Juices for the winter through a juicer: 18 home recipes

To drink or not to drink bright and tasty tonic drinks made from apples, pears, and tomatoes? We have all heard more than once that quenching your thirst with such fruit and vegetable nectars is not only pleasant, but also healthy. However, not everyone knows that the benefits of packaged products are just a myth, and it is worth choosing fresh juice prepared with your own hands. What is the best juice for weight loss, and is it worth experimenting by adding something new to the usual fruits and vegetables - a stalk of celery, kiwi, pumpkin?

It is impossible to imagine a healthy and healthy diet without that drink, which many call the word “fresh”. What does it mean? Everything is very simple - we have freshly squeezed juice of one fruit or several ingredients at once. Such a tonic cocktail can include a variety of fruits, root vegetables and vegetables: apples, pears, oranges, pineapples, cherries, beets, tomatoes, pumpkin, etc.

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Another variety of these healthy drinks is nectars. They are distinguished from fresh juice by one important feature: water, salt or sugar are added to vitamin juice. And it is precisely with such cocktails that you should be careful: after all, freshly squeezed vegetables and fruits themselves are liquid calories, and in combination with a sweetener they can become a serious threat to our slimness.

Nectars, which are sold in stores, are a sweet drink that will not allow you to get rid of hated kilograms, but will only provoke the formation of fat deposits. In addition to sugar, flavor enhancers, dyes, flavors, preservatives and various chemical additives are often added to such a product. As a result, the benefit from such drinking is zero, and the harm to the figure is colossal.

Natural and bright helpers in the fight against excess weight

Next, we will analyze the beneficial properties of popular fresh vegetable juices, and at the same time learn how to drink the drink correctly from:

  • Tomatoes - this fruit has many advantages, both in its original form and when passed through a juicer. It has antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, and also contains a minimum of calories, which is especially important for those who want to lose weight. Its use helps speed up metabolism, helps get rid of depression and resist stress. In addition, fresh tomatoes are an excellent preventative against atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis. However, you need to be able to drink it - otherwise, you will face an exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases and other unpleasant surprises presented by the body. Let's start with the fact that the maximum benefit can only be obtained from a homemade drink. Juices from stores may contain salt and sugar, as well as unacceptable food additives. You can drink the proven “elixir of health and longevity” as a supplement to your diet, but combining it with starchy and protein foods (potatoes, cottage cheese, eggs, etc.), you risk negating all the healing properties of fresh juice. The consequences of improper use are disruption of the digestive processes, formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Be careful and remember that everything is good in moderation. Do not forget about an important rule: you cannot drink juice with food or drink a glass immediately after eating.
  • Pumpkins - the main advantage of this drink is the high content of carotene, which stabilizes metabolic processes and triggers the process of cell renewal. It is this plant pigment that helps us maintain the strength of our teeth and strengthen our bones. Fresh juice made from pumpkin prevents aging prematurely, prevents the development of anemia, helps remove waste and toxins from the body and works to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. It contains the most important vitamins and microelements: C, D, zinc and iron. Low calorie content is another advantage of bright juice. In addition, it contains a lot of fiber - a tremendous help for the gastrointestinal tract and an excellent remedy for constipation. Do you want to cleanse your body and become slimmer? Then drink pumpkin juice, but do not abuse it - you should not use it for more than 10 days. Don't forget to take breaks. There are contraindications to taking this drink - low stomach acidity, diarrhea, diabetes.

  • Cucumbers – these vegetables are rich in iodine, fiber and tartanic acid. The first normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, the second perfectly cleanses the intestines, removing excess cholesterol from the body, and the third helps reduce the formation of fat from carbohydrates. The potassium contained in fresh cucumbers makes them an indispensable drink for hypertensive and hypotensive patients - it normalizes blood pressure. The beneficial properties of the juice do not end there - it has a mild diuretic effect for inflammatory diseases of the bladder. Contraindications include gastritis and gastric ulcers, as well as the presence of kidney stones.

If you want to get healthier and at the same time get closer to your dream figure by including vegetable juices in your diet, be careful. The active components of fresh tomatoes, pumpkin, and cucumbers are contained in such natural drinks in concentrated form. Most of these natural remedies for many ailments can be used only according to a certain scheme. Before you start using them, you should go to a specialist and find out whether you should add something new to your daily menu or not. Vitamins and minerals in liquid form are good, but you should understand that each body perceives natural help in its own way.


You can't stick to a juice diet:

  • Pancreatitis and diabetes are absolute contraindications!
  • Children, nursing and pregnant women.
  • Patients with cancer, epilepsy, hypotension and low blood sugar.
  • Patients with anorexia and bulimia.
  • Before preparing for surgery and during the rehabilitation period after surgery.
  • During treatment of any diseases, while taking medications.

The benefits and harms of fruit and vegetable juices for weight loss: drink correctly

You should only trust what you have prepared yourself. Don’t forget that the calories in drinks also need to be counted, and this needs to be done regularly! Another condition for consuming refreshing drinks is that you need to drink them before meals. Why?

  • A concentrated vitamin cocktail is a storehouse of active substances that react with the food eaten and cause fermentation, heartburn and flatulence.
  • The fruit and vegetable drink will be digested in the small intestine. If we drink it immediately after breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack at work, the liquid will end up in a kind of trap in a full stomach, and quenching thirst will only cause discomfort: bloating, pain and belching.

Here are a few more rules regarding including fresh juices in your diet for weight loss:

  • Drinking citrus juices on an empty stomach is a luxury that not everyone can afford. People suffering from gastritis, ulcers or diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder should give up the habit of starting the day with orange or grapefruit juice.

  • Be careful: raw vegetables and fruits may contain pathogenic microorganisms. Once in your body, they can cause vomiting, diarrhea and kidney failure. That is why experts advise pregnant women and young children to limit the consumption of freshly squeezed juices. And the best thing is to protect yourself by sterilizing the drink.

Attention to composition

A team of scientists for the Daily Mail found how much natural sugar and calories a variety of drinks can contain.

The results were impressive: 0.5 liters of freshly squeezed orange juice contains approximately 230 kcal and 50 g of fruit sugar (the same amount is found in a can of sweet soda). Reconstituted grape juice boasts 176 calories and 43 grams of sugar - the same as 4 large sweet-glazed donuts.

Scientists also noted a lower-calorie fresh juice - carrot (only 60 kcal and 5 g of sugar).

If we talk about packaged juices, the amount of sweeteners in such products is much higher.

Note ! If you want to purchase juice for your diet, pay attention to vegetable options.

What juice to drink for weight loss: myths and facts

Many believe that absolutely all fresh juices prepared from fresh apples, pears, tomatoes and other gifts of nature are beneficial for our figure and are more likely to help us achieve the desired slimness than lead to gaining extra pounds. In fact, this statement can be argued: smoothies made from fruits and vegetables are certainly rich in vitamins and minerals, but without consuming foods containing fiber, the daily intake of “liquid calories” turns into a real disaster for those who want to lose weight. Why?

Freshly squeezed drinks contain large amounts of fructose. If we do not get the complex carbohydrate our body needs with food, the monosaccharide is absorbed very easily, which leads to a sharp increase in insulin levels in the blood and a gradual accumulation of fat reserves.

Here are some of the most famous myths about juices, which are believed by millions every day:

  • Fresh pineapple will help you lose weight - unfortunately, this information can hardly be considered reliable. The fact is that this drink is one of the sweetest. Losing excess weight while enjoying a cocktail of these juicy fruits is simply impossible. However, amino acids, which the juice, beloved by many, is rich in, help improve digestion and normalize metabolism. There is only one conclusion - count the calories of every glass you drink per day, and in no case exceed the daily norm.
  • You can drink fresh juices for weight loss any time - and here most of us are wrong again. Fresh juice should be consumed immediately after you have prepared it. Otherwise, the beneficial substances included in its composition - antioxidants and phytonutrients - will instantly evaporate, and you will get a completely “empty” drink. Vitamin C is destroyed within half an hour after contact with air and iron elements of the juicer. The exception is beetroot cocktail - it should stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  • All fresh juices are good for our figure and can burn fat - and again it’s a misconception. Juices contain liquid calories, so those who want to include healthy drinks in their diet need to carefully monitor the energy value of the prepared vitamin cocktail.
  • Grapefruit is very useful, but it is not directly related to weight loss, despite its repeated classification as a fat-burning product.
  • Vegetable juices contain much less sugar than their fruit counterparts - add them to your daily menu, not forgetting about the numerous contraindications and remembering that a healthy drink should be drunk before meals, and not after it. Carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes and beets are excellent ingredients for juicy fresh juice.

What is the danger for those losing weight?

The diet during weight loss is characterized by a reduced number of calories - this is necessary for effective weight loss and the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

Freshly squeezed and packaged juices contain not only healthy vitamins, but also extra calories in the form of various sugars.

For example, some of the sugar in fresh apple juice is about 10%, and in grape juice – up to 15%. Abuse of juices can significantly complicate the process of losing weight.

Note! To quench your thirst while on a diet, it is better to drink pure water or fresh water diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Vegetable juice diet for weight loss: benefit or harm

Often, lovers of vitamin drinks decide to go to such extremes - they leave only fresh juices and plant foods in their diet. Is this technique effective, and is it worth trying it on yourself to achieve the desired result - getting rid of fat once and for all?

  • According to the strictest scheme, adherents of the juice diet must survive on cocktails of vegetables and fruits alone for 3 to 7 days! Such a careless attitude towards your body will certainly cause unpleasant consequences: deterioration of metabolism, exhaustion, severe allergies.
  • It should be remembered that our diet must be balanced and varied. You cannot exclude important and healthy products from it on a whim. Do not forget - any food refusals and restrictions are harmful to our body and health. Leave them to those who do not think about their own well-being in pursuit of the promised effect. We hasten to disappoint you: the result of such self-experiments can be only one - exacerbation of chronic diseases, disruption of the gastric microflora and the risk of developing diabetes. And where there is excess sugar, there are new kilograms.
  • Excessive consumption of fresh juices can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel. That is why you need to drink such drinks in moderation and only through a straw. The daily norm is 1 glass per day.

I hope you are convinced that such a newfangled technique does not bring any benefit, and the effect that can arise as a result of compiling a “juice” diet is increasingly the opposite - deterioration of health and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract instead of cleansing the body, vigor and harmony.

The path to weight loss is only possible with proper and balanced nutrition. Give up restrictions and fasting - no matter how vitamin-packed a healthy drink is, it will not be able to ensure normal functioning of the digestive tract and stimulate the fat burning process. Leaving yourself without food in pursuit of slimness is a sure way to end up in a hospital bed with a diagnosis of exhaustion.

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