in propolis improve the transmission of nerve impulses and enhance cognitive function.
  3. Pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 takes part in cellular respiration, hemoglobin production and, along with iron ions, helps transport oxygen to tissues. In addition, pyridoxine reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms and cancerous degeneration of benign tumors. Regular use of propolis improves tissue regeneration.
  4. Ascorbic acid. This compound is necessary to increase the functional activity of immunocompetent cells. Vitamin C increases the tone of the vascular wall and has a beneficial effect on the blood coagulation system.
  5. Tocopherol. Vitamin E is responsible for the general condition of the skin and improves the functioning of the reproductive system. Tocopherol has a positive effect on the nutrition of bone and cartilage structures, improves the elasticity of ligaments and the condition of tendons.
  6. Rutin. Vitamin P improves tissue microcirculation, increases the tone of venous and capillary vessels.
  7. Mineral compounds: calcium, magnesium, fluorine, chromium, manganese, selenium, potassium and other trace elements. Strengthen the structure of the musculoskeletal system and improve metabolic processes inside cells.

Black wax is collected by young bees, which accumulate up to 1 g of product per day. Within 3 months, up to 150 g of natural propolis is synthesized. The product is completely ready for use as a measure for the prevention or treatment of diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems.

Despite the same production technology, propolis has a different color range. The shade of the product depends on the chemical composition: the type of pollen, the volume of bee secretion in relation to tree resin. The color of black wax may be affected by storage conditions. As a result, the shade of the product varies from bright yellow to brown.

A chemical substance changes its state of aggregation depending on changes in temperature. As it is gradually heated through steam, it becomes more elastic. Propolis takes its usual solid form at a temperature of +15…+17°C.

The beekeeping product exhibits the following medicinal properties for the human body:

  1. Normalizes hormonal levels and the functioning of the internal glands of the endocrine system.
  2. Stimulates the functioning of the digestive organs, improving the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. Thanks to this effect on the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic processes are accelerated and the functional activity of other internal organs is increased.
  3. Removes toxic compounds and waste products of pathogenic microorganisms. The active substances in black wax stimulate intestinal peristalsis, allowing the digestive tract to be freed from food waste.
  4. Clears the vascular endothelium of cholesterol plaques, prevents their re-formation and the development of atherosclerosis. Reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood serum.
  5. Accelerates the breakdown of fat deposits due to inhibition of the synthesis of PPAR-gamma protein, the normal concentration of which is necessary for the accumulation of fat masses around internal organs and in subcutaneous tissue. When the level of this protein decreases, the independent breakdown of fat in soft tissues begins.
  6. Increases the rate of energy consumption, improves overall well-being. As a result, a person feels the need to exercise.
  7. Improves psycho-emotional state and increases resistance to stress. The risk of depression, apathy, irritability and other psychological disorders that may cause nutritional obesity is reduced.
  8. Increases skin elasticity and eliminates cellulite. Tissue regeneration processes improve with daily use of propolis, the growth of pathogenic microorganisms is inhibited and the likelihood of infectious diseases is reduced.
  9. Thanks to the content of natural antioxidants in propolis, tissue aging processes are slowed down. Antioxidants bind to free radicals, which have a negative effect on cells through oxidative reactions. Antioxidants neutralize reactive oxygen species, safely removing them from the body.

Thanks to regular use of propolis, the immune system is strengthened, the condition of the hair structure and nails is improved, and intestinal motility is normalized. When consuming a bee product during drug therapy, the elimination of harmful substances is accelerated and the risk of side effects and complications is reduced.

Unlike a strict diet, when carrying out express diets, propolis promotes gentle weight loss. Therefore, to activate the process of losing weight, you only need to balance your diet by excluding fatty foods, flour and confectionery products, and excess consumption of salt and sugar from your main diet.

How to prepare a weight loss product with propolis - recipes

Propolis tincture in alcohol or vodka contains a greater number of biologically active compounds than water infusion. The thing is that alcohol extracts beneficial substances from raw materials more effectively. Accordingly, if you want to get the maximum benefit from propolis for weight loss, use the tincture.

The easiest way is to buy a pharmacy propolis tincture . But if you wish, you can cook it yourself. The recipe is the simplest. For it you will need an extraction solution (vodka or alcohol) and the bond itself.

Propolis tincture - alcohol recipe

Strong alcohol (70%) in a volume of 100 ml is poured into a glass container. Dry propolis crumbs (20 g) are poured into it. Place the bottle in a dark and warm place for 12-14 days. The contents are shaken from time to time. To turn propolis into crumbs, put the pieces in the freezer, and then grate or slice with a sharp knife.

After the specified time, the liquid is filtered and stored in a dark glass bottle. This recipe yields 2-4% propolis tincture. If you use vodka rather than alcohol for infusion, then with such proportions you will get a less strong tincture.

How to take for weight loss

Bee glue exhibits beneficial properties for weight loss only when used correctly. The main thing is to find out the presence or absence of an allergy to beekeeping products. Instructions:

  1. Chew a piece of oza (2-4 g) for 10 minutes; it is better not to swallow undissolved remains.
  2. Assess the reaction - tearfulness, a feeling of lack of air, coughing, sneezing indicate the presence of an allergic response.
  3. When using the tincture, drop a drop on the wrist - redness, itching, slight swelling indicate increased sensitivity to propolis.

A common method of use is chewing a clean bond. To combat excess weight, it is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day for half an hour. However, the result will not appear in a short time; you also need to follow a diet and engage in physical activity.

How to drink propolis for weight loss

There are different ways to use propolis tincture for weight loss and healing the body. It can be drunk in its pure form, after diluting it with water or combining it with other healthy ingredients.

Method 1

A single dose is 25-30 drops of propolis in alcohol - this is about a teaspoon. Pour the liquid into water or milk (100 ml is enough). Drink the tincture 20-30 minutes before meals twice a day. This scheme is followed for 15 days. Then take a month-long break and repeat the dose if necessary.

Method 2

Using this method, the so-called propolis paste is prepared. Add 20 drops of tincture to thick honey (2-3 tablespoons) and stir. Take a teaspoon of this paste three times a day, half an hour before meals.

This option is suitable for those people who do not tolerate alcohol well. With this scheme, the body receives a smaller dose of the biologically active substances of bee glue, but they are replenished with honey, which has no less therapeutic effect.

Method 3

It is useful to drink propolis tincture when losing weight in combination with herbs. The collection should consist of plants that directly burn fats or affect this process indirectly. The latter include vitamin, laxative, choleretic, sedative and diuretic herbs.

It is best when the collection consists of a large number of plants that have different effects. Monastery tea is suitable as such, as it has a complex positive effect on the body.

15 drops of propolis tincture are added to the herbal infusion, prepared according to the instructions included with the collection, and drunk three times a day before meals. With this dosage and dosage regimen, the course lasts a month. Then take a break of the same duration.

Propolis against diseases

There is a wide range of diseases in the treatment of which propolis is effective. Here is a list of them and brief recommendations.

Stomach ulcer

A mixture of butter and propolis is used, the course of treatment lasts 21 days, after which a break is necessary.


To get rid of this disease, an alcohol tincture of a bee product is suitable.


To cleanse the lungs and bronchi, it is recommended to dilute propolis tincture in warm milk and take it at night. Water infusion effectively reduces high body temperature.


Propolis with milk or alcohol tincture has been proven to be an effective remedy for alleviating the condition of the pancreas.


Drinking the tincture on an empty stomach helps eliminate indigestion and is also good for preventing various gastrointestinal diseases.

Tonsillitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis

Depending on the type of disease, it is recommended to gargle with a solution of water and tincture of propolis and honey or take an alcohol tincture orally.

Caries and periodontal disease

Propolis helps strengthen gums, preventing inflammatory processes. To prevent caries, you need to regularly chew a piece of propolis.

Liver diseases

Propolis tincture, dissolved in water, is recommended as a course of auxiliary treatment for various liver ailments. An additional positive effect: the product rids the body of toxins and waste.


Ten-day therapy helps reduce pain from hemorrhoids. For treatment, propolis-based oil or homemade ointment is used.

Nail fungus

This unpleasant disease can also be treated with propolis products. To do this, use a 30% tincture as a daily lubricant. To enhance the effect, you should also take propolis internally.

Eye diseases

With the help of this beekeeping product, it is possible to alleviate and correct the condition of diseases such as cataracts and conjunctivitis. Lotions made from aqueous infusion of propolis and drops relieve inflammation.

Propolis extract with shungite water

If the alcohol preparation is not suitable for use for certain reasons, it can be replaced with an aqueous extract. There is a wonderful remedy “Propolis on shungite water” . It has a wide range of beneficial properties and is used not only for weight loss, but also for the treatment of a number of diseases.

The product is useful for diabetes, ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, gastritis, colitis, ulcers, prostatitis, intoxication and other health problems. In addition, propolis with shungite water is not contraindicated for children and pregnant women, as it does not contain alcohol.

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Contraindications for taking propolis tincture

Bee glue is a highly effective remedy. It stimulates many processes in the human body. Therefore, in some cases this drug is contraindicated. Limitations are also imposed due to alcohol content. Therefore, before you start using it, you need to make sure that you have no contraindications to propolis tincture:

  • Allergy
  • Asthma
  • Pancreatitis
  • Kidney pathology
  • Liver pathology
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation


There are the following contraindications to the use of propolis as a means of losing weight:

  • increased sensitivity of tissues to bee products;
  • tendency to develop allergies and anaphylactic reactions;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • gastritis, ulcerative-erosive disease of the stomach and duodenum;
  • children and old age;
  • severe viral and infectious diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • acute pancreatitis.

Alcohol tincture is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. Ethanol has a depressing effect on the liver and kidneys, and is therefore not recommended for use by people with renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Before using propolis for the first time, it is recommended to undergo allergy tests to identify sensitivity to the product. This precaution is necessary to prevent anaphylactic shock.

You can also carry out the test at home. To do this, you will need to apply a few drops of the selected product to the elbow or the back of your hand. If after 30 minutes a rash, itching and other negative reactions begin, propolis should not be used for weight loss.

Propolis elixir for weight loss - reviews

On the forums there are reviews of people losing weight who drank the tincture for weight loss. Opinions vary - from positive to sharply negative. Many of those who regularly used this remedy note that they noticed positive changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, decreased appetite and increased performance.

However, there are reviews whose authors consider the alcohol extract of bee glue to be useless for weight loss. Such results are obtained by those who expected magical effects from this remedy. As mentioned above, the biologically active substances of propolis do not actively participate in the processes of lipolysis. They only contribute to it.

In order to get the desired effect, you need to correctly create a daily diet with calorie counting and stick to it throughout the entire weight loss period. In addition, those who are losing weight should actively engage in sports. In this case, reviews of propolis tincture for weight loss will be positive.

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Propolis recipes

You can cope with obesity and metabolic disorders by resorting to folk remedies. To do this, you need a propolis-based product. If you take it regularly and at the same time adjust your diet, you can cope with the problem of excess weight. The aqueous solution is excellent for treating many diseases and reducing excess weight. True, it is difficult to use a bee product in its original form, so you will need to “soak” such a product.


According to many reviews, alcohol tincture can have a good effect on weight loss, which anyone can prepare. According to the recipe, in this case you need to add black wax to alcohol! It is very easy to take the tincture - for this you need to drink 1 teaspoon of the product before each meal . You need to drink the tincture with a glass of water, and warm.


  • black wax – 20 g;
  • 96 percent alcohol – 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the propolis thoroughly using a grater or knife.
  2. Add bee glue to alcohol.
  3. After about a week, drain the liquid and strain.


Making a healing elixir at home is not that difficult. This remedy can be used for a variety of purposes, for example, preventative, in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, lungs, etc. The dosage is 1-2 tablespoons 30 minutes before meals - it is recommended to take 3-5 times a day. The finished product should be stored in a dark, cool room for no more than 3 months.


  • propolis remaining after preparing the alcohol tincture, in a ratio of 1 to 2 to water;
  • water.


  1. Fill the bee glue with boiled/distilled water.
  2. Heat the composition in a water bath for 10-20 minutes, stirring constantly - the temperature should not exceed 80 degrees.
  3. Finally, carefully filter the elixir.

Propolis with honey

To lose weight, you can use a product consisting of bee glue and honey. The recipe is not complicated, the number of ingredients is slightly larger than in the previous two options. You need to take a ready-made weight loss product every day, 1/2 cup before meals. Ingredients:

  • bee glue – 20 g;
  • crushed chaga – 20 g;
  • spoon of honey - 2 tsp;
  • water – 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Pour the mixture with boiled but cooled to 45 degrees water.
  3. The drink is infused throughout the day.
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