Weight loss drug Slimmer: reviews from real customers, price in the pharmacy

Reviews from real customers about the drug Slimmer

Still doubt the effectiveness of the drug? Are you afraid of wasting money or harming your body? We have prepared reviews from real customers for the drug Slimmer.

Irina, Krasnodar: “I always had minor stomach problems, so many remedies were not suitable in principle, I simply could not take them. But with Slimmer there were no such problems, the action is very soft, it’s quite convenient to take, and not to mention the result: - 3 kg in two weeks!!!”

Nadezhda, St. Petersburg: “In the first days it was difficult to get used to the unpleasant taste after taking the drug, but the effect followed immediately. Appetite noticeably decreased, constant thoughts about food disappeared, and after 4-5 uses, the aftertaste disappeared. The drug is effective, I recommend the slimmer for people who are ready to change and improve!”

Genady, Bereznyaki: “It was necessary to lose a lot of weight; at the beginning of the journey I couldn’t believe that I could finally take on my life without fasting, without going to the gym every evening. I tried the drug slimmer , a friend recommended it. The next day I bought the product. I’ve been taking the slimmer for a whole month, and so far there have been no complaints, I’ve lost weight from 123 kg to 106, I believe I can do even more!”

Olga, Novosibirsk : “I never had problems with excess weight, but during pregnancy I gained 8 kilograms! I had never been on a diet before, I hoped the weight would go away on its own, six months passed, and it didn’t move. After giving birth, my appetite increased noticeably, I began to eat more flour and sweets, and completely lost hope of returning to my previous lifestyle. And the slimmer helped me! I started taking it after finishing breastfeeding and lost 9.5 kilograms!”

What to do if you have already placed an order, but realized that it is a scam

Often such a purchase (order) is made spontaneously, and only then does the client find out that the product does not suit him or the seller is not trustworthy. The parcel with cash on delivery will remain in the mail for about a month. The most interesting thing is that scammers will send you SMS messages and even call you, remind you about the parcel and even intimidate you with fines and courts! Understand, these are all fake threats. There is no wrongdoing on your part! It's all a bluff!!!

Remember: You can not only refuse to purchase Slimmer at any time before its delivery (delivery by courier or receipt at the post office), but also within seven days after receiving the goods. Moreover, if you have not received written information about the procedure and terms for returning the goods, you have the right to refuse it within 3 months from the date of receipt. Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, Article 26.1 paragraph 4. This law applies to all goods sold remotely. Online merchants are mostly scammers and are therefore prepared for your actions in advance.

Reviews from doctors

If, when reading previous reviews, you have doubts whether you should trust ordinary people without medical education, then real reviews from doctors about the weight loss drug Slimmer will dispel your doubts.

Chereshneva S.L., nutritionist: “To be objective, I did not support the popular idea of ​​a “miracle pill” that instantly solves problems with excess weight. But the main thing here is to understand more precisely how exactly Slimmer helps a person lose weight. Of course, thanks to it you won’t lose 20 kilograms in a week, but the drug will really reduce your appetite, help you get off the mark and cleanse your body, and this is already a good start for changes for the better.”

Shilov V.P., gastroenterologist: “The ingredients of this product suit me quite well. The product does not contain GMOs, the composition pleases with the abundance of plant components. The drug does not directly affect the hormonal system. But remember, you can never completely eliminate the risk of complications. Even a product with a completely natural composition does not guarantee that the body will not give an allergic reaction. To avoid such incidents, it is best to consult a doctor if you have serious doubts.”

Truth or myth?

Are all the countless Odes sung about Slimmer true, or is it all just a placebo with a beautiful name? Many people are sure that losing weight is possible only by mocking their own body, and some have said goodbye to the dream of becoming slim forever, because of the cliché “genes cannot be corrected”, “slow metabolism will remain so forever.” It’s safe to say that a slimmer helps you believe in your own strength and determination, but let’s take a closer look at its beneficial properties:

  • cleanses the body, removes toxins from the intestines, returns regular bowel movements;
  • eliminates the constant feeling of hunger, satiety will come faster;
  • accelerates metabolism and lipid metabolism in body cells;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • will be a good motivation to work harder on yourself.


The Slimmer is safe for health and works without side effects. Guaranteed results are achieved thanks to herbal ingredients:

— Mint and chamomile concentrate – improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and have anti-inflammatory effects;

— Native extracts – strengthen the immune system, nourish with essential vitamins;

— Oats – removes excess fluid from the body and eliminates toxic substances;

— Amaranth seeds – correct the figure, fight the “orange peel”, make the skin elastic;

— Concentrates of St. John's wort and centaury - improve mood, give vigor;

— Wheat extract – improves metabolism, hair and nail structure.

Slimmer has undergone a number of clinical studies. As a result, it was found that the product is safe for human health and can get rid of excess fat even in problem areas. All experiments are recorded with certificates.


The components of slimmer powder are carefully selected by nutritionists and approach the problem comprehensively, acting in different directions.

  • amaranth seeds contain a large amount of vegetable protein, tone the skin and relieve nervous tension;
  • oat grains rejuvenate the body, speed up metabolism and saturate with B vitamins;
  • Chia seeds are enriched with Omega 3 fatty acids, envelop the intestinal mucosa, facilitating easy digestion of food and quick satiety;
  • herbs (mint, chamomile, centaury, St. John's wort, angelica, strawberry, elderberry, corn silk) when used in combination enhance each other's beneficial properties, relieve muscle spasms of internal organs, increase the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and biliary tract;
  • turmeric reduces appetite, ensures rapid breakdown and absorption of lipids;
  • Rose hips contain many useful minerals and trace elements, organic acids and essential oils.


Hello, today we are reviewing a new product for combating excess weight – Slimmer. This unique product is one of the most powerful today; it acts comprehensively and effectively.

With its help, you can achieve the desired slimness and fit in a short time without much effort. Of course, it makes perfect sense to combine the supplement with proper nutrition and physical activity.

Perhaps you have already tried the Slimmer for weight loss, you can leave reviews about this product here in the comments, and we move on to the review.

Our review of Slimmer


Complex weight loss product Slimmer ensures active dissolution of fats, accelerating metabolism naturally. Everything is as simple as possible, but at the same time super effective. Thanks to the drug, metabolism is enhanced, fat deposits are burned and the feeling of hunger is dulled for several hours.

The exclusive supplement comes in the form of packaged sachets based on natural extracts. Taking the product is indicated as a source of nutrients, as well as activation of carbohydrate, fat, basal metabolism, and correction of excess weight. The complex consists exclusively of natural native extracts, which not only correct body weight, but also improve the health of the body.

Active ingredients of the sachet:

  • Amaranth seeds have a pronounced fat-burning effect, promote the full strengthening of muscle mass, preventing sagging after weight loss. The seeds nourish the body, suppressing increased appetite and overeating.
  • Peppermint, chamomile, chia seeds - improve digestion, have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and nourishing effect.
  • Oat seeds have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the musculoskeletal system and blood vessels.
  • Centaury, angelica, St. John's wort - tonify, eliminate anxiety, apathy. Light choleretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, cleansing of bad cholesterol and nervous exhaustion.
  • Strawberries, elderberries, corn silks - improve skin condition, diuretic effect, and improve the health of internal organs.
  • Turmeric, rose hips, bean leaves - normalize the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, strengthen the immune system.

Operating principle

The slimming slimmer works actively throughout the day without stopping, helping to correct and improve your figure. During the daytime, the supplement promotes the release of assets that stop the absorption of fats and launches an intensive metabolic process. In the dark, the drug activates lipid metabolism, dissolving excess fat mass.

Main functions of the product:

  1. Corrects weight.
  2. Suppresses the feeling of hunger.
  3. Prevents excessive absorption of carbohydrates and fats, reducing calorie intake.
  4. Launches an active fat burning process.
  5. Strengthens muscle mass.
  6. Clears away slagging and excess liquid.
  7. Prevention of stretch marks and cellulite.
  8. Express weight loss in just 30 days.
  9. Normalization of metabolism.
  10. Strengthening the immune system.
  11. Beneficial effect on skin, hair, nails.
  12. Restoration of gastrointestinal microflora.
  13. Activity, vigor, energy and no loss of strength.
  14. Good mood.
  15. Neutralization of toxins.

How to use

A decrease in the feeling of hunger is observed after the first dose, and the maximum effect is observed a few days after the start of the course. Appetite stops up to 9 hours, portions become smaller, and waist becomes thinner. A course of taking the supplement ensures getting rid of 10-12 kg in just 30 days.

How to use the product correctly:

  • Add the contents of one sachet to 100 ml of clean drinking water.
  • Drink one serving in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.
  • Use for five days, then take a break for two days.
  • A course of 30 days is recommended.

Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees, out of the reach of children. Shelf life: 2 years. Not a cure. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the composition, pregnancy, breastfeeding, gastrointestinal dysfunction. Before use, consultation with a specialist is recommended.


Slimmer, a comprehensive weight loss product, is suitable not only for women, but also for men who want to gain a slender, toned body. The supplement effectively corrects the figure, increasing the breakdown of fat, especially in problem areas.

The main advantages of the drug:

  • Natural extracts are the basis of a unique and balanced formula.
  • Complex impact.
  • Guaranteed appetite suppressant.
  • Lasting, pronounced effect and reliable results.
  • Strengthens muscles.
  • Tightens the skin, increases its turgor and elasticity.
  • Affordable price.
  • Convenient and easy to take.

Expert opinion

Antonina Ivanovna, nutritionist: Complete weight loss is sports, moderate nutrition and normal metabolism. If physical activity and a balanced diet depend on willpower, then it is difficult to improve your metabolism on your own.

But today you can activate it with the help of various additives. I advise you to pay attention to Slimmer. I hear positive reviews about this product from customers.

The nutritional supplement helps cleanse the body of waste, toxins, fats and restore natural metabolism.

Source: https://obzornash.ru/slimmer/

Instructions for use

The Slimmer is very easy to take; the powder in the box is packaged in sachets with the required dosage.

The method of use is quite simple:

  1. pour 100 ml of boiling water into a mug;
  2. open the bag and pour the contents into water;
  3. stir and drink 30 minutes before meals.

Take 2 times a day, 5 days a week (take a break for two days). The course lasts a month, if desired, repeat the course until the desired result is achieved.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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